Import Debian changes 20180207-1
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / basis-library / real / IEEE-real.sml
1(* Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Fluet.
2 * Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
3 * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
4 * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 NEC Research Institute.
5 *
6 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
7 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
8 *)
10structure IEEEReal: IEEE_REAL_EXTRA =
11 struct
12 val op + = Int.+
13 val op - = Int.-
14 val op * = Int.*
16 exception Unordered
17 datatype real_order = LESS | EQUAL | GREATER | UNORDERED
19 structure Prim = PrimitiveFFI.IEEEReal
21 datatype float_class =
22 INF
23 | NAN
26 | ZERO
28 structure RoundingMode =
29 struct
30 datatype t =
34 | TO_ZERO
36 fun fromInt (i: t =
37 let
38 open Prim.RoundingMode
39 in
40 if i = FE_TONEAREST
41 then TO_NEAREST
42 else if i = FE_DOWNWARD
43 then TO_NEGINF
44 else if i = FE_UPWARD
45 then TO_POSINF
46 else if i = FE_TOWARDZERO
47 then TO_ZERO
48 else raise Fail "IEEEReal.RoundingMode.fromInt"
49 end
51 fun toInt (m: t): =
52 let
53 open Prim.RoundingMode
54 val i =
55 case m of
60 in
61 if i = FE_NOSUPPORT
62 then raise Fail "IEEEReal rounding mode not supported"
63 else i
64 end
65 end
67 datatype rounding_mode = datatype RoundingMode.t
69 fun setRoundingMode (m: rounding_mode): unit =
70 if Prim.setRoundingMode (RoundingMode.toInt m) = 0
71 then ()
72 else
73 raise PosixError.raiseSys PosixError.inval
75 val getRoundingMode = RoundingMode.fromInt o Prim.getRoundingMode
77 fun withRoundingMode (m: rounding_mode, th: unit -> 'a): 'a =
78 let
79 val m' = getRoundingMode ()
80 val _ = setRoundingMode m
81 val res = th ()
82 val _ = setRoundingMode m'
83 in
84 res
85 end
87 structure DecimalApprox =
88 struct
89 type t = {class: float_class,
90 digits: int list,
91 exp: int,
92 sign: bool}
94 val inf: t = {class = INF,
95 digits = [],
96 exp = 0,
97 sign = false}
99 val zero: t = {class = ZERO,
100 digits = [],
101 exp = 0,
102 sign = false}
103 end
105 type decimal_approx = DecimalApprox.t
107 fun 'a scan reader (state: 'a) =
108 let
109 val state = StringCvt.skipWS reader state
110 fun readc (c, state, f) =
111 case reader state of
112 NONE => NONE
113 | SOME (c', state') =>
114 if c = Char.toLower c'
115 then f state'
116 else NONE
117 fun readString (s, state, failure, success) =
118 let
119 val n = String.size s
120 fun loop (i, state) =
121 if i = n
122 then success state
123 else
124 case reader state of
125 NONE => failure ()
126 | SOME (c, state) =>
127 if Char.toLower c = String.sub (s, i)
128 then loop (i + 1, state)
129 else failure ()
130 in
131 loop (0, state)
132 end
133 fun charToDigit c = Char.ord c - Char.ord #"0"
134 fun digitStar (ds: int list, state) =
135 let
136 fun done () = (rev ds, state)
137 in
138 case reader state of
139 NONE => done ()
140 | SOME (c, state) =>
141 if Char.isDigit c
142 then digitStar (charToDigit c :: ds, state)
143 else done ()
144 end
145 fun digitPlus (state, failure, success) =
146 case reader state of
147 NONE => failure ()
148 | SOME (c, state) =>
149 if Char.isDigit c
150 then success (digitStar ([charToDigit c], state))
151 else failure ()
152 (* [+~-]?[0-9]+ *)
153 type exp = {digits: int list, negate: bool}
154 fun 'b afterE (state: 'a,
155 failure: unit -> 'b,
156 success: exp * 'a -> 'b) : 'b =
157 case reader state of
158 NONE => failure ()
159 | SOME (c, state) =>
160 let
161 fun neg () =
162 digitPlus (state, failure,
163 fn (ds, state) =>
164 success ({digits = ds, negate = true},
165 state))
166 in
167 case c of
168 #"+" => digitPlus (state, failure,
169 fn (ds, state) =>
170 success ({digits = ds,
171 negate = false},
172 state))
173 | #"~" => neg ()
174 | #"-" => neg ()
175 | _ =>
176 if Char.isDigit c
177 then
178 let
179 val (ds, state) =
180 digitStar ([charToDigit c], state)
181 in
182 success ({digits = ds, negate = false},
183 state)
184 end
185 else failure ()
186 end
187 (* e[+~-]?[0-9]+)? *)
188 fun exp (state: 'a, failure, success) =
189 case reader state of
190 NONE => failure ()
