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[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / mlton / ssa /
1(* Copyright (C) 2009 Matthew Fluet.
2 * Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
3 * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
4 * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 NEC Research Institute.
5 *
6 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
7 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
8 *)
10functor Inline (S: INLINE_STRUCTS): INLINE =
13open S
14open Exp Transfer
16structure Function =
17 struct
18 open Function
20 fun containsCall (f: Function.t): bool =
21 Exn.withEscape
22 (fn escape =>
23 (Vector.foreach
24 (Function.blocks f, fn Block.T {transfer, ...} =>
25 case transfer of
26 Call _ => escape true
27 | _ => ())
28 ; false))
29 fun containsLoop (f: Function.t): bool =
30 let
31 val {get, set, destroy} =
32 Property.destGetSet (Label.plist, Property.initConst false)
33 in
34 Exn.withEscape
35 (fn escape =>
36 let
37 val _ =
38 Function.dfs
39 (f, fn (Block.T {label, transfer, ...}) =>
40 (set (label, true)
41 ; (case transfer of
42 Goto {dst, ...} => if get dst then escape true else ()
43 | _ => ())
44 ; fn () => set (label, false)))
45 in
46 false
47 end)
48 before (destroy ())
49 end
50 end
53 fun 'a make (dontInlineFunc: Function.t * 'a -> bool)
54 (Program.T {functions, ...}, a: 'a): Func.t -> bool =
55 let
56 val {get = shouldInline: Func.t -> bool,
57 set = setShouldInline, ...} =
58 Property.getSetOnce (Func.plist, Property.initConst false)
59 in
60 List.foreach
61 (functions, fn f =>
62 if not (Function.mayInline f) orelse dontInlineFunc (f, a)
63 then ()
64 else setShouldInline ( f, true))
65 ; Control.diagnostics
66 (fn display =>
67 let open Layout
68 in List.foreach
69 (functions, fn f =>
70 let
71 val name = f
72 val shouldInline = shouldInline name
73 in
74 display
75 (seq [Func.layout name, str ": ",
76 record [("shouldInline", Bool.layout shouldInline)]])
77 end)
78 end)
79 ; shouldInline
80 end
82 val leafOnce = make (fn (f, {size}) =>
83 Option.isNone (Function.sizeMax (f, {max = size,
84 sizeExp = Exp.size,
85 sizeTransfer =Transfer.size}))
86 orelse Function.containsCall f)
87 val leafOnceNoLoop = make (fn (f, {size}) =>
88 Option.isNone (Function.sizeMax (f, {max = size,
89 sizeExp = Exp.size,
90 sizeTransfer =Transfer.size}))
91 orelse Function.containsCall f
92 orelse Function.containsLoop f)
95structure Graph = DirectedGraph
96structure Node = Graph.Node
99 fun make (dontInline: Function.t -> bool)
100 (Program.T {functions, ...}, {size: int option}) =
101 let
102 val max = size
103 type info = {function: Function.t,
104 node: unit Node.t,
105 shouldInline: bool ref,
106 size: int ref}
107 val {get = funcInfo: Func.t -> info,
108 set = setFuncInfo, ...} =
109 Property.getSetOnce
110 (Func.plist, Property.initRaise ("funcInfo", Func.layout))
111 val {get = nodeFunc: unit Node.t -> Func.t,
112 set = setNodeFunc, ...} =
113 Property.getSetOnce
114 (Node.plist, Property.initRaise ("nodeFunc", Node.layout))
115 val graph = ()
116 (* initialize the info for each func *)
117 val _ =
118 List.foreach
119 (functions, fn f =>
120 let
121 val name = f
122 val n = Graph.newNode graph
123 in
124 setNodeFunc (n, name)
125 ; setFuncInfo (name, {function = f,
126 node = n,
127 shouldInline = ref false,
128 size = ref 0})
129 end)
130 (* Build the call graph. *)
131 val _ =
132 List.foreach
133 (functions, fn f =>
134 let
135 val {name, blocks, ...} = Function.dest f
136 val {node, ...} = funcInfo name
137 in
138 Vector.foreach
139 (blocks, fn Block.T {transfer, ...} =>
140 case transfer of
141 Call {func, ...} =>
142 (ignore o Graph.addEdge)
143 (graph, {from = node, to = #node (funcInfo func)})
144 | _ => ())
145 end)
146 (* Compute strongly-connected components.
147 * Then start at the leaves of the call graph and work up.
