Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / mlton / ast /
1(* Copyright (C) 2017 Matthew Fluet.
2 * Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
3 * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
4 * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 NEC Research Institute.
5 *
6 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
7 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
8 *)
10functor AstModules (S: AST_MODULES_STRUCTS): AST_MODULES =
13open S
15structure AstCore = AstCore (AstAtoms (S))
17open AstCore Layout
19fun mkCtxt (x, lay) () =
20 seq [str "in: ", lay x]
22val layouts =
23structure Wrap = Region.Wrap
24val node = Wrap.node
26structure WhereEquation =
27 struct
28 open Wrap
29 datatype node =
30 Type of {tyvars: Tyvar.t vector,
31 longtycon: Longtycon.t,
32 ty: Type.t}
33 type t = node Wrap.t
34 type node' = node
35 type obj = t
37 fun layout eq =
38 case node eq of
39 Type {tyvars, longtycon, ty} =>
40 seq [str "where type ",
41 Type.layoutApp (Longtycon.layout longtycon, tyvars, Tyvar.layout),
42 str " = ",
43 Type.layout ty]
45 fun checkSyntax eq =
46 case node eq of
47 Type {tyvars, longtycon, ty} =>
48 (reportDuplicateTyvars
49 (tyvars, {ctxt = fn () =>
50 seq [str "in: ",
51 Type.layoutApp
52 (Longtycon.layout longtycon,
53 tyvars, Tyvar.layout)]})
54 ; Type.checkSyntax ty)
56 end
58structure SharingEquation =
59 struct
60 open Wrap
61 datatype node =
62 Type of Longtycon.t list
63 | Structure of Longstrid.t list
64 type t = node Wrap.t
65 type node' = node
66 type obj = t
68 fun layout eq =
69 case node eq of
70 Type longtycons =>
71 seq (str "sharing type "
72 :: separate ( (longtycons, Longtycon.layout), " = "))
73 | Structure longstrids =>
74 seq (str "sharing "
75 :: separate ( (longstrids, Longstrid.layout), " = "))
76 end
78type typedescs = {tyvars: Tyvar.t vector,
79 tycon: Tycon.t} vector
81datatype sigexpNode =
82 Var of Sigid.t
83 | Where of {equations: WhereEquation.t vector,
84 sigexp: sigexp}
85 | Spec of spec
86and sigConst =
87 None
88 | Transparent of sigexp
89 | Opaque of sigexp
90and specNode =
91 Datatype of DatatypeRhs.t
92 | Empty
93 | Eqtype of typedescs
94 | Exception of (Con.t * Type.t option) vector
95 | IncludeSigexp of sigexp
96 | IncludeSigids of Sigid.t vector
97 | Seq of spec * spec
98 | Sharing of {equation: SharingEquation.t,
99 spec: spec}
100 | Structure of (Strid.t * sigexp) vector
101 | Type of typedescs
102 | TypeDefs of TypBind.t
103 | Val of (Var.t * Type.t) vector
104withtype spec = specNode Wrap.t
105and sigexp = sigexpNode Wrap.t
107fun layoutTypedescs (prefix, typedescs) =
108 layoutAnds (prefix, typedescs, fn (prefix, {tyvars, tycon}) =>
109 seq [prefix,
110 Type.layoutApp (Tycon.layout tycon, tyvars, Tyvar.layout)])
112fun layoutTypedefs (prefix, typBind) =
113 let
114 val TypBind.T ds = TypBind.node typBind
115 in
116 layoutAnds (prefix, ds, fn (prefix, {def, tycon, tyvars}) =>
117 seq [prefix,
118 Type.layoutApp (Tycon.layout tycon, tyvars, Tyvar.layout),
119 str " = ", Type.layout def])
120 end
122fun layoutSigexp (e: sigexp): Layout.t =
123 case node e of
124 Var s => Sigid.layout s
125 | Where {sigexp, equations} =>
126 let
127 val sigexp = layoutSigexp sigexp
128 in
129 if Vector.isEmpty equations
130 then sigexp
131 else mayAlign
132 [sigexp,
133 align (Vector.toListMap (equations, WhereEquation.layout))]
134 end
135 | Spec s => align [str "sig",
136 indent (layoutSpec s, 3),
137 str "end"]
139and layoutSigConst sigConst =
140 case sigConst of
141 None => empty
142 | Transparent s => seq [str ": ", layoutSigexp s]
143 | Opaque s => seq [str " :> ", layoutSigexp s]
145and layoutSpec (s: spec): t =
146 case node s of
147 Datatype rhs => DatatypeRhs.layout rhs
148 | Empty => empty
