Backport from sid to buster
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / mllex / lexgen.sml
1(* Modified by Matthew Fluet on 2011-06-17.
2 * Use simple file name (rather than absolute paths) in line directives in output.
3 *)
4(* Modified by Vesa Karvonen on 2007-12-19.
5 * Create line directives in output.
6 *)
7(* Modified by Matthew Fluet on 2007-11-07.
8 * Add %posint command.
9 *)
10(* Modified by StephenWeeks on 2005-08-18.
11 * Fix file starting position
12 *)
13(* Modified by Stephen Weeks on 2004-10-19.
14 * Do not create references to Unsafe structure.
15 *)
16(* Lexical analyzer generator for Standard ML.
17 Version 1.7.0, June 1998
19Copyright (c) 1989-1992 by Andrew W. Appel,
20 David R. Tarditi, James S. Mattson
22This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
23This software is subject only to the PRINCETON STANDARD ML SOFTWARE LIBRARY
25distributed with this software). You may copy and distribute this software;
26see the COPYRIGHT NOTICE for details and restrictions.
28 Changes:
29 07/25/89 (drt): added %header declaration, code to place
30 user declarations at same level as makeLexer, etc.
31 This is needed for the parser generator.
32 /10/89 (appel): added %arg declaration (see lexgen.doc).
33 /04/90 (drt): fixed following bug: couldn't use the lexer after an
34 error occurred -- NextTok and inquote weren't being reset
35 10/22/91 (drt): disabled use of lookahead
36 10/23/92 (drt): disabled use of $ operator (which involves lookahead),
37 added handlers for dictionary lookup routine
38 11/02/92 (drt): changed handler for exception Reject in generated lexer
39 to Internal.Reject
40 02/01/94 (appel): Moved the exception handler for Reject in such
41 a way as to allow tail-recursion (improves performance
42 wonderfully!).
43 02/01/94 (appel): Fixed a bug in parsing of state names.
44 05/19/94 (Mikael Pettersson,
45 Transition tables are usually represented as strings, but
46 when the range is too large, int vectors constructed by
47 code like "Vector.vector[1,2,3,...]" are used instead.
48 The problem with this isn't that the vector itself takes
49 a lot of space, but that the code generated by SML/NJ to
50 construct the intermediate list at run-time is *HUGE*. My
51 fix is to encode an int vector as a string literal (using
52 two bytes per int) and emit code to decode the string to
53 a vector at run-time. SML/NJ compiles string literals into
54 substrings in the code, so this uses much less space.
55 06/02/94 (jhr): Modified export-lex.sml to conform to new installation
56 scheme. Also removed tab characters from string literals.
57 10/05/94 (jhr): Changed generator to produce code that uses the new
58 basis style strings and characters.
59 10/06/94 (jhr) Modified code to compile under new basis style strings
60 and characters.
61 02/08/95 (jhr) Modified to use new List module interface.
62 05/18/95 (jhr) changed Vector.vector to Vector.fromList
64 * Revision 1.9 1998/01/06 19:23:53 appel
65 * added %posarg feature to permit position-within-file to be passed
66 * as a parameter to makeLexer
67 *
68# Revision 1.8 1998/01/06 19:01:48 appel
69# repaired error messages like "cannot have both %structure and %header"
71# Revision 1.7 1998/01/06 18:55:49 appel
72# permit %% to be unescaped within regular expressions
74# Revision 1.6 1998/01/06 18:46:13 appel
75# removed undocumented feature that permitted extra %% at end of rules
77# Revision 1.5 1998/01/06 18:29:23 appel
78# put yylineno variable inside makeLexer function
80# Revision 1.4 1998/01/06 18:19:59 appel
81# check for newline inside quoted string
83# Revision 1.3 1997/10/04 03:52:13 dbm
84# Fix to remove output file if ml-lex fails.
86 10/17/02 (jhr) changed bad character error message to properly
87 print the bad character.
88 10/17/02 (jhr) fixed skipws to use Char.isSpace test.
89 07/27/05 (jhr) add \r as a recognized escape sequence.
90 *)
92(* Subject: lookahead in sml-lex
93 Reply-to: david.tarditi@CS.CMU.EDU
94 Date: Mon, 21 Oct 91 14:13:26 -0400
96There is a serious bug in the implementation of lookahead,
97as done in sml-lex, and described in Aho, Sethi, and Ullman,
98p. 134 "Implementing the Lookahead Operator"
100We have disallowed the use of lookahead for now because
101of this bug.
103As a counter-example to the implementation described in
104ASU, consider the following specification with the
105input string "aba" (this example is taken from
106a comp.compilers message from Dec. 1989, I think):
108type lexresult=unit
109val linenum = ref 1
110fun error x = TextIO.output(TextIO.stdErr, x ^ "\n")
111val eof = fn () => ()
113%structure Lex
115(a|ab)/ba => (print yytext; print "\n"; ());
117The ASU proposal works as follows. Suppose that we are
118using NFA's to represent our regular expressions. Then to
119build an NFA for e1 / e2, we build an NFA n1 for e1
120and an NFA n2 for e2, and add an epsilon transition
121from e1 to e2.
123When lexing, when we encounter the end state of e1e2,
124we take as the end of the string the position in
125the string that was the last occurrence of the state of
126the NFA having a transition on the epsilon introduced
127for /.
129Using the example we have above, we'll have an NFA
130with the following states:
133 1 -- a --> 2 -- b --> 3
134 | |
135 | epsilon | epsilon
136 | |
137 |------------> 4 -- b --> 5 -- a --> 6
139On our example, we get the following list of transitions:
141a : 2, 4 (make an epsilon transition from 2 to 4)
142ab : 3, 4, 5 (make an epsilon transition from 3 to 4)
143aba : 6
145If we chose the last state in which we made an epsilon transition,
146we'll chose the transition from 3 to 4, and end up with "ab"
147as our token, when we should have "a" as our token.
