Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / benchmark / tests / vliw.sml
1 (* From the SML/NJ benchmark suite. *)
3 fun print _ = ()
5 signature BMARK =
6 sig
7 val doit : int -> unit
8 val testit : TextIO.outstream -> unit
9 end;
11 open Array (* List *)
12 infix 9 sub
14 fun fold f x y = List.foldr f y x
15 fun revfold f x y = List.foldl f y x
16 val makestring = Int.toString
18 local
19 open Real
20 in
21 val realEq = ==
22 val realNe = !=
23 end
25 exception NotAChar
26 fun fromStr x =
27 (case Char.fromString x
28 of SOME c => c
29 | NONE => raise NotAChar)
31 fun ordof(s, i) = Char.ord(String.sub(s, i))
34 val explode = (fn x => map Char.toString (explode x))
35 val implode = (fn x => implode (map fromStr x))
36 fun ord s = Char.ord (fromStr s)
38 val output = TextIO.output
39 val std_out = TextIO.stdOut
40 val open_in = TextIO.openIn
41 val open_out = TextIO.openOut
42 val close_in = TextIO.closeIn
43 val close_out = TextIO.closeOut
44 val input_line =
45 fn ins =>
46 case TextIO.inputLine ins of
47 NONE => ""
48 | SOME s => s
49 type instream = TextIO.instream
50 type outstream = TextIO.outstream
51 fun outputc f x = TextIO.output(f, x)
53 exception NotAReal
55 fun strToReal s =
56 (case Real.fromString s
57 of SOME r => r
58 | _ => raise NotAReal)
60 fun intToReal x =
61 (strToReal ((Int.toString x) ^ ".0"))
63 structure Bits =
64 struct
66 fun wrap (f : Word.word * Word.word -> Word.word)
67 = (fn (x : int, y : int) =>
68 Word.toInt(f(Word.fromInt x, Word.fromInt y)))
70 val orb = wrap Word.orb
71 val andb = wrap Word.andb
72 val xorb = wrap Word.xorb
73 val lshift = wrap Word.<<
74 val rshift = wrap Word.>>
76 end
77 structure Ref =
78 struct
79 val inc = fn x => (x := !x + 1)
80 val dec = fn x => (x := !x - 1)
81 end
83 (* stringmap.sml *)
85 signature STRINGMAP =
86 sig type 'a stringmap
87 exception Stringmap
88 val new : unit -> 'a stringmap
89 val add : 'a stringmap -> string * 'a -> unit
90 val rm : 'a stringmap -> string -> unit
91 val map : 'a stringmap -> string -> 'a
92 val app : (string * 'a -> unit) -> 'a stringmap -> unit
93 val isin : 'a stringmap -> string -> bool
94 val extract : 'a stringmap -> 'a list
95 end
97 structure Stringmap : STRINGMAP =
98 struct
99 type 'a stringmap = (string * 'a) list array
100 exception Stringmap
101 val hashFactor = 32
102 and tableSize = 2357
104 (* a string hashing function
105 returns a number between 0 and tableSize-1 *)
106 fun hash(str: string) : int =
107 let val nchars = String.size str
109 fun loop(i,n,r) =
110 if i < n then
111 loop(i+1,n,(hashFactor * r + ordof(str,i)) mod tableSize)
112 else r
114 in loop(0,nchars,0)
115 (* while !i < nchars do
116 (n := (hashFactor * !n + ordof(str, !i)) mod tableSize;
117 i := !i + 1);
118 !n
119 *)
120 end
122 (* create a new stringmap *)
123 fun new (): 'a stringmap = array(tableSize,nil)
125 (* add a mapping pair s +-> x to the stringmap a *)
126 fun add a (s,x) =
127 let val index = hash s
128 in update(a,index,(s,x)::(a sub index))
129 end
131 (* apply the stringmap a to the index string s *)
132 fun map a s =
133 let fun find ((s',x)::r) = if s=s' then x else find r
134 | find nil = raise Stringmap
135 in find (a sub (hash s))
136 end
138 (* return true if the string is in the map, false otherwise *)
139 fun isin a s =
140 ((map a s; true)
141 handle Stringmap => false)
143 (* remove all pairs mapping string s from stringmap a *)
144 fun rm a s = let fun f ((b as (s',j))::r) =
145 if s=s' then f r else b :: f r
146 | f nil = nil
147 val index = hash s
148 in update(a,index, f(a sub index))
149 end
151 (* apply a function f to all mapping pairs in stringmap a *)
152 fun app (f: string * 'a -> unit) a =
153 let fun zap 0 = ()
154 | zap n = let val m = n-1 in f (a sub m); zap m end
155 in zap tableSize
156 end
158 (* extract the stringmap items as a list *)
159 fun extract a =
160 let fun atol n =
161 if n < Array.length a then (a sub n) :: atol (n + 1)
162 else nil
163 val al = atol 0
164 fun flatten (a, b) = a @ b
165 val fal = fold flatten al nil
166 fun strip (s, v) = v
167 val answer = strip fal
168 in
169 answer
170 end
172 end (* Stringmap *)
176 structure StrPak :
177 sig
178 val stringListString : string list -> string
179 end =
181 struct
183 fun sl nil = "]"
184 | sl (h::nil) = h ^ "]"
185 | sl (h::n::t) = h ^ "," ^ sl (n::t)
187 fun stringListString l = "[" ^ sl l
189 end
190 signature SortObjSig =
191 sig
192 type obj
193 val gt : obj * obj -> bool
194 end
196 functor Sort ( objfun : SortObjSig ) :
197 sig
198 type obj
199 val sort : obj list -> obj list
200 end =
202 struct
204 open objfun
206 type obj = objfun.obj
208 fun sort l =
209 let fun m2 (nil, b) = b
210 | m2 (a, nil) = a
211 | m2 (ha::ta, hb::tb) =
212 if gt(ha, hb) then hb::(m2(ha::ta, tb))
213 else ha::(m2(ta, hb::tb))
214 fun ml (nil) = nil
215 | ml (h::nil) = h
216 | ml (h1::h2::nil) = m2(h1, h2)
217 | ml (h1::h2::l) = ml [m2(h1, h2), (ml l)]
218 in
219 ml (map (fn x => [x]) l)
220 end
222 end
224 structure IntImp =
225 struct
226 type obj = int
227 fun gt(a:obj, b:obj) = a > b
228 end
231 structure INTSort = Sort ( IntImp )
233 structure Set :
234 sig
235 exception SET
236 exception LISTUNION
237 type 'a set
238 val make : ''a set
239 val makeEQ : ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a set
240 val listToSet : ''a list -> ''a set
241 val listToSetEQ : ('a * 'a -> bool) * 'a list -> 'a set
242 val add : 'a set * 'a -> 'a set
243 val union : 'a set * 'a set -> 'a set
244 val listUnion : 'a set list -> 'a set
245 val listUnionEQ : ('a * 'a -> bool) * 'a set list -> 'a set
246 val rm : 'a set * 'a -> 'a set
247 val intersect : 'a set * 'a set -> 'a set
248 val diff : 'a set * 'a set -> 'a set
249 val member : 'a set * 'a -> bool
250 val set : 'a set -> 'a list
251 val mag : 'a set -> int
252 val empty : 'a set -> bool
253 end =
254 struct
255 datatype 'a set = S of ('a*'a->bool) * 'a list
257 exception SET
258 exception LISTUNION
260 fun eqf (x, y) = x = y
262 val make = S (eqf, nil)
264 fun makeEQ eqf = S (eqf, nil)
266 fun set (S (eqf, a)) = a
268 fun member (S (eqf, nil), e) = false
269 | member (S (eqf, (s::t)), e) = eqf(e, s) orelse member(S (eqf, t), e)
271 fun add(st as (S (eqf, s)), e) = if member(st, e) then st else S(eqf, e::s)
273 fun listToSetEQ (eqf, l) =
274 let fun f (nil, s) = s
275 | f (h::t, s) = f(t, add(s, h))
276 in
277 f(l, makeEQ eqf)
278 end
280 fun listToSet l = listToSetEQ (eqf, l)
283 fun union (a, S (eqf, nil)) = a
284 | union (S (eqf, nil), b) = b
285 | union (S (eqf, e::a), b) = union(S (eqf, a), add(b, e))
287 fun listUnion (h::t) = fold union t h
288 | listUnion _ = raise LISTUNION
290 fun listUnionEQ (eqf, l) = fold union l (makeEQ eqf)
293 fun rm (S (eqf, nil), x) = raise SET
294 | rm (S (eqf, s::t), x) =
295 if eqf(s, x) then S (eqf, t) else S(eqf, s :: set(rm(S (eqf, t), x)))
297 fun intersect1 (a, S (eqf, nil), c) = S (eqf, c)
298 | intersect1 (S (eqf, nil), b, c) = S (eqf, c)
299 | intersect1 (S (eqf, a::t), b, c) =
300 if member(b, a) then intersect1(S (eqf, t), b, a::c)
301 else intersect1(S (eqf, t), b, c)
303 fun intersect (a, b) = intersect1 (a, b, nil)
305 fun diff (S (eqf, nil), b) = S (eqf, nil)
306 | diff (S (eqf, a::t), b) = if member(b, a) then diff(S (eqf, t), b)
307 else S (eqf, a :: set(diff(S (eqf, t), b)))
310 fun mag s = List.length (set s)
312 (* fun empty s = set s = nil *)
314 fun empty (S(eqf, nil)) = true
315 | empty (S(eqf, _)) = false
317 end
318 (* Copyright 1989 by AT&T Bell Laboratories *)
319 (* updated by John Danskin at Princeton *)
320 structure AbsMach =
321 struct
322 type reg = (int*string)
323 type label = (int*string)
324 datatype values =
325 INT of int
326 | REAL of real
327 | LABVAL of int * int
329 datatype arithop = imul | iadd | isub | idiv
330 | orb | andb | xorb | rshift | lshift
331 | fadd | fdiv | fmul | fsub
332 | real | floor | logb
334 datatype comparison = ilt | ieq | igt | ile | ige | ine
335 | flt | feq | fgt | fle | fge | fne
336 | inrange | outofrange
337 datatype opcode =
338 FETCH of {immutable: bool, offset: int, ptr: reg, dst: reg}
339 (* dst := M[ptr+offset]
340 if immutable then unaffected by any STORE
341 other than through the allocptr *)
342 | STORE of {offset: int, src: reg, ptr: reg}
343 (* M[ptr+offset] := src *)
344 | GETLAB of {lab: label, dst: reg}
345 | GETREAL of {value: string, dst: reg}
346 | ARITH of {oper: arithop, src1: reg, src2: reg, dst: reg}
347 | ARITHI of {oper: arithop, src1: reg, src2: int, dst: reg}
348 | MOVE of {src: reg, dst: reg}
349 | BRANCH of {test: comparison, src1: reg, src2: reg, dst: label,
350 live: reg list}
351 | JUMP of {dst: reg, live: reg list}
352 | LABEL of {lab:label, live: reg list}
353 | WORD of {value: int}
354 | LABWORD of {lab: label}
355 | NOP
356 | BOGUS of {reads: reg list, writes: reg list}
358 val opcodeEq : opcode * opcode -> bool = (op =)
360 end
362 structure AbsMachImp :
363 sig
364 type reg
365 type operation
366 val oeq : operation * operation -> bool
367 type comparison
368 val ceq : comparison * comparison -> bool
369 val write_o : operation -> reg Set.set
370 val read_o : operation -> reg Set.set
371 val write_c : comparison -> reg Set.set
372 val read_c : comparison -> reg Set.set
373 val resources_ok : operation list * comparison list -> bool
374 datatype codetypes =
375 ASSIGNMENT of operation
376 | LABELREF of int * operation
377 | COMPARISON of int * operation
378 | FLOW of int * operation
379 | TARGET of int * operation
380 | EXIT of operation
381 | JUNK of operation
382 | NERGLE
383 val classify : operation -> codetypes
384 val maxreg : AbsMach.opcode list -> int
385 end =
386 struct
388 type reg = int (* register strings will gum up set operations etc *)
389 type operation = AbsMach.opcode
390 type comparison = AbsMach.opcode
392 fun oeq (a, b) = AbsMach.opcodeEq(a, b)
393 fun ceq (a, b) = AbsMach.opcodeEq(a, b)
395 fun reg(i, s) = i
396 fun label(i, s) = i
399 fun srl rl = Set.listToSet((map reg) rl)
400 fun sr r = srl [r]
402 val immutableMem = ~1
403 val mutableMem = ~2
404 val flowControl = ~3
406 (* comparisons are limited to one because of difficulty writing larger trees *)
407 fun resources_ok(ops, c) = (List.length ops) <= 4 andalso (List.length c) <= 1
409 fun allocptr r = reg r = 1
411 fun write_o i =
412 let open Set
413 open AbsMach
414 val f =
415 fn FETCH{dst, ...} => sr dst
416 | STORE{ptr, ...} =>
417 if allocptr ptr then listToSet [immutableMem, mutableMem]
418 else listToSet [mutableMem]
419 | GETLAB {dst, ...} => sr dst
420 | GETREAL {dst, ...} => sr dst
421 | ARITH {dst, ...} => sr dst
422 | ARITHI {dst, ...} => sr dst
423 | MOVE {dst, ...} => sr dst
424 | JUMP _ => listToSet [flowControl]
425 | BOGUS {writes, ...} => srl writes
426 | _ => make
427 in
428 f i
429 end
431 fun write_c c = Set.listToSet [flowControl]
433 val std_reg_list = [(1, ""), (2, ""), (3, ""), (4, ""), (5, "")]
435 fun read i =
436 let open Set
437 open AbsMach
438 val f =
439 fn FETCH {immutable, ptr, ...} =>
440 let val mem = if immutable then immutableMem else mutableMem
441 in
442 add(sr ptr, mem)
443 end
444 | STORE {src, ptr, ...} => srl [src, ptr]
445 | ARITH {src1, src2, ...} => srl [src1, src2]
446 | ARITHI {src1, ...} => sr src1
447 | MOVE {src, ...} => sr src
448 | BRANCH {src1, src2, ...} => srl [src1, src2]
449 | JUMP {dst, ...} => srl (dst :: std_reg_list)
450 | BOGUS {reads, ...} => srl reads
451 | _ => make
452 in
453 f i
454 end
456 fun read_o i = read i
457 fun read_c i = read i
459 datatype codetypes =
460 ASSIGNMENT of operation
461 | LABELREF of int * operation
462 | COMPARISON of int * operation
463 | FLOW of int * operation
464 | TARGET of int * operation
465 | EXIT of operation
466 | JUNK of operation
467 | NERGLE
469 fun maxreg li =
470 let fun f (a, b) = Int.max(a, b)
471 val r =
472 (Set.set (Set.listUnion((map write_o li) @
473 (map read li))))
474 in
475 fold f r 0
476 end
479 fun classify i =
480 let open AbsMach
481 val f =
482 fn FETCH _ => ASSIGNMENT i
484 | GETLAB{lab, dst} => LABELREF(label lab, i)
488 | MOVE{src, dst} =>
489 if reg src = reg dst then NERGLE
490 else ASSIGNMENT i
491 | BRANCH{test,src1,src2,dst,live} =>
492 if test = ieq andalso (reg src1) = (reg src2)
493 then FLOW (label dst, i)
494 else COMPARISON (label dst, i)
495 | JUMP _ => EXIT i
496 | LABEL {lab, ...} => TARGET(label lab, i)
497 | WORD _ => JUNK i
498 | LABWORD _ => JUNK i
499 | NOP => JUNK i
501 in
502 f i
503 end
504 end
505 structure ReadAbs : sig val read: instream -> AbsMach.opcode list end =
506 struct
508 open AbsMach
510 exception ReadError
512 fun readline(i,f) =
513 let
515 fun error s = (print("Error in line "^makestring i^": "^s^"\n");
516 raise ReadError)
518 fun b(" "::rest) = b rest | b rest = rest
520 val aop =
521 fn "i"::"m"::"u"::"l"::l => (imul,l)
522 | "i"::"a"::"d"::"d"::l => (iadd,l)
523 | "i"::"s"::"u"::"b"::l => (isub,l)
524 | "i"::"d"::"i"::"v"::l => (idiv,l)
525 | "o"::"r"::"b"::" "::l=> (orb,l)
526 | "a"::"n"::"d"::"b"::l => (andb,l)
527 | "x"::"o"::"r"::"b"::l => (xorb,l)
528 | "r"::"s"::"h"::"i"::"f"::"t"::l => (rshift,l)
529 | "l"::"s"::"h"::"i"::"f"::"t"::l => (lshift,l)
530 | "f"::"a"::"d"::"d"::l => (fadd,l)
531 | "f"::"d"::"i"::"v"::l => (fdiv,l)
532 | "f"::"m"::"u"::"l"::l => (fmul,l)
533 | "f"::"s"::"u"::"b"::l => (fsub,l)
534 | "r"::"e"::"a"::"l"::l => (real,l)