148 *)
149 val _ =
150 List.foreach
151 (rev (Graph.stronglyConnectedComponents graph),
152 fn scc =>
153 case scc of
154 [n] =>
155 let
156 val {function, shouldInline, size, ...} =
157 funcInfo (nodeFunc n)
158 in
159 if Function.mayInline function
160 andalso not (dontInline function)
161 then Exn.withEscape
162 (fn escape =>
163 let
164 val res =
165 Function.sizeMax
166 (function,
167 {max = max,
168 sizeExp = Exp.size,
169 sizeTransfer =
170 fn t =>
171 case t of
172 Call {func, ...} =>
173 let
174 val {shouldInline, size, ...} =
175 funcInfo func
176 in
177 if !shouldInline
178 then !size
179 else escape ()
180 end
181 | _ => Transfer.size t})
182 in
183 case res of
184 NONE => ()
185 | SOME n => (shouldInline := true
186 ; size := n)
187 end)
188 else ()
189 end
190 | _ => ())
191 val _ =
192 Control.diagnostics
193 (fn display =>
194 let open Layout
195 in List.foreach
196 (functions, fn f =>
197 let
198 val name = f
199 val {shouldInline, size, ...} = funcInfo name
200 val shouldInline = !shouldInline
201 val size = !size
202 in
203 display
204 (seq [Func.layout name, str ": ",
205 record [("shouldInline", Bool.layout shouldInline),
206 ("size", Int.layout size)]])
207 end)
208 end)
209 in
210 ! o #shouldInline o funcInfo
211 end
213 val leafRepeat = make (fn _ => false)
214 val leafRepeatNoLoop = make (fn f => Function.containsLoop f)
217fun nonRecursive (Program.T {functions, ...}, {small: int, product: int}) =
218 let
219 type info = {doesCallSelf: bool ref,
220 function: Function.t,
221 node: unit Node.t,
222 numCalls: int ref,
223 shouldInline: bool ref,
224 size: int ref}
225 val {get = funcInfo: Func.t -> info,
226 set = setFuncInfo, ...} =
227 Property.getSetOnce
228 (Func.plist, Property.initRaise ("funcInfo", Func.layout))
229 val {get = nodeFunc: unit Node.t -> Func.t,
230 set = setNodeFunc, ...} =
231 Property.getSetOnce
232 (Node.plist, Property.initRaise ("nodeFunc", Node.layout))
233 val graph = ()
234 (* initialize the info for each func *)
235 val _ =
236 List.foreach
237 (functions, fn f =>
238 let
239 val name = f
240 val n = Graph.newNode graph
241 in
242 setNodeFunc (n, name)
243 ; setFuncInfo (name, {doesCallSelf = ref false,
244 function = f,
245 node = n,
246 numCalls = ref 0,
247 shouldInline = ref false,
248 size = ref 0})
249 end)
250 (* Update call counts. *)
251 val _ =
252 List.foreach
253 (functions, fn f =>
254 let
255 val {name, blocks, ...} = Function.dest f
256 val {doesCallSelf, ...} = funcInfo name
257 in
258 Vector.foreach
259 (blocks, fn Block.T {transfer, ...} =>
260 case transfer of
261 Call {func, ...} =>
262 let
263 val {numCalls, ...} = funcInfo func
264 in
265 if Func.equals (name, func)
266 then doesCallSelf := true
267 else numCalls
268 end
269 | _ => ())
270 end)
271 fun mayInline (setSize: bool,
272 {function, doesCallSelf, numCalls, size, ...}: info): bool =
273 Function.mayInline function
274 andalso not (!doesCallSelf)
275 andalso let
276 val n =
277 Function.size
278 (function,
279 {sizeExp = Exp.size,
280 sizeTransfer =
281 fn t as Call {func, ...} =>
282 let
283 val {shouldInline, size, ...} = funcInfo func
284 in
285 if !shouldInline
286 then !size
287 else Transfer.size t
288 end
289 | t => Transfer.size t})
290 in
291 if setSize
292 then size := n
293 else ()
294 ; (!numCalls - 1) * (n - small) <= product
295 end
296 (* Build the call graph. Do not include functions that we already know
297 * will not be inlined.
298 *)
299 val _ =
300 List.foreach
301 (functions, fn f =>
302 let
303 val {name, blocks, ...} = Function.dest f
304 val info as {node, ...} = funcInfo name
305 in
306 if mayInline (false, info)
307 then Vector.foreach
308 (blocks, fn Block.T {transfer, ...} =>
309 case transfer of
310 Call {func, ...} =>
311 if Func.equals (name, func)
312 then ()
313 else (ignore o Graph.addEdge)
314 (graph, {from = node, to = #node (funcInfo func)})
315 | _ => ())
316 else ()
317 end)
318 (* Compute strongly-connected components.
319 * Then start at the leaves of the call graph and work up.
