Import Debian changes 20180207-1
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / benchmark / tests / barnes-hut.sml
1(* From the SML/NJ benchmark suite. *)
2(* vector-sig.sml
3 *
4 * COPYRIGHT (c) 1993, AT&T Bell Laboratories.
5 *
6 * The abstract interface of vectors and matrices in some dimension.
7 *)
9signature VECTOR =
10 sig
11 type 'a vec
13 val dim : int (* dimension of the vectors *)
15 val tabulate : (int -> 'a) -> 'a vec
17 val equal : real vec * real vec -> bool
18 val zerov : real vec
19 val addv : (real vec * real vec) -> real vec
20 val subv : (real vec * real vec) -> real vec
21 val dotvp : (real vec * real vec) -> real
22 val crossvp : (real vec * real vec) -> real vec
23 val addvs : (real vec * real) -> real vec
24 val mulvs : (real vec * real) -> real vec
25 val divvs : (real vec * real) -> real vec
27 val mapv : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a vec -> 'b vec
28 val map3v : (('a * 'b * 'c) -> 'd) -> ('a vec * 'b vec * 'c vec) -> 'd vec
29 val foldv : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'a vec -> 'b -> 'b
30 val format : {lp : string, sep : string, rp : string, cvt : 'a -> string}
31 -> 'a vec -> string
32 val explode : 'a vec -> 'a list
33 val implode : 'a list -> 'a vec
35 type matrix (* matrices are always real valued *)
37 val zerom : matrix
38 val addm : (matrix * matrix) -> matrix
39 val outvp : (real vec * real vec) -> matrix
41 end
42(* space.sml
43 *
44 * COPYRIGHT (c) 1993, AT&T Bell Laboratories.
45 *
46 * The quad/oct-tree representation of space.
47 *)
49signature SPACE =
50 sig
52 structure V : VECTOR
54 datatype body = Body of {
55 mass : real,
56 pos : real V.vec ref,
57 vel : real V.vec ref,
58 acc : real V.vec ref,
59 phi : real ref
60 }
62 datatype cell
63 = BodyCell of body
64 | Cell of node Array.array
66 and node
67 = Empty
68 | Node of {
69 mass : real ref,
70 pos : real V.vec ref,
71 cell : cell
72 }
74 datatype space = Space of {
75 rmin : real V.vec,
76 rsize : real,
77 root : node
78 }
80 val nsub : int (* number of sub cells / cell (2 ^ V.dim) *)
82 val putCell : (cell * int * node) -> unit
83 val getCell : (cell * int) -> node
84 val mkCell : unit -> cell
85 val mkBodyNode : body -> node
86 val mkCellNode : cell -> node
87 val eqBody : body * body -> bool
89 (* debugging code *)
90 val dumpTree : node -> unit
91 val prBody : body -> string
92 val prNode : node -> string
94 end; (* SPACE *)
96functor Space (V : VECTOR) : SPACE =
97 struct
99 structure V = V
101 datatype body = Body of {
102 mass : real,
103 pos : real V.vec ref,
104 vel : real V.vec ref,
105 acc : real V.vec ref,
106 phi : real ref
107 }
109 datatype cell
110 = BodyCell of body
111 | Cell of node Array.array
113 and node
114 = Empty
115 | Node of {
116 mass : real ref,
117 pos : real V.vec ref,
118 cell : cell
119 }
121 datatype space = Space of {
122 rmin : real V.vec,
123 rsize : real,
124 root : node
125 }
127 fun eqBody(Body{mass,pos,vel,acc,phi},
128 Body{mass=m1,pos=p1,vel=v1,acc=a1,phi=h1}) =
129 (Real.==(mass, m1) andalso Real.==(!phi, !h1)
130 andalso V.equal(!pos, !p1) andalso V.equal(!vel, !v1)
131 andalso V.equal(!acc, !a1))
133 (* number of sub cells per cell (2 ^ V.dim) *)
134 val nsub = Word.toInt(Word.<<(0w1, Word.fromInt V.dim))
136 fun putCell (Cell a, i, nd) = Array.update(a, i, nd)
137 fun getCell (Cell a, i) = Array.sub(a, i)
138 fun mkCell () = Cell(Array.array(nsub, Empty))
139 fun mkBodyNode (body as Body{pos, mass, ...}) = Node{
140 cell = BodyCell body,
141 mass = ref mass,
142 pos = ref (!pos)
143 }
144 fun mkCellNode cell = Node{cell = cell, mass = ref 0.0, pos = ref V.zerov}
146 (* debugging code *)
147 local
148 val rfmt = Real.toString
149 val vfmt = V.format{lp="[", rp="]", sep=",", cvt = rfmt}
150 in
151 fun prBody (Body{mass, pos, vel, acc, phi}) = String.concat [
152 "B{m=", rfmt mass,
153 ", p=", vfmt(!pos),
154 ", v=", vfmt(!vel),
155 ", a=", vfmt(!acc),
156 ", phi=", rfmt(!phi), "}"
157 ]
158 fun prNode Empty = "Empty"
159 | prNode (Node{mass, pos, cell}) = let
160 val cell = (case cell
161 of (Cell _) => "Cell"
162 | (BodyCell b) => (*prBody b*) "Body"
163 (* end case *))
164 in
165 String.concat [
166 "N{m=", rfmt(!mass),
167 ", p=", vfmt(!pos),
168 cell, "}"
169 ]
170 end
171 end
173 fun dumpTree tree = let
174 fun printf items = TextIO.output(TextIO.stdOut, String.concat items)
175 fun indent i = StringCvt.padLeft #" " (i+1) ""
176 fun dump (node, l) = let
177 fun dump' (Node{cell=Cell a, ...}) = let
178 fun dump'' i = (dump(Array.sub(a, i), l+1); dump''(i+1))
179 in
180 (dump'' 0) handle _ => ()
181 end
182 | dump' _ = ()
183 in
184 printf [
185 StringCvt.padLeft #" " 2 (Int.toString l),
186 indent l,
187 prNode node, "\n"
188 ];
189 dump' node
190 end
191 in
192 dump (tree, 0)
193 end
195 end; (* Space *)
197(* load.sml
198 *
199 * COPYRIGHT (c) 1993, AT&T Bell Laboratories.