535 | "f"::"l"::"o"::"o"::"r"::l => (floor,l)
536 | "l"::"o"::"g"::"b"::l => (logb,l)
537 | _ => error "illegal arithmetic operator"
539 val com =
540 fn "i"::"l"::"t"::l => (ilt,l)
541 | "i"::"e"::"q"::l => (ieq,l)
542 | "i"::"g"::"t"::l => (igt,l)
543 | "i"::"l"::"e"::l => (ile,l)
544 | "i"::"g"::"e"::l => (ige,l)
545 | "i"::"n"::"e"::l => (ine,l)
546 | "f"::"l"::"t"::l => (flt,l)
547 | "f"::"e"::"q"::l => (feq,l)
548 | "f"::"g"::"t"::l => (fgt,l)
549 | "f"::"l"::"e"::l => (fle,l)
550 | "f"::"g"::"e"::l => (fge,l)
551 | "f"::"n"::"e"::l => (fne,l)
552 | "i"::"n"::"r"::"a"::"n"::"g"::"e"::l => (inrange,l)
553 | "o"::"u"::"t"::"o"::"f"::"r"::"a"::"n"::"g"::"e"::l => (outofrange,l)
554 | _ => error "illegal comparison operator"
556 fun immut("i"::l) = (true,l) | immut("m"::l) = (false,l)
557 | immut _ = error "i or m required"
559 fun int l =
560 let val z = ord "0"
561 fun f(n,l0 as d::l) = if d>="0" andalso d<="9"
562 then f(n*10+ord(d)-z, l)
563 else (n,l0)
564 | f _ = error "in"
565 in f(0,l)
566 end
568 fun string l =
569 let fun f("/"::l) = (nil,l)
570 | f(a::l) = let val (s,l') = f l
571 in (a::s, l')
572 end
573 | f _ = error "name not terminated by \"/\""
574 val (s,l') = f l
575 in (implode s, l')
576 end
578 fun realc s =
579 let val (sign,s) = case explode s of "~"::rest => (~1.0,rest)
580 | s => (1.0,s)
581 fun j(exp,d::dl,mant) = j(exp,dl,mant * 0.1 + intToReal(d))
582 | j(0,nil,mant) = mant*sign
583 | j(exp,nil,mant) = if exp>0 then j(exp-1,nil,mant*10.0)
584 else j(exp+1,nil,mant*0.1)
585 fun h(esign,wholedigits,diglist,exp,nil) =
586 j(esign*exp+wholedigits-1,diglist,0.0)
587 | h(es,fd,dl,exp,d::s) = h(es,fd,dl,exp*10+(ord d - ord "0"),s)
588 fun g(i,r,"E"::"~"::s)=h(~1,i,r,0,s)
589 | g(i,r,"E"::s)=h(1,i,r,0,s)
590 | g(i,r,d::s) = if d>="0" andalso d<="9" then
591 g(i, (ord d - ord "0")::r, s)
592 else h(1,i,r,0,nil)
593 | g(i,r,nil) = h(1,i,r,0,nil)
594 fun f(i,r,"."::s)=g(i,r,s)
595 | f(i,r,s as "E"::_)=g(i,r,s)
596 | f(i,r,d::s) = f(i+1,(ord(d)-ord("0"))::r,s)
597 | f _ = error "bad in readdabs"
598 in f(0,nil,s)
599 end handle Overflow => error ("real constant "^s^" out of range")
601 fun require((a:string)::ar, b::br) = if a=b then require(ar,br)
602 else error(a^" required")
603 | require(nil, br) = br
604 | require(a::_,_) = error(a^" required")
606 fun reg l = let val (s,l) = string l
607 val l = require(["R"],l)
608 val (i,l) = int l
609 in ((i,s),l)
610 end
611 fun lab l = let val (s,l) = string l
612 val l = require(["L"],l)
613 val (i,l) = int l
614 in ((i,s),l)
615 end
617 fun live l =
618 let fun f(")"::_) = nil
619 | f l = let val (r,l) = reg l
620 in r::f(b l)
621 end
622 in f(b(require(["("],l)))
623 end
625 val opcode =
626 fn "F"::"E"::"T"::"C"::"H"::l =>
627 let val (imm,l) = immut(b l)
628 val (dst,l) = reg(b l)
629 val (ptr,l) = reg(b(require(["M","["],b(require([":","="],b l)))))
630 val (offset,l) = int(b(require(["+"],b l)))
631 in require(["]"], b l);
632 FETCH{immutable=imm,dst=dst,ptr=ptr,offset=offset}
633 end
634 | "S"::"T"::"O"::"R"::"E"::l =>
635 let val (ptr,l) = reg(b(require(["M","["],b l)))
636 val (offset,l) = int(b(require(["+"],b l)))
637 val (src,l) = reg(b(require([":","="],b(require(["]"], b l)))))
638 in STORE{src=src,ptr=ptr,offset=offset}
639 end
640 | "G"::"E"::"T"::"L"::"A"::"B"::l =>
641 let val (dst,l) = reg(b l)
642 val (lab,l) = lab(b(require([":","="],b l)))
643 in GETLAB{dst=dst,lab=lab}
644 end
645 | "G"::"E"::"T"::"R"::"E"::"A"::"L"::l =>
646 let val (dst,l) = reg(b l)
647 val r = realc(implode(b(require([":","="],b l))))
648 in GETREAL{dst=dst,value=Real.toString r}
649 end
650 | "A"::"R"::"I"::"T"::"H"::"I"::l =>
651 let val (dst,l) = reg(b l)
652 val (s1,l) = reg(b(require([":","="],b l)))
653 val (oper,l) = aop(b l)
654 val (s2,l) = int(b l)
655 in ARITHI{oper=oper,src1=s1,src2=s2,dst=dst}
656 end
657 | "A"::"R"::"I"::"T"::"H"::l =>
658 let val (dst,l) = reg(b l)
659 val (s1,l) = reg(b(require([":","="],b l)))
660 val (oper,l) = aop(b l)
661 val (s2,l) = reg(b l)
662 in ARITH{oper=oper,src1=s1,src2=s2,dst=dst}
663 end
664 | "M"::"O"::"V"::"E"::l =>
665 let val (dst,l) = reg(b l)
666 val (s1,l) = reg(b(require([":","="],b l)))
667 in MOVE{src=s1,dst=dst}
668 end
669 | "B"::"R"::"A"::"N"::"C"::"H"::l =>
670 let val (s1,l) = reg(b(require(["I","F"],b l)))
671 val (test,l) = com(b l)
672 val (s2,l) = reg(b l)
673 val (dst,l) = lab(b(require(["G","O","T","O"],b l)))
674 val liv = live(b l)
675 in BRANCH{test=test,src1=s1,src2=s2,dst=dst,live=liv}
676 end
677 | "J"::"U"::"M"::"P"::l =>
678 let val (dst,l) = reg(b l)
679 val live = live(b l)
680 in JUMP{dst=dst,live=live}
681 end
682 | "L"::"A"::"B"::"E"::"L"::l =>
683 let val (lab,l) = lab(b l)
684 val live = live(b(require([":"],l)))
685 in LABEL{lab=lab,live=live}
686 end
687 | "W"::"O"::"R"::"D"::l =>
688 let val (i,l) = int(b l)
689 in WORD{value=i}
690 end
691 | "L"::"A"::"B"::"W"::"O"::"R"::"D"::l =>
692 let val (i,l) = lab(b l)
693 in LABWORD{lab=i}
694 end
695 | "N"::"O"::"P"::_ => NOP
696 | _ => error "illegal opcode name"
697 in
698 case explode(input_line f)
699 of nil => nil
700 | l => opcode(b l)::readline(i+1,f)
701 end
703 fun read f = readline(0,f)
705 end
707 structure PrintAbs :
708 sig
709 val show: outstream -> AbsMach.opcode list -> unit
710 val str: AbsMach.opcode list -> string
711 end =
712 struct
714 open AbsMach
716 fun xstr prog =
718 let
720 val outstr = ref ""
721 fun pr s = outstr := !outstr ^ s
723 val aop =
724 fn imul => "imul"
725 | iadd => "iadd"
726 | isub => "isub"
727 | idiv => "idiv"
728 | orb => "orb"
729 | andb => "andb"
730 | xorb => "xorb"
731 | rshift => "rshift"
732 | lshift => "lshift"
733 | fadd => "fadd"
734 | fdiv => "fdiv"
735 | fmul => "fmul"
736 | fsub => "fsub"
737 | real => "real"
738 | floor => "floor"
739 | logb => "logb"
741 val com =
742 fn ilt => "ilt"
743 | ieq => "ieq"
744 | igt => "igt"
745 | ile => "ile"
746 | ige => "ige"
747 | ine => "ine"
748 | flt => "flt"
749 | feq => "feq"
750 | fgt => "fgt"
751 | fle => "fle"
752 | fge => "fge"
753 | fne => "fne"
754 | inrange => "inrange"
755 | outofrange => "outofrange"
757 fun bo true = "t" | bo false = "f"
759 fun reg(i,s) = (pr(s); pr "/R"; pr(makestring i))
760 fun label(i,s) = (pr(s); pr "/L"; pr(makestring i))
762 val p =
763 fn FETCH{immutable,offset,ptr,dst} =>
764 (pr "FETCH";
765 if immutable then pr "i " else pr "m ";
766 reg dst; pr " := M[ "; reg ptr;
767 pr " + "; pr (makestring offset); pr(" ]\n"))
768 | STORE{offset,ptr,src} =>
769 (pr "STORE ";
770 pr "M[ "; reg ptr;
771 pr " + "; pr (makestring offset); pr(" ] := ");
772 reg src;
773 pr "\n")
774 | GETLAB{lab, dst} =>
775 (pr "GETLAB "; reg dst;
776 pr " := "; label lab;
777 pr "\n")
778 | GETREAL{value,dst} =>
779 (pr "GETREAL "; reg dst;
780 pr " := ";
781 pr value;
782 pr "\n")
783 | ARITH{oper,src1,src2,dst} =>
784 (pr "ARITH "; reg dst;
785 pr " := "; reg src1;
786 pr " "; pr(aop oper); pr " ";
787 reg src2;
788 pr "\n")
789 | ARITHI{oper,src1,src2,dst} =>
790 (pr "ARITHI "; reg dst;
791 pr " := "; reg src1;
792 pr " "; pr(aop oper); pr " ";
793 pr(makestring src2);
794 pr "\n")
795 | MOVE{src,dst} =>
796 (pr "MOVE "; reg dst;
797 pr " := "; reg src;
798 pr "\n")
799 | BRANCH{test,src1,src2,dst,live} =>
800 (pr "BRANCH ";
801 pr "IF "; reg src1;
802 pr " "; pr(com test); pr " ";
803 reg src2;
804 pr " GOTO ";
805 label dst;
806 pr " ( ";
807 (fn r => (reg r; pr " ")) live;
808 pr ")\n")
809 | JUMP{dst,live} =>
810 (pr "JUMP "; reg dst;
811 pr " ( ";
812 (fn r => (reg r; pr " ")) live;
813 pr ")\n")
814 | LABEL{lab, live} =>
815 (pr "LABEL "; label lab;
816 pr ": ( ";
817 (fn r => (reg r; pr " ")) live;
818 pr ")\n")
819 | WORD{value} =>
820 (pr "WORD ";
821 pr (makestring value);
822 pr "\n")
823 | LABWORD{lab} =>
824 (pr "LABWORD "; label lab;
825 pr "\n")
826 | NOP => pr "NOP\n"
827 | BOGUS{reads, writes} =>
828 (pr "BOGUS";
829 pr " ( ";
830 (fn r => (reg r; pr " ")) writes;
831 pr ") := (";
832 (fn r => (reg r; pr " ")) reads;
833 pr ")\n")
836 in ( p prog; !outstr)
837 end
839 fun str prog =
840 let fun cat (a, b) = (xstr [a]) ^ b
841 in
842 fold cat prog ""
843 end
845 fun show out prog =
846 let fun f nil = ()
847 | f (h::t) = (outputc out (xstr [h]);
848 f t)
849 in
850 f prog
851 end
853 end
856 structure HM = AbsMachImp
857 structure BreakInst :
858 sig
859 val breaki : AbsMach.opcode list -> AbsMach.opcode list
860 end =
861 struct
863 open AbsMach
864 open HM
866 val maxreg = AbsMachImp.maxreg
868 fun reg(i:int, s:string) = i
869 fun rstr(i:int, s:string) = s
871 val new_reg_val = ref 0
872 val new_reg_pairs:(AbsMach.reg * AbsMach.reg) list ref = ref nil
874 fun new_reg_init li = (new_reg_val := maxreg li;
875 new_reg_pairs := nil)
877 fun new_reg (r:AbsMach.reg) =
878 let fun f nil =
879 let val nr = (new_reg_val := !new_reg_val + 1; (!new_reg_val, rstr r))
880 in
881 (new_reg_pairs := (r, nr) :: !new_reg_pairs;
882 nr)
883 end
884 | f ((a, b)::t) = if r = a then b else f t
885 in
886 f (!new_reg_pairs)
887 end
889 fun breaki l =
890 let fun f i =
891 let val g =
892 fn ARITH{oper, src1, src2, dst} =>
893 if reg dst = reg src1 orelse reg dst = reg src2 then
894 let val nr = new_reg(dst)
895 in
896 [ARITH{oper=oper, src1=src2, src2=src2, dst=nr},
897 MOVE{src=nr, dst=dst}]
898 end
899 else [i]
900 | ARITHI{oper, src1, src2, dst} =>
901 if reg dst = reg src1 then
902 let val nr = new_reg(dst)
903 in
904 [ARITHI{oper=oper, src1=src1, src2=src2, dst=nr},
905 MOVE{src=nr, dst=dst}]
906 end
907 else [i]
908 | FETCH{immutable, offset, ptr, dst} =>
909 if reg ptr = reg dst then
910 let val nr = new_reg(dst)
911 in
912 [FETCH{immutable=immutable, offset=offset,
913 ptr=ptr, dst=nr},
914 MOVE{src=nr, dst=dst}]
915 end
916 else [i]
917 | MOVE{src, dst} =>
918 if reg src = reg dst then nil
919 else [i]
920 | _ => [i]
921 in
922 g i
923 end
924 fun h (a, b) = f a @ b
925 val foo = new_reg_init l
926 in
927 fold h l nil
928 end
930 end
931 structure OutFilter :
932 sig
933 val remnops : AbsMach.opcode list -> AbsMach.opcode list
934 end =
935 struct
937 open AbsMach
939 fun remnops ol =
940 let fun f (NOP, NOP::b) = NOP::b
941 | f (a, b) = a::b
942 in
943 fold f ol nil
944 end
946 end
947 structure Delay :
948 sig
949 val init: AbsMach.opcode list -> unit
950 val add_delay: AbsMach.opcode list -> AbsMach.opcode list
951 val rm_bogus: AbsMach.opcode list -> AbsMach.opcode list
952 val is_bogus_i : AbsMach.opcode -> bool
953 val is_bogus_reg : AbsMach.reg -> bool
954 val idempotency : int ref
955 end =
956 struct
958 open AbsMach
960 val maxreg = ref 0
961 val maxdelay = 12
963 val idempotency = ref 0
965 fun is_bogus_i (BOGUS _ ) = true
966 | is_bogus_i _ = false
968 fun bogus_reg ((i, s), which) = (!maxreg + maxdelay * i + which, s)
970 fun is_bogus_reg (i, s) = i > !maxreg
972 fun unbogus_reg (i, s) = if is_bogus_reg (i, s) then (i div maxdelay, s)
973 else (i, s)
975 val max_bog_reg = ref 0
976 val curr_idem_reg = ref 0
978 fun idem_reg() =
979 (curr_idem_reg := !curr_idem_reg + 1;
980 (!curr_idem_reg, "idem"))
982 fun init il = (
983 maxreg := AbsMachImp.maxreg il;
984 max_bog_reg := (!maxreg + 1) * maxdelay;
985 curr_idem_reg := !max_bog_reg + 1
986 )
988 exception DELAY
990 fun delay i =
991 let fun opdelay oper =
992 let val f =
993 fn imul => 5
994 | iadd => 2
995 | isub => 2
996 | idiv => 12
997 | orb => 2
998 | andb => 2
999 | xorb => 2
1000 | rshift => 2
1001 | lshift => 2
1002 | fadd => 2
1003 | fdiv => 12
1004 | fmul => 4
1005 | fsub => 2
1006 | real => 2
1007 | floor => 2
1008 | logb => 2
1009 in
1010 f oper
1011 end
1012 val id =
1013 fn FETCH{immutable,offset,ptr,dst} => 2
1014 | STORE{offset,ptr,src} => 2
1015 | GETLAB{lab, dst} => 2
1016 | GETREAL{value,dst} => 2
1017 | ARITH{oper,src1,src2,dst} => opdelay oper
1018 | ARITHI{oper,src1,src2,dst} => opdelay oper
1019 | MOVE{src,dst} => 1
1020 | BRANCH{test,src1,src2,dst,live} => 5
1021 | JUMP{dst,live} => 1
1022 | LABEL{lab, live} => 0
1023 | NOP => 1
1024 | _ => raise DELAY
1025 in
1026 id i
1027 end
1029 fun b_idemx (0, r, w) = nil
1030 | b_idemx (1, r, w) = BOGUS{reads=r @ w, writes = [idem_reg()]} :: nil
1031 | b_idemx (n, r, w) =
1032 let val ir = idem_reg()
1033 in
1034 BOGUS{reads=r @ w, writes = [ir]} :: b_idemx(n-1, r, [ir])
1035 end
1037 fun b_idem (n, r, w) =
1038 let fun fil ((i, s), b) = if i = 0 then b else (i, s) :: b
1039 val nr = fold fil r nil
1040 in
1041 if null nr then nil
1042 else b_idemx(n, nr, w)
1043 end
1045 fun b_assx (0, r) = nil
1046 | b_assx (1, r) = BOGUS{reads=[bogus_reg(r, 1)], writes=[r]} :: nil
1047 | b_assx (n, r) =
1048 BOGUS{reads=[bogus_reg(r, n)], writes=[bogus_reg(r, n-1)]} ::
1049 b_assx(n-1, r)
1051 fun b_ass(n, r) = BOGUS{reads=[r], writes=[bogus_reg(r, n-1)]} ::
1052 b_assx(n-1, r)
1054 fun b_brxx (0, rl) = nil
1055 | b_brxx (1, rl) =
1056 let fun b r = bogus_reg(r, 1)
1057 in
1058 BOGUS{reads=rl, writes=map b rl} :: nil
1059 end
1060 | b_brxx (n, rl) =
1061 let fun br r = bogus_reg(r, n - 1)
1062 fun bw r = bogus_reg(r, n)
1063 in
1064 BOGUS{reads=map br rl, writes=map bw rl} :: b_brxx (n - 1, rl)
1065 end
1067 fun b_brx (n, rl) =
1068 let fun br r = bogus_reg(r, n-1)
1069 in
1070 BOGUS{reads=map br rl, writes=rl} :: b_brxx(n-1, rl)
1071 end
1073 fun b_br (b, n, rl) = rev (b :: b_brx(n, rl))
1075 fun is_flow i =
1076 let open AbsMachImp
1077 fun f (FLOW _) = true
1078 | f _ = false
