Backport from sid to buster
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / regression / testdyn1.sml
3(* ------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
4(* testdyn1, 08/02/1995 19:17, Martin *)
5(* Dynamic test of primitives... except for input/output *)
6(* ------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
9 MEMO : 'sin', 'cos', 'arctan', 'ln' and 'exp' are not checked yet.
13 infix ==
14 val epsilon = 0.000666
15 fun r1 == r2 = abs (r1 - r2) < epsilon (*no perfect world*)
17 fun digit n = chr(ord #"0" + n)
18 fun digits(n,acc) =
19 if n >=0 andalso n<=9 then digit n:: acc
20 else digits (n div 10, digit(n mod 10) :: acc)
22 fun int_to_string(n) = if n >= 0 then implode(digits(n,[]))
23 else "~" ^ int_to_string(~n)
25 fun error b s = print ((if b then "Ok - " else "Error - ") ^ s ^ "...\n")
27 (* testing stuff *)
28 val _ =
29 let
30 val _ = print "Testing list operations:\n\
31 \ [rev, @, map]...\n"
32 in
33 error (rev [3,34,2,23] = [23,2,34,3]) "rev";
34 error (map (fn a:int => 2 * a) [3,34,2] = [6,68,4]) "map";
35 error ([34,56] @ [12,67] = [34,56,12,67]) "@"
36 end
38 val _ =
39 let
40 val _ = print "Testing string operations:\n\
41 \ [implode, explode, chr, ord, size]...\n"
42 fun hds [] = #"-"
43 | hds (x::_) = x
44 in
45 error (int_to_string 232 = "232") "int_to_string";
46 error (implode [#"h", #"e", #"l", #"l", #" "] = "hell ") "implode";
47 error (hds (explode "hello") = #"h") "explode";
48 error (chr 66 = #"B") "chr";
49 error (ord #"B" = 66) "ord";
50 error (((chr 1000) handle Chr => #"h") = #"h") "Chr";
51 error (((chr 1000) handle Div => #"h"
52 | Chr => #"k") = #"k") "Chr2";
53 error (size "hello I'm 19 long.." = 19) "size"
54 end
56 val _ =
57 let
58 val _ = print "Testing ref [ref, :=, !]...\n"
59 val a = ref "hello"
60 val g = ref 45
61 in
62 error (!a = "hello") "!1";
63 error ((a := "hej") = ()) ":=1";
64 error (!a = "hej") "!2";
65 error ((g := !g + 1) = ()) ":=2";
66 error (!g = 46) "!3"
67 end
69 val _ =
70 let
71 val _ = print "Testing polymorphic equality...\n"
72 val a = [(34,"hejsa"), (4, "bw")]
73 val b = [[3,23], [~34,23]]
74 val c = (56, ref "hello")
75 val d = ref "hej"
76 datatype k = A of int * string | B | C of k * k
77 val k1 = C (A(5,"hello"), B)
78 val k2 = C (A(5,"hello2"), B)
79 val k3 = C (A(5,"hello2"), B)
80 in
81 error (a = [(34,"hejsa"), (4, "bw")]) "equal";
82 error ((a = [(34,"hejsa"), (4, "cw")]) = false) "equal2";
83 error (b = [[3,23], [~34,23]]) "equal3";
84 error ((b = [[3,23], [~34,21]]) = false) "equal4";
85 error ((c = (56, ref "hello")) = false) "equal5 (ref1)";
86 error ((34,d) = (34,d)) "equal5 (ref2)";
87 error (k1 <> k2) "equal6 (dat k)";
88 error (k2 = k3) "equal7 (dat k)"
89 end
91 val _ =
92 let
93 val _ = print "Testing arithmetic integer operations:\n\
94 \ [~, abs, floor, +, -, *, div, mod, <, >, <=, >=] ...\n"
95 fun checkdivmod (i, d) =
96 let
97 val (r, q) = (i mod d, i div d)
98 val gt_zero = fn a => a > 0
99 in
100 error (gt_zero r = gt_zero d andalso d * q + r = i)
101 ("intdivmod - " ^ int_to_string i ^ " mod " ^ int_to_string d ^