200 *
201 * Code to build the tree from a list of bodies.
202 *)
204signature LOAD =
205 sig
207 structure S : SPACE
208 structure V : VECTOR
209 sharing S.V = V
211 val makeTree : (S.body list * real V.vec * real) ->
213 end; (* LOAD *)
215functor Load (S : SPACE) : LOAD =
216 struct
218 structure S = S
219 structure V = S.V
221 exception NotIntCoord
223 fun rshift (n, k) = Word.toInt(Word.~>>(Word.fromInt n, Word.fromInt k))
225 val IMAX = 0x20000000 (* 2^29 *)
226 val IMAXrs1 = rshift(IMAX, 1)
227 val rIMAX = real IMAX
229 (* compute integerized coordinates. Raises the NotIntCoord exception,
230 * if rp is out of bounds.
231 *)
232 fun intcoord (rp, rmin, rsize) = let
233 val xsc = V.divvs (V.subv(rp, rmin), rsize)
234 fun cvt x = if ((0.0 <= x) andalso (x < 1.0))
235 then floor(rIMAX * x)
236 else raise NotIntCoord
237 in
238 V.mapv cvt xsc
239 end
241 (* determine which subcell to select. *)
242 fun subindex (iv, l) = let
243 fun aux (v, (i, k)) = if (Word.andb(Word.fromInt v, Word.fromInt l) <> 0w0)
244 then (i + rshift(S.nsub, k+1), k+1)
245 else (i, k+1)
246 in
247 #1 (V.foldv aux iv (0, 0))
248 end
250 (* enlarge cubical "box", salvaging existing tree structure. *)
251 fun expandBox (nd as S.Body{pos, ...}, box as S.Space{rmin, rsize, root}) = (
252 (intcoord (!pos, rmin, rsize); box)
253 handle NotIntCoord => let
254 val rmid = V.addvs (rmin, 0.5 * rsize)
255 val rmin' = V.map3v (fn (x,y,z) =>
256 if x < y then z - rsize else z) (!pos, rmid, rmin)
257 val rsize' = 2.0 * rsize
258 fun mksub (v, r) = let
259 val x = intcoord (v, rmin', rsize')
260 val k = subindex (x, IMAXrs1)
261 val cell = S.mkCell ()
262 in
263 S.putCell (cell, k, r); cell
264 end
265 val box = (case root
266 of S.Empty => S.Space{rmin=rmin', rsize=rsize', root=root}
267 | _ => S.Space{
268 rmin = rmin',
269 rsize = rsize',
270 root = S.mkCellNode (mksub (rmid, root))
271 }
272 (* end case *))
273 in
274 expandBox (nd, box)
275 end)
278 (* insert a single node into the tree *)
279 fun loadTree (body as S.Body{pos=posp, ...}, S.Space{rmin, rsize, root}) = let
280 val xp = intcoord (!posp, rmin, rsize)
281 fun insert (S.Empty, _) = S.mkBodyNode body
282 | insert (n as S.Node{cell=S.BodyCell _, pos=posq, ...}, l) = let
283 val xq = intcoord (!posq, rmin, rsize)
284 val k = subindex (xq, l)
285 val a = S.mkCell()
286 in
287 S.putCell(a, k, n);
288 insert (S.mkCellNode a, l)
289 end
290 | insert (n as S.Node{cell, ...}, l) = let
291 val k = subindex (xp, l)
292 val subtree = insert (S.getCell (cell, k), rshift(l, 1))
293 in
294 S.putCell (cell, k, subtree);
295 n
296 end
297 in
298 S.Space{rmin = rmin, rsize = rsize, root = insert (root, IMAXrs1)}
299 end
301 (* descend tree finding center-of-mass coordinates. *)
302 fun hackCofM S.Empty = ()
303 | hackCofM (S.Node{cell = S.BodyCell _, ...}) = ()
304 | hackCofM (S.Node{cell = S.Cell subcells, mass, pos}) = let
305 fun sumMass (i, totMass, cofm) = if (i < S.nsub)
306 then (case Array.sub(subcells, i)
307 of S.Empty => sumMass (i+1, totMass, cofm)
308 | (nd as S.Node{mass, pos, ...}) => let
309 val _ = hackCofM nd
310 val m = !mass
311 in
312 sumMass (i+1, totMass + m, V.addv(cofm, V.mulvs(!pos, m)))
313 end
314 (* end case *))
315 else (
316 mass := totMass;
317 pos := V.divvs(cofm, totMass))
318 in
319 sumMass (0, 0.0, V.zerov)
320 end
322 (* initialize tree structure for hack force calculation. *)
323 fun makeTree (bodies, rmin, rsize) = let
324 fun build ([], space) = space
325 | build ((body as S.Body{mass, ...}) :: r, space) =
326 if Real.==(mass, 0.0) then build (r, space)
327 else let
328 val box = expandBox (body, space)
329 val box = loadTree(body, box)
330 in build (r, box)
331 end
332 val (space as S.Space{root, ...}) =
333 build (bodies, S.Space{rmin=rmin, rsize=rsize, root=S.Empty})
334 in
335 hackCofM root;
336 space
337 end
339 end; (* functor Load *)
340(* grav.sml
341 *
342 * COPYRIGHT (c) 1993, AT&T Bell Laboratories.