151functor RedBlack(B : sig type key
152 val > : key*key->bool
153 end):
154 sig type tree
155 type key
156 val empty : tree
157 val insert : key * tree -> tree
158 val lookup : key * tree -> key
159 exception notfound of key
160 end =
162 open B
163 datatype color = RED | BLACK
164 datatype tree = empty | tree of key * color * tree * tree
165 exception notfound of key
167 fun insert (key,t) =
168 let fun f empty = tree(key,RED,empty,empty)
169 | f (tree(k,BLACK,l,r)) =
170 if key>k
171 then case f r
172 of r as tree(rk,RED, rl as tree(rlk,RED,rll,rlr),rr) =>
173 (case l
174 of tree(lk,RED,ll,lr) =>
175 tree(k,RED,tree(lk,BLACK,ll,lr),
176 tree(rk,BLACK,rl,rr))
177 | _ => tree(rlk,BLACK,tree(k,RED,l,rll),
178 tree(rk,RED,rlr,rr)))
179 | r as tree(rk,RED,rl, rr as tree(rrk,RED,rrl,rrr)) =>
180 (case l
181 of tree(lk,RED,ll,lr) =>
182 tree(k,RED,tree(lk,BLACK,ll,lr),
183 tree(rk,BLACK,rl,rr))
184 | _ => tree(rk,BLACK,tree(k,RED,l,rl),rr))
185 | r => tree(k,BLACK,l,r)
186 else if k>key
187 then case f l
188 of l as tree(lk,RED,ll, lr as tree(lrk,RED,lrl,lrr)) =>
189 (case r
190 of tree(rk,RED,rl,rr) =>
191 tree(k,RED,tree(lk,BLACK,ll,lr),
192 tree(rk,BLACK,rl,rr))
193 | _ => tree(lrk,BLACK,tree(lk,RED,ll,lrl),
194 tree(k,RED,lrr,r)))
195 | l as tree(lk,RED, ll as tree(llk,RED,lll,llr), lr) =>
196 (case r
197 of tree(rk,RED,rl,rr) =>
198 tree(k,RED,tree(lk,BLACK,ll,lr),
199 tree(rk,BLACK,rl,rr))
200 | _ => tree(lk,BLACK,ll,tree(k,RED,lr,r)))
201 | l => tree(k,BLACK,l,r)
202 else tree(key,BLACK,l,r)
203 | f (tree(k,RED,l,r)) =
204 if key>k then tree(k,RED,l, f r)
205 else if k>key then tree(k,RED, f l, r)
206 else tree(key,RED,l,r)
207 in case f t
208 of tree(k,RED, l as tree(_,RED,_,_), r) => tree(k,BLACK,l,r)
209 | tree(k,RED, l, r as tree(_,RED,_,_)) => tree(k,BLACK,l,r)
210 | t => t
211 end
214 fun lookup (key,t) =
215 let fun look empty = raise (notfound key)
216 | look (tree(k,_,l,r)) =
217 if k>key then look l
218 else if key>k then look r
219 else k
220 in look t
221 end
225signature LEXGEN =
226 sig
227 val lexGen: string -> unit
228 end
230structure LexGen: LEXGEN =
231 struct
232 val sub = Array.sub
233 infix 9 sub
235 type pos = {line : int, col : int}
237 datatype token = CHARS of bool array | QMARK | STAR | PLUS | BAR
238 | LP | RP | CARAT | DOLLAR | SLASH | STATE of string list
239 | REPS of int * int | ID of string | ACTION of pos * string
242 | POSINT
244 datatype exp = EPS | CLASS of bool array * int | CLOSURE of exp
245 | ALT of exp * exp | CAT of exp * exp | TRAIL of int
246 | END of int
248 (* flags describing input Lex spec. - unnecessary code is omitted *)
249 (* if possible *)
251 val CharFormat = ref false;
252 val UsesTrailingContext = ref false;
253 val UsesPrevNewLine = ref false;
255 (* flags for various bells & whistles that Lex has. These slow the
256 lexer down and should be omitted from production lexers (if you
257 really want speed) *)
259 val CountNewLines = ref false;
260 val PosArg = ref false;
261 val HaveReject = ref false;
263 (* Can increase size of character set *)
265 val CharSetSize = ref 129;
267 (* Can name structure or declare header code *)
269 val StrName = ref "Mlex"
270 val HeaderCode = ref ""
271 val HeaderPos = ref {line = 0, col = 0}
272 val HeaderDecl = ref false
273 val ArgCode = ref (NONE: (pos * string) option)
274 val StrDecl = ref false
276 (* Can define INTEGER structure for yypos variable. *)
277 val PosIntName = ref "Int"
278 val PosIntDecl = ref false
280 val ResetFlags = fn () => (CountNewLines := false; HaveReject := false;
281 PosArg := false;
282 UsesTrailingContext := false;
283 CharSetSize := 129; StrName := "Mlex";
284 HeaderCode := ""; HeaderDecl:= false;
285 ArgCode := NONE;
286 StrDecl := false;
287 PosIntName := "Int"; PosIntDecl := false)
289 val LexOut = ref(TextIO.stdOut)
290 val LexOutLine = ref 1
291 fun setLexOut s = (LexOut := s; LexOutLine := 1)
292 fun say x =
293 (TextIO.output (!LexOut, x)
294 ;
295 (fn #"\n" => LexOutLine := !LexOutLine + 1 | _ => ())
296 x)
297 val InFile = ref ""
298 val OutFile = ref ""
299 fun fmtLineDir {line, col} file =
300 String.concat ["(*#line ", Int.toString line, ".", Int.toString (col+1),
301 " \"", file, "\"*)"]
302 val sayPos =
303 fn SOME pos => say (fmtLineDir pos (!InFile))
304 | NONE => (say (fmtLineDir {line = !LexOutLine, col = 0} (!OutFile));
305 say "\n")
307(* Union: merge two sorted lists of integers *)
309fun union(a,b) = let val rec merge = fn
310 (nil,nil,z) => z
311 | (nil,el::more,z) => merge(nil,more,el::z)
312 | (el::more,nil,z) => merge(more,nil,el::z)
313 | (x::morex,y::morey,z) => if (x:int)=(y:int)
314 then merge(morex,morey,x::z)
315 else if x>y then merge(morex,y::morey,x::z)
316 else merge(x::morex,morey,y::z)
317 in merge(rev a,rev b,nil)
320(* Nullable: compute if a important expression parse tree node is nullable *)
322val rec nullable = fn
323 EPS => true
324 | CLASS(_) => false
325 | CLOSURE(_) => true
326 | ALT(n1,n2) => nullable(n1) orelse nullable(n2)
327 | CAT(n1,n2) => nullable(n1) andalso nullable(n2)
328 | TRAIL(_) => true
329 | END(_) => false
331(* FIRSTPOS: firstpos function for parse tree expressions *)
333and firstpos = fn
334 EPS => nil
335 | CLASS(_,i) => [i]
336 | CLOSURE(n) => firstpos(n)
337 | ALT(n1,n2) => union(firstpos(n1),firstpos(n2))
338 | CAT(n1,n2) => if nullable(n1) then union(firstpos(n1),firstpos(n2))
339 else firstpos(n1)
340 | TRAIL(i) => [i]
341 | END(i) => [i]
343(* LASTPOS: Lastpos function for parse tree expressions *)
345and lastpos = fn
346 EPS => nil
347 | CLASS(_,i) => [i]
348 | CLOSURE(n) => lastpos(n)