1079 in
1080 f (classify i)
1081 end
1083 fun add_delay il =
1084 let fun idem (r, w) = b_idem (!idempotency, r, w)
1085 fun g i =
1086 let val d = delay i
1087 val f =
1088 fn FETCH{immutable,offset,ptr,dst} =>
1089 i :: (idem([ptr], [dst]) @ b_ass(d, dst))
1090 | STORE{offset,ptr,src} => [i]
1091 | GETLAB{lab, dst} => i :: b_ass(d, dst)
1092 | GETREAL{value,dst} => i :: b_ass(d, dst)
1093 | ARITH{oper,src1,src2,dst} =>
1094 i :: (idem([src1, src2], [dst]) @ b_ass(d, dst))
1095 | ARITHI{oper,src1,src2,dst} =>
1096 i :: (idem([src1], [dst]) @ b_ass(d, dst))
1097 | MOVE{src,dst} => i :: idem([src], [dst])
1098 | BRANCH{test,src1,src2,dst,live} =>
1099 if is_flow i then [i]
1100 else
1101 b_br (BRANCH{test=test,
1102 src1=src1,src2=src2,dst=dst,
1103 live=live},
1104 d, [src1, src2])
1105 | _ => [i]
1106 in
1107 f i
1108 end
1109 fun apnd (nil, b) = b
1110 | apnd (a::t, b) = a :: apnd(t, b)
1111 fun fld(a, b) = apnd(g a, b)
1112 in
1113 fold fld il nil
1114 end
1116 fun rm_bogus il =
1117 let fun g nil = nil
1118 | g (i::t) =
1119 let val f =
1120 fn FETCH{immutable,offset,ptr,dst} =>
1121 FETCH{immutable=immutable, offset=offset, ptr=ptr,
1122 dst= unbogus_reg dst} ::
1123 g t
1124 | STORE{offset,ptr,src} => i :: g t
1125 | GETLAB{lab, dst} =>
1126 GETLAB{lab=lab, dst= unbogus_reg dst} :: g t
1127 | GETREAL{value,dst} =>
1128 GETREAL{value=value, dst=unbogus_reg dst} :: g t
1129 | ARITH{oper,src1,src2,dst} =>
1130 ARITH{oper=oper,src1=src1,src2=src2,dst=unbogus_reg dst} ::
1131 g t
1132 | ARITHI{oper,src1,src2,dst} =>
1133 ARITHI{oper=oper,src1=src1,src2=src2,dst=unbogus_reg dst} ::
1134 g t
1135 | MOVE{src,dst} => i :: g t
1136 | BRANCH{test,src1,src2,dst,live} =>
1137 BRANCH{test=test,
1138 src1=unbogus_reg src1,
1139 src2=unbogus_reg src2,
1140 dst=dst, live=live
1141 } :: g t
1142 | BOGUS _ => g t
1143 | _ => i :: g t
1144 in
1145 f i
1146 end
1147 in
1148 g il
1149 end
1150 end
1151 structure Ntypes :
1152 sig
1153 type name
1154 val init_names : unit -> unit
1155 val new_name : name -> name
1156 val prime_name : name -> name
1157 val name_prefix_eq : (name * name) -> bool
1158 type test
1159 val teq : test * test -> bool
1160 type reg
1161 type assignment
1162 val aeq : assignment * assignment -> bool
1164 datatype test_or_name =
1165 TEST of test
1166 | NAME of name
1167 | NEITHER
1169 val toneq : test_or_name * test_or_name -> bool
1171 datatype test_or_assign =
1172 TST of test
1173 | ASS of assignment
1175 val toaeq : test_or_assign * test_or_assign -> bool
1177 end =
1179 struct
1182 type test = HM.comparison
1183 val teq = HM.ceq
1185 type reg = int*string
1187 type assignment = HM.operation
1188 val aeq = HM.oeq
1190 type name = string
1192 val ct = ref 0
1194 fun init_names () = ct := 0
1196 fun nn() = (ct := !ct + 1; !ct - 1)
1198 fun pref nil = nil
1199 | pref ("_" :: t) = nil
1200 | pref (h :: t) = h :: pref t
1202 val name_prefix = implode o pref o explode
1203 fun name_prefix_eq(a, b) = (name_prefix a) = (name_prefix b)
1204 (*
1205 fun new_name n = n ^ "_" ^ (makestring (nn()))
1206 *)
1207 fun new_name n = name_prefix n ^ "_" ^ (makestring (nn()))
1208 fun prime_name n = (new_name n) ^ "'"
1210 datatype test_or_name =
1211 TEST of test
1212 | NAME of name
1213 | NEITHER
1215 fun toneq (TEST a, TEST b) = teq (a, b)
1216 | toneq (NAME a, NAME b) = a = b
1217 | toneq _ = false
1219 datatype test_or_assign =
1220 TST of test
1221 | ASS of assignment
1223 fun toaeq (TST a, TST b) = teq (a, b)
1224 | toaeq (ASS a, ASS b) = aeq (a, b)
1225 | toaeq _ = false
1227 end
1228 structure Dag :
1229 sig
1230 exception DAG
1231 exception DAGnotfound
1232 type dag
1233 val make : dag
1234 val tests_of : dag -> Ntypes.test Set.set
1235 val sel_of : dag -> ((Ntypes.test * bool) -> Ntypes.test_or_name)
1236 val root_of : dag -> Ntypes.test_or_name
1237 val succ_of : dag -> Set.set
1238 val attach : Ntypes.test * dag * dag -> dag
1239 val reach : dag * Ntypes.test_or_name -> dag
1240 val replace_edge : dag * list -> dag
1241 val newdag : (Ntypes.test Set.set *
1242 ((Ntypes.test * bool) -> Ntypes.test_or_name) *
1243 Ntypes.test_or_name *
1244 Set.set)
1245 -> dag
1246 val dagToString : dag -> string
1247 end =
1248 struct
1250 open Ntypes;
1253 exception DAGnotfound
1254 exception DAG
1256 datatype dag =
1257 D of
1258 test Set.set *
1259 ((test * bool) -> test_or_name) *
1260 test_or_name *
1261 name Set.set
1263 fun tonToString (TEST t) = "TEST t"
1264 | tonToString (NAME n) = "NAME " ^ n
1265 | tonToString NEITHER = "NEITHER"
1267 fun sep (a, b) = a ^ ", " ^ b
1269 fun dagToString (D(t, sel, rt, s)) =
1270 "D([" ^ PrintAbs.str (Set.set t) ^ "]" ^
1271 "fn, " ^ (tonToString rt) ^ ", " ^ (fold sep (Set.set s) ")")
1273 val make = D(Set.makeEQ teq, fn x => raise DAGnotfound, NEITHER, Set.make)
1275 fun newdag x = D x
1277 fun tests_of(D (b, sel, r, h)) = b
1278 fun sel_of(D (b, sel, r, h)) = sel
1279 fun root_of(D (b, sel, r, h)) = r
1280 fun succ_of(D (b, sel, r, h)) = h
1282 fun attach (t, D dt, D df) =
1283 let open Set
1284 val (b1, sel1, r1, h1) = dt
1285 val (b2, sel2, r2, h2) = df
1286 in
1287 D(add(union(b1, b2), t),
1288 (fn(x, y) =>
1289 if teq(x, t) then if y then r1 else r2
1290 else sel1(x, y) handle DAGnotfound => sel2(x, y)),
1291 TEST t,
1292 union(h1,h2)
1293 )
1294 end
1296 fun reach (D d, tn) =
1297 let open Set
1298 val (b, sel, r, h) = d
1299 fun f (TEST t) =
1300 if not (member(b, t)) then raise DAGnotfound
1301 else attach(t, reach(D d, sel(t, true)), reach(D d, sel(t, false)))
1302 | f (NAME n) =
1303 D(makeEQ teq, fn x => raise DAGnotfound, NAME n, listToSet [n])
1304 | f (_) = raise DAGnotfound
1305 in
1306 f tn
1307 end
1309 fun replace_edge (D d, nil) = D d
1310 | replace_edge (D d, old::new::tl) =
1311 let open Set
1312 val (b, sel, r, h) = d
1313 val nh = if member(h, old) then add(rm(h, old), new) else h
1314 val nr = if toneq(r, NAME old) then NAME new else r
1315 val nsel = fn(x, y) =>
1316 let val v = sel(x, y)
1317 in
1318 if toneq(v, NAME old) then NAME new else v
1319 end
1320 in
1321 D (b, nsel, nr, nh)
1322 end
1323 | replace_edge _ = raise DAG
1325 end
1342 structure Node :
1343 sig
1344 type node
1345 type program
1346 val delete_debug : bool ref
1347 val move_op_debug : bool ref
1348 val move_test_debug : bool ref
1349 val rw_debug : bool ref
1350 val ntn_debug : bool ref
1351 val prog_node_debug : bool ref
1352 val prog_node_debug_verbose : bool ref
1353 val closure_progs_debug : bool ref
1354 val cpsiCheck : bool ref
1355 val makeProg : unit -> program
1356 val make :
1357 * Ntypes.assignment Set.set *
1358 Dag.dag * Set.set-> node
1359 val name_of : node ->
1360 val assignment_of : node -> Ntypes.assignment Set.set
1361 val dag_of : node -> Dag.dag
1362 val succ : program * node -> Set.set
1363 val prednm : program * -> Set.set
1364 val pred : program * node -> Set.set
1365 val succNodes : program * node -> node Set.set
1366 val predNodes : program * node -> node Set.set
1367 val readNode : node -> int Set.set
1368 val writeNode : node -> int Set.set
1369 val unreachable : program * node -> bool
1370 val num_ops_node : node -> int
1371 val num_tests_node : node -> int
1372 val num_things_node : node -> int
1373 val replace_edge_node : node * string list -> node
1374 exception NAMETONODE
1375 val nameToNode : program * -> node
1376 val nameSetToNodeSet : program * Set.set -> node Set.set
1377 val eqn : node * node -> bool
1378 val n00 : node
1379 val fin : node
1380 val delete : program * node -> program
1381 val move_op :
1382 program * Ntypes.assignment * node Set.set * node -> program
1383 val move_test : program * Ntypes.test * node * node -> program
1384 val nodeToString : node -> string
1385 val progToString : program -> string
1386 val entries : program -> node list
1387 val programs : program -> program list
1388 val addPredInfo : program -> program
1389 val closure : program * node -> program
1390 val sortNodes : node list -> node list
1391 val updateNode : program * node -> program
1392 val addNode : program * node -> program
1393 val rmNode : program * node -> program
1394 end =
1395 struct
1397 open Ntypes
1398 open Dag
1399 open StrPak
1400 datatype node = N of name * assignment Set.set * dag * name Set.set
1401 type program = node Stringmap.stringmap * node * node
1403 type debug_fun = unit -> string
1404 val delete_debug = ref false
1405 val move_op_debug = ref false
1406 val dead_set_debug = ref false
1407 val move_test_debug = ref false
1408 val rw_debug = ref false
1409 val prog_node_debug = ref false
1410 val prog_node_debug_verbose = ref false
1411 val closure_progs_debug = ref false
1413 fun name_of(N(n, a, d, prd)) = n
1414 fun assignment_of(N(n, a, d, prd)) = a
1415 fun dag_of(N(n, a, d, prd)) = d
1416 fun pred_of(N(n, a, d, prd)) = prd
1418 fun eqn(n1, n2) = name_of n1 = name_of n2
1420 val start:name = "START"
1421 val finish:name = "FINISH"
1423 fun printstringlist sl = stringListString sl
1424 val psl = printstringlist
1426 fun nodeToString (N(n, a, d, prd)) =
1427 "\nN(" ^ n ^ ", [" ^ PrintAbs.str (Set.set a) ^ "], " ^
1428 Dag.dagToString d ^
1429 "pred(" ^ psl (Set.set prd) ^ "))"
1431 fun progToString (ns, n0, F) =
1432 "P (" ^ (psl o (map nodeToString) o Stringmap.extract) ns ^ ",\n" ^
1433 nodeToString n0 ^ ",\n" ^
1434 nodeToString F ^ ")\n"
1436 fun make (n, a, t, prd) = N(n, a, t, prd)
1438 val n00 = make(start, Set.makeEQ aeq, Dag.make, Set.make)
1439 val fin = make(finish, Set.makeEQ aeq, Dag.make, Set.make)
1441 fun makeProg() = ( Stringmap.stringmap, n00, fin)
1443 fun addPredNode (N(n, a, t, prd), p) = (N(n, a, t, Set.add(prd, p)))
1444 fun unionPredNode (N(n, a, t, prd), ps) = (N(n, a, t, Set.union(prd, ps)))
1445 fun setPredNode (N(n, a, t, prd), p) = (N(n, a, t, p))
1446 fun rmPredNode (N(n, a, t, prd), p) = (N(n, a, t, Set.rm(prd, p)))
1448 fun p_n_debug (f:debug_fun) =
1449 if !prog_node_debug then print ("p_n:" ^ f() ^ "\n")
1450 else ()
1453 fun updateNode(P as (ns, n0, F), new_node) =
1454 let val answer =
1455 (Stringmap.rm (ns:node Stringmap.stringmap)
1456 ((name_of new_node):string);
1457 Stringmap.add ns ((name_of new_node), new_node);
1458 if name_of new_node = name_of n0 then (ns, new_node, F)
1459 else if name_of new_node = name_of F then (ns, n0, new_node)
1460 else P)
1461 val foo = p_n_debug
1462 (fn () =>
1463 ("updateNode n=" ^ nodeToString new_node ^
1464 "=>" ^
1465 (if !prog_node_debug_verbose then progToString answer
1466 else "(program)")))
1467 in
1468 answer
1469 end
1471 fun addNode(P as (ns, n0, F), new_node) =
1472 let val answer =
1473 if Stringmap.isin ns (name_of new_node) then updateNode(P, new_node)
1474 else (Stringmap.add ns ((name_of new_node), new_node);
1475 P)
1476 val foo = p_n_debug
1477 (fn () =>
1478 ("addNode n=" ^ nodeToString new_node ^
1479 "=>" ^
1480 (if !prog_node_debug_verbose then progToString answer
1481 else "(program)")))
1482 in
1483 answer
1484 end
1487 fun rmNode(P as (ns, n0, F), node) =
1488 let val answer = (Stringmap.rm ns (name_of node);
1489 P)
1490 val foo = p_n_debug
1491 (fn () =>
1492 ("rmNode n=" ^ nodeToString node ^
1493 "=>" ^
1494 (if !prog_node_debug_verbose then progToString answer
1495 else "(program)")))
1496 in
1497 answer
1498 end
1501 fun succ(p, n) = (succ_of o dag_of) n
1502 fun pred(p, n) = pred_of n
1504 val ntn_debug = ref true
1505 fun ntnPrint (f:debug_fun) = if !ntn_debug then print ("ntn:" ^ f() ^ "\n") else ()
1507 exception NAMETONODE
1508 fun nameToNode(P as (ns, n0, F), nm) =
1509 ns nm
1510 handle Stringmap =>
1511 (ntnPrint (fn () => ("nameToNode " ^ nm ^ "not found"));
1512 raise NAMETONODE)
1515 fun nameSetToNodeSet(P, ns) =
1516 Set.listToSetEQ(eqn, map (fn x => nameToNode(P, x)) (Set.set ns))
1519 fun prednm(p, nm) = pred(p, nameToNode(p, nm))
1521 fun succNodes (p, n) = nameSetToNodeSet(p, succ(p, n))
1522 fun predNodes (p, n) = nameSetToNodeSet(p, pred(p, n))
1525 (* a correctness assertion *)
1526 exception CPSI
1527 val cpsiCheck = ref false
1528 fun checkPredSuccInfo(from, P as (ns, n0, F)) =
1529 let val nl = Stringmap.extract ns
1530 val badnode = ref n0
1531 fun fail s = (print ("CPSI:" ^ s ^ " failed\nfrom " ^ from ^
1532 "\nbadnode=" ^ nodeToString (!badnode) ^
1533 "\nprogram=" ^ progToString P ^ "\n");
1534 raise CPSI)
1535 fun chk (xpred, xsuccN, n) =
1536 let val foo = badnode := n
1537 val s = Set.set(xsuccN(P, n))
1540 fun cs x = Set.member(xpred x, name_of n)
1541 fun fs (x, b) = b andalso cs x
1542 in
1543 fold fs s true
1544 end
1545 fun cp (x, b) = b andalso chk(pred_of, succNodes, x)
1546 fun cs (x, b) = b andalso chk((succ_of o dag_of), predNodes, x)
1547 in
1548 if not (fold cp nl true) then fail "cp"
1549 else if not (fold cs nl true) then fail "cs"
1550 else ()
1551 end
1552 fun cpsi x = if !cpsiCheck then checkPredSuccInfo x else ()
1555 fun empty n =
1556 let open Set in
1557 empty (assignment_of n) andalso empty ((tests_of o dag_of) n)
1558 end
1560 fun unreachable(P as (ns, n0, F), n) =
1561 not (eqn (n0, n)) andalso Set.empty (pred(P, n))
1563 fun read (TST(t)) = HM.read_c t
1564 | read (ASS(a)) = HM.read_o a
1566 fun write (TST(t)) = HM.write_c t
1567 | write (ASS(a)) = HM.write_o a
1569 fun read_write_debug (f:debug_fun) =
1570 if !rw_debug then print (f() ^ "\n")
1571 else ()
1573 fun readNode n =
1574 let open Set
1575 val answer =
1576 union
