Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / basis-library / posix / process.sml
1 (* Copyright (C) 2009 Matthew Fluet.
2 * Copyright (C) 1999-2006, 2008 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
3 * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
4 * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 NEC Research Institute.
5 *
6 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
7 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
8 *)
10 structure PosixProcess: POSIX_PROCESS_EXTRA =
11 struct
12 structure Prim = PrimitiveFFI.Posix.Process
13 open Prim
14 structure FileDesc = PrePosix.FileDesc
15 structure PId = PrePosix.PId
16 structure Signal = PrePosix.Signal
18 structure Error = PosixError
19 structure SysCall = Error.SysCall
21 type signal = Signal.t
22 type pid = PId.t
24 val pidToWord = C_PId.castToSysWord o PId.toRep
25 val wordToPid = PId.fromRep o C_PId.castFromSysWord
27 fun fork () =
28 SysCall.syscall'
29 ({errVal = C_PId.castFromFixedInt ~1}, fn () =>
30 (Prim.fork (), fn p =>
31 if p = C_PId.castFromFixedInt 0
32 then NONE
33 else SOME (PId.fromRep p)))
35 val fork =
36 if Primitive.MLton.Platform.OS.forkIsEnabled
37 then fork
38 else fn () => Error.raiseSys Error.nosys
40 val conv = NullString.nullTerm
41 val convs = CUtil.C_StringArray.fromList
43 fun exece (path, args, env): 'a =
44 let
45 val path = conv path
46 val args = convs args
47 val env = convs env
48 in
49 (SysCall.simple
50 (fn () => Prim.exece (path, args, env))
51 ; raise Fail "Posix.Process.exece")
52 end
54 fun exec (path, args): 'a =
55 exece (path, args, PosixProcEnv.environ ())
57 fun execp (file, args): 'a =
58 let
59 val file = conv file
60 val args = convs args
61 in
62 (SysCall.simple
63 (fn () => Prim.execp (file, args))
64 ; raise Fail "Posix.Process.execp")
65 end
67 datatype waitpid_arg =
69 | W_CHILD of pid
71 | W_GROUP of pid
73 datatype exit_status =
75 | W_EXITSTATUS of Word8.word
76 | W_SIGNALED of signal
77 | W_STOPPED of signal
79 fun fromStatus' (status : C_Status.t) =
80 if Prim.ifExited status <>
81 then (case Prim.exitStatus status of
82 0 => W_EXITED
83 | n => W_EXITSTATUS (Word8.castFromSysWord (C_Int.castToSysWord n)))
84 else if Prim.ifSignaled status <>
85 then W_SIGNALED (PosixSignal.fromRep (Prim.termSig status))
86 else if Prim.ifStopped status <>
87 then W_STOPPED (PosixSignal.fromRep (Prim.stopSig status))
88 else raise Fail "Posix.Process.fromStatus"
89 fun fromStatus status =
90 fromStatus' (PreOS.Status.toRep status)
92 structure W =
93 struct
94 structure Flags = BitFlags(structure S = C_Int)
95 open W Flags
96 (* val continued = CONTINUED *)
97 val nohang = NOHANG
98 val untraced = UNTRACED
99 end
101 local
102 val status: C_Status.t ref = ref (C_Status.fromInt 0)
103 fun wait (wa, status, flags) =
104 let
105 val pid =
106 case wa of
107 W_ANY_CHILD => C_PId.castFromFixedInt ~1
108 | W_CHILD pid => PId.toRep pid
109 | W_SAME_GROUP => C_PId.castFromFixedInt 0
110 | W_GROUP pid => C_PId.~ (PId.toRep pid)
111 val flags = W.flags flags
112 in
113 (PId.fromRep o SysCall.simpleResultRestart')
114 ({errVal = C_PId.castFromFixedInt ~1}, fn () =>
115 let
116 val pid = Prim.waitpid (pid, status, flags)
117 in
118 pid
119 end)
120 end
121 fun getStatus () = fromStatus' (!status)
122 in
123 fun waitpid (wa, flags) =
124 let
125 val pid = wait (wa, status, flags)
126 in
127 (pid, getStatus ())
128 end
130 fun waitpid_nh (wa, flags) =
131 let
132 val pid = wait (wa, status, W.nohang :: flags)
133 in
134 if PId.fromRep (C_PId.castFromFixedInt 0) = pid
135 then NONE
136 else SOME (pid, getStatus ())
137 end
138 end
140 fun wait () = waitpid (W_ANY_CHILD, [])
142 fun exit (w: Word8.word): 'a =
143 (* Posix.Process.exit does not call atExit cleaners, as per the basis
144 * library spec.
145 *)
146 (Prim.exit (C_Status.castFromSysWord (Word8.castToSysWord w))
147 ; raise Fail "Posix.Process.exit")
149 datatype killpid_arg =
150 K_PROC of pid
152 | K_GROUP of pid
154 fun kill (ka: killpid_arg, s: signal): unit =
155 let
156 val pid =
157 case ka of
158 K_PROC pid => PId.toRep pid
159 | K_SAME_GROUP => C_PId.castFromFixedInt ~1
160 | K_GROUP pid => C_PId.~ (PId.toRep pid)
161 val s = PosixSignal.toRep s
162 in
163 SysCall.simple (fn () => Prim.kill (pid, s))
164 end
166 local
167 fun wrap prim (t: Time.time): Time.time =
168 Time.fromSeconds
169 (C_UInt.toLargeInt
170 (prim
171 ((C_UInt.fromLargeInt (Time.toSeconds t))
172 handle Overflow => Error.raiseSys Error.inval)))
173 in
174 val alarm = wrap Prim.alarm
175 (* val sleep = wrap Prim.sleep *)
176 end
178 fun sleep (t: Time.time): Time.time =
179 let
180 val t = Time.toNanoseconds t
181 val sec = LargeInt.quot (t, 1000000000)
182 val nsec = LargeInt.rem (t, 1000000000)
183 val (sec, nsec) =
184 (C_Time.fromLargeInt sec, C_Long.fromLargeInt nsec)
185 handle Overflow => Error.raiseSys Error.inval
186 val secRem = ref sec
187 val nsecRem = ref nsec
188 fun remaining _ =
189 Time.+ (Time.fromSeconds (C_Time.toLargeInt (!secRem)),
190 Time.fromNanoseconds (C_Long.toLargeInt (!nsecRem)))
191 in
192 SysCall.syscallErr
193 ({clear = false, restart = false, errVal = C_Int.fromInt ~1}, fn () =>
194 {handlers = [(Error.intr, remaining)],
195 post = remaining,
196 return = Prim.nanosleep (secRem, nsecRem)})
197 end
199 (* FIXME: pause *)
200 fun pause () =
201 SysCall.syscallErr
202 ({clear = false, restart = false, errVal = C_Int.fromInt ~1},
203 fn () =>
204 {return = Prim.pause (),
205 post = fn _ => (),
206 handlers = [(Error.intr, fn () => ())]})
207 end