349 | ALT(n1,n2) => union(lastpos(n1),lastpos(n2))
350 | CAT(n1,n2) => if nullable(n2) then union(lastpos(n1),lastpos(n2))
351 else lastpos(n2)
352 | TRAIL(i) => [i]
353 | END(i) => [i]
354 ;
356(* ++: Increment an integer reference *)
358fun ++(x) : int = (x := !x + 1; !x);
360structure dict =
361 struct
362 type 'a relation = 'a * 'a -> bool
363 abstype ('b,'a) dictionary = DATA of { Table : ('b * 'a) list,
364 Leq : 'b * 'b -> bool }
365 with
366 exception LOOKUP
367 fun create Leqfunc = DATA { Table = nil, Leq = Leqfunc }
368 fun lookup (DATA { Table = entrylist, Leq = leq }) key =
369 let fun search [] = raise LOOKUP
370 | search((k,item)::entries) =
371 if leq(key,k)
372 then if leq(k,key) then item else raise LOOKUP
373 else search entries
374 in search entrylist
375 end
376 fun enter (DATA { Table = entrylist, Leq = leq })
377 (newentry as (key : 'b,item :'a)) : ('b,'a) dictionary =
378 let val gt = fn a => fn b => not (leq(a,b))
379 val eq = fn k => fn k' => (leq(k,k')) andalso (leq(k',k))
380 fun update nil = [ newentry ]
381 | update ((entry as (k,_))::entries) =
382 if (eq key k) then newentry::entries
383 else if gt k key then newentry::(entry::entries)
384 else entry::(update entries)
385 in DATA { Table = update entrylist, Leq = leq }
386 end
387 fun listofdict (DATA { Table = entrylist,Leq = leq}) =
388 let fun f (nil,r) = rev r
389 | f (a::b,r) = f (b,a::r)
390 in f(entrylist,nil)
391 end
392 end
395open dict;
397(* INPUT.ML : Input w/ one character push back capability *)
399val LineNum = ref 1;
401abstype ibuf =
402 BUF of TextIO.instream * {b : string ref, p : int ref}
404 local
405 val pos = ref 0
406 val linePos = ref 0 (* incorrect after ungetch newline, non fatal *)
407 in
408 fun resetLexPos () = (LineNum := 1; pos := 0; linePos :=0)
409 fun getLexPos () = {line = !LineNum, col = !pos - !linePos}
410 fun make_ibuf(s) = BUF (s, {b=ref"", p = ref 0})
411 fun close_ibuf (BUF (s,_)) = TextIO.closeIn(s)
412 exception eof
413 fun getch (a as (BUF(s,{b,p}))) =
414 if (!p = (size (!b)))
415 then (b := TextIO.inputN(s, 1024);
416 p := 0;
417 if (size (!b))=0
418 then raise eof
419 else getch a)
420 else (let val ch = String.sub(!b,!p)
421 in (pos := !pos + 1;
422 if ch = #"\n"
423 then (LineNum := !LineNum + 1;
424 linePos := !pos)
425 else ();
426 p := !p + 1;
427 ch)
428 end)
429 fun ungetch(BUF(s,{b,p})) = (
430 pos := !pos - 1;
431 p := !p - 1;
432 if String.sub(!b,!p) = #"\n"
433 then LineNum := !LineNum - 1
434 else ())
435 end
438exception Error
440fun prErr x = (
441 TextIO.output (TextIO.stdErr, String.concat [
442 "ml-lex: error, line ", (Int.toString (!LineNum)), ": ", x, "\n"
443 ]);
444 raise Error)
445fun prSynErr x = (
446 TextIO.output (TextIO.stdErr, String.concat [
447 "ml-lex: syntax error, line ", (Int.toString (!LineNum)), ": ", x, "\n"
448 ]);
449 raise Error)
451exception SyntaxError; (* error in user's input file *)
453exception LexError; (* unexpected error in lexer *)
455val LexBuf = ref(make_ibuf(TextIO.stdIn));
456val LexState = ref 0;
457val NextTok = ref BOF;
458val inquote = ref false;
460fun AdvanceTok () : unit = let
461 fun isLetter c =
462 ((c >= #"a") andalso (c <= #"z")) orelse
463 ((c >= #"A") andalso (c <= #"Z"))
464 fun isDigit c = (c >= #"0") andalso (c <= #"9")
465 (* check for valid (non-leading) identifier character (added by JHR) *)
466 fun isIdentChr c =
467 ((isLetter c) orelse (isDigit c) orelse (c = #"_") orelse (c = #"'"))
468 fun atoi s = let
469 fun num (c::r, n) = if isDigit c
470 then num (r, 10*n + (Char.ord c - Char.ord #"0"))
471 else n
472 | num ([], n) = n
473 in
474 num (explode s, 0)
475 end
477 fun skipws () = let val ch = nextch()
478 in
479 if Char.isSpace ch
480 then skipws()
481 else ch
482 end
484 and nextch () = getch(!LexBuf)
486 and escaped () = (case nextch()
487 of #"b" => #"\008"
488 | #"n" => #"\n"
489 | #"r" => #"\r"
490 | #"t" => #"\t"
491 | #"h" => #"\128"
492 | x => let
493 fun err t = prErr("illegal ascii escape '"^(implode(rev t))^"'")
494 fun cvt c = (Char.ord c - Char.ord #"0")
495 fun f (n, c, t) = if c=3
496 then if n >= (!CharSetSize)
497 then err t
498 else Char.chr n
499 else let val ch=nextch()
500 in
501 if isDigit ch
502 then f(n*10+(cvt ch), c+1, ch::t)
503 else err t
504 end
505 in
506 if isDigit x then f(cvt x, 1, [x]) else x
507 end
508 (* end case *))
510 and onechar x = let val c = Array.array(!CharSetSize, false)
511 in
512 Array.update(c, Char.ord(x), true); CHARS(c)
513 end
515 in case !LexState of 0 => let val makeTok = fn () =>
516 case skipws()
517 (* Lex % operators *)
518 of #"%" => (case nextch() of
519 #"%" => LEXMARK
520 | a => let fun f s =
521 let val a = nextch()
522 in if isLetter a then f(a::s)
523 else (ungetch(!LexBuf);
524 implode(rev s))
525 end
526 in case f [a]
527 of "reject" => REJECT
528 | "count" => COUNT
529 | "full" => FULLCHARSET
530 | "s" => LEXSTATES
531 | "S" => LEXSTATES
532 | "structure" => STRUCT
533 | "header" => HEADER
534 | "arg" => ARG
535 | "posarg" => POSARG
536 | "posint" => POSINT
537 | _ => prErr "unknown % operator "
538 end
539 )
540 (* semicolon (for end of LEXSTATES) *)
541 | #";" => SEMI
542 (* anything else *)
543 | ch => if isLetter(ch) then
544 let fun getID matched =
545 let val x = nextch()
546(**** fix by JHR
547 in if isLetter(x) orelse isDigit(x) orelse
548 x = "_" orelse x = "'"
550 in if (isIdentChr x)
551 then getID (x::matched)
552 else (ungetch(!LexBuf); implode(rev matched))
553 end
554 in ID(getID [ch])
555 end
556 else prSynErr (String.concat[
557 "bad character: \"", Char.toString ch, "\""
558 ])
559 in NextTok := makeTok()