1577 (listUnion (make::(map (read o ASS) ((set o assignment_of) n))),
1578 listUnion (make::(map
1579 (read o TST) ((set o tests_of o dag_of) n))))
1580 val foo = read_write_debug
1581 (fn () =>
1582 ("readNode " ^ nodeToString n ^ "=>" ^
1583 stringListString (map makestring (set answer))))
1584 in
1585 answer
1586 end
1588 fun writeNode n =
1589 let open Set
1590 val answer =
1591 union
1592 (listUnion (make::(map (write o ASS) ((set o assignment_of) n))),
1593 listUnion (make::(map
1594 (write o TST) ((set o tests_of o dag_of) n))))
1595 val foo = read_write_debug
1596 (fn () =>
1597 ("writeNode " ^ nodeToString n ^ "=>" ^
1598 stringListString (map makestring (set answer))))
1599 in
1600 answer
1601 end
1603 fun no_write_conflict (ta, n) =
1604 let open Set in
1605 empty (intersect(writeNode n, (union(read ta, write ta))))
1606 end
1608 fun no_read_conflict (ta, n) =
1609 let open Set in
1610 empty (intersect (write ta, readNode n))
1611 end
1613 fun empty n =
1614 let open Set in
1615 (empty o assignment_of) n andalso (empty o tests_of o dag_of) n
1616 end
1618 fun replace_edge_node(N (n, a, d, p), nl) = N(n, a, replace_edge(d, nl), p)
1620 fun except_bogus nil = nil
1621 | except_bogus (h::t) =
1622 if Delay.is_bogus_i h then except_bogus t else h :: except_bogus t
1624 val num_ops_node = List.length o except_bogus o Set.set o assignment_of
1625 val num_tests_node = List.length o Set.set o tests_of o dag_of
1626 fun num_things_node n = (num_ops_node n) + (num_tests_node n)
1628 fun dead_debug (f:debug_fun) =
1629 if !dead_set_debug then print ("dead" ^ f() ^ "\n") else ()
1631 exception DEAD
1632 fun dead(P:program, r:HM.reg, n:node, done: name Set.set) =
1633 let val foo =
1634 dead_debug (fn () => "(P, " ^ makestring r ^ ", " ^ nodeToString n ^ ")")
1635 val new_done = Set.add(done, name_of n)
1636 fun nfil(a, b) = if Set.member(new_done, a) then b
1637 else a::b
1638 fun drl nil = true
1639 | drl (h::t) = dead(P, r, h, new_done) andalso drl t
1640 fun ntn n = nameToNode (P, n) handle NAMETONODE => raise DEAD
1641 val next = fold nfil (Set.set (succ(P, n))) nil
1642 val answer = (
1643 not (Set.member(readNode n, r)) andalso
1644 (Set.member(writeNode n, r) orelse
1645 drl (map ntn next))
1646 )
1647 val foo = dead_debug(fn () => "=>" ^ Bool.toString answer)
1648 in
1649 answer
1650 end
1652 fun deadset(P, rs, n) =
1653 let val foo = dead_debug (fn () => "deadset(" ^
1654 stringListString
1655 (map makestring (Set.set rs)) ^ ",\n" ^
1656 nodeToString n ^ ")")
1657 fun f nil = true
1658 | f (r::t) = dead(P, r, n, Set.make) andalso f t
1659 val answer = f (Set.set rs)
1660 val foo = dead_debug(fn () => "deadset=>" ^ Bool.toString answer ^ "\n")
1661 in
1662 answer
1663 end
1665 fun del_debug (f:debug_fun) =
1666 if !delete_debug then print ("delete:" ^ f() ^ "\n")
1667 else ()
1669 exception DELETE
1670 exception DELETE_HD
1671 exception DELETE_WIERDSUCC
1672 fun delete (P as (ns, n0, F), n) =
1673 let val foo = cpsi("delete enter", P)
1674 val em = empty n
1675 val un = unreachable(P, n)
1676 fun ntn n = nameToNode(P, n) handle NAMETONODE => raise DELETE
1677 val p = Set.listToSetEQ(eqn, (map ntn (Set.set (pred(P, n)))))
1678 open Set
1680 val foo = del_debug
1681 (fn () =>
1682 "delete( n=" ^ (name_of n) ^ "\n" ^
1683 "em=" ^ (Bool.toString em) ^ "\n" ^
1684 "un=" ^ (Bool.toString un) ^ "\n" ^
1685 "p =" ^ (psl (map name_of (Set.set p))) ^ "\n" ^
1686 ")")
1687 in
1688 if (em orelse un) andalso not (eqn(n, F)) then
1689 if not un then
1690 let
1691 val foo = del_debug (fn () => "complex deletion")
1692 val s0 = Set.set (succ(P, n))
1693 val nprime = if List.length s0 = 1 then hd s0
1694 else (print (Int.toString (List.length s0));
1696 val new_nprime =
1697 rmPredNode(unionPredNode(ntn nprime, pred_of n),
1698 name_of n)
1699 fun ren x =
1700 replace_edge_node(x, [name_of n, name_of new_nprime])
1701 val pprime = map ren (set p)
1702 fun updt(n, p) = updateNode(p, n)
1703 val Nprime = fold updt (new_nprime :: pprime) P
1705 val foo = del_debug (fn () => "nprime=" ^ nprime)
1706 val foo = del_debug
1707 (fn () =>
1708 "pprime=" ^ (psl (map nodeToString pprime)))
1709 val answer = rmNode(Nprime, n)
1710 val foo = cpsi("delete leave cd", answer)
1711 in
1712 answer
1713 end
1714 else (del_debug (fn () => "simple_deletion");
1715 let val s = Set.set(nameSetToNodeSet(P, (succ(P, n))))
1716 fun updt(s, p) = updateNode(p, rmPredNode(s, name_of n))
1717 val np = rmNode(fold updt s P, n)
1718 val foo = cpsi("delete leave sd", np)
1719 in
1720 np
1721 end)
1722 else (del_debug (fn () => "No deletion");
1723 P)
1724 end handle Hd => raise DELETE_HD
1726 fun mop_debug (f:debug_fun) =
1727 if !move_op_debug then
1728 (dead_set_debug := true;
1729 print ("mop:" ^ f() ^ "\n"))
1730 else dead_set_debug := false
1733 fun can_move_op1(P as (ns, n0, F), x, move_set, m) =
1734 let open Set
1735 val foo = mop_debug (fn () => "can_move_op")
1736 val rok = HM.resources_ok(set (add(assignment_of m, x)),
1737 set ((tests_of o dag_of) m))
1738 val foo = mop_debug(fn () => "1")
1739 val p = diff(nameSetToNodeSet(P, succ(P, m)), move_set)
1740 val foo = mop_debug(fn () => "2")
1741 val l = (write o ASS) x
1742 val foo = mop_debug(fn () => "3")
1743 fun dlpf nil = true
1744 | dlpf (pj::t) = deadset(P, l, pj) andalso dlpf t
1745 fun cond nil = true
1746 | cond (nj::t) =
1747 (not o eqn)(nj, F) andalso
1748 (* no_read_conflict(ASS x, nj) andalso *)
1749 (* change ex model so it can run on a sequential machine *)
1750 no_read_conflict(ASS x, m) andalso
1751 no_write_conflict(ASS x, m) andalso
1752 cond t
1753 val foo = mop_debug(fn () => "4")
1754 val answer = rok andalso cond (set move_set) andalso dlpf (set p)
1755 val foo = mop_debug (fn () => "can_move_op=>" ^ Bool.toString answer)
1756 in
1757 answer
1758 end
1760 fun can_move_op(P, x, move_set, m) =
1761 let open Set
1762 val ms = set move_set
1763 fun pf n = pred(P, n)
1764 val ps = set(listUnion (map pf ms))
1765 fun all (x, b) = b andalso can_move_op1(P, x, move_set, m)
1766 in
1767 if List.length ps > 1 then
1768 if List.length ms > 1 then false
1769 else fold all ((set o assignment_of o hd) ms) true
1770 else can_move_op1(P, x, move_set, m)
1771 end
1773 fun move_op (P as (ns, n0, F), x, move_set, m) =
1774 let val foo = cpsi("move_op enter", P)
1775 val foo =
1776 mop_debug (fn () =>
1777 "move_op(x=" ^
1778 PrintAbs.str [x] ^
1779 "move_set\n" ^
1780 (stringListString (map nodeToString
1781 (Set.set move_set))) ^
1782 "\nm=" ^ nodeToString m ^"\n)\n")
1783 in
1784 if not (can_move_op(P, x, move_set, m)) then P
1785 else
1786 let open Set
1787 exception NOTFOUND
1788 val primed_pairs = ref nil
1789 fun pnf nm =
1790 let fun f nil =
1791 let val nn = prime_name nm
1792 in
1793 (primed_pairs := (nm, nn) :: !primed_pairs;
1794 nn)
1795 end
1796 | f ((a, b)::t) = if nm = a then b else f t
1797 val answer = f (!primed_pairs)
1798 val foo = mop_debug (fn () => "pnf " ^ nm ^ "=>" ^ answer)
1799 in
1800 answer
1801 end
1802 val foo = mop_debug(fn () => "1")
1803 fun njp nil = nil
1804 | njp ((N(n, a, d, prd))::t) =
1805 N(pnf n, rm(a, x), d, listToSet [name_of m]) :: njp t
1806 fun ojp l = map (fn x => rmPredNode(x, name_of m)) l
1807 fun replist nil = nil
1808 | replist (h::t) = h :: pnf h :: replist t
1809 val rlist = replist (map name_of (set move_set))
1810 val foo = mop_debug(fn () => "2")
1811 val mprime =
1812 let val aprime = add(assignment_of m, x)
1813 val dprime = replace_edge(dag_of m, rlist)
1814 in
1815 N(name_of m, aprime, dprime, pred_of m)
1816 end
1817 val foo = mop_debug(fn () => "3")
1818 val nj = njp(set move_set)
1819 val foo = mop_debug(fn () =>
1820 "nj=" ^
1821 stringListString (map name_of nj))
1822 fun uptd(n, p) = updateNode(p, n)
1823 val np = fold uptd (mprime :: (ojp (set move_set))) P
1824 fun addnpi(n, p) =
1825 let val s = set (succNodes(p, n))
1826 fun ap x = addPredNode(x, name_of n)
1827 fun updt(x, p) = updateNode(p, ap x)
1828 in
1829 fold updt s p
1830 end
1831 fun addn(n, p) = addnpi(n, addNode(p, n))
1832 val nnp = fold addn nj np
1833 val foo = mop_debug(fn () => "4")
1834 val answer = nnp
1835 val foo = mop_debug(fn () => "5")
1836 val foo = cpsi("move_op leave", answer)
1837 in
1838 mop_debug(fn () => "6");
1839 answer
1840 end
1841 end
1843 fun updt_sel (d, nsel) =
1844 let val tst = tests_of d
1845 val rt = root_of d
1846 val s = succ_of d
1847 in
1848 newdag(tst, nsel, rt, s)
1849 end
1851 fun mt_debug (f:debug_fun) =
1852 if !move_test_debug then print ("move_test" ^ f() ^ "\n")
1853 else ()
1855 fun can_move_test(P as (ns, n0, F):program, x:test, n:node, m:node) =
1856 let val foo = cpsi("move_test enter", P)
1857 val foo = mt_debug (fn () => "can_move_test")
1858 val answer =
1859 no_write_conflict(TST x, m) andalso
1861 (* hack because sel can't distinguish xj *)
1862 not (Set.member(tests_of(dag_of m), x)) andalso
1864 HM.resources_ok(Set.set (assignment_of m),
1865 Set.set (Set.add((tests_of o dag_of) m, x)))
1866 val foo = mt_debug (fn () => "can_move_test=>" ^ Bool.toString answer)
1867 in
1868 answer
1869 end
1871 fun move_test (P as (ns, n0, F):program, x:test, n:node, m:node) =
1872 if not (can_move_test(P, x, n, m)) then P
1873 else
1874 let val foo =
1875 mt_debug (fn () => "move_test" ^ name_of n ^ " " ^ name_of m)
1876 open Set
1877 val d_n = dag_of n
1878 val sel_n = sel_of d_n
1879 val rt_n = root_of d_n
1880 val nt =
1881 let val newname = (new_name o name_of) n ^ "tt"
1882 fun nsel (z, b) =
1883 let val v = sel_n(z, b) in
1884 if toneq(v, TEST x) then sel_n(x, true)
1885 else v
1886 end
1887 val nC =
1888 if TEST x = rt_n then
1889 reach(updt_sel(d_n, nsel), sel_n(x, true))
1890 else
1891 reach(updt_sel(d_n, nsel), rt_n)
1892 in
1893 N(newname, assignment_of n, nC, listToSet [name_of m])
1894 end
1895 val foo = mt_debug (fn () => "got nt")
1896 val nf =
1897 let val newname = ((new_name o name_of) n) ^ "ff"
1898 fun nsel (z, b) =
1899 let val v = sel_n(z, b) in
1900 if toneq(v, TEST x) then sel_n(x, false)
1901 else v
1902 end
1903 val nC =
1904 if TEST x = rt_n then
1905 reach(updt_sel(d_n, nsel), sel_n(x, false))
1906 else
1907 reach(updt_sel(d_n, nsel), rt_n)
1908 in
1909 N(newname, assignment_of n, nC, listToSet [name_of m])
1910 end
1911 val foo = mt_debug (fn () => "got nf")
1912 val d_m = dag_of m
1913 val sel_m = sel_of d_m
1914 fun nton n = NAME( name_of n)
1915 fun nsel (z, b) =
1916 if teq(z, x) then if b then nton nt else nton nf
1917 else
1918 let val v = sel_m(z, b) in
1919 if toneq(v, NAME(name_of n)) then TEST x else v
1920 end
1921 val nb = add(tests_of d_m, x)
1922 val nh =
1923 add(add(rm(succ_of d_m, name_of n), name_of nt), name_of nf)
1924 fun new_rt (NAME rt) = TEST x
1925 | new_rt t = t
1926 val nc = newdag(nb, nsel, (new_rt o root_of) d_m, nh)
1927 val new_m = N(name_of m, assignment_of m, nc, pred_of m)
1928 fun updt_t s = addPredNode(s, name_of nt)
1929 fun updt_f s = addPredNode(s, name_of nf)
1930 val upt = map updt_t (set (nameSetToNodeSet(P, succ(P, nt))))
1931 val upf = map updt_f (set (nameSetToNodeSet(P, succ(P, nf))))
1932 fun updtl(n, p) = updateNode(p, n)
1933 val np =
1934 fold updtl ([rmPredNode(n, name_of m), new_m] @ upt @ upf) P
1935 val answer = np
1936 val foo = mt_debug (fn () => "mtst done")
1937 val foo = cpsi("move_test leave", answer)
1938 in
1939 answer
1940 end
1943 fun entries (P as (ns, n0, F)) =
1944 let val nl = Stringmap.extract ns
1945 fun f (a, b) = if unreachable(P, a) then a::b else b
1946 in
1947 n0 :: (fold f nl nil)
1948 end
1950 fun addPredInfo(P as (ns, n0, F)) =
1951 let fun rmpi n = setPredNode (n, Set.make)
1952 val nl = map rmpi (Stringmap.extract ns)
1953 fun updt(n, p) = updateNode(p, n)
1954 val np = fold updt nl P
1955 fun addpi (n, p) =
1956 let val s = Set.set (succNodes(p, n))
1957 fun api(s, p) = updateNode(p, addPredNode(s, name_of n))
1958 in
1959 fold api s p
1960 end
1961 in
1962 fold addpi nl np
1963 end
1965 fun cp_debug (f:debug_fun) =
1966 if !closure_progs_debug then print ("cp:" ^ f() ^ "\n")
1967 else ()
1969 fun closure (P as (ns, n0, F), entry) =
1970 let open Set
1971 val foo = cp_debug
1972 (fn () =>
1973 "closure:entry=" ^ name_of entry ^ "\nprogram=" ^ progToString P)
1974 val isin = Stringmap.isin
1975 fun dfs(p, parent, nil) = p
1976 | dfs(p as (ns, n0, F), parent, cur::todo) =
1977 if not (isin ns (name_of cur)) then
1978 let val np = dfs(addNode(p, cur), cur, set(succNodes(P, cur)))
1979 in
1980 dfs(np, parent, todo)
1981 end
1982 else dfs(p, parent, todo)
1983 val prog:program = (, entry, F)
1984 val answer = dfs(addNode(prog, entry),
1985 entry,
1986 set(succNodes(P, entry)))
1987 val foo = cp_debug
1988 (fn () =>
1989 "\nclosure=>" ^ progToString answer)
1990 in
1991 answer
1992 end
1994 fun programs(P as (ns, n0, F):program) =
1995 let val foo = cp_debug (fn () => "programs")
1996 val l = entries (addPredInfo P)
1997 (* make sure preds are in closure*)
1998 fun cf e = addPredInfo(closure(P, e))
1999 val answer = map cf l
2000 val foo = cp_debug (fn () => "programs done")
2001 in
2002 answer
2003 end
2005 structure ns =
2006 struct
2007 type obj = node
2009 fun int l =
2010 let val z = ord "0"
2011 fun f(n, nil) = n
2012 | f (n, d::l) =
2013 if d>="0" andalso d<="9" then f(n*10+ord(d)-z, l)
2014 else n
2015 in
2016 f(0,l)
2017 end
2019 fun gt (a, b) =
2020 let val a = explode(name_of a)
2021 val b = explode(name_of b)
