Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / lib / mlton / basic / directed-sub-graph.sig
1 (* Copyright (C) 2009 Matthew Fluet.
2 * Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
3 * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
4 *
5 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
6 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
7 *)
9 signature DIRECTED_SUB_GRAPH =
10 sig
11 (* the main graph type *)
12 type t
14 structure Node:
15 sig
16 type graph
17 type edge
18 type t
20 val equals: t * t -> bool
21 val hasEdge: graph * {from: t, to: t} -> bool
22 val layout: t -> Layout.t
23 val plist: t -> PropertyList.t
24 val successors: graph * t -> edge list
25 end
26 structure Edge:
27 sig
28 type graph
29 type node
30 type t
32 val equals: t * t -> bool
33 val from: graph * t -> node
34 val plist: t -> PropertyList.t
35 val to: graph * t -> node
36 end
37 sharing type Node.edge = Edge.t
38 sharing type Edge.node = Node.t
39 sharing type Node.graph = t
40 sharing type Edge.graph = t
42 (* depth first search *)
43 structure DfsParam:
44 sig
45 type t = {startNode: Node.t -> unit,
46 finishNode: Node.t -> unit,
47 handleTreeEdge: Edge.t -> unit,
48 handleNonTreeEdge: Edge.t -> unit,
49 startTree: Node.t -> unit,
50 finishTree: Node.t -> unit,
51 finishDfs: unit -> unit}
52 val finishNode: (Node.t -> unit) -> t
53 val ignore: 'a -> unit
54 val combine: t * t -> t
55 end
57 (* create a sub-graph from a graph *)
58 val subGraph: t * {nodeP: Node.t -> bool, edgeP: Edge.t -> bool} -> t
59 val supGraph: t -> t
61 val addEdge: t * {from: Node.t, to: Node.t} -> Edge.t
62 val dfs: t * DfsParam.t -> unit
63 val dfsNodes: t * Node.t list * DfsParam.t -> unit
64 val discoverFinishTimes: t -> {discover: Node.t -> int,
65 finish: Node.t -> int,
66 destroy: unit -> unit,
67 param: DfsParam.t}
68 val display:
69 {graph: t,
70 layoutNode: Node.t -> Layout.t,
71 display: Layout.t -> unit} -> unit
72 (* dominators {graph, root}
73 * Pre: All nodes in graph must be reachable from root.
74 * This condition is checked.
75 * Returns idom, where
76 * idom n = the immediate dominator n.
77 * idom root = root.
78 *)
79 val dominators: t * {root: Node.t} -> {idom: Node.t -> Node.t}
80 val dominatorTree: t * {root: Node.t, nodeValue: Node.t -> 'a} -> 'a Tree.t
81 val foreachDescendent: t * Node.t * (Node.t -> unit) -> unit
82 val foreachEdge: t * (Node.t * Edge.t -> unit) -> unit
83 val foreachNode: t * (Node.t -> unit) -> unit
84 (* exception Input *)
85 (* val input: In.t * (In.t -> 'a)* (In.t -> 'b) -> t * 'a * (Edge.t -> 'b) *)
86 (* val isCyclic: t -> bool*)
87 val layoutDot:
88 t * {title: string,
89 options: Dot.GraphOption.t list,
90 edgeOptions: Edge.t -> Dot.EdgeOption.t list,
91 nodeOptions: Node.t -> Dot.NodeOption.t list} -> Layout.t
92 val loopForest:
93 {headers: (* graph *) Node.t list -> (* graph *) Node.t list,
94 graph: t,
95 root: (* graph *) Node.t}
96 -> {forest: t,
97 graphToForest: (* graph *) Node.t -> (* forest *) Node.t,
98 headers: (* graph *) Node.t list -> (* graph *) Node.t list,
99 isHeader: (* graph *) Node.t -> bool,
100 loopNodes: (* forest *) Node.t -> (* graph *) Node.t list,
101 parent: (* forest *) Node.t -> (* forest *) Node.t option}
102 val loopForestSteensgaard:
103 {graph: t,
104 root: (* graph *) Node.t}
105 -> {forest: t,
106 graphToForest: (* graph *) Node.t -> (* forest *) Node.t,
107 headers: (* graph *) Node.t list -> (* graph *) Node.t list,
108 isHeader: (* graph *) Node.t -> bool,
109 loopNodes: (* forest *) Node.t -> (* graph *) Node.t list,
110 parent: (* forest *) Node.t -> (* forest *) Node.t option}
111 val new: unit -> t
112 val newNode: t -> Node.t
113 val nodes: t -> Node.t list
114 (* val random: {numNodes: int, numEdges: int} -> t*)
115 (* val removeBackEdges: t -> unit *)
116 (* removeEdge fails if edge isn't there. *)
117 (* val removeEdge: t * Edge.t -> unit *)
118 (* Strongly-connected components.
119 * Each component is given as a list of nodes.
120 * The components are returned topologically sorted.
121 *)
122 val stronglyConnectedComponents: t -> Node.t list list
123 exception TopologicalSort
124 val topologicalSort: t -> Node.t list
125 (* val transpose: t -> t *)
126 end
129 functor TestDirectedSubGraph (S: DIRECTED_SUB_GRAPH): sig end =
130 struct
132 open S
134 (* Section 7.3 of Muchnick. *)
135 local
136 val g = new ()
137 val {get = name, set = setName, ...} =
138 Property.getSetOnce (Node.plist,
139 Property.initRaise ("name", Node.layout))
140 val node = String.memoize (fn s =>
141 let
142 val n = newNode g
143 val _ = setName (n, s)
144 in n
145 end)
146 val _ =
147 List.foreach ([("entry\nfoo", "B1"),
148 ("B1", "B2"),
149 ("B1", "B3"),
150 ("B2", "exit"),
151 ("B3", "B4"),
152 ("B4", "B5"),
153 ("B4", "B6"),
154 ("B5", "exit"),
155 ("B6", "B4")], fn (from, to) =>
156 ignore (addEdge (g, {from = node from, to = node to})))
157 val _ =
158 File.withOut
159 ("/tmp/", fn out =>
160 let
161 open Dot
162 in
163 Layout.output (layoutDot
164 (g,
165 {title = "Muchnick",
166 options = [],
167 edgeOptions = fn _ => [],
168 nodeOptions = fn n => [NodeOption.label (name n)]}),
169 out)
170 ; Out.newline out
171 end)
172 val {idom} = dominators (g, {root = node "entry\nfoo"})
173 val g2 = new ()
174 val {get = oldNode, set = setOldNode, ...} =
175 Property.getSetOnce (Node.plist,
176 Property.initRaise ("oldNode", Node.layout))
177 val {get = newNode, ...} =
178 Property.get (Node.plist,
179 Property.initFun (fn n =>
180 let
181 val n' = newNode g2
182 val _ = setOldNode (n', n)
183 in n'
184 end))
185 val _ = foreachNode (g, fn n =>
186 ignore (addEdge (g2, {from = newNode (idom n),
187 to = newNode n})))
188 val _ =
189 File.withOut
190 ("/tmp/", fn out =>
191 let
192 open Dot
193 in
194 Layout.output
195 (layoutDot
196 (g2, {title = "dom",
197 options = [],
198 edgeOptions = fn _ => [],
199 nodeOptions = fn n => [NodeOption.label (name (oldNode n))]}),
200 out)
201 ; Out.newline out
202 end)
203 in
204 end
206 end