343 *
344 * Gravity module for hierarchical N-body code; routines to compute gravity.
345 *)
347signature GRAV =
348 sig
350 structure S : SPACE
351 structure V : VECTOR
352 sharing S.V = V
354 val hackGrav : {body:S.body, root:S.node, rsize:real, tol:real, eps : real}
355 -> {n2bterm:int, nbcterm:int, skipSelf:bool}
357 end; (* GRAV *)
359functor Grav (S : SPACE) : GRAV =
360 struct
362 structure S = S
363 structure V = S.V
365 fun walk {acc0, phi0, pos0, pskip, eps, rsize, tol, root} = let
366 val skipSelf = ref false
367 val nbcterm = ref 0 and n2bterm = ref 0
368 val tolsq = (tol * tol)
369 (* compute a single body-body or body-cell interaction. *)
370 fun gravsub (S.Empty, phi0, acc0, _) = (phi0, acc0)
371 | gravsub (p as S.Node{mass, pos, cell, ...}, phi0, acc0, memo) = let
372 val (dr, drsq) = (case memo
373 of NONE => let
374 val dr = V.subv(!pos, pos0)
375 in
376 (dr, V.dotvp(dr, dr) + (eps*eps))
377 end
378 | SOME(dr', drsq') => (dr', drsq' + (eps*eps))
379 (* end case *))
380 val phii = !mass / (Math.sqrt drsq)
381 in
382 case cell
383 of (S.Cell _) => nbcterm := !nbcterm + 1
384 | _ => n2bterm := !n2bterm + 1
385 (* end case *);
386 (phi0 - phii, V.addv(acc0, V.mulvs(dr, phii / drsq)))
387 end (* gravsub *)
388 (* recursive routine to do hackwalk operation. This combines the
389 * subdivp and walksub routines from the C version.
390 *)
391 fun walksub (p, dsq, phi0, acc0) = (
392(*print(implode[" walksub: dsq = ", makestring dsq, ", ", S.prNode p, "\n"]);*)
393 case p
394 of S.Empty => (phi0, acc0)
395 | (S.Node{cell = S.BodyCell body, ...}) =>
396 if S.eqBody(body, pskip)
397 then (skipSelf := true; (phi0, acc0))
398 else gravsub (p, phi0, acc0, NONE)
399 | (S.Node{cell = S.Cell a, pos, ...}) => let
400 val dr = V.subv(!pos, pos0)
401 val drsq = V.dotvp(dr, dr)
402 in
403 if ((tolsq * drsq) < dsq)
404 then let (* open p up *)
405 fun loop (i, phi0, acc0) = if (i < S.nsub)
406 then let
407 val (phi0', acc0') = walksub (
408 Array.sub(a, i), dsq/4.0, phi0, acc0)
409 in
410 loop (i+1, phi0', acc0')
411 end
412 else (phi0, acc0)
413 in
414 loop (0, phi0, acc0)
415 end
416 else gravsub (p, phi0, acc0, SOME(dr, drsq))
417 end
418 (* end case *))
419 val (phi0, acc0) = walksub (root, rsize*rsize, phi0, acc0)
420 in
421 { phi0 = phi0, acc0 = acc0,
422 nbcterm = !nbcterm, n2bterm = !n2bterm, skip = !skipSelf
423 }
424 end (* walk *)
426 (* evaluate grav field at a given particle. *)
427 fun hackGrav {body as S.Body{pos, phi, acc, ...}, root, rsize, eps, tol} = let
428 val {phi0, acc0, nbcterm, n2bterm, skip} = walk {
429 acc0 = V.zerov, phi0 = 0.0, pos0 = !pos, pskip = body,
430 eps = eps, rsize = rsize, tol = tol, root = root
431 }
432 in
433 phi := phi0;
434 acc := acc0;
436app (fn (fmt, items) => print(Format.format fmt items)) [
437 ("pos = [%f %f %f]\n", map Format.REAL (V.explode(!pos))),
438 ("pos = [%f %f %f]\n", map Format.REAL (V.explode acc0)),
439 ("phi = %f\n", [Format.REAL phi0])
441raise Fail "";
443 {nbcterm=nbcterm, n2bterm=n2bterm, skipSelf=skip}
444 end (* hackgrav *)
446 end; (* Grav *)
447(* data-io.sml
448 *
449 * COPYRIGHT (c) 1993, AT&T Bell Laboratories.
450 *
451 * I/O routines for export version of hierarchical N-body code.
452 *)
454signature DATA_IO =
455 sig
457 structure S : SPACE
459 val inputData : string -> {
460 nbody : int,
461 bodies : S.body list,
462 tnow : real,
463 headline : string
464 }
466 (* output routines *)
467 val initOutput : {
468 outfile : string, headline : string, nbody : int, tnow : real,
469 dtime : real, eps : real, tol : real, dtout : real, tstop : real
470 } -> unit
471 val output : {
472 nbody : int, bodies : S.body list, n2bcalc : int, nbccalc : int,
473 selfint : int, tnow : real
474 } -> unit
475 val stopOutput : unit -> unit
477 end;
479functor DataIO (S : SPACE) : DATA_IO =
480 struct
482 structure SS = Substring
483 structure S = S
484 structure V = S.V
486 val atoi = valOf o Int.scan StringCvt.DEC SS.getc
488 (* NOTE: this really out to be implemented using the lazy IO streams,
489 * but SML/NJ doesn't implement these correctly yet.
