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[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / mlton / ssa /
1(* Copyright (C) 2009,2011,2017 Matthew Fluet.
2 * Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
3 * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
4 * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 NEC Research Institute.
5 *
6 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
7 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
8 *)
10functor TypeCheck (S: TYPE_CHECK_STRUCTS): TYPE_CHECK =
13open S
15datatype z = datatype Exp.t
16datatype z = datatype Transfer.t
18fun checkScopes (program as
19 Program.T {datatypes, globals, functions, main}): unit =
20 let
21 datatype 'a status =
22 Undefined
23 | InScope of 'a
24 | Defined
26 fun make' (layout, plist) =
27 let
28 val {get, set, ...} =
29 Property.getSet (plist, Property.initConst Undefined)
30 fun bind (x, v) =
31 case get x of
32 Undefined => set (x, InScope v)
33 | _ => Error.bug ("Ssa.TypeCheck.checkScopes: duplicate definition of "
34 ^ (Layout.toString (layout x)))
35 fun reference x =
36 case get x of
37 InScope v => v
38 | _ => Error.bug (concat
39 ["Ssa.TypeCheck.checkScopes: reference to ",
40 Layout.toString (layout x),
41 " not in scope"])
42 fun unbind x = set (x, Defined)
43 in (bind, ignore o reference, reference, unbind)
44 end
45 fun make (layout, plist) =
46 let val (bind, reference, _, unbind) = make' (layout, plist)
47 in (fn x => bind (x, ()), reference, unbind)
48 end
50 val (bindTycon, getTycon, getTycon', _) = make' (Tycon.layout, Tycon.plist)
51 val (bindCon, getCon, _) = make (Con.layout, Con.plist)
52 val (bindVar, getVar, getVar', unbindVar) = make' (Var.layout, Var.plist)
53 fun getVars xs = Vector.foreach (xs, getVar)
54 val (bindLabel, getLabel, unbindLabel) = make (Label.layout, Label.plist)
55 val (bindFunc, getFunc, _) = make (Func.layout, Func.plist)
57 val {destroy = destroyLoopType, get = loopType, ...} =
58 Property.destGet
59 (Type.plist,
60 Property.initRec
61 (fn (ty, loopType) =>
62 let
63 datatype z = datatype Type.dest
64 val _ =
65 case Type.dest ty of
66 Array ty => loopType ty
67 | CPointer => ()
68 | Datatype tycon => getTycon tycon
69 | IntInf => ()
70 | Real _ => ()
71 | Ref ty => loopType ty
72 | Thread => ()
73 | Tuple tys => Vector.foreach (tys, loopType)
74 | Vector ty => loopType ty
75 | Weak ty => loopType ty
76 | Word _ => ()
77 in
78 ()
79 end))
80 fun loopTypes tys = Vector.foreach (tys, loopType)
81 (* Redefine bindVar to check well-formedness of types. *)
82 val bindVar = fn (x, ty) => (loopType ty; bindVar (x, ty))
83 fun loopExp exp =
84 let
85 val _ =
86 case exp of
87 ConApp {con, args, ...} => (getCon con ; getVars args)
88 | Const _ => ()
89 | PrimApp {args, targs, ...} => (loopTypes targs; getVars args)
90 | Profile _ => ()
91 | Select {tuple, ...} => getVar tuple
92 | Tuple xs => getVars xs
93 | Var x => getVar x
94 in
95 ()
96 end
97 fun loopStatement (s as Statement.T {var, ty, exp, ...}) =
98 let
99 val _ = loopExp exp
100 val _ = loopType ty
