Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / lib / mlton / basic / html.sml
1(* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
2 * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
3 *
4 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
5 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
6 *)
8structure Html:> HTML =
11fun tag (name: string,
12 attributes: (string * string) list,
13 body: Layout.t) =
14 let open Layout
15 in seq [str "<", str name,
16 seq ( (attributes, fn (name, value) =>
17 str (concat [" ", name, " = ", value]))),
18 str ">",
19 body,
20 str (concat ["</", name, ">"])]
21 end
23structure Align =
24 struct
25 datatype t = Left | Center | Right
27 fun toString a =
28 case a of
29 Left => "left"
30 | Center => "center"
31 | Right => "right"
33 fun attribute a = ("align", toString a)
34 end
36structure Element =
37 struct
38 datatype tableOption =
39 Border of int
40 | CellPadding of int
41 | CellSpacing of int
43 datatype t =
44 A of Url.t * t
45 | Br
46 | H1 of Align.t * t
47 | Img of {src: Url.t}
48 | P of Align.t * t
49 | Pre of t
50 | Seq of t list
51 | String of string
52 | Table of tableOption list * t list list
53 | Tt of t
55 val a = A
56 val br = Br
57 val h1 = H1
58 val img = Img
59 val p = P
60 val pre = Pre
61 val seq = Seq
62 val str = String
63 val table = Table
64 val tt = Tt
66 fun layoutAe ((a, e), s) = tag (s, [Align.attribute a], layout e)
67 and layout e =
68 let open Layout
69 in case e of
70 A (u, e) => tag ("A", [("href", Url.toString u)], layout e)
71 | Br => align [empty, tag ("BR", [], empty)]
72 | H1 ae => layoutAe (ae, "H1")
73 | Img {src, ...} => tag ("IMAGE", [("src", Url.toString src)], empty)
74 | P ae => layoutAe (ae, "P")
75 | Pre t => tag ("PRE", [], layout t)
76 | Seq es => seq ( (es, layout))
77 | String s => str s
78 | Table (options, rows) =>
79 tag ("TABLE",
80 (options,
81 fn Border n => ("BORDER", Int.toString n)
82 | CellPadding n => ("CELLPADDING", Int.toString n)
83 | CellSpacing n => ("CELLSPACING", Int.toString n)),
84 seq ( (rows, fn cols =>
85 tag ("TR", [],
86 seq ( (cols, fn c =>
87 tag ("TH", [], layout c)))))))
88 | Tt t => tag ("TT", [], layout t)
89 end
90 end
92structure Option =
93 struct
94 datatype t =
95 Redirect of {seconds: int,
96 uri: Url.t}
97 | Title of string
99 fun layout (opt: t): Layout.t =
100 case opt of
101 Redirect {seconds, uri} =>
102 tag ("META", [("HTTP-EQUIV", "Refresh"),
103 ("Content",
104 concat [String.dquote,
105 Int.toString seconds,
106 "; URL=", Url.toString uri,
107 String.dquote])],
108 Layout.empty)
109 | Title s => tag ("TITLE", [], Layout.str s)
110 end
112datatype t =
113 T of {options: Option.t list,
114 body: Element.t}
116fun layout (T {options, body}) =
117 let open Layout
118 in align
119 [str "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN\">",
120 tag ("HTML", [],
121 align [tag ("HEAD", [], align ( (options, Option.layout))),
122 tag ("BODY", [], Element.layout (body))])]
123 end