490 *)
491 fun inputData fname = let
492 val strm = TextIO.openIn fname
493 val buf = ref(SS.full "")
494 fun getLn () = (case (TextIO.inputLine strm)
495 of NONE => raise Fail "inputData: EOF"
496 | SOME s => buf := SS.full s
497 (* end case *))
498 fun skipWS () = let
499 val buf' = SS.dropl Char.isSpace (!buf)
500 in
501 if (SS.isEmpty buf')
502 then (getLn(); skipWS())
503 else buf'
504 end
505 fun readInt () = let
506 val (n, ss) = atoi (skipWS ())
507 in
508 buf := ss; n
509 end
510 fun readReal () = let
511 val (r, ss) = valOf (Real.scan SS.getc (skipWS()))
512 in
513 buf := ss; r
514 end
515 val nbody = readInt()
516 val _ = if (nbody < 1)
517 then raise Fail "absurd nbody"
518 else ()
519 val ndim = readInt()
520 val _ = if (ndim <> V.dim)
521 then raise Fail "absurd ndim"
522 else ()
523 val tnow = readReal()
524 fun iter f = let
525 fun loop (0, l) = l
526 | loop (n, l) = loop (n-1, f() :: l)
527 in
528 fn n => loop (n, [])
529 end
530 fun readVec () = V.implode (rev (iter readReal ndim))
531 val massList = iter readReal nbody
532 val posList = iter readVec nbody
533 val velList = iter readVec nbody
534 fun mkBodies ([], [], [], l) = l
535 | mkBodies (m::r1, p::r2, v::r3, l) = let
536 val b = S.Body{
537 mass = m,
538 pos = ref p,
539 vel = ref v,
540 acc = ref V.zerov,
541 phi = ref 0.0
542 }
543 in
544 mkBodies(r1, r2, r3, b::l)
545 end
546 in
547 TextIO.closeIn strm;
548 { nbody = nbody,
549 bodies = mkBodies (massList, posList, velList, []),
550 tnow = tnow,
551 headline = concat["Hack code: input file ", fname, "\n"]
552 }
553 end
555 local
556 val timer = ref (Timer.startCPUTimer ())
557 in
558 fun initTimer () = timer := Timer.startCPUTimer()
559 fun cputime () = let
560 val {usr, sys, ...} = Timer.checkCPUTimer(!timer)
561 val totTim = usr
562 in
563 (Time.toReal totTim) / 60.0
564 end
565 end
567 type out_state = {
568 tout : real,
569 dtout : real,
570 dtime : real,
571 strm : TextIO.outstream
572 }
573 val outState = ref (NONE : out_state option)
575 fun fprintf (strm, items) = TextIO.output(strm, String.concat items)
576 fun printf items = fprintf(TextIO.stdOut, items)
577 fun pad n s = StringCvt.padLeft #" " n s
578 fun fmtInt (wid, i) = pad wid (Int.toString i)
579 fun fmtReal (wid, prec, r) = pad wid (Real.fmt (StringCvt.FIX(SOME prec)) r)
580 fun fmtRealE (wid, prec, r) = pad wid (Real.fmt (StringCvt.SCI(SOME prec)) r)
581 local
582 fun itemFmt r = fmtReal (9, 4, r)
583 val fmt = V.format{lp="", sep="", rp="", cvt=itemFmt}
584 in
585 fun printvec (init, vec) = printf [
586 "\t ", pad 9 init, fmt vec, "\n"
587 ]
588 end (* local *)
590 fun stopOutput () = (case (! outState)
591 of NONE => ()
592 | (SOME{strm, ...}) => (TextIO.closeOut strm; outState := NONE)
593 (* end case *))
595 fun initOutput {outfile, headline, nbody, tnow, dtime, eps, tol, dtout, tstop} = (
596 initTimer();
597 printf ["\n\t\t", headline, "\n\n"];
598 printf (map (pad 12) ["nbody", "dtime", "eps", "tol", "dtout", "tstop"]);
599 printf ["\n"];
600 printf [fmtInt(12, nbody), fmtReal(12, 5, dtime)];
601 printf [
602 fmtInt(12, nbody), fmtReal(12, 5, dtime),
603 fmtReal(12, 4, eps), fmtReal(12, 2, tol),
604 fmtReal(12, 3, dtout), fmtReal(12, 2, tstop), "\n\n"
605 ];
606 case outfile
607 of "" => stopOutput()
608 | _ => outState := SOME{
609 dtime = dtime,
610 tout = tnow,
611 dtout = dtout,
612 strm = TextIO.openOut outfile
613 }
614 (* end case *))
616 (* compute set of dynamical diagnostics. *)
617 fun diagnostics bodies = let
618 fun loop ([], arg) = {
619 mtot = #totM arg, (* total mass *)
620 totKE = #totKE arg, (* total kinetic energy *)
621 totPE = #totPE arg, (* total potential energy *)
622 cOfMPos = #cOfMPos arg, (* center of mass: position *)
623 cOfMVel = #cOfMVel arg, (* center of mass: velocity *)
624 amVec = #amVec arg (* angular momentum vector *)
625 }
626 | loop (S.Body{
627 mass, pos=ref pos, vel=ref vel, acc=ref acc, phi=ref phi
628 } :: r, arg) = let
629 val velsq = V.dotvp(vel, vel)
630 val halfMass = 0.5 * mass
631 val posXmass = V.mulvs(pos, mass)
632 in
633 loop ( r, {
634 totM = (#totM arg) + mass,
635 totKE = (#totKE arg) + halfMass * velsq,
636 totPE = (#totPE arg) + halfMass * phi,
637 keTen = V.addm(#keTen arg, V.outvp(V.mulvs(vel, halfMass), vel)),
638 peTen = V.addm(#peTen arg, V.outvp(posXmass, acc)),
639 cOfMPos = V.addv(#cOfMPos arg, posXmass),
640 cOfMVel = V.addv(#cOfMVel arg, V.mulvs(vel, mass)),
