Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / lib / mlton / basic / string.sml
1 (* Copyright (C) 2009,2014 Matthew Fluet.
2 * Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
3 * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
4 *
5 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
6 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
7 *)
9 structure String: STRING =
10 struct
11 open String1
13 fun unfold (n, a, f) =
14 let
15 val r = ref a
16 in
17 tabulate (n, fn _ =>
18 let
19 val (b, a) = f (!r)
20 val () = r := a
21 in
22 b
23 end)
24 end
26 fun concatV ss =
27 case Vector.length ss of
28 0 => ""
29 | 1 => Vector.sub (ss, 0)
30 | _ =>
31 let
32 val n =
33 Vector.fold (ss, 0, fn (s, n) => n + size s)
34 val a = (n, #"a")
35 val _ =
36 Vector.fold
37 (ss, 0, fn (s, i) =>
38 fold (s, i, fn (c, i) =>
39 (Array.update (a, i, c);
40 i + 1)))
41 in
42 tabulate (n, fn i => Array.sub (a, i))
43 end
45 fun implodeV cs =
46 tabulate (Vector.length cs, fn i => Vector.sub (cs, i))
48 fun existsi (s, f) = Int.exists (0, size s, fn i => f (i, sub (s, i)))
50 fun exists (s, f) = existsi (s, f o #2)
52 fun keepAll (s: t, f: char -> bool): t =
53 implode (List.rev
54 (fold (s, [], fn (c, ac) => if f c then c :: ac else ac)))
56 fun memoizeList (init: string -> 'a, l: (t * 'a) list): t -> 'a =
57 let
58 val set: (word * t * 'a) HashSet.t = {hash = #1}
59 fun lookupOrInsert (s, f) =
60 let
61 val hash = hash s
62 in HashSet.lookupOrInsert
63 (set, hash,
64 fn (hash', s', _) => hash = hash' andalso s = s',
65 fn () => (hash, s, f ()))
66 end
67 val _ =
68 List.foreach (l, fn (s, a) =>
69 ignore (lookupOrInsert (s, fn () => a)))
70 in
71 fn s => #3 (lookupOrInsert (s, fn () => init s))
72 end
74 fun memoize init = memoizeList (init, [])
76 fun posToLineCol (s: string): int -> {line: int, col: int} =
77 let
78 open Int
79 val lineStarts =
80 Array.fromList
81 (List.rev (foldi (s, [0], fn (i, c, is) =>
82 if c = #"\n"
83 then (i + 1) :: is
84 else is)))
85 fun find (pos: int) =
86 let
87 val line =
88 valOf (BinarySearch.largest (lineStarts, fn x => x <= pos))
89 (* The 1+'s are to make stuff one based *)
90 in {line = 1 + line,
91 col = 1 + pos - Array.sub (lineStarts, line)}
92 end
93 in find
94 end
96 fun substituteFirst (s, {substring, replacement}) =
97 case findSubstring (s, {substring = substring}) of
98 NONE => s
99 | SOME i =>
100 let
101 val n = length substring
102 val prefix = Substring.substring (s, {start = 0, length = i})
103 val suffix = Substring.extract (s, i + n, NONE)
104 in
105 Substring.concat [prefix, Substring.full replacement, suffix]
106 end
107 fun substituteAll (s, {substring, replacement}) =
108 case findSubstring (s, {substring = substring}) of
109 NONE => s
110 | SOME i =>
111 let
112 val ls = length s
113 val lss = length substring
114 val prefix = dropSuffix (s, ls - i)
115 val suffix = substituteAll (dropPrefix (s, i + lss),
116 {substring = substring,
117 replacement = replacement})
118 in
119 concat [prefix, replacement, suffix]
120 end
121 end
123 structure ZString = String (* CM bug ?? -- see instream.sml *)