Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / lib / mlnlffi-lib / memory / memaccess.sml
1 (* memaccess.sml
2 * 2007 Matthew Fluet (
3 * Adapted for MLton. Make use of $(SML_LIB)/basis/
4 * 2005 Matthew Fluet (
5 * Adapted for MLton.
6 *)
8 (* memaccess-64-big.sml *)
9 (* memaccess-64-little.sml *)
10 (* memaccess-a4s2i4l4f4d8.sml
11 *
12 * Primitives for "raw" memory access.
13 *
14 * x86/Sparc/PPC version:
15 * addr char short int long float double
16 * 4 1 2 4 4 4 8 (bytes)
17 *
18 * (C) 2004 The Fellowship of SML/NJ
19 *
20 * author: Matthias Blume (
21 *)
22 structure CMemAccess : CMEMACCESS = struct
23 structure Ptr = MLton.Pointer
25 type addr = Ptr.t
26 val null = Ptr.null : addr
27 fun isNull a = a = null
28 infix ++ --
29 (* rely on 2's-complement for the following... *)
30 fun (a: addr) ++ i = Ptr.add (a, Word.fromInt i)
31 val compare =
32 fun a1 -- a2 = Word.toIntX (Ptr.diff (a1, a2))
34 val addr_size = Word.fromInt (C_Size.wordSize div 8)
35 val char_size = Word.fromInt (C_UChar.wordSize div 8)
36 val short_size = Word.fromInt (C_UShort.wordSize div 8)
37 val int_size = Word.fromInt (C_UInt.wordSize div 8)
38 val long_size = Word.fromInt (C_ULong.wordSize div 8)
39 val longlong_size = Word.fromInt (C_ULongLong.wordSize div 8)
40 local
41 structure RealNArg =
42 struct
43 type 'a t = int
44 val fReal32 = 32
45 val fReal64 = 64
46 end
47 structure Float = C_Float_ChooseRealN(RealNArg)
48 structure Double = C_Double_ChooseRealN(RealNArg)
49 in
50 val float_size = Word.fromInt (Float.f div 8)
51 val double_size = Word.fromInt (Double.f div 8)
52 end
54 local
55 fun get g addr =
56 g (addr, 0)
57 structure IntNArg =
58 struct
59 type 'a t = Ptr.t * int -> 'a
60 val fInt8 = Ptr.getInt8
61 val fInt16 = Ptr.getInt16
62 val fInt32 = Ptr.getInt32
63 val fInt64 = Ptr.getInt64
64 end
65 structure RealNArg =
66 struct
67 type 'a t = Ptr.t * int -> 'a
68 val fReal32 = Ptr.getReal32
69 val fReal64 = Ptr.getReal64
70 end
71 structure WordNArg =
72 struct
73 type 'a t = Ptr.t * int -> 'a
74 val fWord8 = Ptr.getWord8
75 val fWord16 = Ptr.getWord16
76 val fWord32 = Ptr.getWord32
77 val fWord64 = Ptr.getWord64
78 end
79 structure UChar = C_UChar_ChooseWordN(WordNArg)
80 structure SChar = C_SChar_ChooseIntN(IntNArg)
81 structure UShort = C_UShort_ChooseWordN(WordNArg)
82 structure SShort = C_SShort_ChooseIntN(IntNArg)
83 structure UInt = C_UInt_ChooseWordN(WordNArg)
84 structure SInt = C_SInt_ChooseIntN(IntNArg)
85 structure ULong = C_ULong_ChooseWordN(WordNArg)
86 structure SLong = C_SLong_ChooseIntN(IntNArg)
87 structure ULongLong = C_ULongLong_ChooseWordN(WordNArg)
88 structure SLongLong = C_SLongLong_ChooseIntN(IntNArg)
89 structure Float = C_Float_ChooseRealN(RealNArg)
90 structure Double = C_Double_ChooseRealN(RealNArg)
91 in
92 val load_addr = get Ptr.getPointer
93 val load_uchar = get UChar.f
94 val load_schar = get SChar.f
95 val load_ushort = get UShort.f
96 val load_sshort = get SShort.f
97 val load_uint = get UInt.f
98 val load_sint = get SInt.f
99 val load_ulong = get ULong.f
100 val load_slong = get SLong.f
101 val load_ulonglong = get ULongLong.f
102 val load_slonglong = get SLongLong.f
103 val load_float = get Float.f
104 val load_double = get Double.f
105 end
107 local
108 fun set s (addr, x) =
109 s (addr, 0, x)
110 structure IntNArg =
111 struct
112 type 'a t = Ptr.t * int * 'a -> unit
113 val fInt8 = Ptr.setInt8
114 val fInt16 = Ptr.setInt16
115 val fInt32 = Ptr.setInt32
116 val fInt64 = Ptr.setInt64
117 end
118 structure RealNArg =
119 struct
120 type 'a t = Ptr.t * int * 'a -> unit
121 val fReal32 = Ptr.setReal32
122 val fReal64 = Ptr.setReal64
123 end
124 structure WordNArg =
125 struct