641 amVec = V.addv(#amVec arg, V.mulvs(V.crossvp(pos, vel), mass))
642 })
643 end
644 in
645 loop (bodies, {
646 totM = 0.0, totKE = 0.0, totPE = 0.0,
647 keTen = V.zerom, peTen = V.zerom,
648 cOfMPos = V.zerov, cOfMVel = V.zerov,
649 amVec = V.zerov
650 })
651 end (* diagnostics *)
653 fun outputData (strm, tnow, nbody, bodies) = let
654 fun outInt i = fprintf(strm, [" ", Int.toString i, "\n"])
655 fun outReal r = fprintf(strm, [" ", fmtRealE(21, 14, r), "\n"])
656 fun prReal r = fprintf(strm, [" ", fmtRealE(21, 14, r)])
657 fun outVec v = let
658 fun out [] = TextIO.output(strm, "\n")
659 | out (x::r) = (prReal x; out r)
660 in
661 out(V.explode v)
662 end
663 in
664 outInt nbody;
665 outInt V.dim;
666 outReal tnow;
667 app (fn (S.Body{mass, ...}) => outReal mass) bodies;
668 app (fn (S.Body{pos, ...}) => outVec(!pos)) bodies;
669 app (fn (S.Body{vel, ...}) => outVec(!vel)) bodies;
670 printf ["\n\tparticle data written\n"]
671 end;
673 fun output {nbody, bodies, n2bcalc, nbccalc, selfint, tnow} = let
674 val nttot = n2bcalc + nbccalc
675 val nbavg = floor(real n2bcalc / real nbody)
676 val ncavg = floor(real nbccalc / real nbody)
677 val data = diagnostics bodies
678 in
679 printf ["\n"];
680 printf (map (pad 9) [
681 "tnow", "T+U", "T/U", "nttot", "nbavg", "ncavg", "selfint",
682 "cputime"
683 ]);
684 printf ["\n"];
685 printf [
686 fmtReal(9, 3, tnow), fmtReal(9, 4, #totKE data + #totPE data),
687 fmtReal(9, 4, #totKE data / #totPE data), fmtInt(9, nttot),
688 fmtInt(9, nbavg), fmtInt(9, ncavg), fmtInt(9, selfint),
689 fmtReal(9, 2, cputime()), "\n\n"
690 ];
691 printvec ("cm pos", #cOfMPos data);
692 printvec ("cm vel", #cOfMVel data);
693 printvec ("am pos", #amVec data);
694 case !outState
695 of NONE => ()
696 | (SOME{tout, dtout, dtime, strm}) =>
697 if ((tout - 0.01 * dtime) <= tnow)
698 then (
699 outputData (strm, tnow, nbody, bodies);
700 outState := SOME{
701 tout=tout+dtout, dtout=dtout, dtime=dtime, strm=strm
702 })
703 else ()
704 (* end case *)
705 end
707 end; (* DataIO *)
709(* getparam.sml
710 *
711 * COPYRIGHT (c) 1993, AT&T Bell Laboratories.
712 *)
714structure GetParam : sig
716 exception EOF
718 val initParam : (string list * string list) -> unit
719 val getParam : string -> string
720 val getIParam : string -> int
721 val getRParam : string -> real
722 val getBParam : string -> bool
724 end = struct
726 exception EOF
728 val defaults = ref ([] : string list)
730 (* ignore arg vector, remember defaults. *)
731 fun initParam (argv, defl) = defaults := defl
733 fun prompt items = (
734 TextIO.output(TextIO.stdOut, String.concat items);
735 TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdOut)
737 structure SS = Substring
739 (* export version prompts user for value. *)
740 fun getParam name = let
741 fun scanBind [] = NONE
742 | scanBind (s::r) = let
743 val (_, suffix) = SS.position name (SS.full s)
744 in
745 if (SS.isEmpty suffix)
746 then scanBind r
747 else SOME(SS.string(SS.triml (size name+1) suffix))
748 end
749 fun get default = (case (TextIO.inputLine TextIO.stdIn)
750 of NONE => raise EOF
751 | SOME "\n" => default
752 | SOME s => substring(s, 0, size s - 1)
753 (* end case *))
754 in
755 if (null (! defaults))
756 then raise Fail "getParam called before initParam"
757 else ();
758 case (scanBind (! defaults))
759 of (SOME s) => (
760 prompt ["enter ", name, " [", s, "]: "];
761 get s)
762 | NONE => (prompt ["enter ", name, ": "]; get "")
763 (* end case *)
764 end
766 local
767 fun cvt scanFn = let
768 fun cvt' name = let
769 fun get () = (case getParam name of "" => get () | s => s)
770 val param = get ()
771 in
772 (valOf (scanFn param)) handle _ => (cvt' name)
773 end
774 in
775 cvt'
776 end
777 in
778 (* get integer parameter *)
779 val getIParam = cvt Int.fromString
780 (* get real parameter *)
781 val getRParam = cvt Real.fromString
782 (* get bool parameter *)
783 val getBParam = cvt Bool.fromString
784 end (* local *)
786 end; (* GetParam *)
788(* rand-sig.sml
789 *
790 * COPYRIGHT (c) 1993 by AT&T Bell Laboratories. See COPYRIGHT file for details.
791 *
792 * Signature for a simple random number generator.
793 *
794 *)
796signature RAND =
797 sig
799 val randMin : real
800 val randMax : real
801 val random : real -> real
802 (* Given seed, return value randMin <= v <= randMax
803 * Iteratively using the value returned by random as the
804 * next seed to random will produce a sequence of pseudo-random
805 * numbers.