2022 in
2023 (int a) > (int b)
2024 end
2025 end
2027 structure sortN = Sort(ns)
2029 val sortNodes = sortN.sort
2031 end
2033 structure Compress :
2034 sig
2035 val compress_debug : bool ref
2036 val compress : (int * Node.program) -> Node.program
2037 val move_things_node :
2038 Node.program * * Set.set -> Node.program
2039 val do_move_tests : bool ref
2040 val do_move_ops : bool ref
2042 val dbg_p : Node.program ref
2044 end =
2046 struct
2048 open Ntypes
2049 open Dag
2050 open Node
2052 val do_move_tests = ref false
2053 val do_move_ops = ref true
2055 exception COMPRESS
2057 fun error (s:string) =
2058 (print (s ^ "\n");
2059 raise COMPRESS)
2061 val compress_debug = ref false
2063 val dbg_p = ref (makeProg())
2065 type debug_fun = unit -> string
2066 fun debug (f:debug_fun) =
2067 if !compress_debug then print (f() ^ "\n")
2068 else ()
2070 exception FILTERSUCC
2072 fun filterSucc(P, nm, fence_set) =
2073 let open Set
2074 val s = set(succ(P, nameToNode(P, nm)))
2075 handle NAMETONODE => raise FILTERSUCC
2076 fun f (nm, l) = if member(fence_set, nm) then l else nm::l
2077 in
2078 fold f s nil
2079 end
2081 (*
2082 val inP = ref false
2083 val finP = ref makeProg
2084 val foutP = ref makeProg
2086 fun chinP (p, from) =
2087 let val nm = "11_100'_110tt_119'"
2088 val prd = prednm(p, nm)
2089 val pe = Set.empty(prd)
2090 in
2091 if !inP then
2092 if pe then (foutP := p; error ("chinP gone -" ^ from)) else ()
2093 else if pe then ()
2094 else (inP := true;
2095 print ("chinP found it -" ^ from ^ "\n");
2096 finP := p;
2097 nameToNode(p, nm);
2098 ())
2099 end
2100 *)
2102 exception MOVETHINGSNODE
2103 fun move_things_node(P, nm, fence_set) =
2104 let open Set
2105 (*
2106 val foo = debug
2107 (fn () =>
2108 "move_things_node(\n" ^
2109 progToString P ^ ",\n" ^
2110 nm ^ ", [" ^
2111 fold (fn (a, b) => a ^ ", " ^ b) (set fence_set) "]" ^
2112 ")")
2113 *)
2114 fun ntn (p, nm) = ((* chinP (p, "ntn");*) nameToNode (p, nm))
2115 handle NAMETONODE => (dbg_p := P; raise MOVETHINGSNODE)
2116 fun s_nm_list p = filterSucc(p, nm, fence_set)
2117 fun nd nm = ntn(P, nm) handle MOVETHINGSNODE => error "nd nm"
2118 val au = listUnionEQ(aeq, map (assignment_of o nd) (s_nm_list P))
2119 val tu = listUnionEQ(teq, map (tests_of o dag_of o nd) (s_nm_list P))
2120 fun ms (p, a) =
2121 let fun f(nm, l) =
2122 ((*chinP (p, "ms"); *)
2123 if member(assignment_of(ntn(p, nm)), a) then nm::l
2124 else l
2125 )
2126 handle MOVETHINGSNODE => (dbg_p := p; error "ms")
2127 in
2128 fold f (s_nm_list p) nil
2129 end
2130 fun move_a1(a, p) =
2131 let val msl = ms (p, a)
2132 val ms_set = nameSetToNodeSet(p, listToSet msl)
2133 fun dms(a, p) = delete(p, ntn(p, a))
2134 fun mop() =
2135 let val foo = debug (fn () => "mop start " ^ nm)
2136 val new_p = move_op(p, a, ms_set, ntn(p, nm))
2137 handle MOVETHINGSNODE => error "move_a move_op"
2138 val foo = debug (fn () => "mop end")
2139 in
2140 new_p
2141 end
2142 val mpa = mop()
2143 (*
2144 val foo = chinP(mpa,
2145 "a_move_a amop " ^ nm ^
2146 StrPak.stringListString
2147 (map name_of (set ms_set)))
2148 *)
2149 val answer = fold dms msl mpa
2150 (*
2151 val foo = chinP(answer, "a_move_a adel")
2152 *)
2153 in
2154 answer
2155 end
2156 fun move_a(a, p) = if !do_move_ops then move_a1(a, p) else p
2157 fun tset (p, t) =
2158 let fun f(nm, l) =
2159 ((*chinP (p, "tset");*)
2160 if member(tests_of(dag_of(ntn(p, nm))), t) then nm::l
2161 else l
2162 )
2163 handle MOVETHINGSNODE => error "tset"
2164 in
2165 fold f (s_nm_list p) nil
2166 end
2167 fun move_t1(t, p) =
2168 let val ts = tset (p, t)
2169 val answer =
2170 if List.length ts > 0 then
2171 move_test(p, t,
2172 (ntn(p, hd ts)
2173 handle MOVETHINGSNODE => error "move_t 1"),
2174 (ntn(p, nm)
2175 handle MOVETHINGSNODE => error "move_t 2"))
2177 else p
2178 (*val foo = chinP(answer, "a_move_t")*)
2179 in
2180 answer
2181 end
2182 fun move_t(t, p) = if !do_move_tests then move_t1(t, p) else p
2183 in
2184 debug (fn () => "movethingsnode " ^ nm ^ "\n");
2185 fold move_t (set tu) (fold move_a (set au) P)
2186 end
2189 fun move_things_window(P, w, nm, fence_set) =
2190 let open Set
2191 (*
2192 val foo = debug (fn () =>
2193 "move_things_window(\n" ^
2194 progToString P ^ ",\n" ^
2195 (makestring w) ^ ", " ^
2196 nm ^ ", [" ^
2197 fold (fn (a, b) => a ^ ", " ^ b) (set fence_set) "]" ^
2198 ")\n")
2199 *)
2200 fun ntn (P, nm) = (nameToNode (P, nm))
2202 val node = ntn(P, nm)
2203 val things = num_things_node node
2204 val s_nm_list = filterSucc(P, nm, fence_set)
2205 fun nxt(nm, p) =
2206 move_things_window(p, w - things, nm, fence_set)
2207 val child_p = if w > things then fold nxt s_nm_list P else P
2208 in
2209 debug (fn () => "movethingswindow " ^ nm ^ "\n");
2210 move_things_node(child_p, nm, fence_set)
2211 end
2214 exception CPRESS
2215 exception CPRESS1
2216 exception CPRESS2
2217 exception CPRESS3
2218 exception CPRESS4
2219 exception CPRESS5
2220 fun cpress(window, P, fence_set, everin_fence_set) =
2221 let open Set
2222 fun nxt(nm, p:program) =
2223 ((* dbg_p := p; *)
2224 move_things_window(p, window, nm, fence_set))
2225 handle MOVETHINGSWINDOW => raise CPRESS1
2226 val filled = fold nxt (set fence_set) P
2227 handle CPRESS1 => raise CPRESS2
2228 fun succf nm = succ(filled, nameToNode(filled, nm))
2229 handle NAMETONODE => raise CPRESS
2230 val nfence_set = listUnion(make::(map succf (set fence_set)))
2231 fun filt(a, l) = if member(everin_fence_set, a) then l else a::l
2232 val f_fence_set = listToSet(fold filt (set nfence_set) nil)
2233 val n_everin_fc =
2234 fold (fn (a, s) => add(s, a)) (set f_fence_set) everin_fence_set
2235 in
2236 debug (fn () => "cpress: fence_set=" ^
2237 StrPak.stringListString (set fence_set) ^
2238 "\n f_fence_set =" ^ StrPak.stringListString (set f_fence_set));
2239 if not (empty f_fence_set)
2240 then cpress(window, filled, f_fence_set, n_everin_fc)
2241 handle CPRESS => raise CPRESS3
2242 handle CPRESS1 => raise CPRESS4
2243 handle CPRESS2 => raise CPRESS5
2244 else filled
2245 end
2247 fun clean_up (P as (ns, n0, F):program) =
2248 let val foo = debug (fn () => "cleanup")
2249 val clos = closure(P, n0)
2250 val (ns, n0, F) = clos
2251 val l = (map name_of (Stringmap.extract ns))
2252 fun f (n, p) =
2253 (debug (fn () => "cleanup deleting " ^ n);
2254 delete(p, nameToNode(p, n)))
2255 val answer = fold f l clos
2256 val foo = debug (fn () => "exiting cleanup")
2257 in
2258 answer
2259 end
2261 fun compress(window, P as (ns, n0, F)) =
2262 let open Set
2263 val fence = n0
2264 val fence_set = add(make, name_of n0)
2265 val everin_fence_set = add(makeEQ(name_prefix_eq), name_of n0)
2266 val uc = cpress(window, P, fence_set, everin_fence_set)
2267 val cu = clean_up uc
2268 in
2269 debug (fn () => "compress");
2270 cu
2271 end
2275 end
2276 structure ReadI :
2277 sig
2278 val readI :
2279 HM.operation list -> (HM.operation list * Node.program list)
2281 val writeI :
2282 (HM.operation list * Node.program list) -> HM.operation list
2284 val progMap : Node.program -> string
2286 val read_debug : bool ref
2287 val write_debug : bool ref
2288 val live_debug : bool ref
2289 end =
2291 struct
2293 val read_debug = ref false
2294 val write_debug = ref false
2295 val live_debug = ref false
2297 fun read_dbg f =
2298 if !read_debug then print ("" ^ f() ^ "\n")
2299 else ()
2301 fun write_dbg f =
2302 if !write_debug then print ("" ^ f() ^ "\n")
2303 else ()
2305 fun write_dbg_s s = write_dbg (fn () => s)
2307 exception BTARGET
2309 fun btarget (nil, n) = (fn x => raise BTARGET)
2310 | btarget (h::t, n) =
2311 let open HM
2312 val rf = btarget(t, n + 1)
2313 fun g lbl x = if lbl = x then n else rf x
2314 fun f (TARGET(lbl, inst)) = (g lbl)
2315 | f _ = rf
2316 in
2317 f h
2318 end
2321 val programs = Node.programs
2323 exception BNODES
2325 fun buildNodes l =
2326 let open HM
2327 open Ntypes
2328 val t = btarget(l, 0)
2329 fun f (nil, n) = nil
2330 | f (ci::rest, n) =
2331 let open Dag
2332 open AbsMach
2333 val nm = makestring n
2334 val nxtnm = makestring (n + 1)
2335 fun asn i = Set.listToSetEQ(aeq, i)
2336 val edag = reach(Dag.make, NAME nxtnm)
2337 fun tgtnm tgt = makestring (t tgt)
2338 fun edagt tgt = reach(Dag.make, NAME (tgtnm tgt))
2339 val finDag = reach(Dag.make, NAME (Node.name_of Node.fin))
2340 fun cdag (tgt,tst) = attach(tst, edagt tgt, edag)
2341 val g =
2342 fn ASSIGNMENT i => Node.make(nm, asn [i], edag, Set.make)
2343 | NERGLE => Node.make(nm, asn [], edag, Set.make)
2344 | LABELREF (tgt, i as GETLAB{lab, dst}) =>
2345 Node.make(nm,
2346 asn [GETLAB{lab=(t tgt, tgtnm tgt),
2347 dst=dst}],
2348 edag, Set.make)
2349 | COMPARISON (tgt, tst) =>
2350 Node.make(nm, asn nil, cdag(tgt, tst), Set.make)
2351 | FLOW (tgt, i) =>
2352 Node.make(nm, asn nil, edagt tgt, Set.make)
2353 | EXIT i => Node.make(nm, asn [i], finDag, Set.make)
2354 | TARGET (lbl, i) =>
2355 Node.make(nm, asn nil, edag, Set.make)
2356 | _ => raise BNODES
2357 in
2358 (g ci)::Node.fin::(f (rest, n + 1))
2359 end
2360 fun addn(n, p) = Node.addNode(p, n)
2361 val prog = fold addn (Node.fin :: f(l, 0)) (Node.makeProg())
2362 in
2363 prog
2364 end
2366 exception READI
2367 exception READI_NTN
2368 fun readI ol =
2369 let open HM
2370 fun junkfil (JUNK a, (junk, other)) = (JUNK a :: junk, other)
2371 | junkfil (x, (junk, other)) = (junk, x::other)
2372 val cl = map HM.classify ol
2373 val (junk, other) = fold junkfil cl (nil, nil)
2374 fun ntn x = (Node.nameToNode x )
2375 handle NAMETONODE => raise READI_NTN
2376 val (ns, foo, fin) = buildNodes other
2377 val nn = (ns, ntn((ns, foo, fin), "0"), fin)
2378 fun unjunk (JUNK i) = i
2379 | unjunk _ = raise READI
2380 val progs = programs nn
2381 val foo = read_dbg
2382 (fn () => ("progs =>" ^
2383 (StrPak.stringListString
2384 (map Node.progToString progs))))
2385 in
2386 (map unjunk junk, progs)
2387 end
2389 structure ps =
2390 struct
2391 open Ntypes
2392 type obj = Node.program
2394 fun int l =
2395 let val z = ord "0"
2396 fun f(n, nil) = n
2397 | f (n, d::l) =
2398 if d>="0" andalso d<="9" then f(n*10+ord(d)-z, l)
2399 else n
2400 in
2401 f(0,l)
2402 end
2404 fun gt((nsa, n0a, Fa), (nsb, n0b, Fb)) =
2405 let val a = explode (Node.name_of n0a)
2406 val b = explode (Node.name_of n0b)
2407 in
2408 (int a) > (int b)
2409 end
2410 end
2412 structure sortP = Sort (ps)
2414 fun live_dbg f = if !live_debug then print ("live:" ^ f() ^ "\n")
2415 else ()
2417 fun build_live_tab(P as (ns, n0, F): Node.program) =
2418 let open Ntypes
2419 open Node
2420 open Set
2421 fun fil (a, b) = if a < 0 orelse Delay.is_bogus_reg (a, "") then b
2422 else add(b, a)
2423 fun fil_lset s = fold fil (set s) make
2424 val lt:(int set) Stringmap.stringmap =
2425 val finset = listToSet [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
2426 fun flive f n =
2427 if Stringmap.isin lt (name_of n) then lt (name_of n)
2428 else f n
2429 fun dfs cur =
2430 let fun fl n = flive dfs n
2431 val nm = name_of cur
2432 val gen = (fil_lset o readNode) cur
2433 val kill = writeNode cur
2434 val foo = Stringmap.add lt (nm, gen)
2435 val children = succNodes(P, cur)
2436 val ch_live = if empty children then finset
2437 else listUnion (map fl (set children))
2438 val live = union(diff(ch_live, kill), gen)
2439 val foo = Stringmap.rm lt nm
2440 val foo = Stringmap.add lt (nm, live)
2441 in
2442 live
2443 end
2444 in
2445 dfs n0;
2446 (fn nm =>
2447 let val ans = lt nm
2448 val foo = live_dbg (fn () => nm ^ "=>" ^
2449 StrPak.stringListString
2450 (map makestring (set ans)))
2451 in
2452 ans
2453 end)
2454 end
2456 (* live is the union of live in successors *)
2457 fun branch_live (P, tab, nm) =
2458 let open Node
2459 val s = Set.set (succ(P, nameToNode(P, nm)))
2460 val l:int Set.set = Set.listUnion (map tab s)
2461 val foo = live_dbg
2462 (fn()=>("branch_live " ^ nm ^ " s=" ^
2463 StrPak.stringListString s ^ " -> " ^
2464 StrPak.stringListString (map makestring (Set.set l))))
2465 in
2466 l
2467 end
2469 exception WRITEP
2470 exception WRITEP1
2471 exception WRITEP_NTN
2473 fun writeP (entry_map, lbl_fun, P as (ns, n0, F):Node.program) =
2474 let open Ntypes
2475 open Node
2476 open Set
2477 open HM
2478 open AbsMach
2479 val foo = write_dbg(fn () => "program:" ^ progToString P)
2480 fun blblmap nil = (fn x => (print ("blblmap_" ^ x); raise WRITEP))
2481 | blblmap (nm::t) =
2482 let val mp = blblmap t
2483 val mylab = lbl_fun()
2484 in
2485 (fn x => if x = nm then mylab else mp x)
2486 end
2487 val lblmap = blblmap(map name_of (Stringmap.extract ns))
2488 val live_tab = build_live_tab P
2489 fun label_list nm = map (fn r => (r, "")) (set (live_tab nm))
2490 fun br_list nm =
2491 map (fn r => (r, "")) (set (branch_live(P, live_tab, nm)))
2492 fun getlab (GETLAB{lab=(i,s), dst}) =
2493 GETLAB{lab=(entry_map s, "node" ^ s), dst=dst}
2494 | getlab _ = raise WRITEP1
2495 fun dogetlabs (i as GETLAB _, l) = (getlab i) :: l
2496 | dogetlabs (i, l) = i :: l
2497 fun ubranch (frm, nm) =
2498 BRANCH{test=ieq, src1=(0, "zero"), src2=(0, "zero"),
2499 dst=(lblmap nm, "node" ^ nm), live=br_list frm}
2500 fun cbranch (BRANCH{test, src1, src2, dst, live}, frm, nm) =
2501 BRANCH{test=test, src1=src1, src2=src2,
2502 dst=(lblmap nm, "node" ^ nm), live=br_list frm}
2503 | cbranch _ = (print "cbranch"; raise Match)
2504 fun label nm = LABEL{lab=(lblmap nm, "node" ^ nm), live=label_list nm}
2505 fun entry_label nm =
