Import Debian changes 20180207-1
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / mlton / backend / machine.sig
... / ...
1(* Copyright (C) 2009,2014 Matthew Fluet.
2 * Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
3 * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
4 * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 NEC Research Institute.
5 *
6 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
7 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
8 *)
10signature MACHINE_STRUCTS =
11 sig
12 include ATOMS
13 end
15signature MACHINE =
16 sig
19 structure ObjectType: OBJECT_TYPE
20 structure ObjptrTycon: OBJPTR_TYCON
21 structure Runtime: RUNTIME
22 structure Switch: SWITCH
23 structure Type: REP_TYPE
25 sharing Atoms = Type
26 sharing Atoms = Switch
27 sharing ObjectType = Type.ObjectType
28 sharing ObjptrTycon = ObjectType.ObjptrTycon = Type.ObjptrTycon
29 sharing Runtime = ObjectType.Runtime = Type.Runtime
31 structure ChunkLabel: ID
33 structure Register:
34 sig
35 type t
37 val equals: t * t -> bool
38 val index: t -> int
39 val indexOpt: t -> int option
40 val layout: t -> Layout.t
41 val new: Type.t * int option -> t
42 val setIndex: t * int -> unit
43 val toString: t -> string
44 val ty: t -> Type.t
45 end
47 structure Global:
48 sig
49 type t
51 val equals: t * t -> bool
52 val index: t -> int
53 val isRoot: t -> bool
54 val layout: t -> Layout.t
55 val new: {isRoot: bool, ty: Type.t} -> t
56 val numberOfNonRoot: unit -> int
57 val numberOfType: CType.t -> int
58 val ty: t -> Type.t
59 end
61 structure StackOffset:
62 sig
63 datatype t = T of {offset: Bytes.t,
64 ty: Type.t}
66 val ty: t -> Type.t
67 end
69 structure Scale: SCALE
70 sharing Scale = Type.Scale
72 structure Operand:
73 sig
74 datatype t =
75 ArrayOffset of {base: t,
76 index: t,
77 offset: Bytes.t,
78 scale: Scale.t,
79 ty: Type.t}
80 | Cast of t * Type.t
81 | Contents of {oper: t,
82 ty: Type.t}
83 | Frontier
84 | GCState
85 | Global of Global.t
86 | Label of Label.t
87 | Null
88 | Offset of {base: t,
89 offset: Bytes.t,
90 ty: Type.t}
91 | Real of RealX.t
92 | Register of Register.t
93 | StackOffset of StackOffset.t
94 | StackTop
95 | Word of WordX.t
97 val equals: t * t -> bool
98 val interfere: t * t -> bool
99 val isLocation: t -> bool
100 val layout: t -> Layout.t
101 val stackOffset: {offset: Bytes.t, ty: Type.t} -> t
102 val toString: t -> string
103 val ty: t -> Type.t
104 end
105 sharing Operand = Switch.Use
107 structure Live:
108 sig
109 datatype t =
110 Global of Global.t
111 | Register of Register.t
112 | StackOffset of StackOffset.t
114 val equals: t * t -> bool
115 val fromOperand: Operand.t -> t option
116 val layout: t -> Layout.t
117 val toOperand: t -> Operand.t
118 val ty: t -> Type.t
119 end
121 structure Statement:
122 sig
123 datatype t =
124 (* When registers or offsets appear in operands, there is an
125 * implicit contents of.
126 * When they appear as locations, there is not.
127 *)
128 Move of {dst: Operand.t,
129 src: Operand.t}
130 | Noop
131 | PrimApp of {args: Operand.t vector,
132 dst: Operand.t option,
133 prim: Type.t Prim.t}
134 | ProfileLabel of ProfileLabel.t
136 val foldOperands: t * 'a * (Operand.t * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a
137 val layout: t -> Layout.t
138 val move: {dst: Operand.t, src: Operand.t} -> t
139 (* Error if dsts and srcs aren't of same length. *)
140 val moves: {dsts: Operand.t vector,
141 srcs: Operand.t vector} -> t vector
142 val object: {dst: Operand.t, header: word, size: Bytes.t} -> t vector
143 end
145 structure FrameInfo:
146 sig
147 datatype t = T of {frameLayoutsIndex: int}
149 val equals: t * t -> bool
150 val layout: t -> Layout.t
151 end
153 structure Transfer:
154 sig
155 datatype t =
156 (* In an arith transfer, dst is modified whether or not the
157 * prim succeeds.
