Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / doc / guide / src / VesaKarvonen.adoc
1 VesaKarvonen
2 ============
4 Vesa Karvonen is a student at the[University of Helsinki].
5 His interests lie in programming techniques that allow complex programs to be expressed
6 clearly and concisely and the design and implementation of programming languages.
8 image::VesaKarvonen.attachments/vesa-in-mlton-t-shirt.jpg[align="center"]
10 Things he'd like to see for SML and hopes to be able to contribute towards:
12 * A practical tool for documenting libraries. Preferably one that is
13 based on extracting the documentation from source code comments.
15 * A good IDE. Possibly an enhanced SML mode (`esml-mode`) for Emacs.
16 Google for[SLIME video] to
17 get an idea of what he'd like to see. Some specific notes:
18 +
19 --
20 * show type at point
21 * robust, consistent indentation
22 * show documentation
23 * jump to definition (see <:EmacsDefUseMode:>)
24 --
25 +
26 <:EmacsBgBuildMode:> has also been written for working with MLton.
28 * Documented and cataloged libraries. Perhaps something like
29[Boost], but for SML libraries. Here is a partial
30 list of libraries, tools, and frameworks Vesa is or has been working
31 on:
32 +
33 --
34 * Asynchronous Programming Library (<!ViewGitFile(mltonlib,master,com/ssh/async/unstable/README)>)
35 * Extended Basis Library (<!ViewGitFile(mltonlib,master,com/ssh/extended-basis/unstable/README)>)
36 * Generic Programming Library (<!ViewGitFile(mltonlib,master,com/ssh/generic/unstable/README)>)
37 * Pretty Printing Library (<!ViewGitFile(mltonlib,master,com/ssh/prettier/unstable/README)>)
38 * Random Generator Library (<!ViewGitFile(mltonlib,master,com/ssh/random/unstable/README)>)
39 * RPC (Remote Procedure Call) Library (<!ViewGitFile(mltonlib,master,org/mlton/vesak/rpc-lib/unstable/README)>)
40 *[SDL] Binding (<!ViewGitFile(mltonlib,master,org/mlton/vesak/sdl/unstable/README)>)
41 * Unit Testing Library (<!ViewGitFile(mltonlib,master,com/ssh/unit-test/unstable/README)>)
42 * Use Library (<!ViewGitFile(mltonlib,master,org/mlton/vesak/use-lib/unstable/README)>)
43 * Windows Library (<!ViewGitFile(mltonlib,master,com/ssh/windows/unstable/README)>)
44 --
45 Note that most of these libraries have been ported to several <:StandardMLImplementations:SML implementations>.