2506 LABEL{lab=(entry_map nm, "entry"), live=label_list nm}
2508 fun f (done, lastnm, nm) =
2509 let val foo = write_dbg
2510 (fn () =>
2511 "f (" ^
2512 StrPak.stringListString (set done) ^ "," ^
2513 nm ^ ")")
2514 in
2515 if nm = name_of F then (write_dbg_s "fin"; (done, [NOP]))
2516 else if member(done, nm) then (write_dbg_s "already";
2517 (done, [NOP, ubranch(lastnm, nm)]))
2518 else
2519 let open Dag
2520 val foo = write_dbg_s "doing"
2521 val node = nameToNode(P, nm)
2522 handle NAMETONODE => raise WRITEP_NTN
2523 val needlabel =
2524 let val pd = set (pred (P, node))
2525 val foo = write_dbg
2526 (fn () => ("needlabel pd=" ^
2527 StrPak.stringListString pd))
2528 fun f nil = false
2529 | f ((p::nil) list) =
2530 let val pn = nameToNode(P,
2531 val foo = write_dbg
2532 (fn () => ("ndlbl: pn=" ^
2533 nodeToString pn))
2534 val d = dag_of pn
2535 val sel = sel_of d
2536 val rt = root_of d
2537 fun istst (TEST t) =
2538 (write_dbg_s "ist true\n";
2539 true)
2540 | istst (NAME n) =
2541 (write_dbg_s "ist false\n";
2542 false)
2543 | istst NEITHER =
2544 (write_dbg_s "ist false\n";
2545 false)
2546 fun untst (TEST t) = t
2547 | untst _ = (print "needlabel1";
2548 raise Match)
2549 fun unnm (NAME nm) = nm
2550 | unnm _ = (print "needlabel2";
2551 raise Match)
2552 val foo =
2553 if istst rt then
2554 write_dbg
2555 (fn () =>
2556 ("sel=" ^
2557 unnm(sel(untst rt, true)) ^
2558 "\n"))
2559 else ()
2560 in
2561 istst rt andalso
2562 (sel(untst rt, true) = NAME nm)
2563 end
2564 | f (a::b::c) = true
2565 val answer = f pd
2566 val foo = write_dbg
2567 (fn () => ("needlabel=>" ^
2568 Bool.toString answer))
2569 in
2570 answer
2571 end
2572 val nodelabel = if needlabel then [label nm] else nil
2573 val nodeNOP = [NOP]
2574 val a = fold dogetlabs (set (assignment_of node)) nil
2575 val d = dag_of node
2576 val sel = sel_of d
2577 val rt = root_of d
2578 (* only works for <= 1 test *)
2579 fun dag_code NEITHER = (nil, nil)
2580 | dag_code (NAME n) = ([n], nil)
2581 | dag_code (TEST t) =
2582 let fun unnm (NAME x) = x
2583 | unnm _ = (print "dag_code"; raise Match)
2584 val t_n = unnm(sel(t, true))
2585 val f_n = unnm(sel(t, false))
2586 in
2587 ([f_n, t_n], [cbranch(t, nm, t_n)])
2588 end
2589 val (nl, cd) = dag_code rt
2590 exception DFS_SURPRISE
2591 fun dfs (done, nil) = (write_dbg_s "dfs nil";
2592 (done, nil))
2593 | dfs (done, h::nil) = (write_dbg_s "dfs 1";
2594 f(done, nm, h))
2595 | dfs (done, h::nxt::nil) =
2596 let val foo = write_dbg_s "dfs 2"
2597 val (dn1, cd1) = f(done, nm, h)
2598 val (dn2, cd2) =
2599 if member(dn1, nxt) then (dn1, nil)
2600 else dfs(dn1, nxt::nil)
2601 val lbl =
2602 if nxt = name_of F orelse
2603 member(dn2, nxt) then [NOP]
2604 else [NOP, label nxt]
2605 in
2606 (dn2, cd1 @ lbl @ cd2)
2607 end
2608 | dfs _ = raise DFS_SURPRISE
2609 val (dn, dcd) = dfs(add(done, nm), nl)
2610 in
2611 (dn, NOP :: nodelabel @ a @ cd @ dcd)
2612 end
2613 end
2614 val (done, code) = f (Set.make, "badname", name_of n0)
2615 in
2616 (entry_label (name_of n0)) :: (label (name_of n0)) :: code
2617 end
2619 exception WRITEI
2621 fun progMap(p as (ns, n0, F)) =
2622 let val l = Node.sortNodes (Stringmap.extract ns)
2623 val outstr = ref ""
2624 fun pr s = outstr := !outstr ^ s
2625 fun ntn n = Node.nameToNode(p, n)
2626 val n0nm = Node.name_of n0
2627 val nFnm = Node.name_of F
2628 fun f n =
2629 let val s = Set.set (Node.succ(p, n))
2630 val nm = Node.name_of n
2631 val pre = if nm = n0nm then "->\t"
2632 else "\t"
2633 val post = if nm = nFnm then "\t->\n"
2634 else "\n"
2635 in
2636 pr (pre ^
2637 Node.name_of n ^ "\t->\t" ^ StrPak.stringListString s ^
2638 post)
2639 end
2640 in
2641 f l;
2642 !outstr
2643 end
2645 fun writeI(j:AbsMach.opcode list, p:Node.program list) =
2646 let val labelid = ref 0
2647 fun newlabel () = (labelid := !labelid + 1; !labelid - 1)
2648 fun bentrymap nil = (fn x => (print ("bentrymap_" ^ x); raise WRITEI))
2649 | bentrymap ((ns, n0, F)::t) =
2650 let val mp = bentrymap t
2651 val mylab = newlabel()
2652 in
2653 (fn x => if x = Node.name_of n0 then mylab else mp x)
2654 end
2655 val entry_map = bentrymap p
2656 val sp = sortP.sort p
2657 fun wp p = writeP (entry_map, newlabel, p)
2658 fun f(a, b) = (wp a) @ b
2659 val i = fold f sp nil
2660 in
2661 i @ j
2662 end
2665 end
2669 signature SIMLABS =
2670 sig
2671 exception Data_dependency_checked
2672 exception End_of_Program
2673 exception Simulator_error_1
2674 exception Simulator_error_2
2675 exception illegal_branch_within_branchdelay
2676 exception illegal_jump_within_branchdelay
2677 exception illegal_operator_or_operand
2678 exception negative_label_offset
2679 exception no_address_in_register
2680 exception no_label_in_register
2681 exception no_memory_address_in_register
2682 exception runtime_error_in_labwords
2683 exception runtime_error_in_words_or_labwords
2684 exception type_mismatch_in_comparison
2685 exception wrong_label
2686 val breakptr : int -> unit
2687 val clock : int ref
2688 val d_m : int * int -> unit
2689 val d_ms : int list -> unit
2690 val d_pc : unit -> unit
2691 val d_r : unit -> unit
2692 val d_regs : int list -> unit
2693 val init : AbsMach.opcode list -> unit
2694 val mcell : int -> AbsMach.values
2695 val pc : unit -> AbsMach.opcode list
2696 val pinit : int * (AbsMach.arithop -> int) * int * AbsMach.opcode list
2697 -> unit
2698 val pptr : unit -> int
2699 val prun : unit -> unit
2700 val pstep : unit -> unit
2701 val regc : int -> AbsMach.values
2702 val run : unit -> unit
2703 val runcount : int ref
2704 val step : unit -> unit
2705 val vinit : int * AbsMach.opcode list -> unit
2706 val vpc : unit -> unit
2707 val vrun1 : unit -> unit
2708 val vrun2 : unit -> unit
2709 val vrun3 : unit -> unit
2710 val vstep1 : unit -> unit
2711 val vstep2 : unit -> unit
2712 val vstep3 : unit -> unit
2714 val Memory : (AbsMach.values array) ref
2715 end;
2718 structure SetEnv : SIMLABS=
2719 struct
2721 open AbsMach;
2723 val codes : (opcode list ref)=ref nil;
2725 val RegN=ref 0 and LabN=ref 0 and memorysize=ref 10000;
2726 (*RegN = (pointer to) number of registers needed;
2727 LabN = (pointer to) number of labels;
2728 memorysize=(pointer to) memory space size.
2729 *)
2730 val IP: (opcode list) ref =ref nil;
2731 val inivalue=(INT 0);
2732 (*IP = Program Pointer;
2733 inivalue = zero- initial value of memory and registers.
2734 *)
2735 val Reg=ref (array(0,inivalue)) and Memory=ref (array(0,inivalue))
2736 and Lab_Array=ref (array(0, (0,IP) ));
2737 (*Reg = register array;
2738 Memory = memory cell array;
2739 Lab_Array = label-opcode list array.
2740 *)
2742 fun max(n1:int,n2:int)=if (n1>n2) then n1 else n2;
2744 (* hvnop tests whether the instruction is not a real machine instruction,
2745 but only useful in simulation.
2746 *)
2747 fun hvnop(LABEL{...})=true |
2748 hvnop(LABWORD{...})=true |
2749 hvnop(WORD{...})=true |
2750 hvnop(_)=false;
2752 (*count_number is used to take into account register references and label
2753 declarations, and change RegN or LabN.
2754 *)
2755 fun count_number(FETCH {ptr=(n1,_),dst=(n2,_),...})=
2756 (RegN:=max((!RegN),max(n1,n2)) ) |
2757 count_number(STORE {src=(n1,_),ptr=(n2,_),...})=
2758 (RegN:=max((!RegN),max(n1,n2)) ) |
2759 count_number(ARITHI {src1=(n1,_),dst=(n2,_),...})=
2760 (RegN:=max((!RegN),max(n1,n2)) ) |
2761 count_number(MOVE {src=(n1,_),dst=(n2,_)})=
2762 (RegN:=max((!RegN),max(n1,n2)) ) |
2763 count_number(BRANCH {src1=(n1,_),src2=(n2,_),...})=
2764 (RegN:=max((!RegN),max(n1,n2)) ) |
2765 count_number(GETLAB {dst=(n,_),...})=
2766 (RegN:=max((!RegN),n) ) |
2767 count_number(GETREAL {dst=(n,_),...})=
2768 (RegN:=max((!RegN),n) ) |
2769 count_number(ARITH{src1=(n1,_),src2=(n2,_),dst=(n3,_),...})=
2770 (RegN:=max((!RegN),max(n1,max(n2,n3)) ) ) |
2771 count_number(LABEL{...})=
2772 ( ) |
2773 count_number(_)=();
2775 (* scan is used to scan the opcode list for the first time, to determine
2776 the size of Reg and Lab_Array, i.e. number of registers and labels.
2777 *)
2778 fun scan(nil)=() |
2779 scan(h::t)=(count_number(h);scan(t));
2781 (* setlabels is used to set the label array, of which each item is a
2782 pair (label, codep), codep points to the codes containing the LABEL
2783 statement and afterwards codes.
2784 *)
2785 fun setlabels(nil,_)= () |
2786 setlabels(codel as ((LABEL {lab=(l,_),...})::t),k)=
2787 (update((!Lab_Array),k,(l,ref codel)); setlabels(t,k+1) ) |
2788 setlabels(h::t,k)=setlabels(t,k) ;
2790 (* initializing the enviroment of the simulation.
2791 *)
2792 fun init(l)=(RegN:=0; LabN:=0; IP:=l; codes:=l;
2793 scan(!IP);;
2794 Reg:=array( (!RegN), inivalue ) ;
2795 Memory:=array( (!memorysize), inivalue ) ;
2796 Lab_Array:=array( (!LabN), (0,IP));
2797 setlabels(!IP,0)
2798 );
2802 exception wrong_label;
2803 exception runtime_error_in_labwords;
2804 exception runtime_error_in_words_or_labwords;
2805 exception negative_label_offset;
2806 exception no_label_in_register;
2807 exception illegal_operator_or_operand;
2808 exception type_mismatch_in_comparison ;
2809 exception no_address_in_register;
2810 exception no_memory_address_in_register;
2812 (* getresult gives the results of arithmtic operations
2813 *)
2814 fun getresult(iadd,INT (n1:int),INT (n2:int))=INT (n1+n2) |
2815 getresult(isub,INT (n1:int),INT (n2:int))=INT (n1-n2) |
2816 getresult(imul,INT (n1:int),INT (n2:int))=INT (n1*n2) |
2817 getresult(idiv,INT (n1:int),INT (n2:int))=INT (n1 div n2) |
2818 getresult(fadd,REAL (r1:real),REAL (r2:real))=REAL (r1+r2) |
2819 getresult(fsub,REAL (r1:real),REAL (r2:real))=REAL (r1-r2) |
2820 getresult(fmul,REAL (r1:real),REAL (r2:real))=REAL (r1*r2) |
2821 getresult(fdiv,REAL (r1:real),REAL (r2:real))=REAL (r1/r2) |
2822 getresult(iadd,INT (n1:int),LABVAL (l,k))=LABVAL (l,k+n1) |
2823 getresult(iadd,LABVAL (l,k),INT (n1:int))=LABVAL (l,k+n1) |
2824 getresult(isub,LABVAL (l,k),INT (n1:int))=LABVAL (l,k-n1) |
2825 getresult(orb,INT n1,INT n2)=INT (Bits.orb(n1,n2)) |
2826 getresult(andb,INT n1,INT n2)=INT (Bits.andb(n1,n2)) |
2827 getresult(xorb,INT n1,INT n2)=INT (Bits.xorb(n1,n2)) |
2828 getresult(rshift,INT n1,INT n2)=INT (Bits.rshift(n1,n2)) |
2829 getresult(lshift,INT n1,INT n2)=INT (Bits.lshift(n1,n2)) |
2830 getresult(real,INT n,_)=REAL (intToReal(n)) |
2831 getresult(floor,REAL r,_)=INT (Real.floor(r)) |
2832 (* getresult(logb,REAL r,_)=INT (System.Unsafe.Assembly.A.logb(r))| *)
2833 getresult(_)=raise illegal_operator_or_operand;
2835 (* compare gives the results of comparisons in BRANCH statement.
2836 *)
2837 fun compare(ilt,INT n1,INT n2)= (n1<n2) |
2838 compare(ieq,INT n1,INT n2)= (n1=n2) |
2839 compare(igt,INT n1,INT n2)= (n1>n2) |
2840 compare(ile,INT n1,INT n2)= (n1<=n2) |
2841 compare(ige,INT n1,INT n2)= (n1>=n2) |
2842 compare(ine,INT n1,INT n2)= (n1<>n2) |
2843 compare(flt,REAL r1,REAL r2)= (r1<r2) |
2844 compare(feq,REAL r1,REAL r2)= (realEq(r1,r2)) |
2845 compare(fgt,REAL r1,REAL r2)= (r1>r2) |
2846 compare(fle,REAL r1,REAL r2)= (r1<=r2) |
2847 compare(fge,REAL r1,REAL r2)= (r1>=r2) |
2848 compare(fne,REAL r1,REAL r2)= (realNe(r1,r2)) |
2849 compare(inrange,INT a,INT b)= (a>=0) andalso (a<b) |
2850 compare(outofrange,INT a,INT b)=(a<0) orelse (a>b) |
2851 compare(inrange,REAL a,REAL b)= (a>=0.0) andalso (a<b) |
2852 compare(outofrange,REAL a,REAL b)=(a<0.0) orelse (a>b) |
2853 compare(_)=raise type_mismatch_in_comparison ;
2855 (* findjmp_place returns the pointer to the codes corresponding to the
2856 given label (the codes containing the LABEL statement itself).
2857 *)
2858 fun findjmp_place lab =
2859 let val ipp=ref (ref nil) and i=ref 0 and flag=ref true;
2860 val none=(while ( (!i < !LabN) andalso (!flag) ) do
2861 ( let val (l,p)=((!Lab_Array) sub (!i)) in
2862 if (l=lab) then (ipp:=p;flag:=false)
2863 else
2864 end
2865 )
2866 )
2867 in if (!flag) then raise wrong_label
2868 else (!ipp)
2869 end;
2871 (* findjmp_word returns the content of the k th labword in a code stream.
2872 *)
2873 fun findjmp_word(k,ip)=if (k<0) then raise negative_label_offset
2874 else let fun f2(1,LABWORD{lab=(herepos,_)}::t)
2875 =herepos |
2876 f2(k,LABWORD{...}::t)=f2(k-1,t) |
2877 f2(_)=raise runtime_error_in_labwords ;
2878 in f2(k, (!ip) )
2879 end;
2881 (* inst_word returns the content of the k'th word or labword in a code
2882 stream.
2883 *)
2884 fun inst_word(k,ip)=if (k<0) then raise negative_label_offset
2885 else let fun f(1,LABWORD{lab=(herepos,_)}::t)
2886 =LABVAL (herepos,0) |
2887 f(1,WORD{value=n}::t)=INT n |
2888 f(k,LABWORD{...}::t)=f(k-1,t) |
2889 f(k,WORD{...}::t)=f(k-1,t) |
2890 f(_)=raise
2891 runtime_error_in_words_or_labwords
2892 in f(k,(!ip))
2893 end;
2896 (* execjmp changes IP, makes it point to the codes of the given label.
2897 *)
2898 fun execjmp(LABVAL (l,0))= (IP:= !(findjmp_place l) ) |
2899 execjmp(LABVAL (l,k))= (IP:=
2900 ! (findjmp_place
2901 (findjmp_word(k,findjmp_place(l) ) ) )
2902 ) |
2903 execjmp(_) = raise no_label_in_register;
2905 (* addrplus returns the result of address+offset.
2906 *)
2907 fun addrplus(INT n,ofst)= n+ofst |
2908 addrplus(_,_)=raise no_memory_address_in_register;
2910 (* content gives the content of the fetched word.
2911 *)
2912 fun content(INT n,ofst)= (!Memory) sub (n+ofst) |
2913 content(LABVAL (l,k),ofst)=inst_word(k+ofst,findjmp_place(l)) |
2914 content(_,_)=raise no_address_in_register;
2916 (* exec executes the given instruction.