158 *)
159 Arith of {args: Operand.t vector,
160 dst: Operand.t,
161 overflow: Label.t,
162 prim: Type.t Prim.t,
163 success: Label.t}
164 | CCall of {args: Operand.t vector,
165 frameInfo: FrameInfo.t option,
166 func: Type.t CFunction.t,
167 (* return is NONE iff the func doesn't return.
168 * Else, return must be SOME l, where l is of CReturn
169 * kind with a matching func.
170 *)
171 return: Label.t option}
172 | Call of {label: Label.t, (* label must be a Func *)
173 live: Live.t vector,
174 return: {return: Label.t,
175 handler: Label.t option,
176 size: Bytes.t} option}
177 | Goto of Label.t (* label must be a Jump *)
178 | Raise
179 | Return
180 | Switch of Switch.t
182 val foldOperands: t * 'a * (Operand.t * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a
183 val layout: t -> Layout.t
184 end
186 structure Kind:
187 sig
188 datatype t =
189 Cont of {args: Live.t vector,
190 frameInfo: FrameInfo.t}
191 | CReturn of {dst: Live.t option,
192 frameInfo: FrameInfo.t option,
193 func: Type.t CFunction.t}
194 | Func
195 | Handler of {frameInfo: FrameInfo.t,
196 handles: Live.t vector}
197 | Jump
199 val frameInfoOpt: t -> FrameInfo.t option
200 end
202 structure Block:
203 sig
204 datatype t =
205 T of {kind: Kind.t,
206 label: Label.t,
207 (* Live registers and stack offsets at start of block. *)
208 live: Live.t vector,
209 raises: Live.t vector option,
210 returns: Live.t vector option,
211 statements: Statement.t vector,
212 transfer: Transfer.t}
214 val foldDefs: t * 'a * (Operand.t * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a
215 val label: t -> Label.t
216 end
218 structure Chunk:
219 sig
220 datatype t =
221 T of {blocks: Block.t vector,
222 chunkLabel: ChunkLabel.t,
223 (* Register.index r
224 * <= regMax (Type.toCType (Register.ty r))
225 * for all registers in the chunk.
226 *)
227 regMax: CType.t -> int}
228 end
230 structure ProfileInfo:
231 sig
232 datatype t =
233 T of {(* For each frame, gives the index into sourceSeqs of the
234 * source functions corresponding to the frame.
235 *)
236 frameSources: int vector,
237 labels: {label: ProfileLabel.t,
238 sourceSeqsIndex: int} vector,
239 names: string vector,
240 (* Each sourceSeq describes a sequence of source functions,
241 * each given as an index into the source vector.
242 *)
243 sourceSeqs: int vector vector,
244 sources: {nameIndex: int,
245 successorsIndex: int} vector}
247 val empty: t
248 val modify: t -> {newProfileLabel: ProfileLabel.t -> ProfileLabel.t,
249 delProfileLabel: ProfileLabel.t -> unit,
250 getProfileInfo: unit -> t}
251 end
253 structure Program:
254 sig
255 datatype t =
256 T of {chunks: Chunk.t list,
257 frameLayouts: {frameOffsetsIndex: int,
258 isC: bool,
259 size: Bytes.t} vector,
260 (* Each vector in frame Offsets specifies the offsets
261 * of live pointers in a stack frame. A vector is referred
262 * to by index as the offsetsIndex in frameLayouts.
263 *)
264 frameOffsets: Bytes.t vector vector,
265 handlesSignals: bool,
266 main: {chunkLabel: ChunkLabel.t,
267 label: Label.t},
268 maxFrameSize: Bytes.t,
269 objectTypes: Type.ObjectType.t vector,
270 profileInfo: ProfileInfo.t option,
271 reals: (Global.t * RealX.t) list,
272 vectors: (Global.t * WordXVector.t) list}
274 val frameSize: t * FrameInfo.t -> Bytes.t
275 val clearLabelNames: t -> unit
276 val layouts: t * (Layout.t -> unit) -> unit
277 val typeCheck: t -> unit
278 end
279 end