560 end
561 | 1 => let val rec makeTok = fn () =>
562 if !inquote then case nextch() of
563 (* inside quoted string *)
564 #"\\" => onechar(escaped())
565 | #"\"" => (inquote := false; makeTok())
566 | #"\n" => (prSynErr "end-of-line inside quoted string";
567 inquote := false; makeTok())
568 | x => onechar(x)
569 else case skipws() of
570 (* single character operators *)
571 #"?" => QMARK
572 | #"*" => STAR
573 | #"+" => PLUS
574 | #"|" => BAR
575 | #"(" => LP
576 | #")" => RP
577 | #"^" => CARAT
578 | #"$" => DOLLAR
579 | #"/" => SLASH
580 | #";" => SEMI
581 | #"." => let val c = Array.array(!CharSetSize,true) in
582 Array.update(c,10,false); CHARS(c)
583 end
584 (* assign and arrow *)
585 | #"=" => let val c = nextch() in
586 if c = #">" then ARROW else (ungetch(!LexBuf); ASSIGN)
587 end
588 (* character set *)
589 | #"[" => let val rec classch = fn () => let val x = skipws()
590 in if x = #"\\" then escaped() else x
591 end;
592 val first = classch();
593 val flag = (first <> #"^");
594 val c = Array.array(!CharSetSize,not flag);
595 fun add NONE = ()
596 | add (SOME x) = Array.update(c, Char.ord(x), flag)
597 and range (x, y) = if x>y
598 then (prErr "bad char. range")
599 else let
600 val i = ref(Char.ord(x)) and j = Char.ord(y)
601 in while !i<=j do (
602 add (SOME(Char.chr(!i)));
603 i := !i + 1)
604 end
605 and getClass last = (case classch()
606 of #"]" => (add(last); c)
607 | #"-" => (case last
608 of NONE => getClass(SOME #"-")
609 | (SOME last') => let val x = classch()
610 in
611 if x = #"]"
612 then (add(last); add(SOME #"-"); c)
613 else (range(last',x); getClass(NONE))
614 end
615 (* end case *))
616 | x => (add(last); getClass(SOME x))
617 (* end case *))
618 in CHARS(getClass(if first = #"^" then NONE else SOME first))
619 end
620 (* Start States specification *)
621 | #"<" => let val rec get_state = fn (prev,matched) =>
622 case nextch() of
623 #">" => matched::prev
624 | #"," => get_state(matched::prev,"")
625 | x => if isIdentChr(x)
626 then get_state(prev,matched ^ String.str x)
627 else (prSynErr "bad start state list")
628 in STATE(get_state(nil,""))
629 end
630 (* {id} or repititions *)
631 | #"{" => let val ch = nextch() in if isLetter(ch) then
632 let fun getID matched = (case nextch()
633 of #"}" => matched
634 | x => if (isIdentChr x) then
635 getID(matched ^ String.str x)
636 else (prErr "invalid char. class name")
637 (* end case *))
638 in ID(getID(String.str ch))
639 end
640 else if isDigit(ch) then
641 let fun get_r (matched, r1) = (case nextch()
642 of #"}" => let val n = atoi(matched) in
643 if r1 = ~1 then (n,n) else (r1,n)
644 end
645 | #"," => if r1 = ~1 then get_r("",atoi(matched))
646 else (prErr "invalid repetitions spec.")
647 | x => if isDigit(x)
648 then get_r(matched ^ String.str x,r1)
649 else (prErr "invalid char in repetitions spec")
650 (* end case *))
651 in REPS(get_r(String.str ch,~1))
652 end
653 else (prErr "bad repetitions spec")
654 end
655 (* Lex % operators *)
656 | #"\\" => onechar(escaped())
657 (* start quoted string *)
658 | #"\"" => (inquote := true; makeTok())
659 (* anything else *)
660 | ch => onechar(ch)
661 in NextTok := makeTok()
662 end
663 | 2 => NextTok :=
664 (case skipws() of
665 #"(" =>
666 let
667 fun loop_to_end (backslash, x) =
668 let
669 val c = getch (! LexBuf)
670 val notb = not backslash
671 val nstr = c :: x
672 in
673 case c of
674 #"\"" => if notb then nstr
675 else loop_to_end (false, nstr)
676 | _ => loop_to_end (c = #"\\" andalso notb, nstr)
677 end
678 fun GetAct (lpct, x) =
679 let
680 val c = getch (! LexBuf)
681 val nstr = c :: x
682 in
683 case c of
684 #"\"" => GetAct (lpct, loop_to_end (false, nstr))
685 | #"(" => GetAct (lpct + 1, nstr)
686 | #")" => if lpct = 0 then implode (rev x)
687 else GetAct(lpct - 1, nstr)
688 | _ => GetAct(lpct, nstr)
689 end
690 in
691 ACTION (getLexPos (), GetAct (0,nil))
692 end
693 | #";" => SEMI
694 | c => (prSynErr ("invalid character " ^ String.str c)))
695 | _ => raise LexError
697handle eof => NextTok := EOF ;
699fun GetTok (_:unit) : token =
700 let val t = !NextTok in AdvanceTok(); t
701 end;
702val SymTab = ref (create String.<=) : (string,exp) dictionary ref
704fun GetExp () : exp =
706 let val rec optional = fn e => ALT(EPS,e)
708 and lookup' = fn name =>
709 lookup(!SymTab) name
710 handle LOOKUP => prErr ("bad regular expression name: "^
711 name)
713 and newline = fn () => let val c = Array.array(!CharSetSize,false) in
714 Array.update(c,10,true); c
715 end
717 and endline = fn e => trail(e,CLASS(newline(),0))
719 and trail = fn (e1,e2) => CAT(CAT(e1,TRAIL(0)),e2)
721 and closure1 = fn e => CAT(e,CLOSURE(e))
723 and repeat = fn (min,max,e) => let val rec rep = fn
724 (0,0) => EPS
725 | (0,1) => ALT(e,EPS)
726 | (0,i) => CAT(rep(0,1),rep(0,i-1))
727 | (i,j) => CAT(e,rep(i-1,j-1))
728 in rep(min,max)
729 end
731 and exp0 = fn () => case GetTok() of
732 CHARS(c) => exp1(CLASS(c,0))
733 | LP => let val e = exp0() in
734 if !NextTok = RP then
735 (AdvanceTok(); exp1(e))
736 else (prSynErr "missing ')'") end
737 | ID(name) => exp1(lookup' name)
738 | _ => raise SyntaxError
740 and exp1 = fn (e) => case !NextTok of
741 SEMI => e
742 | ARROW => e
743 | EOF => e
744 | LP => exp2(e,exp0())
745 | RP => e
746 | t => (AdvanceTok(); case t of
747 QMARK => exp1(optional(e))
748 | STAR => exp1(CLOSURE(e))
749 | PLUS => exp1(closure1(e))
750 | CHARS(c) => exp2(e,CLASS(c,0))
751 | BAR => ALT(e,exp0())
752 | DOLLAR => (UsesTrailingContext := true; endline(e))
753 | SLASH => (UsesTrailingContext := true;
754 trail(e,exp0()))
755 | REPS(i,j) => exp1(repeat(i,j,e))