191 | SOME (c, state) =>
192 case Char.toLower c of
193 #"e" => afterE (state, failure, success)
194 | _ => failure ()
195 (* (\.[0-9]+)(e[+~-]?[0-9]+)? *)
196 fun 'b afterDot (state: 'a,
197 failure: unit -> 'b,
198 success: int list * exp * 'a -> 'b) =
199 digitPlus (state, failure,
200 fn (frac, state) =>
201 exp (state,
202 fn () => success (frac,
203 {digits = [], negate = false},
204 state),
205 fn (e, state) => success (frac, e, state)))
206 fun stripLeadingZeros (ds: int list): int * int list =
207 let
208 fun loop (i, ds) =
209 case ds of
210 [] => (i, [])
211 | d :: ds' =>
212 if d = 0
213 then loop (i + 1, ds')
214 else (i, ds)
215 in
216 loop (0, ds)
217 end
218 fun stripTrailingZeros ds =
219 case ds of
220 [] => []
221 | _ =>
222 case List.last ds of
223 0 => rev (#2 (stripLeadingZeros (rev ds)))
224 | _ => ds
225 fun done (whole: int list,
226 frac: int list,
227 {digits: int list, negate: bool},
228 state: 'a) =
229 let
230 val (_, il) = stripLeadingZeros whole
231 val fl = stripTrailingZeros frac
232 datatype exp =
233 Int of int
234 | Overflow of DecimalApprox.t
235 val exp =
236 case (SOME (let
237 val i =
238 List.foldl (fn (d, n) => n * 10 + d)
239 0 digits
240 in
241 if negate then Int.~ i else i
242 end)
243 handle General.Overflow => NONE) of
244 NONE => Overflow (if negate
245 then
246 else DecimalApprox.inf)
247 | SOME i => Int i
248 val da =
249 case il of
250 [] =>
251 (case fl of
252 [] =>
253 | _ =>
254 case exp of
255 Int e =>
256 let
257 val (m, fl) = stripLeadingZeros fl
258 in
259 {class = NORMAL,
260 digits = fl,
261 exp = e - m,
262 sign = false}
263 end
264 | Overflow da => da)
265 | _ =>
266 case exp of
267 Int e =>
268 {class = NORMAL,
269 digits = stripTrailingZeros (il @ fl),
270 exp = e + length il,
271 sign = false}
272 | Overflow da => da
273 in
274 SOME (da, state)
275 end
276 fun normal' (c, state) =
277 case Char.toLower c of
278 #"i" => readc (#"n", state, fn state =>
279 readc (#"f", state, fn state =>
280 let
281 fun res state =
282 SOME ({class = INF,
283 digits = [],
284 exp = 0,
285 sign = false},
286 state)
287 in
288 readString ("inity", state,
289 fn () => res state,
290 res)
291 end))
292 | #"n" => readc (#"a", state, fn state =>
293 readc (#"n", state, fn state =>
294 SOME ({class = NAN,
295 digits = [],
296 exp = 0,
297 sign = false},
298 state)))
299 (* (([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(e[+~-]?[0-9]+)? *)
300 | #"." => afterDot (state,
301 fn () => NONE,
302 fn (frac, exp, state) =>
303 done ([], frac, exp, state))
304 | _ =>
305 if Char.isDigit c
306 then
307 (* ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)(e[+~-]?[0-9]+)? *)
308 let
309 val (whole, state) =
310 digitStar ([charToDigit c], state)
311 fun no () = done (whole, [],
312 {digits = [], negate = false},
313 state)
314 in
315 case reader state of
316 NONE => no ()
317 | SOME (c, state) =>
318 case Char.toLower c of
319 #"." =>
320 afterDot (state, no,
321 fn (frac, e, state) =>
322 done (whole, frac, e, state))
323 | #"e" =>
324 afterE (state, no,
325 fn (e, state) =>
326 done (whole, [], e, state))
327 | _ => no ()
328 end
329 else NONE
330 fun normal state =
331 case reader state of
332 NONE => NONE
333 | SOME z => normal' z
334 fun negate state =
335 case normal state of
336 NONE => NONE
337 | SOME ({class, digits, exp, ...}, state) =>
338 SOME ({class = class,
339 digits = digits,
340 exp = exp,
341 sign = true},
342 state)
343 in
344 case reader state of
345 NONE => NONE
346 | SOME (c, state) =>
347 case c of
348 #"~" => negate state
349 | #"-" => negate state
350 | #"+" => normal state
351 | _ => normal' (c, state)
352 end
354 fun fromString s = StringCvt.scanString scan s
356 fun toString {class, sign, digits, exp}: string =
357 let
358 fun digitStr () = implode (map StringCvt.digitToChar digits)
359 fun norm () =
360 let val num = "0." ^ digitStr()
361 in if exp = 0
362 then num
363 else concat [num, "E", Int.toString exp]
364 end
365 val num =
366 case class of
367 ZERO => "0.0"
368 | NORMAL => norm ()
369 | SUBNORMAL => norm ()
370 | INF => "inf"
371 | NAN => "nan"
372 in if sign
373 then "~" ^ num
374 else num
375 end
376 end