126 type 'a t = Ptr.t * int * 'a -> unit
127 val fWord8 = Ptr.setWord8
128 val fWord16 = Ptr.setWord16
129 val fWord32 = Ptr.setWord32
130 val fWord64 = Ptr.setWord64
131 end
132 structure UChar = C_UChar_ChooseWordN(WordNArg)
133 structure SChar = C_SChar_ChooseIntN(IntNArg)
134 structure UShort = C_UShort_ChooseWordN(WordNArg)
135 structure SShort = C_SShort_ChooseIntN(IntNArg)
136 structure UInt = C_UInt_ChooseWordN(WordNArg)
137 structure SInt = C_SInt_ChooseIntN(IntNArg)
138 structure ULong = C_ULong_ChooseWordN(WordNArg)
139 structure SLong = C_SLong_ChooseIntN(IntNArg)
140 structure ULongLong = C_ULongLong_ChooseWordN(WordNArg)
141 structure SLongLong = C_SLongLong_ChooseIntN(IntNArg)
142 structure Float = C_Float_ChooseRealN(RealNArg)
143 structure Double = C_Double_ChooseRealN(RealNArg)
144 in
145 val store_addr = set Ptr.setPointer
146 val store_uchar = set UChar.f
147 val store_schar = set SChar.f
148 val store_ushort = set UShort.f
149 val store_sshort = set SShort.f
150 val store_uint = set UInt.f
151 val store_sint = set SInt.f
152 val store_ulong = set ULong.f
153 val store_slong = set SLong.f
154 val store_ulonglong = set ULongLong.f
155 val store_slonglong = set SLongLong.f
156 val store_float = set Float.f
157 val store_double = set Double.f
158 end
160 val int_bits = int_size * 0w8
162 (* this needs to be severely optimized... *)
163 fun bcopy { from: addr, to: addr, bytes: word } =
164 if bytes > 0w0 then
165 (store_uchar (to, load_uchar from);
166 bcopy { from = from ++ 1, to = to ++ 1, bytes = bytes - 0w1 })
167 else ()
169 (* types used in C calling convention *)
170 type cc_addr = MLton.Pointer.t
171 type cc_schar =
172 type cc_uchar = C_UChar.word
173 type cc_sshort =
174 type cc_ushort = C_UShort.word
175 type cc_sint =
176 type cc_uint = C_UInt.word
177 type cc_slong =
178 type cc_ulong = C_ULong.word
179 type cc_slonglong =
180 type cc_ulonglong = C_ULongLong.word
181 type cc_float = C_Float.real
182 type cc_double = C_Double.real
184 (* wrapping and unwrapping for cc types *)
185 fun wrap_addr (x : addr) = x : cc_addr
186 fun wrap_schar (x : = x : cc_schar
187 fun wrap_uchar (x : MLRep.Char.Unsigned.word) = x : cc_uchar
188 fun wrap_sshort (x : = x : cc_sshort
189 fun wrap_ushort (x : MLRep.Short.Unsigned.word) = x : cc_ushort
190 fun wrap_sint (x : = x : cc_sint
191 fun wrap_uint (x : MLRep.Int.Unsigned.word) = x : cc_uint
192 fun wrap_slong (x : = x : cc_slong
193 fun wrap_ulong (x : MLRep.Long.Unsigned.word) = x : cc_ulong
194 fun wrap_slonglong (x : = x : cc_slonglong
195 fun wrap_ulonglong (x : MLRep.LongLong.Unsigned.word) = x : cc_ulonglong
196 fun wrap_float (x : MLRep.Float.real) = x : cc_float
197 fun wrap_double (x : MLRep.Double.real) = x : cc_double
199 fun unwrap_addr (x : cc_addr) = x : addr
200 fun unwrap_schar (x : cc_schar) = x :
201 fun unwrap_uchar (x : cc_uchar) = x : MLRep.Char.Unsigned.word
202 fun unwrap_sshort (x : cc_sshort) = x :
203 fun unwrap_ushort (x : cc_ushort) = x : MLRep.Short.Unsigned.word
204 fun unwrap_sint (x : cc_sint) = x :
205 fun unwrap_uint (x : cc_uint) = x : MLRep.Int.Unsigned.word
206 fun unwrap_slong (x : cc_slong) = x :
207 fun unwrap_ulong (x : cc_ulong) = x : MLRep.Long.Unsigned.word
208 fun unwrap_slonglong (x : cc_slonglong) = x :
209 fun unwrap_ulonglong (x : cc_ulonglong) = x : MLRep.LongLong.Unsigned.word
210 fun unwrap_float (x : cc_float) = x : MLRep.Float.real
211 fun unwrap_double (x : cc_double) = x : MLRep.Double.real
213 fun p2i (x : addr) : MLRep.Long.Unsigned.word =
214 C_ULong.fromLarge (Word.toLarge (Ptr.diff (x, null)))
215 fun i2p (x : MLRep.Long.Unsigned.word) : addr =
216 Ptr.add (null, Word.fromLarge (C_ULong.toLarge x))
217 end