Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / basis-library / integer / pack-word.sml
1 (* Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
2 * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
3 * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 NEC Research Institute.
4 *
5 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
6 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
7 *)
9 functor PackWord (S: sig
10 type word
11 val wordSize: int
12 val isBigEndian: bool
13 val subArr: Word8.word array * -> word
14 val subVec: Word8.word vector * -> word
15 val update: Word8.word array * * word -> unit
16 val bswap: word -> word
17 val toLarge: word -> LargeWord.word
18 val toLargeX: word -> LargeWord.word
19 val fromLarge: LargeWord.word -> word
20 end): PACK_WORD_EXTRA =
21 struct
23 open S
25 val bytesPerElem = Int.div (wordSize, 8)
27 fun offset (i, n) =
28 let
29 val () =
30 if
31 andalso (Int.geu (Int.+ (Int.* (bytesPerElem, i),
32 Int.- (bytesPerElem, 1)), n))
33 then raise Subscript
34 else ()
35 in
36 SeqIndex.fromInt i
37 end
38 handle Overflow => raise Subscript
40 val subArrRev = bswap o subArr
41 val subVecRev = bswap o subVec
42 fun updateRev (a, i, w) = update (a, i, bswap w)
44 val (subA, subV, updA) =
45 if isBigEndian = Primitive.MLton.Platform.Arch.hostIsBigEndian
46 then (subArr, subVec, update)
47 else (subArrRev, subVecRev, updateRev)
49 fun unsafeUpdate (a, i, w) =
50 let
51 val i = SeqIndex.fromInt i
52 val a = Word8Array.toPoly a
53 in
54 updA (a, i, fromLarge w)
55 end
57 fun update (a, i, w) =
58 let
59 val i = offset (i, Word8Array.length a)
60 val a = Word8Array.toPoly a
61 in
62 updA (a, i, fromLarge w)
63 end
65 local
66 fun make (sub, length, toPoly) (av, i) =
67 let
68 val i = offset (i, length av)
69 in
70 sub (toPoly av, i)
71 end
72 in
73 val subArr = toLarge o (make (subA, Word8Array.length, Word8Array.toPoly))
74 val subArrX = toLargeX o (make (subA, Word8Array.length, Word8Array.toPoly))
75 val subVec = toLarge o (make (subV, Word8Vector.length, Word8Vector.toPoly))
76 val subVecX = toLargeX o (make (subV, Word8Vector.length, Word8Vector.toPoly))
77 end
79 local
80 fun make (sub, length, toPoly) (av, i) =
81 let
82 val i = SeqIndex.fromInt i
83 in
84 sub (toPoly av, i)
85 end
86 in
87 val unsafeSubArr = toLarge o (make (subA, Word8Array.length, Word8Array.toPoly))
88 val unsafeSubArrX = toLargeX o (make (subA, Word8Array.length, Word8Array.toPoly))
89 val unsafeSubVec = toLarge o (make (subV, Word8Vector.length, Word8Vector.toPoly))
90 val unsafeSubVecX = toLargeX o (make (subV, Word8Vector.length, Word8Vector.toPoly))
91 end
93 end
95 structure PackWord8Big: PACK_WORD_EXTRA =
96 PackWord (val isBigEndian = true
97 open Primitive.PackWord8
98 open Word8)
99 structure PackWord8Little: PACK_WORD_EXTRA =
100 PackWord (val isBigEndian = false
101 open Primitive.PackWord8
102 open Word8)
103 structure PackWord8Host: PACK_WORD_EXTRA =
104 PackWord (val isBigEndian = Primitive.MLton.Platform.Arch.hostIsBigEndian
105 open Primitive.PackWord8
106 open Word8)
107 structure PackWord16Big: PACK_WORD_EXTRA =
108 PackWord (val isBigEndian = true
109 open Primitive.PackWord16
110 open Word16)
111 structure PackWord16Little: PACK_WORD_EXTRA =
112 PackWord (val isBigEndian = false
113 open Primitive.PackWord16
114 open Word16)
115 structure PackWord16Host: PACK_WORD_EXTRA =
116 PackWord (val isBigEndian = Primitive.MLton.Platform.Arch.hostIsBigEndian
117 open Primitive.PackWord16
118 open Word16)
119 structure PackWord32Big: PACK_WORD_EXTRA =
120 PackWord (val isBigEndian = true
121 open Primitive.PackWord32
122 open Word32)