756 | ID(name) => exp2(e,lookup' name)
757 | _ => raise SyntaxError)
759 and exp2 = fn (e1,e2) => case !NextTok of
760 SEMI => CAT(e1,e2)
761 | ARROW => CAT(e1,e2)
762 | EOF => CAT(e1,e2)
763 | LP => exp2(CAT(e1,e2),exp0())
764 | RP => CAT(e1,e2)
765 | t => (AdvanceTok(); case t of
766 QMARK => exp1(CAT(e1,optional(e2)))
767 | STAR => exp1(CAT(e1,CLOSURE(e2)))
768 | PLUS => exp1(CAT(e1,closure1(e2)))
769 | CHARS(c) => exp2(CAT(e1,e2),CLASS(c,0))
770 | BAR => ALT(CAT(e1,e2),exp0())
771 | DOLLAR => (UsesTrailingContext := true;
772 endline(CAT(e1,e2)))
773 | SLASH => (UsesTrailingContext := true;
774 trail(CAT(e1,e2),exp0()))
775 | REPS(i,j) => exp1(CAT(e1,repeat(i,j,e2)))
776 | ID(name) => exp2(CAT(e1,e2),lookup' name)
777 | _ => raise SyntaxError)
778in exp0()
780val StateTab = ref(create(String.<=)) : (string,int) dictionary ref
782val StateNum = ref 0;
784fun GetStates () : int list =
786 let fun add nil sl = sl
787 | add (x::y) sl = add y (union ([lookup (!StateTab)(x)
788 handle LOOKUP =>
789 prErr ("bad state name: "^x)
790 ],sl))
792 fun addall i sl =
793 if i <= !StateNum then addall (i+2) (union ([i],sl))
794 else sl
796 fun incall (x::y) = (x+1)::incall y
797 | incall nil = nil
799 fun addincs nil = nil
800 | addincs (x::y) = x::(x+1)::addincs y
802 val state_list =
803 case !NextTok of
804 STATE s => (AdvanceTok(); LexState := 1; add s nil)
805 | _ => addall 1 nil
807 in case !NextTok
808 of CARAT => (LexState := 1; AdvanceTok(); UsesPrevNewLine := true;
809 incall state_list)
810 | _ => addincs state_list
811 end
813val LeafNum = ref ~1;
815fun renum(e : exp) : exp =
816 let val rec label = fn
817 EPS => EPS
818 | CLASS(x,_) => CLASS(x,++LeafNum)
819 | CLOSURE(e) => CLOSURE(label(e))
820 | ALT(e1,e2) => ALT(label(e1),label(e2))
821 | CAT(e1,e2) => CAT(label(e1),label(e2))
822 | TRAIL(i) => TRAIL(++LeafNum)
823 | END(i) => END(++LeafNum)
824in label(e)
827exception ParseError;
829fun parse() : (string * (int list * exp) list * ((string,pos*string) dictionary)) =
830 let val Accept = ref (create String.<=) : (string,pos*string) dictionary ref
831 val rec ParseRtns = fn l => case getch(!LexBuf) of
832 #"%" => let val c = getch(!LexBuf) in
833 if c = #"%" then (implode (rev l))
834 else ParseRtns(c :: #"%" :: l)
835 end
836 | c => ParseRtns(c::l)
837 and ParseDefs = fn () =>
838 (LexState:=0; AdvanceTok(); case !NextTok of
839 LEXMARK => ()
840 | LEXSTATES =>
841 let fun f () = (case !NextTok of (ID i) =>
842 (StateTab := enter(!StateTab)(i,++StateNum);
843 ++StateNum; AdvanceTok(); f())
844 | _ => ())
845 in AdvanceTok(); f ();
846 if !NextTok=SEMI then ParseDefs() else
847 (prSynErr "expected ';'")
848 end
849 | ID x => (LexState:=1; AdvanceTok(); if GetTok() = ASSIGN
850 then (SymTab := enter(!SymTab)(x,GetExp());
851 if !NextTok = SEMI then ParseDefs()
852 else (prSynErr "expected ';'"))
853 else raise SyntaxError)
854 | REJECT => (HaveReject := true; ParseDefs())
855 | COUNT => (CountNewLines := true; ParseDefs())
856 | FULLCHARSET => (CharSetSize := 256; ParseDefs())
857 | HEADER => (LexState := 2; AdvanceTok();
858 case GetTok()
859 of ACTION (p, s) =>
860 if (!StrDecl) then
861 (prErr "cannot have both %structure and %header \
862 \declarations")
863 else if (!HeaderDecl) then
864 (prErr "duplicate %header declarations")
865 else
866 (HeaderCode := s; LexState := 0;
867 HeaderPos := p;
868 HeaderDecl := true; ParseDefs())
869 | _ => raise SyntaxError)
870 | POSARG => (PosArg := true; ParseDefs())
871 | POSINT => (AdvanceTok();
872 case !NextTok of
873 (ID i) =>
874 if (!PosIntDecl) then
875 (prErr "duplicate %posint declarations")
876 else (PosIntName := i; PosIntDecl := true)
877 | _ => (prErr "expected ID");
878 ParseDefs())
879 | ARG => (LexState := 2; AdvanceTok();
880 case GetTok()
881 of ACTION s =>
882 (case !ArgCode
883 of SOME _ => prErr "duplicate %arg declarations"
884 | NONE => ArgCode := SOME s;
885 LexState := 0;
886 ParseDefs())
887 | _ => raise SyntaxError)
888 | STRUCT => (AdvanceTok();
889 case !NextTok of
890 (ID i) =>
891 if (!HeaderDecl) then
892 (prErr "cannot have both %structure and %header \
893 \declarations")
894 else if (!StrDecl) then
895 (prErr "duplicate %structure declarations")
896 else (StrName := i; StrDecl := true)
897 | _ => (prErr "expected ID");
898 ParseDefs())
899 | _ => raise SyntaxError)
900 and ParseRules =
901 fn rules => (LexState:=1; AdvanceTok(); case !NextTok of
902 EOF => rules
903 | _ =>
904 let val s = GetStates()
905 val e = renum(CAT(GetExp(),END(0)))
906 in
907 if !NextTok = ARROW then
908 (LexState:=2; AdvanceTok();
909 case GetTok() of ACTION(act) =>
910 if !NextTok=SEMI then
911 (Accept:=enter(!Accept) (Int.toString (!LeafNum),act);
912 ParseRules((s,e)::rules))
913 else (prSynErr "expected ';'")
914 | _ => raise SyntaxError)
915 else (prSynErr "expected '=>'")
916 end)
917in let val usercode = ParseRtns nil
918 in (ParseDefs(); (usercode,ParseRules(nil),!Accept))
919 end
920end handle SyntaxError => (prSynErr "")
922fun makebegin () : unit =
923 let fun make nil = ()
924 | make ((x,n:int)::y)=(say "val "; say x; say " = " ;
925 say "STARTSTATE ";
926 say (Int.toString n); say ";\n"; make y)
927 in say "\n(* start state definitions *)\n\n"; make(listofdict(!StateTab))
928 end
930structure L =
931 struct
932 nonfix >
933 type key = int list * string
934 fun > ((key,item:string),(key',item')) =
935 let fun f ((a:int)::a') (b::b') = if Int.> (a,b) then true
936 else if a=b then f a' b'
937 else false
938 | f _ _ = false
939 in f key key'
940 end
941 end
943structure RB = RedBlack(L)
945fun maketable (fins:(int * (int list)) list,
