Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / lib / mlton / basic / mark.sml
1 (* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
2 * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
3 *
4 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
5 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
6 *)
8 structure Mark: MARK =
9 struct
11 datatype t =
12 T of {string: string,
13 pos: int}
15 fun pos (T {pos, ...}) = pos
17 local
18 val numChars: int = 15
19 in
20 fun layout (T {string, pos}) =
21 String.layout (String.substring1 (string, {start = pos, length = numChars}))
22 end
24 fun length (T {string, ...}) = String.size string
25 fun isAtBeginning (m: t): bool = pos m = 0
26 fun isAtEnd (m: t): bool = pos m = length m - 1
27 fun diff (m: t, m': t): int = pos m - pos m'
29 fun fromString s = T {string = s, pos = 0}
30 fun fromFile f = fromString (File.contents f)
32 fun beginning (T {string, ...}) = T {string = string, pos = 0}
34 exception BackwardChars
35 fun backwardChars (T {string, pos},n) =
36 let val pos = pos - n
37 in if pos < 0 then raise BackwardChars
38 else T {string = string, pos = pos}
39 end
40 fun backwardChar m = backwardChars (m, 1)
41 val backwardChar = Trace.trace ("Mark.backwardChar", layout, layout) backwardChar
43 exception ForwardChars
44 fun forwardChars (T {string, pos},n) =
45 let val pos = pos + n
46 in if pos > String.size string then raise ForwardChars
47 else T {string = string, pos = pos}
48 end
49 fun forwardChar m = forwardChars (m, 1)
50 val forwardChar = Trace.trace ("Mark.forwardChar", layout, layout) forwardChar
52 fun charAt (T {string, pos}) = String.sub (string, pos)
54 fun lookingAtChar (m, c) = Char.equals (charAt m, c)
56 local
57 fun searchChar move (m, c) =
58 let
59 fun loop m =
60 if lookingAtChar (m, c) then m else loop (move m)
61 in loop m
62 end
63 in
64 val searchCharForward = searchChar forwardChar
65 fun searchCharBackward (m, c) =
66 searchChar backwardChar (backwardChar m, c)
67 end
69 fun bol m = forwardChar (searchCharBackward (m, #"\n"))
70 handle _ => beginning m
72 fun eol m = searchCharForward (m, #"\n")
74 fun whatColumn m = diff (m, bol m)
76 fun numColumns m = diff (eol m, bol m)
78 local
79 fun moveLines move =
80 let
81 fun moves (m as T {string, pos}, n: int) =
82 let
83 val c = whatColumn m
84 fun loop (m, n) =
85 if n <= 0 then forwardChars (m, Int.min (c, numColumns m))
86 else loop (move m, n - 1)
87 in loop (bol m, n)
88 end
89 fun move m = moves (m, 1)
90 in (move, moves)
91 end
92 in
93 val (previousLine, previousLines) = moveLines (bol o backwardChar)
94 val (nextLine, nextLines) = moveLines (forwardChar o eol)
95 end
97 fun lookingAtString (T {string, pos}, string') =
98 let
99 val len = String.size string
100 val len' = String.size string'
101 fun loop (pos, pos') =
102 pos < len
103 andalso (pos' >= len'
104 orelse (Char.equals (String.sub (string, pos),
105 String.sub (string', pos'))
106 andalso loop (pos + 1, pos' + 1)))
107 in loop (pos, 0)
108 end
109 val lookingAtString =
110 Trace.trace2 ("Mark.lookingAtString", layout, String.layout, Bool.layout)
111 lookingAtString
113 exception Search
114 fun makeSearch move (m, s) =
115 let
116 fun search m =
117 if lookingAtString (m, s)
118 then forwardChars (m, String.size s)
119 else (search (move m) handle _ => raise Search)
120 in search m
121 end
123 val search = makeSearch forwardChar
124 val searchBackward = makeSearch backwardChar
126 fun skip p =
127 let fun skip m = if p (charAt m) then skip (forwardChar m)
128 else m
129 in skip
130 end
132 fun skipUntil p = skip (not o p)
134 val skipSpaces = skip Char.isSpace
135 val skipUntilSpace = skipUntil Char.isSpace
137 fun substring (T {string, pos}, T {pos=pos', ...}) =
138 String.substring2 (string, {start=pos, finish=pos'})
140 fun num (fromString, exn) m =
141 let val m = skipSpaces m
142 val m' = skipUntilSpace m
143 in case fromString (substring (m, m')) of
144 NONE => raise exn
145 | SOME n => (m',n)
146 end
148 exception Int
149 val int = num (Int.fromString, Int)
151 exception Real
152 val real = num (Real.fromString, Real)
154 val real = Trace.trace ("Mark.real", layout, Layout.tuple2 (layout, Real.layout)) real
156 val op < = fn (m, m') => pos m < pos m'
158 val equals = fn (m, m') => pos m = pos m'
160 val {>, >=, <=, min, max, compare} =
161 Relation.lessEqual {< = op <, equals = op =}
163 end