149 | Eqtype typedescs => layoutTypedescs ("eqtype", typedescs)
150 | Exception sts =>
151 layoutAnds
152 ("exception", sts, fn (prefix, (c, to)) => seq [prefix,
153 Con.layout c,
154 Type.layoutOption to])
155 | IncludeSigexp s => seq [str "include ", layoutSigexp s]
156 | IncludeSigids sigids =>
157 seq (str "include "
158 :: separate (Vector.toListMap (sigids, Sigid.layout), " "))
159 | Seq (s, s') => align [layoutSpec s, layoutSpec s']
160 | Sharing {spec, equation} =>
161 align [layoutSpec spec,
162 SharingEquation.layout equation]
163 | Structure l =>
164 layoutAndsBind ("structure", ":", l, fn (strid, sigexp) =>
165 (case node sigexp of
166 Var _ => OneLine
167 | _ => Split 3,
168 Strid.layout strid,
169 layoutSigexp sigexp))
170 | Type typedescs => layoutTypedescs ("type", typedescs)
171 | TypeDefs typedefs => layoutTypedefs ("type", typedefs)
172 | Val sts =>
173 layoutAndsBind
174 ("val", ":", sts, fn (x, t) => (OneLine, Var.layout x, Type.layout t))
176fun checkSyntaxSigexp (e: sigexp): unit =
177 case node e of
178 Spec s => checkSyntaxSpec s
179 | Var _ => ()
180 | Where {sigexp, equations} =>
181 (checkSyntaxSigexp sigexp
182 ; Vector.foreach
183 (equations, WhereEquation.checkSyntax))
185and checkSyntaxSigConst (s: sigConst): unit =
186 case s of
187 None => ()
188 | Opaque e => checkSyntaxSigexp e
189 | Transparent e => checkSyntaxSigexp e
191and checkSyntaxTypedescs (typedescs, {ctxt}) =
192 (Vector.foreach
193 (typedescs, fn {tyvars, tycon, ...} =>
194 reportDuplicateTyvars
195 (tyvars, {ctxt = fn () =>
196 seq [str "in: ",
197 Type.layoutApp
198 (Tycon.layout tycon,
199 tyvars, Tyvar.layout)]}))
200 ; reportDuplicates
201 (typedescs, {ctxt = ctxt,
202 equals = (fn ({tycon = c, ...}, {tycon = c', ...}) =>
203 Tycon.equals (c, c')),
204 layout = Tycon.layout o #tycon,
205 name = "type specification",
206 region = Tycon.region o #tycon}))
208and checkSyntaxSpec (s: spec): unit =
209 let
210 val ctxt = mkCtxt (s, layoutSpec)
211 in
212 case node s of
213 Datatype d => DatatypeRhs.checkSyntaxSpec d
214 | Eqtype typedescs => checkSyntaxTypedescs (typedescs, {ctxt = ctxt})
215 | Empty => ()
216 | Exception v =>
217 (Vector.foreach
218 (v, fn (con, to) =>
219 (Vid.checkSpecifySpecial
220 (Vid.fromCon con,
221 {allowIt = false,
222 ctxt = ctxt,
223 keyword = "exception"})
224 ; (to, Type.checkSyntax)))
225 ; (reportDuplicates
226 (v, {ctxt = ctxt,
227 equals = fn ((c, _), (c', _)) => Con.equals (c, c'),
228 layout = Con.layout o #1,
229 name = "exception specification",
230 region = Con.region o #1})))
231 | IncludeSigexp e => checkSyntaxSigexp e
232 | IncludeSigids _ => ()
233 | Seq (s, s') => (checkSyntaxSpec s; checkSyntaxSpec s')
234 | Sharing {spec, ...} => checkSyntaxSpec spec
235 | Structure v =>
236 (Vector.foreach (v, checkSyntaxSigexp o #2)
237 ; (reportDuplicates
238 (v, {ctxt = ctxt,
239 equals = fn ((s, _), (s', _)) => Strid.equals (s, s'),
240 layout = Strid.layout o #1,
241 name = "structure specification",
242 region = Strid.region o #1})))
243 | Type typedescs => checkSyntaxTypedescs (typedescs, {ctxt = ctxt})
244 | TypeDefs b => TypBind.checkSyntaxSpec b
245 | Val v =>
246 (Vector.foreach
247 (v, fn (v, t) =>
248 (Vid.checkSpecifySpecial
249 (Vid.fromVar v,
250 {allowIt = true,
251 ctxt = ctxt,
252 keyword = "val"})
253 ; Type.checkSyntax t))
254 ; (reportDuplicates
255 (v, {ctxt = ctxt,
256 equals = fn ((x, _), (x', _)) => Var.equals (x, x'),
257 layout = Var.layout o #1,
258 name = "value specification",
259 region = Var.region o #1})))
260 end
262structure Sigexp =
263 struct
264 open Wrap
265 type spec = spec
266 type t = sigexp
267 datatype node = datatype sigexpNode
268 type node' = node
269 type obj = t
271 val checkSyntax = checkSyntaxSigexp