2917 *)
2918 fun exec(FETCH{immutable=_,offset=ofst,ptr=(p,_),dst=(d,_)})=
2919 update((!Reg),d,content((!Reg) sub p,ofst) ) |
2920 exec(STORE{offset=ofst,src=(s,_),ptr=(p,_)})=
2921 update((!Memory),addrplus((!Reg) sub p,ofst),(!Reg) sub s) |
2922 exec(GETLAB {lab=(l,_),dst=(d,_)})=
2923 update((!Reg),d,(LABVAL (l,0)) ) |
2924 exec(GETREAL {value=v,dst=(d,_)})=
2925 update((!Reg),d,(REAL (strToReal v))) |
2926 exec(MOVE{src=(s,_),dst=(d,_)})=
2927 update((!Reg),d, (!Reg) sub s ) |
2928 exec(LABEL {...})=
2929 () |
2930 exec(LABWORD {...}) =
2931 () |
2932 exec(WORD{...})=
2933 () |
2934 exec(JUMP {dst=(d,_),...})=
2935 execjmp((!Reg) sub d) |
2936 exec(ARITH {oper=opn,src1=(s1,_),src2=(s2,_),dst=(d,_)})=
2937 update((!Reg),d,getresult(opn,(!Reg) sub s1,(!Reg) sub s2) ) |
2938 exec(ARITHI {oper=opn,src1=(s1,_),src2=n1,dst=(d,_)})=
2939 update((!Reg),d,getresult(opn,(!Reg) sub s1,(INT n1) ) ) |
2940 exec(BRANCH{test=comp,src1=(s1,_),src2=(s2,_),dst=(labnum,_),...})=
2941 if compare(comp,(!Reg) sub s1,(!Reg) sub s2)
2942 then (IP:= !(findjmp_place(labnum) ) )
2943 else () |
2944 exec(NOP)= () |
2945 exec(BOGUS _)= raise Match
2947 ;
2951 exception End_of_Program;
2953 fun step () =let
2954 val Instruction=(hd(!IP) handle Hd=> raise End_of_Program)
2955 in
2956 (IP:=tl(!IP) handle Tl=>raise End_of_Program;
2957 exec(Instruction) )
2958 end;
2959 fun run () =(step();run() )
2960 handle End_of_Program =>output(std_out,"End of program\n");
2962 (* bms, ims, rms are simply abbreviations.
2963 *)
2964 val bms : bool -> string = Bool.toString
2965 and ims : int -> string = Int.toString
2966 and rms : real -> string = Real.toString
2968 (* dispv shows the content of a register, dispm shows the content of a
2969 memory word.
2970 *)
2971 fun dispv(n,INT k)=output(std_out,"Register "^ims(n)^": "^
2972 "INT "^ims(k)^"\n") |
2973 dispv(n,REAL r)=output(std_out,"Register "^ims(n)^": "^
2974 "REAL "^rms(r)^"\n") |
2975 dispv(n,LABVAL (l,0))=output(std_out,
2976 "Register "^ims(n)^": "^
2977 "LABEL "^ims(l)^"\n") |
2978 dispv(n,LABVAL (l,k))=output(std_out,
2979 "Register "^ims(n)^": "^
2980 "LABWORD "^ims(k)^" after"^
2981 "LABEL "^ims(l)^"\n") ;
2983 fun dispm(n,INT k)=output(std_out,"Memory "^ims(n)^": "^
2984 "INT "^ims(k)^"\n") |
2985 dispm(n,REAL r)=output(std_out,"Memory "^ims(n)^": "^
2986 "REAL "^rms(r)^"\n") |
2987 dispm(n,LABVAL (l,0))=output(std_out,
2988 "Memory "^ims(n)^": "^
2989 "LABEL "^ims(l)^"\n") |
2990 dispm(n,LABVAL (l,k))=output(std_out,
2991 "Memory "^ims(n)^": "^
2992 "LABWORD "^ims(k)^" after"^
2993 "LABEL "^ims(l)^"\n") ;
2995 (* oms and cms give the strings of the functions and comparisions.
2996 *)
2997 fun oms(iadd)="iadd" | oms(isub)="isub" |
2998 oms(imul)="imul" | oms(idiv)="idiv" |
2999 oms(fadd)="fadd" | oms(fsub)="fsub" |
3000 oms(fmul)="fmul" | oms(fdiv)="fdiv" |
3001 oms(real)="real" | oms(floor)="floor" | oms(logb)="logb" |
3002 oms(orb)="orb" | oms(andb)="andb" | oms(xorb)="xorb" |
3003 oms(rshift)="rshift" | oms(lshift)="lshift" ;
3005 fun cms(ilt)="ilt" | cms(igt)="igt" | cms(ieq)="ieq" |
3006 cms(ile)="ile" | cms(ige)="ige" | cms(ine)="ine" |
3007 cms(flt)="flt" | cms(fgt)="fgt" | cms(feq)="feq" |
3008 cms(fle)="fle" | cms(fge)="fge" | cms(fne)="fne" |
3009 cms(outofrange)="outofrange" | cms(inrange)="inrange" ;
3011 (* lms gives the string of the live register list.
3012 *)
3013 fun lms(nil)="" |
3014 lms((h,s)::nil)="("^ims(h)^","^s^")" |
3015 lms((h,s)::t)="("^ims(h)^","^s^"),"^lms(t);
3017 (* disp gives the string for the instruction.
3018 *)
3019 fun disp(FETCH{immutable=b,offset=ofst,ptr=(p,s1),dst=(d,s2)}) =
3020 "FETCH{immutable="^bms(b)^",offset="^ims(ofst) ^",ptr=("^ims(p)^","^s1
3021 ^"),dst=("^ims(d)^","^s2^")}\n" |
3023 disp(STORE{offset=ofst,src=(s,s1),ptr=(p,s2)}) =
3024 "STORE{offset="^ims(ofst)^",src=("^ims(s)^","^s1^"),ptr=("
3025 ^ims(p)^","^s2^")}\n" |
3027 disp(GETLAB{lab=(l,ls),dst=(d,ds)}) =
3028 "GETLAB{lab=("^ims(l)^","^ls^"),dst=("^ims(d)^","^ds^")}\n" |
3030 disp(GETREAL{value=r,dst=(d,ds)}) =
3031 "GETREAL{value="^r^",dst=("^ims(d)^","^ds^")}\n" |
3033 disp(ARITH{oper=opn,src1=(s1,ss1),src2=(s2,ss2),dst=(d,ds)})=
3034 "ARITH{oper="^oms(opn)^",src1=("^ims(s1)^","^ss1^"),src2=("^ims(s2)
3035 ^","^ss2^"),dst=("^ims(d)^","^ds^")}\n" |
3037 disp(ARITHI{oper=opn,src1=(s1,ss1),src2=n,dst=(d,ds)})=
3038 "ARITH{oper="^oms(opn)^",src1=("^ims(s1)^","^ss1^"),src2="^ims(n)^
3039 ",dst=("^ims(d)^","^ds^")}\n" |
3041 disp(MOVE{src=(s,ss),dst=(d,ds)})=
3042 "MOVE{src=("^ims(s)^","^ss^"),dst=("^ims(d)^","^ds^")}\n" |
3044 disp(BRANCH{test=comp,src1=(s1,ss1),src2=(s2,ss2),dst=(labnum,ss3),
3045 live=lt})=
3046 "BRANCH{test="^cms(comp)^",src1=("^ims(s1)^","^ss1^"),src2=("^ims(s2)
3047 ^","^ss2^"),dst=("^ims(labnum)^","^ss3^"),live=["^lms(lt)^"]}\n" |
3049 disp(JUMP{dst=(d,ds),live=lt}) =
3050 "JUMP{dst=("^ims(d)^","^ds^"),live=["^lms(lt)^"]}\n" |
3052 disp(LABWORD{lab=(l,s)})="LABWORD{lab=("^ims(l)^","^s^")}\n" |
3054 disp(LABEL{lab=(l,s),live=lt})=
3055 "LABEL{lab=("^ims(l)^","^s^"),live=["^lms(lt)^"]}\n" |
3057 disp(WORD{value=n})="WORD{value="^ims(n)^"}\n" |
3059 disp(NOP)="NOP" |
3060 disp(BOGUS _) = raise Match
3062 ;
3064 fun d_pc () =output(std_out,disp(hd(!IP)) handle Hd=>"No More Instruction\n");
3065 fun pc () = (!IP);
3066 fun pptr () =(List.length(!codes)-List.length(!IP))+1;
3067 fun breakptr k=let fun goon (LABEL {lab=(l,_),...})=(l<>k) |
3068 goon (_)=true
3069 in while goon(hd(!IP)) do step()
3070 end;
3071 fun regc n=((!Reg) sub n);
3072 fun d_r () =let val i=ref 0 in
3073 (while ( !i < !RegN) do
3074 (dispv((!i),(!Reg) sub (!i)); )
3075 )
3076 end;
3077 fun d_regs (nil)=() |
3078 d_regs (h::t)=(dispv(h,(!Reg) sub h);d_regs(t));
3080 fun mcell n=((!Memory) sub n);
3081 fun d_m (n,m)=let val i=ref n in
3082 while ( !i <=m) do (dispm(!i,(!Memory) sub !i); )
3083 end;
3084 fun d_ms nil =() |
3085 d_ms (h::t)=(dispm(h,(!Memory) sub h); d_ms(t) );
3088 (* This part for the VLIW mode execution. *)
3091 val runcount=ref 0 and sizen=ref 0 and flag=ref true;
3092 exception Simulator_error_1;
3093 exception Simulator_error_2;
3094 exception Data_dependency_checked;
3096 (* member tests whether element a is in a list.
3097 *)
3098 fun member(a,nil)=false |
3099 member(a,h::t)=if (a=h) then true else member(a,t);
3100 (* hvcom tests whether the intersection of two list isnot nil.
3101 *)
3102 fun hvcom(nil,l)=false |
3103 hvcom(h::t,l)=member(h,l) orelse hvcom(t,l);
3105 (* gset returns the list of registers refered in a instruction.
3106 gwset returns the list of the register being written in a instruction.
3107 *)
3108 fun gset(FETCH{ptr=(p,_),dst=(d,_),...})=[p,d] |
3109 gset(STORE{src=(s,_),ptr=(p,_),...})=[s,p] |
3110 gset(GETLAB{dst=(d,_),...})=[d] |
3111 gset(GETREAL{dst=(d,_),...})=[d] |
3112 gset(ARITH{src1=(s1,_),src2=(s2,_),dst=(d,_),...})=[s1,s2,d] |
3113 gset(ARITHI{src1=(s1,_),dst=(d,_),...})=[s1,d] |
3114 gset(MOVE{src=(s,_),dst=(d,_)})=[s,d] |
3115 gset(BRANCH{src1=(s1,_),src2=(s2,_),...})=[s1,s2] |
3116 gset(JUMP{dst=(d,_),...})=[d] |
3117 gset(_)=nil ;
3118 fun gwset(FETCH{dst=(d,_),...})=[d] |
3119 gwset(GETLAB{dst=(d,_),...})=[d] |
3120 gwset(GETREAL{dst=(d,_),...})=[d] |
3121 gwset(ARITH{dst=(d,_),...})=[d] |
3122 gwset(ARITHI{dst=(d,_),...})=[d] |
3123 gwset(MOVE{dst=(d,_),...})=[d] |
3124 gwset(_)=nil ;
3126 (* fetchcode returns the instruction word which contains the next k
3127 instruction. fetchcode3 is used in version 3 of VLIW mode, in which case
3128 labels within instruction words are OK.
3129 *)
3130 fun fetchcode(0)=nil |
3131 fetchcode(k)=let val h=hd(!IP) in
3132 (IP:=tl(!IP);
3133 if hvnop(h)
3134 then (output(std_out,
3135 "Warning: labels within the instruction word\n");
3136 fetchcode(k)
3137 )
3138 else h::fetchcode(k-1) )
3139 end handle Hd=>nil;
3140 fun fetchcode3(0)=nil |
3141 fetchcode3(k)=let val h=hd(!IP) in
3142 (IP:=tl(!IP);
3143 if hvnop(h) then fetchcode3(k)
3144 else h::fetchcode3(k-1) )
3145 end handle Hd=>nil;
3147 (* allnop tests if all instructions left mean no operation.
3148 *)
3149 fun allnop(nil)=true |
3150 allnop(NOP::t)=allnop(t) |
3151 allnop(_)=false;
3153 (* nopcut cut the instruction stream in a way that the first half are all
3154 NOP instruction.
3155 *)
3156 fun nopcut(nil)=(nil,nil) |
3157 nopcut(NOP::t)=let val (l1,l2)=nopcut(t) in (NOP::l1,l2) end |
3158 nopcut(l)=(nil,l);
3160 (* cmdd tests the data dependency on memory cells and IP.
3161 *)
3162 fun cmdd(_,nil)=false |
3163 cmdd(wset,STORE{ptr=(p,_),offset=ofst,...}::t)=
3164 cmdd(addrplus((!Reg) sub p,ofst)::wset,t) |
3165 cmdd(wset,FETCH{ptr=(p,_),offset=ofst,...}::t)=
3166 member(addrplus((!Reg) sub p,ofst),wset) orelse cmdd(wset,t) |
3167 cmdd(wset,BRANCH{...}::t)=if allnop(t) then false else true |
3168 cmdd(wset,JUMP{...}::t)=if allnop(t) then false else true |
3169 cmdd(wset,h::t)=cmdd(wset,t);
3171 (* crdd test the data dependency on registers.
3172 *)
3173 fun crdd(_,nil)=false |
3174 crdd(wset,h::t)=if hvcom(gset(h),wset) then true
3175 else crdd(gwset(h)@wset,t) ;
3177 (* check_dd checks whether there is data dependency in instruction stream l.
3178 *)
3179 fun check_dd(l)= crdd(nil,l) orelse cmdd(nil,l);
3181 (* rddcut seperate the longest part of the instruction stream that have no
3182 data dependency on registers , from the left.
3183 *)
3184 fun rddcut(_,nil)= (nil,nil) |
3185 rddcut(wset,l as (h::t))=
3186 if hvcom(gset(h),wset) then (nil,l)
3187 else let val (l1,l2)=rddcut(gwset(h)@wset,t)
3188 in (h::l1,l2) end
3189 ;
3190 (* mddcut seperate the longest part of the instruction stream that have no data
3191 dependency on memory cells and IP, from the left.
3192 *)
3193 fun mddcut(_,nil)= (nil,nil) |
3194 mddcut(wset,(h as STORE{ptr=(p,_),offset=ofst,...})::t)=
3195 let val (l1,l2)=mddcut(addrplus((!Reg) sub p,ofst)::wset,t)
3196 in (h::l1,l2) end |
3197 mddcut(wset,(h as FETCH{ptr=(p,_),offset=ofst,...})::t)=
3198 if member(addrplus((!Reg) sub p,ofst),wset)
3199 then (nil,h::t)
3200 else let val (l1,l2)=mddcut(wset,t) in (h::l1,l2) end |
3201 mddcut(wset,(h as BRANCH{...})::t)=
3202 let val (l1,l2)=nopcut(t) in (h::l1,l2) end |
3203 mddcut(wset,(h as JUMP{...})::t)=
3204 let val (l1,l2)=nopcut(t) in (h::l1,l2) end |
3205 mddcut(wset,h::t)=
3206 let val (l1,l2)=mddcut(wset,t) in (h::l1,l2) end
3207 ;
3209 (* calcult returns the necessary value list corresponding to a instruction
3210 stream. And change the IP when necessary.
3211 *)
3212 fun calcult(nil)=nil |
3213 calcult(FETCH{ptr=(p,_),offset=ofst,...}::t)=
3214 content((!Reg) sub p,ofst)::calcult(t) |
3215 calcult(STORE{src=(s,_),...}::t)=((!Reg) sub s )::calcult(t) |
3216 calcult(MOVE{src=(s,_),...}::t)=((!Reg) sub s)::calcult(t) |
3217 calcult(ARITH{oper=opn,src1=(s1,_),src2=(s2,_),...}::t)=
3218 getresult(opn,(!Reg) sub s1,(!Reg) sub s2)::calcult(t) |
3219 calcult(ARITHI{oper=opn,src1=(s1,_),src2=n1,...}::t)=
3220 getresult(opn,(!Reg) sub s1,(INT n1))::calcult(t) |
3221 calcult(JUMP{dst=(d,_),...}::t)=((!Reg) sub d)::calcult(t) |
3222 calcult(h::t)=calcult(t);
3224 (* dowr does the actual writing operations.
3225 *)
3226 fun dowr(nil,nil)=() |
3227 dowr(nil,h::t)=raise Simulator_error_1 |
3228 dowr(FETCH{...}::t,nil)=raise Simulator_error_2 |
3229 dowr(STORE{...}::t,nil)=raise Simulator_error_2 |
3230 dowr(MOVE{...}::t,nil)=raise Simulator_error_2 |
3231 dowr(ARITH{...}::t,nil)=raise Simulator_error_2 |
3232 dowr(ARITHI{...}::t,nil)=raise Simulator_error_2 |
3233 dowr(JUMP{...}::t,nil)=raise Simulator_error_2 |
3234 dowr(FETCH{dst=(d,_),...}::t,vh::vt)=(update((!Reg),d,vh);
3235 dowr(t,vt) ) |
3236 dowr(STORE{ptr=(p,_),offset=ofst,...}::t,vh::vt)=
3237 (update((!Memory),addrplus((!Reg) sub p,ofst),vh); dowr(t,vt) ) |
3238 dowr(GETLAB{lab=(l,_),dst=(d,_)}::t,vt)=
3239 (update((!Reg),d,(LABVAL (l,0)) ); dowr(t,vt) ) |
3240 dowr(GETREAL{value=v,dst=(d,_)}::t,vt)=
3241 (update((!Reg),d,(REAL (strToReal v)) ); dowr(t,vt) ) |
3242 dowr(MOVE{dst=(d,_),...}::t,vh::vt)=
3243 (update((!Reg),d,vh); dowr(t,vt) ) |
3244 dowr(ARITH{dst=(d,_),...}::t,vh::vt)=
3245 (update((!Reg),d,vh); dowr(t,vt) ) |
3246 dowr(ARITHI{dst=(d,_),...}::t,vh::vt)=
3247 (update((!Reg),d,vh); dowr(t,vt) ) |
3248 dowr(JUMP{...}::t,vh::vt)=
3249 (execjmp(vh); flag:=false; dowr(t,vt) ) |
3250 dowr(BRANCH{test=comp,src1=(s1,_),src2=(s2,_),
3251 dst=(labnum,_),...}::t,vt)=
3252 if compare(comp,(!Reg) sub s1,(!Reg) sub s2)
3253 then (IP:= !(findjmp_place(labnum)); flag:=false; dowr(t,vt) )
3254 else dowr(t,vt) |
3255 dowr(h::t,vt)=dowr(t,vt)
3256 ;
3258 (* vv3 executes an instruction word in version 3 mode.
