Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / lib / mlton / basic / append-list.sml
1 (* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
2 * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
3 *
4 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
5 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
6 *)
8 structure AppendList: APPEND_LIST =
9 struct
11 (* We are careful to ensure that the empty list is always represented by
12 * the Empty constructor.
13 *)
14 datatype 'a t =
15 Append of 'a t * 'a t (* Neither is empty. *)
16 | Appends of 'a t list (* None is empty and list is nonempty. *)
17 | AppendsV of 'a t vector (* None is empty and vector is nonempty. *)
18 | Cons of 'a * 'a t (* Nonempty. *)
19 | Empty
20 | List of 'a list (* Nonempty. *)
21 | Single of 'a
22 | Snoc of 'a t (* Nonempty *) * 'a
23 | Vector of 'a vector (* Nonempty. *)
25 val isEmpty = fn Empty => true | _ => false
27 fun append (t1, t2) =
28 if isEmpty t1
29 then t2
30 else if isEmpty t2
31 then t1
32 else Append (t1, t2)
34 fun appends l =
35 let
36 val l = List.keepAll (l, not o isEmpty)
37 in
38 if List.isEmpty l
39 then Empty
40 else Appends l
41 end
43 fun appendsV v =
44 let
45 val v = Vector.keepAll (v, not o isEmpty)
46 in
47 if Vector.isEmpty v
48 then Empty
49 else AppendsV v
50 end
52 fun cons (a, l) =
53 case l of
54 Empty => Single a
55 | _ => Cons (a, l)
57 val empty = Empty
59 fun fromList l =
60 if List.isEmpty l
61 then Empty
62 else List l
64 fun fromVector v =
65 if Vector.isEmpty v
66 then Empty
67 else Vector v
69 val single = Single
71 fun snoc (l, a) =
72 case l of
73 Empty => Single a
74 | _ => Snoc (l, a)
76 fun fold (l, b, f) =
77 let
78 fun loop (l, b) =
79 case l of
80 Append (l, l') => loop (l', loop (l, b))
81 | Appends l => List.fold (l, b, loop)
82 | AppendsV v => Vector.fold (v, b, loop)
83 | Cons (x, l) => loop (l, f (x, b))
84 | Empty => b
85 | List l => List.fold (l, b, f)
86 | Single x => f (x, b)
87 | Snoc (l, x) => f (x, loop (l, b))
88 | Vector v => Vector.fold (v, b, f)
89 in loop (l, b)
90 end
92 fun length l : int = fold (l, 0, fn (_, i) => i + 1)
94 fun foreach (l, f) = fold (l, (), fn (x, ()) => f x)
96 fun foldr (l, b, f) =
97 let
98 fun loop (l, b) =
99 case l of
100 Append (l, l') => loop (l, loop (l', b))
101 | Appends l => List.foldr (l, b, loop)
102 | AppendsV v => Vector.foldr (v, b, loop)
103 | Cons (x, l) => f (x, loop (l, b))
104 | Empty => b
105 | List l => List.foldr (l, b, f)
106 | Single x => f (x, b)
107 | Snoc (l, x) => loop (l, f (x, b))
108 | Vector v => Vector.foldr (v, b, f)
109 in loop (l, b)
110 end
112 fun map (l, f) =
113 let
114 val rec loop =
115 fn Append (l, l') => Append (loop l, loop l')
116 | Appends l => Appends ( (l, loop))
117 | AppendsV v => AppendsV ( (v, loop))
118 | Cons (x, l) => Cons (f x, loop l)
119 | Empty => Empty
120 | List l => List ( (l, f))
121 | Single x => Single (f x)
122 | Snoc (l, x) => Snoc (loop l, f x)
123 | Vector v => Vector ( (v, f))
124 in loop l
125 end
127 fun toList ds = foldr (ds, [], op ::)
129 fun toListOnto (ds, l) = foldr (ds, l, op ::)
131 fun toVector ds = Vector.tabulator (length ds, fn call => foreach (ds, call))
133 fun layout layoutX l = List.layout layoutX (toList l)
135 fun push (r, x) = r := cons (x, !r)
137 end