273 fun wheree (sigexp: t, equations): t =
274 if Vector.isEmpty equations
275 then sigexp
276 else makeRegion (Where {sigexp = sigexp,
277 equations = equations},
278 Region.append
279 (region sigexp,
280 WhereEquation.region
281 (Vector.last equations)))
283 fun make n = makeRegion (n, Region.bogus)
285 val spec = make o Spec
287 val layout = layoutSigexp
288 end
290structure SigConst =
291 struct
292 datatype t = datatype sigConst
294 val checkSyntax = checkSyntaxSigConst
295 val layout = layoutSigConst
296 end
298structure Spec =
299 struct
300 open Wrap
301 datatype node = datatype specNode
302 type t = spec
303 type node' = node
304 type obj = t
306 val checkSyntax = checkSyntaxSpec
307 val layout = layoutSpec
308 end
311(* Strdecs and Strexps *)
314datatype strdecNode =
315 Core of Dec.t
316 | Local of strdec * strdec
317 | Seq of strdec list
318 | ShowBasis of File.t
319 | Structure of {constraint: SigConst.t,
320 def: strexp,
321 name: Strid.t} vector
323and strexpNode =
324 App of Fctid.t * strexp
325 | Constrained of strexp * SigConst.t
326 | Let of strdec * strexp
327 | Struct of strdec
328 | Var of Longstrid.t
329withtype strexp = strexpNode Wrap.t
330and strdec = strdecNode Wrap.t
332fun layoutStrdec d =
333 case node d of
334 Core d => Dec.layout d
335 | Local (d, d') => Pretty.locall (layoutStrdec d, layoutStrdec d')
336 | Seq ds => align (layoutStrdecs ds)
337 | ShowBasis file => seq [str "(*#showBasis \"",
338 File.layout file,
339 str "\"*)"]
340 | Structure strbs =>
341 layoutAndsBind ("structure", "=", strbs,
342 fn {name, def, constraint} =>
343 (case node def of
344 Var _ => OneLine
345 | _ => Split 3,
346 seq [Strid.layout name, SigConst.layout constraint],
347 layoutStrexp def))
349and layoutStrdecs ds = layouts (ds, layoutStrdec)
351and layoutStrexp exp =
352 case node exp of
353 App (f, e) => seq [Fctid.layout f, str " ", paren (layoutStrexp e)]
354 | Constrained (e, c) => mayAlign [layoutStrexp e, SigConst.layout c]
355 | Let (dec, strexp) => Pretty.lett (layoutStrdec dec, layoutStrexp strexp)
356 | Struct d => align [str "struct",
357 indent (layoutStrdec d, 3),
358 str "end"]
359 | Var s => Longstrid.layout s
361fun checkSyntaxStrdec (d: strdec): unit =
362 case node d of
363 Core d => Dec.checkSyntax d
364 | Local (d, d') => (checkSyntaxStrdec d; checkSyntaxStrdec d')
365 | Seq ds => List.foreach (ds, checkSyntaxStrdec)
366 | ShowBasis _ => ()
367 | Structure v =>
368 (Vector.foreach (v, fn {constraint, def, ...} =>
369 (SigConst.checkSyntax constraint
370 ; checkSyntaxStrexp def))
371 ; (reportDuplicates
372 (v, {ctxt = mkCtxt (d, layoutStrdec),
373 equals = (fn ({name = n, ...}, {name = n', ...}) =>
374 Strid.equals (n, n')),
375 layout = Strid.layout o #name,
376 name = "structure definition",
377 region = Strid.region o #name})))
378and checkSyntaxStrexp (e: strexp): unit =
379 case node e of
380 App (_, e) => checkSyntaxStrexp e
381 | Constrained (e, c) => (checkSyntaxStrexp e
382 ; SigConst.checkSyntax c)
383 | Let (d, e) => (checkSyntaxStrdec d
384 ; checkSyntaxStrexp e)
385 | Struct d => checkSyntaxStrdec d
386 | Var _ => ()
388structure Strexp =
389 struct
390 open Wrap
391 type strdec = strdec
392 type t = strexp
393 datatype node = datatype strexpNode
394 type node' = node
395 type obj = t
397 val checkSyntax = checkSyntaxStrexp
398 fun make n = makeRegion (n, Region.bogus)
399 val constrained = make o Constrained
400 val lett = make o Let
401 val var = make o Var
402 val layout = layoutStrexp
403 end
405structure Strdec =
406 struct
407 open Wrap
408 type t = strdec
409 datatype node = datatype strdecNode
410 type node' = node
411 type obj = t
413 val checkSyntax = checkSyntaxStrdec
414 fun make n = makeRegion (n, Region.bogus)
