Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / mlton / backend / rssa.sig
1(* Copyright (C) 2009,2017 Matthew Fluet.
2 * Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
3 * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
4 * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 NEC Research Institute.
5 *
6 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
7 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
8 *)
10signature RSSA_STRUCTS =
11 sig
12 include ATOMS
14 structure Handler: HANDLER
15 structure ObjectType: OBJECT_TYPE
16 structure ObjptrTycon: OBJPTR_TYCON
17 structure Return: RETURN
18 structure Runtime: RUNTIME
19 structure Scale: SCALE
20 structure Type: REP_TYPE
22 sharing Atoms = Type
23 sharing Handler = Return.Handler
24 sharing Label = Handler.Label = Return.Label
25 sharing ObjectType = Type.ObjectType
26 sharing ObjptrTycon = ObjectType.ObjptrTycon = Type.ObjptrTycon
27 sharing Runtime = Type.Runtime
28 sharing Scale = Type.Scale
29 end
31signature RSSA =
32 sig
33 include RSSA_STRUCTS
35 structure Switch: SWITCH
36 sharing Atoms = Switch
38 structure Operand:
39 sig
40 datatype t =
41 ArrayOffset of {base: t,
42 index: t,
43 offset: Bytes.t,
44 scale: Scale.t,
45 ty: Type.t}
46 | Cast of t * Type.t
47 | Const of Const.t
48 (* EnsuresBytesFree is a pseudo-op used by C functions (like
49 * GC_allocateArray) that take a number of bytes as an argument
50 * and ensure that that number of bytes is free upon return.
51 * EnsuresBytesFree is replaced by the limit check pass with
52 * a real operand.
53 *)
54 | EnsuresBytesFree
55 | GCState
56 | Offset of {base: t,
57 offset: Bytes.t,
58 ty: Type.t}
59 | ObjptrTycon of ObjptrTycon.t
60 | Runtime of Runtime.GCField.t
61 | Var of {ty: Type.t,
62 var: Var.t}
64 val bool: bool -> t
65 val cast: t * Type.t -> t
66 val layout: t -> Layout.t
67 val null: t
68 val replaceVar: t * (Var.t -> t) -> t
69 val ty: t -> Type.t
70 val word: WordX.t -> t
71 val zero: WordSize.t -> t
72 end
73 sharing Operand = Switch.Use
75 structure Statement:
76 sig
77 datatype t =
78 Bind of {dst: Var.t * Type.t,
79 isMutable: bool,
80 src: Operand.t}
81 | Move of {dst: Operand.t,
82 src: Operand.t}
83 | Object of {dst: Var.t * Type.t,
84 header: word,
85 size: Bytes.t (* including header *)}
86 | PrimApp of {args: Operand.t vector,
87 dst: (Var.t * Type.t) option,
88 prim: Type.t Prim.t}
89 | Profile of ProfileExp.t
90 | ProfileLabel of ProfileLabel.t
91 | SetExnStackLocal
92 | SetExnStackSlot
93 | SetHandler of Label.t (* label must be of Handler kind. *)
94 | SetSlotExnStack
96 (* foldDef (s, a, f)
97 * If s defines a variable x, then return f (x, a), else return a.
98 *)
99 val foldDef: t * 'a * (Var.t * Type.t * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a
100 (* foreachDef (s, f) = foldDef (s, (), fn (x, ()) => f x) *)
101 val foreachDef: t * (Var.t * Type.t -> unit) -> unit
102 val foreachDefUse: t * {def: (Var.t * Type.t) -> unit,
103 use: Var.t -> unit} -> unit
104 val foldUse: t * 'a * (Var.t * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a
105 val foreachUse: t * (Var.t -> unit) -> unit
106 val layout: t -> Layout.t
107 val replaceUses: t * (Var.t -> Operand.t) -> t
108 val resize: Operand.t * Type.t -> Operand.t * t list
109 val toString: t -> string
110 end
112 structure Transfer:
113 sig
114 datatype t =
115 Arith of {args: Operand.t vector,
116 dst: Var.t,
117 overflow: Label.t, (* Must be nullary. *)
118 prim: Type.t Prim.t,
119 success: Label.t, (* Must be nullary. *)
120 ty: Type.t}
121 | CCall of {args: Operand.t vector,
122 func: Type.t CFunction.t,
123 (* return is NONE iff the CFunction doesn't return.