3259 *)
3260 fun vv3(nil)= () |
3261 vv3(l)=let val (l1,l2)=rddcut(nil,l);
3262 val (l3,l4)=mddcut(nil,l1)
3263 in (flag:=true; dowr(l3,calcult(l3));;
3264 if (!flag) then vv3(l4@l2) else () )
3265 end;
3267 fun vinit(k,l)=(init(l); sizen:=k; runcount:=0 ) ;
3269 fun vstep1()=let val f=(while hvnop(hd(!IP)) do IP:=tl(!IP))
3270 handle Hd=>raise End_of_Program;
3271 val codel=fetchcode(!sizen)
3272 in
3273 (dowr(codel,calcult(codel)); )
3274 end;
3276 fun vstep2()=let val f=(while hvnop(hd(!IP)) do IP:=tl(!IP))
3277 handle Hd=>raise End_of_Program;
3278 val codel=fetchcode(!sizen)
3279 in
3280 if check_dd(codel)
3281 then (output(std_out,"Data dependency checked in:\n");
3282 let fun f(nil)=() |
3283 f(h::t)=(output(std_out,":"^disp(h)); f(t))
3284 in f(codel) end;
3285 raise Data_dependency_checked
3286 )
3287 else (dowr(codel,calcult(codel)); )
3288 end;
3290 fun vstep3()=let val f=if (!IP)=nil then raise End_of_Program else ();
3291 val codel=fetchcode3(!sizen)
3292 in vv3(codel) end;
3294 fun vrun1()=(vstep1();vrun1())
3295 handle End_of_Program =>
3296 output(std_out,"End of program.\nTotal runtime: "
3297 ^ims(!runcount)^" steps.\n");
3298 fun vrun2()=(vstep2(); vrun2())
3299 handle End_of_Program =>
3300 output(std_out,"End of program.\nTotal runtime: "
3301 ^ims(!runcount)^" steps.\n")|
3302 Data_dependency_checked=>
3303 output(std_out,"Program halted.\n") ;
3304 fun vrun3()=(vstep3(); vrun3())
3305 handle End_of_Program =>
3306 output(std_out,"End of program.\nTotal runtime: "
3307 ^ims(!runcount)^" substeps.\n");
3309 fun vpc()=let val codel=(!IP) ;
3310 fun f (_,nil)=() |
3311 f (0,_)= () |
3312 f (k,h::l)=if k<=0 then ()
3313 else (output(std_out,disp(h) );
3314 if hvnop(h) then f(k,l)
3315 else f(k-1,l) )
3316 in f((!sizen),codel) end;
3319 (* This part for Pipeline mode *)
3322 exception illegal_jump_within_branchdelay;
3323 exception illegal_branch_within_branchdelay;
3324 exception illegal_label_within_branchdelay;
3325 exception illegal_labword_within_branchdelay;
3326 exception illegal_word_within_branchdelay;
3327 (* Rdelay points to the timing array of registers.
3328 *)
3329 val Rdelay=ref ( array(0,0) );
3330 (* clock records run time. withindelay is a flag used in BRANCH and JUMP delays.
3331 *)
3332 val clock=ref 0 and withindelay=ref false;
3333 val fdelay=ref 1 and ardelay: ((arithop->int) ref)=ref (fn k=>1)
3334 and jdelay=ref 1;
3336 (* pexec executes one instruction, increasing the clock when necessary, which
3337 corresponding to the holding down of instruction streams.
3338 *)
3339 fun pexec(FETCH{immutable=_,offset=ofst,ptr=(p,_),dst=(d,_)})=
3340 (let val t=(!Rdelay) sub p in
3341 if (!clock)<t then clock:=t else ()
3342 end;
3343 update((!Reg),d,content((!Reg) sub p,ofst) );
3344 update((!Rdelay),d,(!clock)+(!fdelay));
3346 ) |
3347 pexec(STORE{offset=ofst,src=(s,_),ptr=(p,_)})=
3348 (let val t1=((!Rdelay) sub p) and t2=((!Rdelay) sub s) ;
3349 val t=Int.max(t1,t2) in
3350 if (!clock)<t then clock:=t else ()
3351 end;
3352 update((!Memory),addrplus((!Reg) sub p,ofst),(!Reg) sub s);
3354 ) |
3355 pexec(GETLAB{lab=(l,_),dst=(d,_)})=
3356 (update((!Reg),d,(LABVAL (l,0)) );
3358 ) |
3359 pexec(GETREAL{value=v,dst=(d,_)})=
3360 (update((!Reg),d,(REAL (strToReal v)) );
3362 ) |
3363 pexec(MOVE{src=(s,_),dst=(d,_)})=
3364 (let val t=(!Rdelay) sub s in
3365 if (!clock)<t then clock:=t else ()
3366 end;
3367 update((!Reg),d,(!Reg) sub s);
3369 ) |
3370 pexec(ARITH{oper=opn,src1=(s1,_),src2=(s2,_),dst=(d,_)})=
3371 (let val t1=((!Rdelay) sub s1) and t2=((!Rdelay) sub s2);
3372 val t=Int.max(t1,t2) in
3373 if (!clock)<t then clock:=t else ()
3374 end;
3375 update((!Reg),d,getresult(opn,(!Reg) sub s1,(!Reg) sub s2) );
3376 update((!Rdelay),d,((!ardelay) opn)+(!clock) );
3378 ) |
3379 pexec(ARITHI{oper=opn,src1=(s1,_),src2=n1,dst=(d,_)})=
3380 (let val t=((!Rdelay) sub s1) in
3381 if (!clock)<t then clock:=t else ()
3382 end;
3383 update((!Reg),d,getresult(opn,(!Reg) sub s1,(INT n1) ) );
3384 update((!Rdelay),d,((!ardelay) opn)+(!clock) );
3386 ) |
3387 pexec(JUMP {dst=(d,_),...})=
3388 if (!withindelay) then raise illegal_jump_within_branchdelay
3389 else
3390 (let val t=((!Rdelay) sub d) in
3391 if (!clock)<t then clock:=t else ()
3392 end;
3393; withindelay:=true;
3394 let val i=ref 0 in
3395 while ((!i)<(!jdelay)) do
3396 (let val h=hd(!IP) in
3397 ( pexec(h); )
3398 end handle Hd=> (i:=(!jdelay) ) ;
3399 (IP:=tl(!IP)) handle Tl=>()
3400 )
3401 end;
3402 execjmp((!Reg) sub d)
3403 ) |
3404 pexec(BRANCH{test=comp,src1=(s1,_),src2=(s2,_),dst=(labnum,_),...})=
3405 if (!withindelay) then raise illegal_branch_within_branchdelay
3406 else
3407 (let val t1=((!Rdelay) sub s1) and t2=((!Rdelay) sub s2);
3408 val t=Int.max(t1,t2) in
3409 if (!clock)<t then clock:=t else ()
3410 end;
3411; withindelay:=true;
3412 let val i=ref 0 in
3413 while ((!i)<(!jdelay)) do
3414 (let val h=hd(!IP) in
3415 ( pexec(h); )
3416 end handle Hd=> (i:=(!jdelay) ) ;
3417 (IP:=tl(!IP)) handle Tl=>()
3418 )
3419 end;
3420 if compare(comp,(!Reg) sub s1,(!Reg) sub s2)
3421 then (IP:= !(findjmp_place(labnum) ) )
3422 else ()
3423 ) |
3424 pexec(NOP) |
3425 pexec(LABEL{...})=if (!withindelay)
3426 then raise illegal_label_within_branchdelay
3427 else () |
3428 pexec(LABWORD{...})=if (!withindelay)
3429 then raise illegal_labword_within_branchdelay
3430 else () |
3431 pexec(WORD{...})=if (!withindelay)
3432 then raise illegal_word_within_branchdelay
3433 else ()
3434 ;
3436 fun pinit(fetchdelay,arithdelay,jumpdelay,l)=
3437 (init(l);
3438 Rdelay:=array((!RegN),0);
3439 clock:=0; fdelay:=fetchdelay;
3440 ardelay:=arithdelay; jdelay:=jumpdelay );
3442 fun pstep()=
3443 let
3444 val Instruction=(hd(!IP) handle Hd=>raise End_of_Program)
3445 in (IP:=tl(!IP) handle Tl=>raise End_of_Program;
3446 withindelay:=false; pexec(Instruction) )
3447 end;
3449 fun prun()=(pstep(); prun() ) handle End_of_Program=>
3450 (output(std_out,"End of program.\n");
3451 output(std_out,"Total time used: "^ims(!clock)^" cycles.\n") );
3453 end;
3454 structure SimStuff =
3455 struct
3457 fun read file =
3458 let val if1 = (open_in "simprelude.s")
3459 val if2 = (open_in file)
3460 val if3 = (open_in "simpostlude.s")
3461 val prelude = if1
3462 val prog = if2
3463 val postlude = if3
3464 in
3465 close_in if1;
3466 close_in if2;
3467 close_in if3;
3468 prelude @ prog @ postlude
3469 end
3471 fun init file = SetEnv.init (read file)
3473 val runcount = ref 0
3475 fun run ()=
3476 let open AbsMach
3477 val foo = runcount := 0
3478 fun updc NOP = runcount := !runcount + 1
3479 | updc _ = ()
3480 open SetEnv
3481 fun f () = (step(); (updc o hd o pc)(); f())
3482 in
3483 f()
3484 end
3486 fun srun () = let open SetEnv in d_pc(); step(); srun() end;
3488 fun memsave () = !SetEnv.Memory
3491 fun memcmp(a:AbsMach.values array, b:AbsMach.values array) =
3492 let open AbsMach
3493 fun cmp (INT a, INT b) = a = b
3494 | cmp (REAL a, REAL b) = realEq(a, b)
3495 | cmp (LABVAL _, LABVAL _) = true
3496 | cmp _ = false
3497 fun f 0 = ~1
3498 | f n = if cmp((a sub n), (b sub n)) then f (n - 1) else n
3499 val al = Array.length a
3500 val bl = Array.length b
3501 in
3502 if al = bl then f (al - 1) else (print "size\n"; 0)
3503 end
3506 fun copyarray a =
3507 let val la = Array.length a
3508 val na = array(la, a sub 0)
3509 fun f n = if n > 0 then (update(na, n, a sub n) ; f (n - 1)) else ()
3510 val foo = f (la - 1)
3511 in
3512 na
3513 end
3516 exception PROG_NO_END
3518 local open AbsMach
3519 in
3520 fun vstring (INT i) = "INT " ^ makestring i
3521 | vstring (REAL i) = "REAL " ^ Real.toString i
3522 | vstring (LABVAL(i, j)) =
3523 "LABVAL(" ^ makestring i ^ ", " ^ makestring j ^ ")"
3524 end
3526 fun runf f =
3527 ((init f;
3528 run ();
3529 raise PROG_NO_END))
3530 handle End_of_Program => (print "eop\n";
3531 SetEnv.regc 4)
3534 fun cmprog(f1, f2) =
3535 let open AbsMach
3536 fun intof (INT i) = i
3537 fun ptsat p = SetEnv.mcell (intof p)
3538 val p1 = runf f1
3539 (* val foo = print ("cmprog1:" ^ vstring p1 ^ "\n") *)
3540 val v1 = ptsat p1
3541 val r1 = !runcount
3542 val p2 = runf f2
3543 (* val foo = print ("cmprog2:" ^ vstring p2 ^ "\n") *)
3544 val v2 = ptsat p2
3545 val r2 = !runcount
3547 in
3548 (f1 ^ " ct " ^ makestring r1 ^ " ptr " ^ vstring p1 ^
3549 " val " ^ vstring v1 ^
3550 f2 ^ " ct " ^ makestring r2 ^ " ptr " ^ vstring p2 ^
3551 " val " ^ vstring v2 ^ "\n")
3552 end
3554 end
3556 fun time str f =
3557 let (* open System.Timer
3558 val s = start_timer() *)
3559 val v = f()
3560 (*
3561 val e = check_timer s
3562 val foo = print (str ^ " took " ^ makestring e ^ "sec.usec\n")
3563 *)
3564 in
3565 v
3566 end
3569 fun writeprog(file, j, p) =
3570 let val ot = (open_out file)
3571 val prog = ReadI.writeI(j, p)
3572 val filp = (Delay.rm_bogus o OutFilter.remnops) prog
3573 val xxx = ot filp
3574 in
3575 close_out ot
3576 end;
3578 fun wp(file, prog) =
3579 let val ot = (open_out file)
3580 val filp = Delay.rm_bogus prog
3581 val xxx = ot filp
3582 in
3583 close_out ot
3584 end;
3586 fun dodelay i = (Delay.init i; Delay.add_delay i);
3588 val _ = (
3589 Node.move_test_debug := false;
3590 Node.move_op_debug := false;
3591 Node.rw_debug := false;
3592 Node.delete_debug := false;
3593 Node.ntn_debug := true;
3594 Node.prog_node_debug := false;
3595 Node.prog_node_debug_verbose := false;
3596 Node.closure_progs_debug := false;
3597 Node.cpsiCheck := false;
3598 Compress.compress_debug := false;
3599 ReadI.read_debug := false;
3600 ReadI.write_debug := false;
3601 ReadI.live_debug := false
3602 )
3604 fun pm pl = print (StrPak.stringListString (map ReadI.progMap pl));
3605 fun pp pl = print (StrPak.stringListString (map PrintAbs.str pl));
3607 fun ndnm nil = raise Node.NAMETONODE
3608 | ndnm(h::t) = (fn (nm) => Node.nameToNode(h, nm)
3609 handle Node.NAMETONODE => ndnm t nm);
3611 exception ERROR;
3613 fun err (s:string) = (print s; raise ERROR);
3615 fun pmem nil = (err "oh well")
3616 | pmem ((ns, n0, f)::t) =
3617 fn n => if Set.member(ns, n) then (ns, n0, f)
3618 else pmem t n;
3620 structure Main = struct
3622 fun doitx (ifile:string, ofile:string, c_ofile:string, ws:int) =
3623 let val foo = Ntypes.init_names()
3624 val ins = open_in ifile
3625 val i = (dodelay o BreakInst.breaki o ins
3626 val _ = close_in ins
3627 val (j, p) = time "Building Nodes" (fn () => ReadI.readI i)
3628 val x = time "writing unopt" (fn () => writeprog(ofile, j, p))
3629 fun cwin p = Compress.compress(ws, p)
3630 val cp = time "compressing program" (fn () => map cwin p)
3631 val xx = time "writing opt program" (fn () => writeprog(c_ofile, j, cp))
3632 val answer = "" (* SimStuff.cmprog(ofile, c_ofile) *)
3633 val code_motions = Ntypes.new_name "0"
3634 in
3635 print (answer ^ "code_motions " ^ code_motions ^ " \n")
3636 end
3638 fun main(s:string list, env:string list) =
3639 let val idemp = ref 0
3640 val ws = ref 0
3641 val ifile = ref "/dev/null"
3642 val ofile = ref "/dev/null"
3643 val c_ofile = ref "/dev/null"
3644 val gotifile = ref false
3645 val gotofile = ref false
3646 fun digit d =
3647 if ord d >= ord "0" andalso ord d <= ord "9" then ord d - ord "0"
3648 else err ("expected digit. got " ^ d)
3649 val parse =
3650 fn ("-" :: "i" :: "d" :: "e" :: "m" :: d :: nil) =>
3651 idemp := digit d
3652 | ("-" :: "w" :: "s" :: d :: nil) =>
3653 ws := digit d
3654 | ("-" :: t) =>
3655 (print ("usage: comp [-ws#] [-idem#]" ^
3656 "input_file temp_file compressed_file\n");
3657 print ("ws is the window size\nidem is the idempotency\n");
3658 err "exiting")
3659 | s => if !gotofile then c_ofile := implode s
3660 else if !gotifile then (gotofile := true;
3661 ofile := implode s)
3662 else (gotifile := true;
3663 ifile := implode s)
3664 val foo = (parse o explode) (tl s)
3665 val foo = print ("compressing " ^ !ifile ^ " into (uncompressed)" ^
3666 !ofile ^
3667 " and (compressed)" ^ !c_ofile ^
3668 " with idempotency " ^ makestring (!idemp) ^
3669 " and window size " ^ makestring (!ws) ^ "\n")
3670 in
3671 Delay.idempotency := !idemp;
3672 doitx(!ifile, !ofile, !c_ofile, !ws)
3673 end
3675 val s = OS.FileSys.getDir()
3677 fun doit() = main(["foobar", "-ws9",
3678 s^"/DATA/ndotprod.s",
3679 s^"/DATA/tmp.s",
3680 s^"/DATA/cmp.s"],
3681 nil)
3682 fun testit _ = ()
3683 end
3685 structure Main : BMARK =
3686 struct
3687 open Main
3689 val doit =
3690 fn n =>
3691 let
3692 fun loop n =
3693 if n = 0
3694 then ()
3695 else (doit();
3696 loop(n-1))
3697 in loop n
3698 end
3699 end