101 val _ = (var, fn x => bindVar (x, ty))
102 in
103 ()
104 end
105 handle exn => Error.reraiseSuffix (exn, concat [" in ", Layout.toString (Statement.layout s)])
106 val loopTransfer =
107 fn Arith {args, ty, ...} => (getVars args; loopType ty)
108 | Bug => ()
109 | Call {func, args, ...} => (getFunc func; getVars args)
110 | Case {test, cases, default, ...} =>
111 let
112 fun doit (cases: ('a * 'b) vector,
113 equals: 'a * 'a -> bool,
114 hash: 'a -> word,
115 numExhaustiveCases: IntInf.t) =
116 let
117 val table = {hash = hash}
118 val _ =
119 Vector.foreach
120 (cases, fn (x, _) =>
121 let
122 val _ =
123 HashSet.insertIfNew
124 (table, hash x, fn y => equals (x, y),
125 fn () => x,
126 fn _ => Error.bug "Ssa.TypeCheck.loopTransfer: redundant branch in case")
127 in
128 ()
129 end)
130 val numCases = Int.toIntInf (Vector.length cases)
131 in
132 case (IntInf.equals (numCases, numExhaustiveCases), isSome default) of
133 (true, true) =>
134 Error.bug "Ssa.TypeCheck.loopTransfer: exhaustive case has default"
135 | (false, false) =>
136 Error.bug "Ssa.TypeCheck.loopTransfer: non-exhaustive case has no default"
137 | _ => ()
138 end
139 fun doitWord (ws, cases) =
140 doit (cases, WordX.equals, WordX.hash, WordSize.cardinality ws)
141 fun doitCon cases =
142 let
143 val numExhaustiveCases =
144 case Type.dest (getVar' test) of
145 Type.Datatype t => Int.toIntInf (getTycon' t)
146 | _ => Error.bug "Ssa.TypeCheck.loopTransfer: case test is not a datatype"
147 in
148 doit (cases, Con.equals, Con.hash, numExhaustiveCases)
149 end
150 val _ = getVar test
151 val _ =
152 case cases of
153 Cases.Con cs => doitCon cs
154 | Cases.Word (ws, cs) => doitWord (ws, cs)
155 in
156 ()
157 end
158 | Goto {args, ...} => getVars args
159 | Raise xs => getVars xs
160 | Return xs => getVars xs
161 | Runtime {args, ...} => getVars args
162 val loopTransfer =
163 fn t =>
164 (loopTransfer t)
165 handle exn => Error.reraiseSuffix (exn, concat [" in ", Layout.toString (Transfer.layout t)])
166 fun loopFunc (f: Function.t) =
167 let
168 val {args, blocks, raises, returns, start, ...} = Function.dest f
169 (* Descend the dominator tree, verifying that variable definitions
170 * dominate variable uses.
171 *)
172 fun loop (Tree.T (block, children)): unit =
173 let
174 val Block.T {label, args, statements, transfer, ...} = block
175 val _ = (Vector.foreach (args, bindVar)
176 ; Vector.foreach (statements, loopStatement)
177 ; loopTransfer transfer)
178 handle exn => Error.reraiseSuffix (exn, concat [" in ", Label.toString label])
179 val _ = Vector.foreach (children, loop)
180 val _ = Vector.foreach
181 (statements, fn s =>
182 (Statement.var s, unbindVar))
183 val _ = Vector.foreach (args, unbindVar o #1)
184 in
185 ()
186 end
187 val _ = Vector.foreach (args, bindVar)
188 val _ = Vector.foreach (blocks, bindLabel o Block.label)
189 (* Check that 'start' and all transfer labels are in scope.
190 * In the case that something is not in scope,
191 * "getLabel" gives a more informative error message
192 * than the CFG/dominatorTree construction failure.
