Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / lib / mlton / basic / intermediate-computation.sml
1 (* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
2 * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
3 *
4 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
5 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
6 *)
8 structure IntermediateComputation: INTERMEDIATE_COMPUTATION =
9 struct
11 structure In = In0
12 structure Int = Pervasive.Int
14 structure Result =
15 struct
16 datatype t =
17 Raise
18 | Return of unit -> Layout.t
20 local open Layout
21 in
22 fun layout r =
23 case r of
24 Raise => str "raise"
25 | Return f => f()
26 end
27 end
29 structure Computation =
30 struct
31 structure Time = Time
33 datatype t = T of callResult list
34 withtype callResult = {name: string,
35 layoutArg: unit -> Layout.t,
36 time: Time.t option,
37 body: t,
38 result: Result.t}
40 structure CR =
41 struct
42 open Layout
44 type t = callResult
46 fun layoutName({name, ...}:t) = str(name ^ " ")
48 fun layoutCall(cr as {layoutArg, ...}:t) =
49 seq[layoutName cr, layoutArg()]
51 val darrow = str "==> "
53 fun layoutDarrow _ = darrow
55 fun layoutTime({time, ...}:t) =
56 case time of
57 SOME t => Time.layout t
58 | NONE => empty
60 fun layoutReturn({result, ...}:t) =
61 seq[darrow, Result.layout result]
62 end
64 fun time(T crs) = List.fold(crs,, fn ({time, ...}, t) =>
65 case time of
66 NONE => t
67 | SOME t' => Time.+(t, t'))
69 fun keepAll(c, pred) =
70 let
71 fun keepAll(T crs) =
72 T(List.foldr(crs, [],
73 fn ({name, body, layoutArg, time, result}, crs) =>
74 let val body as T crs' = keepAll body
75 in if pred name
76 then {name = name, body = body,
77 layoutArg = layoutArg, time = time,
78 result = result} :: crs
79 else crs' @ crs
80 end))
81 in keepAll c
82 end
84 fun makeOutputs(pre, post, filter) out =
85 let val indentation = ref 0
86 val space = 3
87 fun left() = indentation := !indentation - space
88 fun right() = indentation := !indentation + space
89 fun print l = (Layout.output(Layout.indent(l, !indentation), out)
90 ; Out.newline out)
91 fun output(T crs) = List.foreach(crs, outputCr)
92 and outputCr(cr as {body, ...}) =
93 let val printCr = filter cr
94 in if printCr
95 then (print(pre cr); right())
96 else ()
97 ; output body
98 ; if printCr then (left(); print(post cr)) else ()
99 end
100 in (output, outputCr)
101 end
103 val makeOutput =
104 makeOutputs(CR.layoutCall, CR.layoutReturn, fn _ => true)
105 fun output(c, out) = #1(makeOutput out) c
106 fun outputCr(cr, out) = #2(makeOutput out) cr
108 val makeOutputCalls =
109 makeOutputs(CR.layoutName, CR.layoutDarrow, fn _ => true)
110 fun outputCalls(c, out) = #1(makeOutputCalls out) c
111 fun outputCrCalls(cr, out) = #2(makeOutputCalls out) cr
113 fun outputTimes(c, out) =
114 #1(makeOutputs(CR.layoutName, CR.layoutTime,
115 fn {time, ...} =>
116 case time of
117 NONE => false
118 | SOME _ => true) out) c
120 local
121 val out = Out.error
122 val print = Out.outputc out
124 structure Int =
125 struct
126 open Int
128 exception Input
129 fun input i = (In.ignoreSpaces i
130 ; (case fromString(In.inputToSpace i) of
131 NONE => raise Input
132 | SOME n => n))
134 fun inputBetween{ins, error: unit -> unit, min, max} =
135 let
136 fun loop() =
137 let fun continue() = (error() ; loop())
138 in let val n = input ins
139 in if min <= n andalso n <= max
140 then n