320 *)
321 val _ =
322 List.foreach
323 (rev (Graph.stronglyConnectedComponents graph),
324 fn [n] => let val info as {shouldInline, ...} = funcInfo (nodeFunc n)
325 in shouldInline := mayInline (true, info)
326 end
327 | _ => ())
328 val _ =
329 Control.diagnostics
330 (fn display =>
331 let open Layout
332 in List.foreach
333 (functions, fn f =>
334 let
335 val name = f
336 val {numCalls, shouldInline, size, ...} = funcInfo name
337 val numCalls = !numCalls
338 val shouldInline = !shouldInline
339 val size = !size
340 in
341 display
342 (seq [Func.layout name, str ": ",
343 record [("numCalls", Int.layout numCalls),
344 ("shouldInline", Bool.layout shouldInline),
345 ("size", Int.layout size)]])
346 end)
347 end)
348 in
349 ! o #shouldInline o funcInfo
350 end
352fun transform {program as Program.T {datatypes, globals, functions, main},
353 shouldInline: Func.t -> bool,
354 inlineIntoMain: bool} =
355 let
356 val {get = funcInfo: Func.t -> {function: Function.t,
357 isCalledByMain: bool ref},
358 set = setFuncInfo, ...} =
359 Property.getSetOnce
360 (Func.plist, Property.initRaise ("Inline.funcInfo", Func.layout))
361 val isCalledByMain: Func.t -> bool =
362 ! o #isCalledByMain o funcInfo
363 val () = List.foreach (functions, fn f =>
364 setFuncInfo ( f,
365 {function = f,
366 isCalledByMain = ref false}))
367 val () =
368 Vector.foreach
369 (#blocks (Function.dest (Program.mainFunction program)),
370 fn Block.T {transfer, ...} =>
371 case transfer of
372 Transfer.Call {func, ...} =>
373 #isCalledByMain (funcInfo func) := true
374 | _ => ())
375 fun doit (blocks: Block.t vector,
376 return: Return.t) : Block.t vector =
377 let
378 val newBlocks = ref []
379 val blocks =
381 (blocks,
382 fn block as Block.T {label, args, statements, transfer} =>
383 let
384 fun new transfer =
385 Block.T {label = label,
386 args = args,
387 statements = statements,
388 transfer = transfer}
389 in
390 case transfer of
391 Call {func, args, return = return'} =>
392 let
393 val return = Return.compose (return, return')
394 in
395 if shouldInline func
396 then
397 let
398 local
399 val {name, args, start, blocks, ...} =
400 (Function.dest o Function.alphaRename)
401 (#function (funcInfo func))
402 val blocks = doit (blocks, return)
403 val _ = List.push (newBlocks, blocks)
404 val name =
405 Label.newString (Func.originalName name)
406 val _ =
407 List.push
408 (newBlocks,
409 Vector.new1
410 (Block.T
411 {label = name,
412 args = args,
413 statements = Vector.new0 (),
414 transfer = Goto {dst = start,
415 args = Vector.new0 ()}}))
416 in
417 val name = name
418 end
419 in
420 new (Goto {dst = name,
421 args = args})
422 end
423 else new (Call {func = func,
424 args = args,
425 return = return})
426 end
427 | Raise xs =>
428 (case return of
429 Return.NonTail
430 {handler = Handler.Handle handler, ...} =>
431 new (Goto {dst = handler,
432 args = xs})
433 | _ => block)
434 | Return xs =>
435 (case return of
436 Return.NonTail {cont, ...} =>
437 new (Goto {dst = cont, args = xs})
438 | _ => block)
439 | _ => block
440 end)
441 in
442 Vector.concat (blocks::(!newBlocks))
443 end
444 val shrink = shrinkFunction {globals = globals}
445 val functions =
446 List.fold
447 (functions, [], fn (f, ac) =>
448 let
449 val {args, blocks, mayInline, name, raises, returns, start} =
450 Function.dest f
451 fun keep () =
452 let
453 val blocks = doit (blocks, Return.Tail)
454 in
455 shrink ( {args = args,
456 blocks = blocks,
457 mayInline = mayInline,
458 name = name,
459 raises = raises,
460 returns = returns,
461 start = start})
462 :: ac
463 end
464 in
465 if Func.equals (name, main)
466 then if inlineIntoMain
467 then keep ()
468 else f :: ac
469 else
470 if shouldInline name
471 then
472 if inlineIntoMain
473 orelse not (isCalledByMain name)
474 then ac
475 else keep ()
476 else keep ()
477 end)
478 val program =
479 Program.T {datatypes = datatypes,
480 globals = globals,
481 functions = functions,
482 main = main}
483 val _ = Program.clearTop program
484 in
485 program
486 end
488fun inlineLeaf (p, {loops, repeat, size}) =
489 if size = SOME 0
490 then p
491 else transform {program = p,
492 shouldInline =
493 case (loops, repeat) of
494 (false, false) => leafOnce (p, {size = size})
495 | (false, true) => leafRepeat (p, {size = size})
496 | (true, false) => leafOnceNoLoop (p, {size = size})
497 | (true, true) => leafRepeatNoLoop (p, {size = size}),
498 inlineIntoMain = true}
499fun inlineNonRecursive (p, arg) =
500 transform {program = p,
501 shouldInline = nonRecursive (p, arg),
502 inlineIntoMain = !Control.inlineIntoMain}