946 tcs :(int * (int list)) list,
947 tcpairs: (int * int) list,
948 trans : (int*(int list)) list) : unit =
950(* Fins = (state #, list of final leaves for the state) list
951 tcs = (state #, list of trailing context leaves which begin in this state)
952 list
953 tcpairs = (trailing context leaf, end leaf) list
954 trans = (state #,list of transitions for state) list *)
956 let datatype elem = N of int | T of int | D of int
957 val count = ref 0
958 val _ = (if length(trans)<256 then CharFormat := true
959 else CharFormat := false;
960 if !UsesTrailingContext then
961 (say "\ndatatype yyfinstate = N of int | \
962 \ T of int | D of int\n")
963 else say "\ndatatype yyfinstate = N of int";
964 say "\ntype statedata = {fin : yyfinstate list, trans: ";
965 case !CharFormat of
966 true => say "string}"
967 | false => say "int Vector.vector}";
968 say "\n(* transition & final state table *)\nval tab = let\n";
969 case !CharFormat of
970 true => ()
971 | false =>
972 (say "fun decode s k =\n";
973 say " let val k' = k + k\n";
974 say " val hi = Char.ord(String.sub(s, k'))\n";
975 say " val lo = Char.ord(String.sub(s, k' + 1))\n";
976 say " in hi * 256 + lo end\n"))
978 val newfins =
979 let fun IsEndLeaf t =
980 let fun f ((l,e)::r) = if (e=t) then true else f r
981 | f nil = false in f tcpairs end
983 fun GetEndLeaf t =
984 let fun f ((tl,el)::r) = if (tl=t) then el else f r
985 | f _ = raise Match
986 in f tcpairs
987 end
988 fun GetTrConLeaves s =
989 let fun f ((s',l)::r) = if (s = s') then l else f r
990 | f nil = nil
991 in f tcs
992 end
993 fun sort_leaves s =
994 let fun insert (x:int) (a::b) =
995 if (x <= a) then x::(a::b)
996 else a::(insert x b)
997 | insert x nil = [x]
998 in List.foldr (fn (x,r) => insert x r) [] s
999 end
1000 fun conv a = if (IsEndLeaf a) then (D a) else (N a)
1001 fun merge (a::a',b::b') =
1002 if (a <= b) then (conv a)::merge(a',b::b')
1003 else (T b)::(merge(a::a',b'))
1004 | merge (a::a',nil) = (conv a)::(merge (a',nil))
1005 | merge (nil,b::b') = (T b)::(merge (b',nil))
1006 | merge (nil,nil) = nil
1008 in map (fn (x,l) =>
1009 rev (merge (l,
1010 sort_leaves (map (fn x => GetEndLeaf x) (GetTrConLeaves x)))))
1011 fins
1012 end
1014 val rs =
1015 let open RB
1016 fun makeItems x =
1017 let fun emit8(x, pos) =
1018 let val s = StringCvt.padLeft #"0" 3 (Int.toString x)
1019 in
1020 case pos
1021 of 16 => (say "\\\n\\\\"; say s; 1)
1022 | _ => (say "\\"; say s; pos+1)
1023 end
1024 fun emit16(x, pos) =
1025 let val hi8 = x div 256
1026 val lo8 = x - hi8 * 256 (* x rem 256 *)
1027 in
1028 emit8(lo8, emit8(hi8, pos))
1029 end
1030 fun MakeString([], _, _) = ()
1031 | MakeString(x::xs, emitter, pos) =
1032 MakeString(xs, emitter, emitter(x, pos))
1033 in case !CharFormat of
1034 true => (say " \n\""; MakeString(x,emit8,0); say "\"\n")
1035 | false => (say (Int.toString(length x));
1036 say ", \n\""; MakeString(x,emit16,0); say "\"\n")
1037 end
1039 fun makeEntry(nil,rs,t) = rev rs
1040 | makeEntry(((l:int,x)::y),rs,t) =
1041 let val name = (Int.toString l)
1042 in let val (r,n) = lookup ((x,name),t)
1043 in makeEntry(y,(n::rs),t)
1044 end handle notfound _ =>
1045 (count := !count+1;
1046 say " ("; say name; say ",";
1047 makeItems x; say "),\n";
1048 makeEntry(y,(name::rs),(insert ((x,name),t))))
1049 end
1051 val _ = say "val s = [ \n"
1052 val res = makeEntry(trans,nil,empty)
1053 val _ =
1054 case !CharFormat
1055 of true => (say "(0, \"\")]\n"; say "fun f x = x \n")
1056 | false => (say "(0, 0, \"\")]\n";
1057 say "fun f(n, i, x) = (n, Vector.tabulate(i, decode x)) \n")
1059 val _ = say "val s = f (List.rev (tl (List.rev s))) \n"
1060 val _ = say "exception LexHackingError \n"
1061 val _ = say "fun look ((j,x)::r, i: int) = if i = j then x else look(r, i) \n"
1062 val _ = say " | look ([], i) = raise LexHackingError\n"
1064 val _ = say "fun g {fin=x, trans=i} = {fin=x, trans=look(s,i)} \n"
1065 in res
1066 end
1068 fun makeTable args = let
1069 fun makeOne (a, b) = let
1070 fun item (N i) = ("N", i)
1071 | item (T i) = ("T", i)
1072 | item (D i) = ("D", i)
1073 fun makeItem x = let
1074 val (t, n) = item x
1075 in
1076 app say ["(", t, " ", Int.toString n, ")"]
1077 end
1078 fun makeItems [] = ()
1079 | makeItems [x] = makeItem x
1080 | makeItems (hd :: tl) =
1081 (makeItem hd; say ","; makeItems tl)
1082 in
1083 say "{fin = [";
1084 makeItems b;
1085 app say ["], trans = ", a, "}"]
1086 end
1087 fun mt ([], []) = ()
1088 | mt ([a], [b]) = makeOne (a, b)
1089 | mt (a :: a', b :: b') =
1090 (makeOne (a, b); say ",\n"; mt (a', b'))
1091 | mt _ = raise Match
1092 in
1093 mt args
1094 end
1097 fun makeTable(nil,nil) = ()
1098 | makeTable(a::a',b::b') =
1099 let fun makeItems nil = ()
1100 | makeItems (hd::tl) =
1101 let val (t,n) =
1102 case hd of
1103 (N i) => ("(N ",i)
1104 | (T i) => ("(T ",i)
1105 | (D i) => ("(D ",i)
1106 in (say t; say (Int.toString n); say ")";
1107 if null tl
1108 then ()
1109 else (say ","; makeItems tl))
1110 end
1111 in (say "{fin = ["; makeItems b;
1112 say "], trans = "; say a; say "}";
1113 if null a'
1114 then ()
1115 else (say ",\n"; makeTable(a',b')))
1116 end
1119 fun msg x = TextIO.output(TextIO.stdOut, x)
1121 in (say "in Vector.fromList( g \n["; makeTable(rs,newfins);
1122 say "])\nend\n";
1123 msg ("\nNumber of states = " ^ (Int.toString (length trans)));
1124 msg ("\nNumber of distinct rows = " ^ (Int.toString (!count)));
1125 msg ("\nApprox. memory size of trans. table = " ^
1126 (Int.toString (!count*(!CharSetSize)*(if !CharFormat then 1 else 8))));
1127 msg " bytes\n")
1130(* makeaccept: Takes a (string,string) dictionary, prints case statement for