141 else continue()
142 end handle Input => continue()
143 end
144 in loop()
145 end
147 val layout = Layout.str o toString
148 end
150 fun inputBetween(min, max) =
151 Int.inputBetween{ins = In.standard,
152 error = fn () => Out.output(out, "? "),
153 min = min, max = max}
155 fun choose (choices: (string * 'a) list): 'a =
156 let
157 val n =
158 List.fold(choices, 0, fn ((name, _),n) =>
159 (Layout.output(Int.layout n, out)
160 ; print(concat[". ", name, "\n"])
161 ; n+1))
162 val _ = Out.output(out, "? ")
163 val m = inputBetween(0,n-1)
164 in #2(List.nth(choices, m))
165 end
167 fun chooseThunk cs = choose cs ()
169 exception Quit
170 exception Back
172 val standardChoices = [("quit", fn () => raise Quit),
173 ("back", fn () => raise Back)]
175 fun inspect(c as T crs) =
176 case crs of
177 [cr] => inspectCr cr
178 | _ =>
179 let
180 fun loop() =
181 (chooseThunk
182 (standardChoices
183 @ [("skip raises", fn () =>
184 (skipRaises c; raise Back)),
185 ("output", fn () => output(c, out)),
186 ("output calls",
187 fn () => outputCalls(c, out))]
188 @ choices c)
189 ; loop())
190 in loop() handle Back => ()
191 end
192 and choices(T crs) =
193, fn cr as {name, ...} =>
194 (" " ^ name, fn () => inspectCr cr))
195 and inspectCr(cr as {name, layoutArg, body, result, time = _}) =
196 (print(concat["Call to ", name, "\n"])
197 ; let
198 fun loop() =
199 (chooseThunk
200 (standardChoices
201 @ [("skip raises", fn () =>
202 (skipRaisesCr cr; raise Back)),
203 ("output", fn () =>
204 outputCr(cr, out)),
205 ("output calls", fn () =>
206 outputCrCalls(cr, out)),
207 ("argument", fn () =>
208 (Layout.output(layoutArg(), out)
209 ; Out.newline out)),
210 ("result", fn () =>
211 (Layout.output(Result.layout result, out)
212 ; Out.newline out))]
213 @ choices body)
214 ; loop())
215 in loop() handle Back => ()
216 end)
217 and skipRaises(c as T crs) =
218 case crs of
219 [] => ()
220 | _ => (skipRaisesCr(List.last crs)
221 ; inspect c)
222 and skipRaisesCr(cr as {result, body, ...}) =
223 (case result of
224 Result.Raise => skipRaises body
225 | Result.Return _ => ()
226 ; inspectCr cr)
227 in val inspect = fn c => inspect c handle Quit => ()
228 end
230 end
232 (*---------------------------------------------------*)
233 (* Main Datatype *)
234 (*---------------------------------------------------*)
236 datatype t =
237 T of {calls: {name: string,
238 layoutArg: unit -> Layout.t,
239 prev: Computation.callResult list} list ref,
240 after: Computation.callResult list ref}
242 fun empty() = T{calls = ref [],
243 after = ref []}
245 fun atTopLevel(T{calls, ...}) = List.isEmpty(!calls)
247 fun call(T{calls, after},name, layoutArg) =
248 (List.push(calls, {name = name, layoutArg = layoutArg, prev = !after})
249 ; after := [])
251 fun return(T{calls, after}, result, time) =
252 case !calls of
253 [] => Error.bug "IntermediateComputation.return: without a call"
254 | {name, layoutArg, prev} :: cs =>
255 (calls := cs
256 ; after := {name = name, layoutArg = layoutArg,
257 result = result, time = time,
258 body = Computation.T(List.rev(!after))} :: prev)
260 fun raisee(c, t) = return(c, Result.Raise, t)
261 val return = fn (c, r, t) => return(c, Result.Return r, t)
263 fun finish(c as T{calls, after}) =
264 let
265 fun loop() =
266 case !calls of
267 [] => Computation.T(List.rev(!after))
268 | _ => (raisee(c, NONE); loop())
269 in loop()
270 end
272 end