416 val core = make o Core
418 val openn = core o Dec.openn
420 val structuree = make o Structure o Vector.new1
422 val layout = layoutStrdec
424 val fromExp = core o Dec.fromExp
426 val trace = Trace.trace ("AstModules.Strdec.coalesce", layout, layout)
427 fun coalesce (d: t): t =
428 trace
429 (fn d =>
430 case node d of
431 Core _ => d
432 | Local (d1, d2) =>
433 let
434 val d1 = coalesce d1
435 val d2 = coalesce d2
436 val node =
437 case (node d1, node d2) of
438 (Core d1', Core d2') =>
439 Core (Dec.makeRegion
440 (Dec.Local (d1', d2'),
441 Region.append (region d1, region d2)))
442 | _ => Local (d1, d2)
443 in
444 makeRegion (node, region d)
445 end
446 | Seq ds =>
447 let
448 fun finish (ds: Dec.t list, ac: t list): t list =
449 case ds of
450 [] => ac
451 | _ =>
452 let
453 val d =
454 makeRegion (Core (Dec.makeRegion
455 (Dec.SeqDec (Vector.fromListRev ds),
456 Region.bogus)),
457 Region.bogus)
458 in
459 d :: ac
460 end
461 fun loop (ds, cores, ac) =
462 case ds of
463 [] => finish (cores, ac)
464 | d :: ds =>
465 let
466 val d = coalesce d
467 in
468 case node d of
469 Core d => loop (ds, d :: cores, ac)
470 | Seq ds' => loop (ds' @ ds, cores, ac)
471 | _ => loop (ds, [], d :: finish (cores, ac))
472 end
473 val r = region d
474 in
475 case loop (ds, [], []) of
476 [] => makeRegion (Core (Dec.makeRegion
477 (Dec.SeqDec (Vector.new0 ()), r)),
478 r)
479 | [d] => d
480 | ds => makeRegion (Seq (rev ds), r)
481 end
482 | ShowBasis _ => d
483 | Structure _ => d) d
484 end
486structure FctArg =
487 struct
488 open Wrap
489 datatype node =
490 Structure of Strid.t * Sigexp.t
491 | Spec of Spec.t
492 type t = node Wrap.t
493 type node' = node
494 type obj = t
496 fun layout a =
497 case node a of
498 Structure (strid, sigexp) =>
499 seq [Strid.layout strid, str ": ", Sigexp.layout sigexp]
500 | Spec spec => Spec.layout spec
502 fun checkSyntax (fa: t): unit =
503 case node fa of
504 Structure (_, e) => Sigexp.checkSyntax e
505 | Spec s => Spec.checkSyntax s
506 end
508structure Topdec =
509 struct
510 open Wrap
511 datatype node =
512 Functor of {arg: FctArg.t,
513 body: Strexp.t,
514 name: Fctid.t,
515 result: SigConst.t} vector
516 | Signature of (Sigid.t * Sigexp.t) vector
517 | Strdec of Strdec.t
518 type t = node Wrap.t
519 type node' = node
520 type obj = t
522 fun layout d =
523 case node d of
524 Functor fctbs =>
525 layoutAndsBind ("functor", "=", fctbs,
526 fn {name, arg, result, body} =>
527 (Split 3,
528 seq [Fctid.layout name, str " ",
529 paren (FctArg.layout arg),
530 layoutSigConst result],
531 layoutStrexp body))
532 | Signature sigbs =>
533 layoutAndsBind ("signature", "=", sigbs,
534 fn (name, def) =>
535 (case Sigexp.node def of
536 Sigexp.Var _ => OneLine
537 | _ => Split 3,
538 Sigid.layout name,
539 Sigexp.layout def))
540 | Strdec d => Strdec.layout d
543 fun make n = makeRegion (n, Region.bogus)
544 val fromExp = make o Strdec o Strdec.fromExp
546 fun checkSyntax (d: t): unit =
547 case node d of
548 Functor v =>
549 (Vector.foreach
550 (v, fn {arg, body, result, ...} =>
551 (FctArg.checkSyntax arg
552 ; Strexp.checkSyntax body
553 ; SigConst.checkSyntax result))
554 ; (reportDuplicates
555 (v, {ctxt = mkCtxt (d, layout),
556 equals = (fn ({name = n, ...}, {name = n', ...}) =>
557 Fctid.equals (n, n')),
558 layout = Fctid.layout o #name,
559 name = "functor definition",
560 region = Fctid.region o #name})))
561 | Signature bs =>
562 (Vector.foreach (bs, Sigexp.checkSyntax o #2)
563 ; (reportDuplicates
564 (bs,
565 {ctxt = mkCtxt (d, layout),
566 equals = fn ((s, _), (s', _)) => Sigid.equals (s, s'),
567 layout = Sigid.layout o #1,
568 name = "signature definition",
569 region = Sigid.region o #1})))
570 | Strdec d => Strdec.checkSyntax d
571 end