193 *)
194 val _ = getLabel start
195 val _ = Vector.foreach
196 (blocks, fn Block.T {transfer, ...} =>
197 Transfer.foreachLabel (transfer, getLabel))
198 val _ = loop (Function.dominatorTree f)
199 val _ = Vector.foreach (blocks, unbindLabel o Block.label)
200 val _ = Vector.foreach (args, unbindVar o #1)
201 val _ = (returns, loopTypes)
202 val _ = (raises, loopTypes)
203 val _ = Function.clear f
204 in
205 ()
206 end
207 handle exn => Error.reraiseSuffix (exn, concat [" in ", Func.toString ( f)])
208 val _ = Vector.foreach
209 (datatypes, fn Datatype.T {tycon, cons} =>
210 (bindTycon (tycon, Vector.length cons)
211 ; Vector.foreach (cons, fn {con, ...} =>
212 bindCon con)))
213 handle exn => Error.reraiseSuffix (exn, concat [" in Datatypes"])
214 val _ = Vector.foreach
215 (datatypes, fn Datatype.T {cons, ...} =>
216 Vector.foreach (cons, fn {args, ...} =>
217 Vector.foreach (args, loopType)))
218 handle exn => Error.reraiseSuffix (exn, concat [" in Datatypes"])
219 val _ = Vector.foreach (globals, loopStatement)
220 handle exn => Error.reraiseSuffix (exn, concat [" in Globals"])
221 val _ = List.foreach (functions, bindFunc o
222 val _ = getFunc main
223 val _ = List.foreach (functions, loopFunc)
224 val _ = Program.clearTop program
225 val _ = destroyLoopType ()
226 in
227 ()
228 end
230val checkScopes = Control.trace (Control.Detail, "checkScopes") checkScopes
232structure Function =
233 struct
234 open Function
236 fun checkProf (f: t): unit =
237 let
238 val debug = false
239 val {blocks, start, ...} = dest f
240 val {get = labelInfo, rem, set = setLabelInfo, ...} =
241 Property.getSetOnce
242 (Label.plist,
243 Property.initRaise ("info", Label.layout))
244 val _ = Vector.foreach (blocks, fn b as Block.T {label, ...} =>
245 setLabelInfo (label,
246 {block = b,
247 sources = ref NONE}))
248 fun goto (l: Label.t, sources: SourceInfo.t list) =
249 let
250 fun bug (msg: string): 'a =
251 let
252 val _ =
253 Vector.foreach
254 (blocks, fn Block.T {label, ...} =>
255 let
256 val {sources, ...} = labelInfo label
257 open Layout
258 in
259 outputl
260 (seq [Label.layout label,
261 str " ",
262 Option.layout
263 (List.layout SourceInfo.layout)
264 (!sources)],
265 Out.error)
266 end)
267 in
268 Error.bug
269 (concat ["Ssa.TypeCheck.checkProf: bug found in ", Label.toString l,
270 ": ", msg])
271 end
272 val _ =
273 if not debug
274 then ()
275 else
276 let
277 open Layout
278 in
279 outputl (seq [str "goto (",
280 Label.layout l,
281 str ", ",
282 List.layout SourceInfo.layout sources,
283 str ")"],
284 Out.error)
285 end
286 val {block, sources = r} = labelInfo l
287 in
288 case !r of
289 NONE =>
290 let
291 val _ = r := SOME sources
292 val Block.T {statements, transfer, ...} = block
293 datatype z = datatype Statement.t
294 datatype z = datatype ProfileExp.t
295 val sources =
296 Vector.fold
297 (statements, sources,
298 fn (Statement.T {exp, ...}, sources) =>
299 case exp of
300 Profile pe =>
301 (case pe of
302 Enter s => s :: sources
303 | Leave s =>
304 (case sources of
305 [] => bug "unmatched Leave"
306 | s' :: sources =>
307 if SourceInfo.equals (s, s')
308 then sources
309 else bug "mismatched Leave"))
310 | _ => sources)
311 val _ =
312 if not debug
313 then ()
314 else
315 let
316 open Layout
317 in
318 outputl (List.layout SourceInfo.layout sources,
319 Out.error)
320 end
321 val _ =
322 if (case transfer of
323 Call {return, ...} =>
324 let
325 datatype z = datatype Return.t
326 in
327 case return of
328 Dead => false
329 | NonTail _ => false
330 | Tail => true
331 end
332 | Raise _ => true
