Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / lib / mlton / basic / tree.sml
1 (* Copyright (C) 2013,2017 Matthew Fluet.
2 * Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
3 * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
4 *
5 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
6 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
7 *)
9 functor Tree (S: TREE_STRUCTS): TREE =
10 struct
12 open S
14 datatype 'a t = T of 'a * 'a t Seq.t
16 fun children (T (_, v)) = v
18 fun foldPre (T (a, v), b, f) =
19 Seq.fold (v, f (a, b), fn (t, b) => foldPre (t, b, f))
21 fun foldPost (T (a, v), b, f) =
22 f (a, Seq.fold (v, b, fn (t, b) => foldPost (t, b, f)))
24 fun traverse (t, f) =
25 let
26 fun loop (T (a, v)) =
27 let
28 val g = f a
29 val _ = Seq.foreach (v, loop)
30 val _ = g ()
31 in
32 ()
33 end
34 in
35 loop t
36 end
38 fun foreachPre (t, f: 'a -> unit) = traverse (t, fn a => (f a; fn () => ()))
39 fun foreachPost (t, f) = traverse (t, fn a => fn () => f a)
41 local
42 fun mkLayoutDot {nodeOptions: 'a -> Dot.NodeOption.t list,
43 options,
44 title} =
45 let
46 fun loopTree (next, nodes, T (x, ts)) =
47 let
48 val name = next ()
49 val () =
50 List.push
51 (nodes, {name = name,
52 options = nodeOptions x,
53 successors = loopForest (next, nodes, ts)})
54 in
55 name
56 end
57 and loopForest (next, nodes, ts) =
58 rev (Seq.fold (ts, [], fn (t, ac) =>
59 {name = loopTree (next, nodes, t),
60 options = []} :: ac))
61 fun wrap (loop, arg) =
62 let
63 val c = 0
64 fun next () = concat ["n", Int.toString ( c)]
65 val nodes = ref []
66 val _ = loop (next, nodes, arg)
67 in
68 Dot.layout {nodes = !nodes,
69 options = options,
70 title = title}
71 end
72 in
73 {layoutDotTree = fn t => wrap (loopTree, t),
74 layoutDotForest = fn ts => wrap (loopForest, ts)}
75 end
76 in
77 fun layoutDotTree (t, opts) = (#layoutDotTree (mkLayoutDot opts)) t
78 fun layoutDotForest (ts, opts) = (#layoutDotForest (mkLayoutDot opts)) ts
79 end
80 val layoutDot = layoutDotTree
82 local
83 fun mkLayout lay =
84 let
85 open Layout
86 fun layoutTree (T (x, ts)) =
87 paren (seq [lay x, str ", ", layoutForest ts])
88 and layoutForest ts =
89 Seq.layout (ts, layoutTree)
90 in
91 {layoutTree = layoutTree, layoutForest = layoutForest}
92 end
93 in
94 fun layoutTree (t, lay) = (#layoutTree (mkLayout lay)) t
95 fun layoutForest (ts, lay) = (#layoutForest (mkLayout lay)) ts
96 end
97 val layout = layoutTree
99 fun map (T (a, ts), f) = T (f a, (ts, fn t => map (t, f)))
101 structure Forest =
102 struct
103 type 'a t = 'a t Seq.t
104 val layoutDot = layoutDotForest
105 val layout = layoutForest
106 end
108 end
110 structure Tree = Tree (structure Seq =
111 struct
112 open Vector
114 fun layout (v, l) = Vector.layout l v
115 end)