1131 accepting leaf actions. The key strings are the leaf #'s, the data strings
1132 are the actions *)
1134fun makeaccept ends =
1135 let fun startline f = if f then say " " else say "| "
1136 fun make(nil,f) = (startline f; say "_ => raise Internal.LexerError\n")
1137 | make((x,(p,a))::y,f) = (startline f; say x; say " => ";
1138 if Substring.size(#2 (Substring.position "yytext" (Substring.full a))) = 0
1139 then
1140 (say "("; sayPos (SOME p); say a; sayPos NONE; say ")")
1141 else (say "let val yytext=yymktext() in ";
1142 sayPos (SOME p); say a; sayPos NONE; say " end");
1143 say "\n"; make(y,false))
1144 in make (listofdict(ends),true)
1145 end
1147fun leafdata(e:(int list * exp) list) =
1148 let val fp = Array.array(!LeafNum + 1,nil)
1149 and leaf = Array.array(!LeafNum + 1,EPS)
1150 and tcpairs = ref nil
1151 and trailmark = ref ~1;
1152 val rec add = fn
1153 (nil,x) => ()
1154 | (hd::tl,x) => (Array.update(fp,hd,union(fp sub hd,x));
1155 add(tl,x))
1156 and moredata = fn
1157 CLOSURE(e1) =>
1158 (moredata(e1); add(lastpos(e1),firstpos(e1)))
1159 | ALT(e1,e2) => (moredata(e1); moredata(e2))
1160 | CAT(e1,e2) => (moredata(e1); moredata(e2);
1161 add(lastpos(e1),firstpos(e2)))
1162 | CLASS(x,i) => Array.update(leaf,i,CLASS(x,i))
1163 | TRAIL(i) => (Array.update(leaf,i,TRAIL(i)); if !trailmark = ~1
1164 then trailmark := i else ())
1165 | END(i) => (Array.update(leaf,i,END(i)); if !trailmark <> ~1
1166 then (tcpairs := (!trailmark,i)::(!tcpairs);
1167 trailmark := ~1) else ())
1168 | _ => ()
1169 and makedata = fn
1170 nil => ()
1171 | (_,x)::tl => (moredata(x);makedata(tl))
1172 in trailmark := ~1; makedata(e); (fp,leaf,!tcpairs)
1173 end;
1175fun makedfa(rules) =
1176let val StateTab = ref (create(String.<=)) : (string,int) dictionary ref
1177 val fintab = ref (create(Int.<=)) : (int,(int list)) dictionary ref
1178 val transtab = ref (create(Int.<=)) : (int,int list) dictionary ref
1179 val tctab = ref (create(Int.<=)) : (int,(int list)) dictionary ref
1180 val (fp, leaf, tcpairs) = leafdata(rules);
1182fun visit (state,statenum) =
1183 let val transitions = gettrans(state) in
1184 fintab := enter(!fintab)(statenum,getfin(state));
1185 tctab := enter(!tctab)(statenum,gettc(state));
1186 transtab := enter(!transtab)(statenum,transitions)
1187 end
1189and visitstarts (states) =
1190 let fun vs nil i = ()
1191 | vs (hd::tl) i = (visit (hd,i); vs tl (i+1))
1192 in vs states 0
1193 end
1195and hashstate(s: int list) =
1196 let val rec hs =
1197 fn (nil,z) => z
1198 | ((x:int)::y,z) => hs(y,z ^ " " ^ (Int.toString x))
1199 in hs(s,"")
1200 end
1202and find(s) = lookup(!StateTab)(hashstate(s))
1204and add(s,n) = StateTab := enter(!StateTab)(hashstate(s),n)
1206and getstate (state) =
1207 find(state)
1208 handle LOOKUP => let val n = ++StateNum in
1209 add(state,n); visit(state,n); n
1210 end
1212and getfin state =
1213 let fun f nil fins = fins
1214 | f (hd::tl) fins =
1215 case (leaf sub hd)
1216 of END _ => f tl (hd::fins)
1217 | _ => f tl fins
1218 in f state nil
1219 end
1221and gettc state =
1222 let fun f nil fins = fins
1223 | f (hd::tl) fins =
1224 case (leaf sub hd)
1225 of TRAIL _ => f tl (hd::fins)
1226 | _ => f tl fins
1227 in f state nil
1228 end
1230and gettrans (state) =
1231 let fun loop c tlist =
1232 let fun cktrans nil r = r
1233 | cktrans (hd::tl) r =
1234 case (leaf sub hd) of
1235 CLASS(i,_)=>
1236 (if (i sub c) then cktrans tl (union(r,fp sub hd))
1237 else cktrans tl r handle Subscript =>
1238 cktrans tl r
1239 )
1240 | _ => cktrans tl r
1241 in if c >= 0 then
1242 let val v=cktrans state nil
1243 in loop (c-1) (if v=nil then 0::tlist else (getstate v)::tlist)
1244 end
1245 else tlist
1246 end
1247 in loop ((!CharSetSize) - 1) nil
1248 end
1250and startstates() =
1251 let val startarray = Array.array(!StateNum + 1, nil);
1252 fun listofarray(a,n) =
1253 let fun f i l = if i >= 0 then f (i-1) ((a sub i)::l) else l
1254 in f (n-1) nil end
1255 val rec makess = fn
1256 nil => ()
1257 | (startlist,e)::tl => (fix(startlist,firstpos(e));makess(tl))
1258 and fix = fn
1259 (nil,_) => ()
1260 | (s::tl,firsts) => (Array.update(startarray,s,
1261 union(firsts,startarray sub s));
1262 fix(tl,firsts))
1263 in makess(rules);listofarray(startarray, !StateNum + 1)
1264 end
1266in visitstarts(startstates());
1270val skel_hd =
1271" struct\n\
1272\ structure UserDeclarations =\n\
1273\ struct\n\
1276val skel_mid2 =
1277" | Internal.D k => action (i,(acts::l),k::rs)\n\
1278\ | Internal.T k =>\n\
1279\ let fun f (a::b,r) =\n\
1280\ if a=k\n\
1281\ then action(i,(((Internal.N a)::acts)::l),(b@r))\n\
1282\ else f (b,a::r)\n\
1283\ | f (nil,r) = action(i,(acts::l),rs)\n\
1284\ in f (rs,nil)\n\
1285\ end\n\
1288fun lexGen(infile) =
1289 let val outfile = infile ^ ".sml"
1290 val () = (InFile := OS.Path.file infile; OutFile := OS.Path.file outfile)
1291 fun PrintLexer (ends) =
1292 let val sayln = fn x => (say x; say "\n")
1293 in case !ArgCode
1294 of NONE => (sayln "fun lex () : Internal.result =";
1295 sayln "let fun continue() = lex() in")
1296 | SOME (p,s) =>
1297 (say "fun lex "; say "(yyarg as (";
1298 sayPos (SOME p); say s; sayPos NONE; sayln ")) =";
1299 sayln "let fun continue() : Internal.result = ");
1300 say " let fun scan (s,AcceptingLeaves : Internal.yyfinstate";
1301 sayln " list list,l,i0) =";
1302 if !UsesTrailingContext
1303 then say "\tlet fun action (i,nil,rs)"
1304 else say "\tlet fun action (i,nil)";
1305 sayln " = raise LexError";
1306 if !UsesTrailingContext
1307 then sayln "\t| action (i,nil::l,rs) = action(i-1,l,rs)"