124 * Else, return must be SOME l, where l is of kind
125 * CReturn. The return should be nullary if the C
126 * function returns void. Else, it should be unary with
127 * a var of the appropriate type to accept the result.
128 *)
129 return: Label.t option}
130 | Call of {args: Operand.t vector,
131 func: Func.t,
132 return: Return.t}
133 | Goto of {args: Operand.t vector,
134 dst: Label.t}
135 (* Raise implicitly raises to the caller.
136 * I.E. the local handler stack must be empty.
137 *)
138 | Raise of Operand.t vector
139 | Return of Operand.t vector
140 | Switch of Switch.t
142 val bug: unit -> t
143 (* foldDef (t, a, f)
144 * If t defines a variable x, then return f (x, a), else return a.
145 *)
146 val foldDef: t * 'a * (Var.t * Type.t * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a
147 (* foreachDef (t, f) = foldDef (t, (), fn (x, ()) => f x) *)
148 val foreachDef: t * (Var.t * Type.t -> unit) -> unit
149 val foreachDefLabelUse: t * {def: Var.t * Type.t -> unit,
150 label: Label.t -> unit,
151 use: Var.t -> unit} -> unit
152 val foreachFunc: t * (Func.t -> unit) -> unit
153 val foreachLabel: t * (Label.t -> unit) -> unit
154 val foreachUse: t * (Var.t -> unit) -> unit
155 val ifBool: Operand.t * {falsee: Label.t, truee: Label.t} -> t
156 (* in ifZero, the operand should be of type defaultWord *)
157 val ifZero: Operand.t * {falsee: Label.t, truee: Label.t} -> t
158 val layout: t -> Layout.t
159 val replaceUses: t * (Var.t -> Operand.t) -> t
160 end
162 structure Kind:
163 sig
164 datatype t =
165 Cont of {handler: Handler.t}
166 | CReturn of {func: Type.t CFunction.t}
167 | Handler
168 | Jump
170 datatype frameStyle = None | OffsetsAndSize | SizeOnly
171 val frameStyle: t -> frameStyle
172 end
174 structure Block:
175 sig
176 datatype t =
177 T of {args: (Var.t * Type.t) vector,
178 kind: Kind.t,
179 label: Label.t,
180 statements: Statement.t vector,
181 transfer: Transfer.t}
183 val clear: t -> unit
184 val kind: t -> Kind.t
185 val label: t -> Label.t
186 val layout: t -> Layout.t
187 end
189 structure Function:
190 sig
191 type t
193 val blocks: t -> Block.t vector
194 val clear: t -> unit
195 val dest: t -> {args: (Var.t * Type.t) vector,
196 blocks: Block.t vector,
197 name: Func.t,
198 raises: Type.t vector option,
199 returns: Type.t vector option,
200 start: Label.t}
201 (* dfs (f, v) visits the blocks in depth-first order, applying v b
202 * for block b to yield v', then visiting b's descendents,
203 * then applying v' ().
204 *)
205 val dfs: t * (Block.t -> unit -> unit) -> unit
206 val foreachDef: t * (Var.t * Type.t -> unit) -> unit
207 val foreachUse: t * (Var.t -> unit) -> unit
208 val name: t -> Func.t
209 val new: {args: (Var.t * Type.t) vector,
210 blocks: Block.t vector,
211 name: Func.t,
212 raises: Type.t vector option,
213 returns: Type.t vector option,
214 start: Label.t} -> t
215 end
217 structure Program:
218 sig
219 datatype t =
220 T of {functions: Function.t list,
221 handlesSignals: bool,
222 main: Function.t,
223 objectTypes: ObjectType.t vector}
225 val clear: t -> unit
226 val checkHandlers: t -> unit
227 (* dfs (p, v) visits the functions in depth-first order, applying v f
228 * for function f to yield v', then visiting b's descendents,
229 * then applying v' ().
230 *)
231 val dfs: t * (Function.t -> unit -> unit) -> unit
232 val dropProfile: t -> t
233 val layouts: t * (Layout.t -> unit) -> unit
234 val layoutStats: t -> Layout.t
235 val orderFunctions: t -> t
236 val shrink: t -> t
237 val typeCheck: t -> unit
238 end
239 end