806 *)
808 val mkRandom : real -> unit -> real
809 (* Given seed, return function generating a sequence of
810 * random numbers randMin <= v <= randMax
811 *)
813 val norm : real -> real
814 (* r -> r / (randMax + 1.0) *)
816 val range : (int * int) -> real -> int
817 (* Map v, randMin <= v <= randMax to integer range [i,j]
818 * Exception -
819 * BadArg if j < i
820 *)
822 end (* RAND *)
823(* rand.sml
824 *
825 * COPYRIGHT (c) 1991 by AT&T Bell Laboratories. See COPYRIGHT file for details
826 *
827 * Random number generator taken from Paulson, pp. 170-171.
828 * Recommended by Stephen K. Park and Keith W. Miller,
829 * Random number generators: good ones are hard to find,
830 * CACM 31 (1988), 1192-1201
831 *
832 * Note: The Random structure provides a better generator.
833 *)
835structure Rand : RAND =
836 struct
838 (* real number version for systems with 46-bit mantissas *)
839 val a = 16807.0 and m = 2147483647.0
841 val randMin = 1.0
842 val randMax = m - 1.0
844 fun random seed = let
845 val t = a*seed
846 in
847 t - m * real(floor(t/m))
848 end
850 fun mkRandom seed = let
851 val seed = ref seed
852 in
853 fn () => (seed := random (!seed); !seed)
854 end
856 fun norm r = r / m
858 fun range (i,j) =
859 if j < i
860 then raise Fail "Rand.range"
861 else let
862 val R = real(j - i + 1)
863 in
864 fn r => i + floor(R*(r/m))
865 end handle _ => let
866 val ri = real i
867 val R = (real j)-ri+1.0
868 in
869 fn r => floor(ri + R*(r/m))
870 end
872 end (* Rand *)
874(* main.sml
875 *
876 * COPYRIGHT (c) 1993, AT&T Bell Laboratories.
877 *
878 * This is the main driver for the Barnse-HutN-body code.
879 *)
881functor Main (V : VECTOR) : sig
883 structure S : SPACE
884 structure V : VECTOR
885 structure L : LOAD
887 val srand : int -> unit
888 (* reset the random number generator *)
890 val testdata : int -> S.body list
891 (* generate the Plummer model data *)
893 val go : {
894 output : {n2bcalc:int, nbccalc:int, nstep:int, selfint:int, tnow:real}
895 -> unit,
896 bodies : S.body list, tnow : real, tstop : real,
897 dtime : real, eps : real, tol : real,
898 rmin : real V.vec, rsize : real
899 } -> unit
901 val doit : unit -> unit
903 end = struct
905 structure V = V
906 structure S = Space(V)
907 structure L = Load(S)
908 structure G = Grav(S)
909 structure DataIO = DataIO(S)
911 (* some math utilities *)
912(** NOTE: these are part of the Math structure in the new basis *)
913 val pi = 3.14159265358979323846
914 fun pow(x, y) =
915 if Real.==(y, 0.0) then 1.0 else Math.exp (y * Math.ln x)
917 (* random numbers *)
918 local
919 val seed = ref 0.0
920 in
921 fun srand s = (seed := real s)
922 fun xrand (xl, xh) = let
923 val r = Rand.random (! seed)
924 in
925 seed := r;
926 xl + (((xh - xl) * r) / 2147483647.0)
927 end
928 end (* local *)
930 (* default parameter values *)
931 val defaults = [
932 (* file names for input/output *)
933 "in=", (* snapshot of initial conditions *)
934 "out=", (* stream of output snapshots *)
936 (* params, used if no input specified, to make a Plummer Model*)
937 "nbody=128", (* number of particles to generate *)
938 "seed=123", (* random number generator seed *)
940 (* params to control N-body integration *)
941 "dtime=0.025", (* integration time-step *)
942 "eps=0.05", (* usual potential softening *)
943 "tol=1.0", (* cell subdivision tolerence *)
944 "fcells=0.75", (* cell allocation parameter *)
946 "tstop=2.0", (* time to stop integration *)
947 "dtout=0.25", (* data-output interval *)
949 "debug=false", (* turn on debugging messages *)
950 "VERSION=1.0" (* JEB 06 March 1988 *)
951 ]
953 (* pick a random point on a sphere of specified radius. *)
954 fun pickshell rad = let
955 fun pickvec () = let
956 val vec = V.tabulate (fn _ => xrand(~1.0, 1.0))
957 val rsq = V.dotvp(vec, vec)
958 in
959 if (rsq > 1.0)
960 then pickvec ()
961 else V.mulvs (vec, rad / Math.sqrt(rsq))
962 end
963 in
964 pickvec ()
965 end
967 (* generate Plummer model initial conditions for test runs, scaled
968 * to units such that M = -4E = G = 1 (Henon, Hegge, etc).
969 * See Aarseth, SJ, Henon, M, & Wielen, R (1974) Astr & Ap, 37, 183.
970 *)
971 fun testdata n = let
972 val mfrac = 0.999 (* mass cut off at mfrac of total *)
973 val rn = real n
974 val rsc = (3.0 * pi) / 16.0
975 val vsc = Math.sqrt(1.0 / rsc)
976 fun mkBodies (0, cmr, cmv, l) = let
977 (* offset bodies by normalized cm coordinates. Also, reverse
978 * the list to get the same order of bodies as in the C version.