123 structure PackWord32Little: PACK_WORD_EXTRA =
124 PackWord (val isBigEndian = false
125 open Primitive.PackWord32
126 open Word32)
127 structure PackWord32Host: PACK_WORD_EXTRA =
128 PackWord (val isBigEndian = Primitive.MLton.Platform.Arch.hostIsBigEndian
129 open Primitive.PackWord32
130 open Word32)
131 structure PackWord64Big: PACK_WORD_EXTRA =
132 PackWord (val isBigEndian = true
133 open Primitive.PackWord64
134 open Word64)
135 structure PackWord64Little: PACK_WORD_EXTRA =
136 PackWord (val isBigEndian = false
137 open Primitive.PackWord64
138 open Word64)
139 structure PackWord64Host: PACK_WORD_EXTRA =
140 PackWord (val isBigEndian = Primitive.MLton.Platform.Arch.hostIsBigEndian
141 open Primitive.PackWord64
142 open Word64)
143 local
144 structure PackWord =
145 struct
146 local
147 structure S =
148 Word_ChooseWordN
149 (type 'a t = Word8.word array * SeqIndex.t -> 'a
150 val fWord8 = Primitive.PackWord8.subArr
151 val fWord16 = Primitive.PackWord16.subArr
152 val fWord32 = Primitive.PackWord32.subArr
153 val fWord64 = Primitive.PackWord64.subArr)
154 in
155 val subArr = S.f
156 end
157 local
158 structure S =
159 Word_ChooseWordN
160 (type 'a t = Word8.word vector * SeqIndex.t -> 'a
161 val fWord8 = Primitive.PackWord8.subVec
162 val fWord16 = Primitive.PackWord16.subVec
163 val fWord32 = Primitive.PackWord32.subVec
164 val fWord64 = Primitive.PackWord64.subVec)
165 in
166 val subVec = S.f
167 end
168 local
169 structure S =
170 Word_ChooseWordN
171 (type 'a t = Word8.word array * SeqIndex.t * 'a -> unit
172 val fWord8 = Primitive.PackWord8.update
173 val fWord16 = Primitive.PackWord16.update
174 val fWord32 = Primitive.PackWord32.update
175 val fWord64 = Primitive.PackWord64.update)
176 in
177 val update = S.f
178 end
179 end
180 in
181 structure PackWordBig: PACK_WORD_EXTRA =
182 PackWord (val isBigEndian = true
183 open PackWord
184 open Word)
185 structure PackWordLittle: PACK_WORD_EXTRA =
186 PackWord (val isBigEndian = false
187 open PackWord
188 open Word)
189 structure PackWordHost: PACK_WORD_EXTRA =
190 PackWord (val isBigEndian = Primitive.MLton.Platform.Arch.hostIsBigEndian
191 open PackWord
192 open Word)
193 end
194 local
195 structure PackLargeWord =
196 struct
197 local
198 structure S =
199 LargeWord_ChooseWordN
200 (type 'a t = Word8.word array * SeqIndex.t -> 'a
201 val fWord8 = Primitive.PackWord8.subArr
202 val fWord16 = Primitive.PackWord16.subArr
203 val fWord32 = Primitive.PackWord32.subArr
204 val fWord64 = Primitive.PackWord64.subArr)
205 in
206 val subArr = S.f
207 end
208 local
209 structure S =
210 LargeWord_ChooseWordN
211 (type 'a t = Word8.word vector * SeqIndex.t -> 'a
212 val fWord8 = Primitive.PackWord8.subVec
213 val fWord16 = Primitive.PackWord16.subVec
214 val fWord32 = Primitive.PackWord32.subVec
215 val fWord64 = Primitive.PackWord64.subVec)
216 in
217 val subVec = S.f
218 end
219 local
220 structure S =
221 LargeWord_ChooseWordN
222 (type 'a t = Word8.word array * SeqIndex.t * 'a -> unit
223 val fWord8 = Primitive.PackWord8.update
224 val fWord16 = Primitive.PackWord16.update
225 val fWord32 = Primitive.PackWord32.update
226 val fWord64 = Primitive.PackWord64.update)
227 in
228 val update = S.f
229 end
230 end
231 in
232 structure PackLargeWordBig: PACK_WORD_EXTRA =
233 PackWord (val isBigEndian = true
234 open PackLargeWord
235 open LargeWord)
236 structure PackLargeWordLittle: PACK_WORD_EXTRA =
237 PackWord (val isBigEndian = false
238 open PackLargeWord
239 open LargeWord)
240 structure PackLargeWordHost: PACK_WORD_EXTRA =
241 PackWord (val isBigEndian = Primitive.MLton.Platform.Arch.hostIsBigEndian
242 open PackLargeWord
243 open LargeWord)
244 end