333 | Return _ => true
334 | _ => false)
335 then (case sources of
336 [] => ()
337 | _ => bug "nonempty sources when leaving function")
338 else ()
339 in
340 Transfer.foreachLabel
341 (transfer, fn l => goto (l, sources))
342 end
343 | SOME sources' =>
344 if List.equals (sources, sources', SourceInfo.equals)
345 then ()
346 else bug "mismatched block"
347 end
348 val _ = goto (start, [])
349 val _ = Vector.foreach (blocks, fn Block.T {label, ...} => rem label)
350 in
351 ()
352 end
353 end
355fun checkProf (Program.T {functions, ...}): unit =
356 List.foreach (functions, fn f => Function.checkProf f)
358val checkProf = Control.trace (Control.Detail, "checkProf") checkProf
360fun typeCheck (program as Program.T {datatypes, ...}): unit =
361 let
362 val _ = checkScopes program
363 val _ =
364 if !Control.profile <> Control.ProfileNone
365 then checkProf program
366 else ()
367 fun coerce {from: Type.t, to: Type.t}: unit =
368 if Type.equals (from, to)
369 then ()
370 else Error.bug (concat ["Ssa.TypeCheck.coerce (",
371 (Layout.toString o Layout.record)
372 [("from", Type.layout from),
373 ("to", Type.layout to)],
374 ")"])
375 fun coerces (from, to) =
376 Vector.foreach2 (from, to, fn (from, to) =>
377 coerce {from = from, to = to})
378 val coerce =
379 Trace.trace ("Ssa.TypeCheck.coerce",
380 fn {from, to} => let open Layout
381 in record [("from", Type.layout from),
382 ("to", Type.layout to)]
383 end,
384 Unit.layout) coerce
385 fun select {tuple: Type.t, offset: int, resultType = _}: Type.t =
386 case Type.deTupleOpt tuple of
387 NONE => Error.bug (" (non tuple)")
388 | SOME ts => Vector.sub (ts, offset)
389 val {get = conInfo: Con.t -> {args: Type.t vector,
390 result: Type.t},
391 set = setConInfo, ...} =
392 Property.getSetOnce
393 (Con.plist, Property.initRaise ("Ssa.TypeCheck.conInfo", Con.layout))
394 val _ =
395 Vector.foreach
396 (datatypes, fn Datatype.T {tycon, cons} =>
397 let val result = Type.datatypee tycon
398 in Vector.foreach
399 (cons, fn {con, args} =>
400 setConInfo (con, {args = args,
401 result = result}))
402 end)
403 fun conApp {con, args} =
404 let
405 val {args = args', result, ...} = conInfo con
406 val _ = coerces (args', args)
407 in
408 result
409 end
410 fun filter (test, con, args) =
411 let
412 val {result, args = args'} = conInfo con
413 val _ = coerce {from = test, to = result}
414 val _ = coerces (args', args)
415 in ()
416 end
417 fun primApp {args, prim, resultType, resultVar = _, targs} =
418 let
419 datatype z = datatype Prim.Name.t
420 val () =
421 if Type.checkPrimApp {args = args,
422 prim = prim,
423 result = resultType,
424 targs = targs}
425 then ()
426 else Error.bug (concat ["Ssa.TypeCheck.primApp (",
427 let
428 open Layout
429 in
430 (toString o seq)
431 [Prim.layout prim,
432 if Vector.isEmpty targs
433 then empty
434 else Vector.layout Type.layout targs,
435 str " ",
436 Vector.layout Type.layout args]
437 end,
438 ")"])
439 in
440 resultType
441 end
442 val _ =
443 analyze {
444 coerce = coerce,
445 conApp = conApp,
446 const = Type.ofConst,
447 filter = filter,
448 filterWord = fn (from, s) => coerce {from = from,
449 to = Type.word s},
450 fromType = fn x => x,
451 layout = Type.layout,
452 primApp = primApp,
453 program = program,
454 select = select,
455 tuple = Type.tuple,
456 useFromTypeOnBinds = true
457 }
458 val _ = Program.clear program
459 in
460 ()
461 end
463val typeCheck = fn p =>
464 (typeCheck p)
465 handle exn => Error.reraisePrefix (exn, "TypeError (SSA): ")
467val typeCheck = Control.trace (Control.Pass, "typeCheck") typeCheck