979 *)
980 val cmr = V.divvs(cmr, rn)
981 val cmv = V.divvs(cmv, rn)
982 fun norm ([], l) = l
983 | norm ((p as S.Body{pos, vel, ...}) :: r, l) = (
984 pos := V.subv(!pos, cmr);
985 vel := V.subv(!vel, cmv);
986 norm (r, p::l))
987 in
988 norm (l, [])
989 end
990 | mkBodies (i, cmr, cmv, l) = let
991 val r = 1.0 / Math.sqrt (pow(xrand(0.0, mfrac), ~2.0/3.0) - 1.0)
992 val pos = pickshell (rsc * r)
993 fun vN () = let (* von Neumann technique *)
994 val x = xrand(0.0,1.0)
995 val y = xrand(0.0,0.1)
996 in
997 if (y > x*x * (pow (1.0-x*x, 3.5))) then vN () else x
998 end
999 val v = ((Math.sqrt 2.0) * vN()) / pow(1.0 + r*r, 0.25)
1000 val vel = pickshell (vsc * v)
1001 val body = S.Body{
1002 mass = 1.0 / rn,
1003 pos = ref pos,
1004 vel = ref vel,
1005 acc = ref V.zerov,
1006 phi = ref 0.0
1007 }
1008 in
1009 mkBodies (i-1, V.addv(cmr, pos), V.addv(cmv, vel), body :: l)
1010 end
1011 in
1012 mkBodies (n, V.zerov, V.zerov, [])
1013 end (* testdata *)
1015 (* startup hierarchical N-body code. This either reads in or generates
1016 * an initial set of bodies, and other parameters.
1017 *)
1019 fun startrun argv = let
1020 val _ = GetParam.initParam(argv, defaults)
1021 val {nbody, bodies, tnow, headline} = (case (GetParam.getParam "in")
1022 of "" => let
1023 val nbody = GetParam.getIParam "nbody"
1024 in
1025 if (nbody < 1)
1026 then raise Fail "startrun: absurd nbody"
1027 else ();
1028 srand (GetParam.getIParam "seed");
1029 { nbody = nbody,
1030 bodies = testdata nbody,
1031 tnow = 0.0,
1032 headline = "Hack code: Plummer model"
1033 }
1034 end
1035 | fname => DataIO.inputData fname
1036 (* end case *))
1037 in
1038 { nbody = nbody,
1039 bodies = bodies,
1040 headline = headline,
1041 outfile = GetParam.getParam "out",
1042 dtime = GetParam.getRParam "dtime",
1043 eps = GetParam.getRParam "eps",
1044 tol = GetParam.getRParam "tol",
1045 tnow = tnow,
1046 tstop = GetParam.getRParam "tstop",
1047 dtout = GetParam.getRParam "dtout",
1048 debug = GetParam.getBParam "debug",
1049 rmin = V.tabulate (fn _ => ~2.0),
1050 rsize = 4.0
1051 }
1052 end
1054 (* advance N-body system one time-step. *)
1055 fun stepSystem output {plist, dtime, eps, nstep, rmin, rsize, tnow, tol} = let
1056 val dthf = 0.5 * dtime
1057 val S.Space{rmin, rsize, root} = L.makeTree (plist, rmin, rsize)
1058 (* recalculate accelaration *)
1059 fun recalc ([], n2bcalc, nbccalc, selfint) = (n2bcalc, nbccalc, selfint)
1060 | recalc (p::r, n2bcalc, nbccalc, selfint) = let
1061 val S.Body{acc as ref acc1, vel, ...} = p
1062 val {n2bterm, nbcterm, skipSelf} = G.hackGrav {
1063 body = p, root = root, rsize = rsize, eps = eps, tol = tol
1064 }
1065 in
1066 if (nstep > 0)
1067 then (* use change in accel to make 2nd order *)
1068 (* correction to vel. *)
1069 vel := V.addv(!vel, V.mulvs(V.subv(!acc, acc1), dthf))
1070 else ();
1071 recalc (r, n2bcalc+n2bterm, nbccalc+nbcterm,
1072 if skipSelf then selfint else (selfint+1))
1073 end
1074 (* advance bodies *)
1075 fun advance (S.Body{pos, acc, vel, ...}) = let
1076 val dvel = V.mulvs (!acc, dthf)
1077 val vel1 = V.addv (!vel, dvel)
1078 val dpos = V.mulvs (vel1, dtime)
1079 in
1080 pos := V.addv (!pos, dpos);
1081 vel := V.addv (vel1, dvel)
1082 end
1083 val (n2bcalc, nbccalc, selfint) = recalc (plist, 0, 0, 0)
1084 in
1085 output {nstep=nstep, tnow=tnow, n2bcalc=n2bcalc, nbccalc=nbccalc, selfint=selfint};
1086 app advance plist;
1087 (nstep+1, tnow + dtime)
1088 end
1090 (* given an initial configuration, run the simulation *)
1091 fun go {
1092 output, bodies, tnow, tstop,
1093 dtime, eps, tol, rsize, rmin
1094 } = let
1095 val step = stepSystem output
1096 fun loop (nstep, tnow) = if (tnow < tstop + (0.1 * dtime))
1097 then loop (step {
1098 plist = bodies, dtime = dtime, eps = eps, nstep = nstep,
1099 rmin = rmin, rsize = rsize, tnow = tnow, tol = tol
1100 })
1101 else ()
1102 in
1103 loop (0, tnow)
1104 end
1106 fun doit () = let
1107 val { nbody, bodies, headline, outfile,
1108 dtime, eps, tol, tnow, tstop, dtout,
1109 debug, rsize, rmin
1110 } = startrun []
1111 fun output {nstep, tnow, n2bcalc, nbccalc, selfint} = DataIO.output{
1112 bodies = bodies, nbody = nbody,
1113 n2bcalc = n2bcalc, nbccalc = nbccalc,
1114 selfint = selfint, tnow = tnow
1115 }
1116 in
1117 DataIO.initOutput {
1118 outfile = outfile, headline = headline, nbody = nbody, tnow = tnow,
1119 dtime = dtime, eps = eps, tol = tol, dtout = dtout, tstop = tstop
1120 };
1121 go {
1122 output=output, bodies=bodies, tnow=tnow, tstop=tstop,
1123 dtime=dtime, eps=eps, tol=tol, rsize=rsize, rmin=rmin
1124 };
1125 DataIO.stopOutput()
1126 end (* doit *)
1128 end; (* Main *)
1129(* vector3.sml
1130 *
1131 * COPYRIGHT (c) 1993, AT&T Bell Laboratories.