1308 else sayln "\t| action (i,nil::l) = action (i-1,l)";
1309 if !UsesTrailingContext
1310 then sayln "\t| action (i,(node::acts)::l,rs) ="
1311 else sayln "\t| action (i,(node::acts)::l) =";
1312 sayln "\t\tcase node of";
1313 sayln "\t\t Internal.N yyk => ";
1314 sayln "\t\t\t(let fun yymktext() = String.substring(!yyb,i0,i-i0)\n\
1315 \\t\t\t val yypos = YYPosInt.+(YYPosInt.fromInt i0, !yygone)";
1316 if !CountNewLines
1317 then (sayln "\t\t\tval _ = yylineno := CharVectorSlice.foldli";
1318 sayln "\t\t\t\t(fn (_,#\"\\n\", n) => n+1 | (_,_, n) => n) (!yylineno) (CharVectorSlice.slice (!yyb,i0,SOME(i-i0)))")
1319 else ();
1320 if !HaveReject
1321 then (say "\t\t\tfun REJECT() = action(i,acts::l";
1322 if !UsesTrailingContext
1323 then sayln ",rs)" else sayln ")")
1324 else ();
1325 sayln "\t\t\topen UserDeclarations Internal.StartStates";
1326 sayln " in (yybufpos := i; case yyk of ";
1327 sayln "";
1328 sayln "\t\t\t(* Application actions *)\n";
1329 makeaccept(ends);
1330 say "\n\t\t) end ";
1331 say ")\n\n";
1332 if (!UsesTrailingContext) then say skel_mid2 else ();
1333 sayln "\tval {fin,trans} = Vector.sub(, s)";
1334 sayln "\tval NewAcceptingLeaves = fin::AcceptingLeaves";
1335 sayln "\tin if l = !yybl then";
1336 sayln "\t if trans = #trans(Vector.sub(,0))";
1337 sayln "\t then action(l,NewAcceptingLeaves";
1338 if !UsesTrailingContext then say ",nil" else ();
1339 say ") else";
1340 sayln "\t let val newchars= if !yydone then \"\" else yyinput 1024";
1341 sayln "\t in if (String.size newchars)=0";
1342 sayln "\t\t then (yydone := true;";
1343 say "\t\t if (l=i0) then UserDeclarations.eof ";
1344 sayln (case !ArgCode of NONE => "()" | SOME _ => "yyarg");
1345 say "\t\t else action(l,NewAcceptingLeaves";
1346 if !UsesTrailingContext then
1347 sayln ",nil))" else sayln "))";
1348 sayln "\t\t else (if i0=l then yyb := newchars";
1349 sayln "\t\t else yyb := String.substring(!yyb,i0,l-i0)^newchars;";
1350 sayln "\t\t yygone := YYPosInt.+(!yygone, YYPosInt.fromInt i0);";
1351 sayln "\t\t yybl := String.size (!yyb);";
1352 sayln "\t\t scan (s,AcceptingLeaves,l-i0,0))";
1353 sayln "\t end";
1354 sayln "\t else let val NewChar = Char.ord(CharVector.sub(!yyb,l))";
1355 if !CharSetSize=129
1356 then sayln "\t\tval NewChar = if NewChar<128 then NewChar else 128"
1357 else ();
1358 say "\t\tval NewState = ";
1359 sayln (if !CharFormat
1360 then "Char.ord(CharVector.sub(trans,NewChar))"
1361 else "Vector.sub(trans, NewChar)");
1362 say "\t\tin if NewState=0 then action(l,NewAcceptingLeaves";
1363 if !UsesTrailingContext then sayln ",nil)" else sayln ")";
1364 sayln "\t\telse scan(NewState,NewAcceptingLeaves,l+1,i0)";
1365 sayln "\tend";
1366 sayln "\tend";
1367 if !UsesPrevNewLine then () else sayln "(*";
1368 sayln "\tval start= if String.substring(!yyb,!yybufpos-1,1)=\"\\n\"";
1369 sayln "then !yybegin+1 else !yybegin";
1370 if !UsesPrevNewLine then () else sayln "*)";
1371 say "\tin scan(";
1372 if !UsesPrevNewLine then say "start"
1373 else say "!yybegin (* start *)";
1374 sayln ",nil,!yybufpos,!yybufpos)";
1375 sayln " end";
1376 sayln (case !ArgCode of NONE => "end" | SOME _ => "in continue end");
1377 sayln " in lex";
1378 sayln " end";
1379 sayln "end"
1380 end
1382 in (UsesPrevNewLine := false;
1383 ResetFlags();
1384 LexBuf := make_ibuf(TextIO.openIn infile);
1385 NextTok := BOF;
1386 inquote := false;
1387 setLexOut (TextIO.openOut(outfile));
1388 StateNum := 2;
1389 resetLexPos ();
1390 StateTab := enter(create(String.<=))("INITIAL",1);
1391 LeafNum := ~1;
1392 let
1393 val (user_code,rules,ends) =
1394 parse() handle x =>
1395 (close_ibuf(!LexBuf);
1396 TextIO.closeOut(!LexOut);
1397 OS.FileSys.remove outfile;
1398 raise x)
1399 val (fins,trans,tctab,tcpairs) = makedfa(rules)
1400 val _ = if !UsesTrailingContext then
1401 (close_ibuf(!LexBuf);
1402 TextIO.closeOut(!LexOut);
1403 OS.FileSys.remove outfile;
1404 prErr "lookahead is unimplemented")
1405 else ()
1406 in
1407 if (!HeaderDecl)
1408 then (sayPos (SOME (!HeaderPos))
1409 ; say (!HeaderCode)
1410 ; sayPos NONE)
1411 else say ("structure " ^ (!StrName));
1412 say "=\n";
1413 say skel_hd;
1414 sayPos (SOME {line = 1, col = 0});
1415 say user_code;
1416 sayPos NONE;
1417 say "end (* end of user routines *)\n";
1418 say "exception LexError (* raised if illegal leaf ";
1419 say "action tried *)\n";
1420 say "structure Internal =\n\tstruct\n";
1421 maketable(fins,tctab,tcpairs,trans);
1422 say "structure StartStates =\n\tstruct\n";
1423 say "\tdatatype yystartstate = STARTSTATE of int\n";
1424 makebegin();
1425 say "\nend\n";
1426 say "type result = UserDeclarations.lexresult\n";
1427 say "\texception LexerError (* raised if illegal leaf ";
1428 say "action tried *)\n";
1429 say "end\n\n";
1430 say ("structure YYPosInt : INTEGER = " ^ (!PosIntName) ^ "\n");
1431 say (if (!PosArg) then "fun makeLexer (yyinput, =\nlet\n"
1432 else "fun makeLexer yyinput =\nlet\tval yygone0= YYPosInt.fromInt ~1\n");
1433 if !CountNewLines then say "\tval yylineno = ref 0\n\n" else ();
1434 say "\tval yyb = ref \"\\n\" \t\t(* buffer *)\n\
1435 \\tval yybl = ref 1\t\t(*buffer length *)\n\
1436 \\tval yybufpos = ref 1\t\t(* location of next character to use *)\n\
1437 \\tval yygone = ref yygone0\t(* position in file of beginning of buffer *)\n\
1438 \\tval yydone = ref false\t\t(* eof found yet? *)\n\
1439 \\tval yybegin = ref 1\t\t(*Current 'start state' for lexer *)\n\
1440 \\n\tval YYBEGIN = fn (Internal.StartStates.STARTSTATE x) =>\n\
1441 \\t\t yybegin := x\n\n";
1442 PrintLexer(ends);
1443 close_ibuf(!LexBuf);
1444 TextIO.closeOut(!LexOut)
1445 end)
1446 end