Backport from sid to buster
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / basis-library / system / io.sml
1(* modified from SML/NJ sources by Stephen Weeks 1998-06-25 *)
2(* modified by Matthew Fluet 2002-10-11 *)
3(* modified by Matthew Fluet 2002-11-21 *)
4(* modified by Matthew Fluet 2006-04-30 *)
5(* modified by Matthew Fluet 2008-04-06 *)
6(* modified by Matthew Fluet 2013-06-18 *)
8(* os-io.sml
9 *
10 * COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 AT&T Bell Laboratories.
11 *
12 * NOTE: this interface has been proposed, but not yet adopted by the
13 * Standard basis committee.
14 *
15 *)
17structure OS_IO: OS_IO =
18 struct
19 structure Error = PosixError
21 (* an iodesc is an abstract descriptor for an OS object that
22 * supports I/O (e.g., file, tty device, socket, ...).
23 *)
24 type iodesc = PreOS.IODesc.t
26 datatype iodesc_kind = K of string
28 val iodToFd = PrePosix.FileDesc.fromRep o PreOS.IODesc.toRep
29 val fdToIod = PreOS.IODesc.fromRep o PrePosix.FileDesc.toRep
31 val iodescToWord = C_Fd.castToSysWord o PreOS.IODesc.toRep
33 (* return a hash value for the I/O descriptor. *)
34 val hash = SysWord.toWord o iodescToWord
36 (* compare two I/O descriptors *)
37 fun compare (i, i') = (iodescToWord i, iodescToWord i')
39 structure Kind =
40 struct
41 val file = K "FILE"
42 val dir = K "DIR"
43 val symlink = K "LINK"
44 val tty = K "TTY"
45 val pipe = K "PIPE"
46 val socket = K "SOCK"
47 val device = K "DEV"
48 end
50 (* return the kind of I/O descriptor *)
51 fun kind (iod) = let
52 val stat = Posix.FileSys.fstat (iodToFd iod)
53 in
54 if (Posix.FileSys.ST.isReg stat) then Kind.file
55 else if (Posix.FileSys.ST.isDir stat) then Kind.dir
56 else if (Posix.FileSys.ST.isChr stat) then Kind.tty
57 else if (Posix.FileSys.ST.isBlk stat) then Kind.device (* ?? *)
58 else if (Posix.FileSys.ST.isLink stat) then Kind.symlink
59 else if (Posix.FileSys.ST.isFIFO stat) then Kind.pipe
60 else if (Posix.FileSys.ST.isSock stat) then Kind.socket
61 else K "UNKNOWN"
62 end
64 type poll_flags = {rd: bool, wr: bool, pri: bool}
65 datatype poll_desc = PollDesc of iodesc * poll_flags
66 datatype poll_info = PollInfo of iodesc * poll_flags
68 (* create a polling operation on the given descriptor; note that
69 * not all I/O devices support polling, but for the time being, we
70 * don't test for this.
71 *)
72 fun pollDesc iod = SOME (PollDesc (iod, {rd=false, wr=false, pri=false}))
74 (* return the I/O descriptor that is being polled *)
75 fun pollToIODesc (PollDesc (iod, _)) = iod
77 exception Poll
79 (* set polling events; if the polling operation is not appropriate
80 * for the underlying I/O device, then the Poll exception is raised.
81 *)
82 fun pollIn (PollDesc (iod, {wr, pri, ...}: poll_flags)) =
83 PollDesc (iod, {rd=true, wr=wr, pri=pri})
84 fun pollOut (PollDesc (iod, {rd, pri, ...}: poll_flags)) =
85 PollDesc (iod, {rd=rd, wr=true, pri=pri})
86 fun pollPri (PollDesc (iod, {rd, wr, ...}: poll_flags)) =
87 PollDesc (iod, {rd=rd, wr=wr, pri=true})
89 (* polling function *)
90 local
91 structure Prim = PrimitiveFFI.OS.IO
92 fun join (false, _, w) = w
93 | join (true, b, w) = C_Short.orb(w, b)
94 fun test (w, b) = (C_Short.andb(w, b) <> 0)
95 val rdBit = PrimitiveFFI.OS.IO.POLLIN
96 and wrBit = PrimitiveFFI.OS.IO.POLLOUT
97 and priBit = PrimitiveFFI.OS.IO.POLLPRI
98 fun fromPollDesc (PollDesc (iod, {rd, wr, pri})) =
99 ( iodToFd iod,
100 join (rd, rdBit,
101 join (wr, wrBit,
102 join (pri, priBit, 0)))
103 )
104 fun toPollInfo (fd, i) =
105 PollInfo (fdToIod fd, {
106 rd = test(i, rdBit),
107 wr = test(i, wrBit),
108 pri = test(i, priBit)
109 })
110 in
111 fun poll (pds, timeOut) = let
112 val (fds, events) = ListPair.unzip ( fromPollDesc pds)
113 val fds = Vector.fromList fds
114 val n = Vector.length fds
115 val events = Vector.fromList events
116 val timeOut =
117 case timeOut of
118 NONE => ~1
119 | SOME t =>
120 if Time.< (t, Time.zeroTime)
121 then Error.raiseSys Error.inval
122 else (C_Int.fromLarge (Time.toMilliseconds t)
123 handle Overflow => Error.raiseSys Error.inval)
124 val revents = Array.array (n, 0: C_Short.t)
125 val _ = Posix.Error.SysCall.simpleRestart
126 (fn () => Prim.poll (PrePosix.FileDesc.vectorToRep fds,
127 events,
128 C_NFds.fromInt n,
129 timeOut,
130 revents))
131 in
132 Array.foldri
133 (fn (i, w, l) =>
134 if w <> 0
135 then (toPollInfo (Vector.sub (fds, i), w))::l
136 else l)
137 []
138 revents
139 end
140 end (* local *)
142 (* check for conditions *)
143 fun isIn (PollInfo(_, flgs)) = #rd flgs
144 fun isOut (PollInfo(_, flgs)) = #wr flgs
145 fun isPri (PollInfo(_, flgs)) = #pri flgs
146 fun infoToPollDesc (PollInfo arg) = PollDesc arg
147 end (* OS_IO *)
151 * $Log: os-io.sml, v $
152 * Revision 1.4 1997/07/31 17:25:26 jhr
153 * We are now using 32-bit ints to represent the seconds portion of a
154 * time value. This was required to handle the change in the type of
155 * Time.{to, from}{Seconds, Milliseconds, Microseconds}.
156 *
157 * Revision 1.3 1997/06/07 15:27:51 jhr
158 * SML'97 Basis Library changes (phase 3; Posix changes)
159 *
160 * Revision 1.2 1997/06/02 19:16:19 jhr
161 * SML'97 Basis Library changes (phase 2)
162 *
163 * Revision 1997/01/14 01:38:25 george
164 * Version 109.24
165 *
166 *)