1132 *
1133 * 3 dimensional vector arithmetic.
1134 *)
1136structure Vector3 : VECTOR =
1137 struct
1139 type 'a vec = {x : 'a, y : 'a, z : 'a}
1140 type realvec = real vec
1142 val dim = 3
1144 fun tabulate f = {x = f 0, y = f 1, z = f 2}
1146 val zerov = {x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0}
1147 fun equal({x, y, z}, {x=x1, y=y1, z=z1}) =
1148 Real.==(x, x1) andalso Real.==(y, y1) andalso Real.==(z, z1)
1150 fun addv ({x=x1, y=y1, z=z1} : realvec, {x=x2, y=y2, z=z2}) =
1151 {x=x1+x2, y=y1+y2, z=z1+z2}
1153 fun subv ({x=x1, y=y1, z=z1} : realvec, {x=x2, y=y2, z=z2}) =
1154 {x=x1-x2, y=y1-y2, z=z1-z2}
1156 fun dotvp ({x=x1, y=y1, z=z1} : realvec, {x=x2, y=y2, z=z2}) =
1157 x1*x2 + y1*y2 + z1*z2
1159 fun crossvp ({x=x1, y=y1, z=z1} : realvec, {x=x2, y=y2, z=z2}) =
1160 {x = y1*z2 - z1*y2, y = x1*z2 - z1*x2, z = x1*y2 - y1*x2}
1162 fun addvs ({x, y, z} : realvec, s) = {x=x+s, y=y+s, z=z+s}
1164 fun mulvs ({x, y, z} : realvec, s) = {x=x*s, y=y*s, z=z*s}
1166 fun divvs ({x, y, z} : realvec, s) = {x=x/s, y=y/s, z=z/s}
1168 fun mapv f {x, y, z} = {x = f x, y = f y, z = f z}
1170 fun map3v f ({x=x1, y=y1, z=z1}, {x=x2, y=y2, z=z2}, {x=x3, y=y3, z=z3}) =
1171 {x = f(x1, x2, x3), y = f(y1, y2, y3), z = f(z1, z2, z3)}
1173 fun foldv f {x, y, z} init = f(z, f(y, f(x, init)))
1175 fun format {lp, rp, sep, cvt} {x, y, z} = String.concat[
1176 lp, cvt x, sep, cvt y, sep, cvt z, rp
1177 ]
1179 fun explode {x, y, z} = [x, y, z]
1181 fun implode [x, y, z] = {x=x, y=y, z=z}
1182 | implode _ = raise Fail "implode: bad dimension"
1184 type matrix = {
1185 m00 : real, m01 : real, m02 : real,
1186 m10 : real, m11 : real, m12 : real,
1187 m20 : real, m21 : real, m22 : real
1188 }
1190 val zerom = {
1191 m00 = 0.0, m01 = 0.0, m02 = 0.0,
1192 m10 = 0.0, m11 = 0.0, m12 = 0.0,
1193 m20 = 0.0, m21 = 0.0, m22 = 0.0
1194 }
1196 fun addm (a : matrix, b : matrix) = {
1197 m00=(#m00 a + #m00 b), m01=(#m01 a + #m01 b), m02=(#m02 a + #m02 b),
1198 m10=(#m10 a + #m10 b), m11=(#m11 a + #m11 b), m12=(#m12 a + #m12 b),
1199 m20=(#m20 a + #m20 b), m21=(#m21 a + #m21 b), m22=(#m22 a + #m22 b)
1200 }
1202 fun outvp ({x=a0, y=a1, z=a2} : realvec, {x=b0, y=b1, z=b2}) = {
1203 m00=(a0*b0), m01=(a0*b1), m02=(a0*b2),
1204 m10=(a1*b0), m11=(a1*b1), m12=(a1*b2),
1205 m20=(a2*b0), m21=(a2*b1), m22=(a2*b2)
1206 }
1208 end (* VectMath *)
1210signature BMARK =
1211 sig
1212 val doit : int -> unit
1213 val testit : TextIO.outstream -> unit
1214 end;
1215(* load file for bmark version *)
1218app use [
1219 "rand-sig.sml",
1220 "rand.sml",
1221 "vector-sig.sml",
1222 "space.sml",
1223 "load.sml",
1224 "grav.sml",
1225 "getparam.sml",
1226 "data-io.sml",
1227 "main.sml",
1228 "vector3.sml"
1229 ];
1231structure Main : BMARK =
1232 struct
1233 structure M3 = Main(Vector3);
1235 val name = "Barnes-Hut (3d)"
1237 fun testit strm = ()
1239 fun doit n = (
1240 M3.srand 123;
1241 M3.go {
1242 output = fn _ => (),
1243 bodies = M3.testdata n,
1244 tnow = 0.0, tstop = 2.0,
1245 dtime = 0.025, eps = 0.05, tol = 1.0,
1246 rmin = M3.S.V.tabulate (fn _ => ~2.0),
1247 rsize = 4.0
1248 })
1249 end;