102 " = " ^ int_to_string r ^ ", " ^ int_to_string i ^ " div "
103 ^ int_to_string d ^ " = " ^ int_to_string q)
104 end
105 in
106 error (~ 5 = ~5) "~1";
107 error (~ (~2) = 2) "~2";
108 error (abs 5 = 5) "abs1";
109 error (abs (~23) = 23) "abs2";
110 error (floor (23.23) = 23) "floor1";
111 error (floor (~23.23) = ~24) "floor2";
112 error (((floor (23.0E23)) handle Overflow => 4) = 4) "floor3";
113 error (23 + 12 = 35 andalso ~4 + 5 = 1) "+";
114 error (34 - 12 = 22 andalso ~23 - 15 = ~38) "-";
115 error (12 * 3 = 36 andalso ~23 * 2 = ~46) "*";
116 map checkdivmod [(2,3), (34, ~3), (5, ~2), (~7, 3)];
117 error (((3 div 0) handle Div => 60) = 60) "Div1";
118 error (((3 mod 0) handle Div => 45) = 45) "Div2";
119 error ((23 < 40) = true) "<1";
120 error ((54 < 40) = false) "<2";
121 error ((40 < 40) = false) "<3";
122 error ((23 > 40) = false) ">1";
123 error ((54 > 40) = true) ">2";
124 error ((40 > 40) = false) ">3";
125 error ((23 <= 40) = true) "<=1";
126 error ((54 <= 40) = false) "<=2";
127 error ((40 <= 40) = true) "<=3";
128 error ((23 >= 40) = false) ">=1";
129 error ((54 >= 40) = true) ">=2";
130 error ((40 >= 40) = true) ">=3"
131 end
133 val _ =
134 let
135 val _ = print "Testing arithmetic real operations:\n\
136 \ [+, -, *, /, ~, abs, real, sqrt, <, >, <=, >=] ...\n"
137 in
138 error (4.0 + 3.0 == 7.0) "+";
139 error (4.0 - 1.0 == 3.0) "-";
140 error (4.0 * 3.0 == 12.0) "*";
141 error (9.0 / 2.0 == 4.5) "/";
142 error (~ 5.3 == ~5.3) "~1";
143 error (~ (~2.23) == 2.23) "~2";
144 error (abs 5.23 == 5.23) "abs1";
145 error (abs (~23.12) == 23.12) "abs2";
146 error (real 5 == 5.0) "real1";
147 error (real ~5 == ~5.0) "real2";
148 error (Math.sqrt 0.0 == 0.0) "sqrt1";
149 error (Math.sqrt 2.0 > 1.4) "sqrt2";
150 error (Math.sqrt 2.0 < 1.5) "sqrt3";
152 error ((23.34 < 40.23) = true) "<1";
153 error ((54.12 < 40.45) = false) "<2";
154 error ((40.12 < 40.12) = false) "<3";
155 error ((23.34 > 40.12) = false) ">1";
156 error ((54.45 > 40.23) = true) ">2";
157 error ((40.23 > 40.23) = false) ">3";
158 error ((23.12 <= 40.34) = true) "<=1";
159 error ((54.23 <= 40.23) = false) "<=2";
160 error ((40.23 <= 40.23) = true) "<=3";
161 error ((23.75 >= 40.75) = false) ">=1";
162 error ((54.57 >= 40.57) = true) ">=2";
163 error ((40.23 >= 40.23) = true) ">=3"
164 end
166 val _ =
167 let
168 val _ = print "Testing composition o:\n"
169 fun f x = 3 + x
170 fun g y = (y, 2*y)
171 in
172 error ((g o f) 7 = (10,20)) "o"
173 end
175 val _ =
176 let
177 val _ = print "Testing generative exceptions:\n"
178 fun g a =
179 let
180 fun f x =
181 let
182 exception E
183 in
184 if x < 1 then raise E
185 else ((f (x-1)) handle E => 7) (* should not handle this.. *)
186 end
187 in
188 (f a) handle _ => a
189 end (* a *)
190 in
191 error (g 10 = 10) "exn - generative"
192 end
194 fun etst b s = if b then () else print ("Error - " ^ s ^ "...\n");
196 val _ = etst ("\u0041\u000a\\u0041\n" = "A\n\092" ^ "u0041\010")
197 "backslash u does not work or somepin";
199 val _ = etst (map ord [#"a", #"A", #" ", chr 42, #"\117"] =
200 [97, 65, 32, 42, 117]) "char problem, maybe #"
202 val _ = print "End of test.\n"