Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / lib / mlnlffi-lib / internals / c-int.sml
1(* c-int.sml
2 * 2005 Matthew Fluet (
3 * Adapted for MLton.
4 *)
7 * The implementation of the interface that encodes C's type system
8 * in ML. This implementation includes its "private" extensions.
9 *
10 * (C) 2001, Lucent Technologies, Bell Laboratories
11 *
12 * author: Matthias Blume (
13 *)
15(* We play some games here with first calling C_Int simply C and then
16 * renaming it because they result in saner printing behavior. *)
17structure C :> C_INT = struct
19 exception OutOfMemory = CMemory.OutOfMemory
21 fun bug m = raise Fail ("impossible: " ^ m)
23 type addr = CMemory.addr
24 val null = CMemory.null
26 local
27 datatype 'f objt =
28 BASE of word
29 | PTR of 'f
30 | FPTR of addr -> 'f
31 | ARR of { typ: 'f objt, n: word, esz: word, asz: word }
33 (* Bitfield: b bits wide, l bits from left corner, r bits from right.
34 * The word itself is CMemory.int_bits wide and located at address a.
35 *
36 * MSB LSB
37 * V |<---b--->| V
38 * |<---l---> ......... <---r--->|
39 * |<----------wordsize--------->|
40 *
41 * 0.......0 1.......1 0.......0 = m
42 * 1.......1 0.......0 1.......1 = im
43 *
44 * l + r = lr *)
45 type cword = MLRep.Int.Unsigned.word
46 type bf = { a: addr, l: word, r: word, lr: word, m: cword, im: cword }
49 fun pair_type_addr (t: 'f objt) (a: addr) = (a, t)
51 fun strip_type (a: addr, _: 'f objt) = a
52 fun p_strip_type (a: addr, _: 'f objt) = a
53 fun strip_fun (a: addr, _: 'f) = a
54 fun addr_type_id (x: addr * 'f objt) = x
55 fun addr_id (x: addr) = x
57 infix -- ++
58 val op -- = CMemory.--
59 val op ++ = CMemory.++
61 infix << >> ~>> && || ^^
62 val op << = MLRep.Int.Unsigned.<<
63 val op >> = MLRep.Int.Unsigned.>>
64 val op ~>> = MLRep.Int.Unsigned.~>>
65 val op && = MLRep.Int.Unsigned.andb
66 val op || = MLRep.Int.Unsigned.orb
68 val op ^^ = MLRep.Int.Unsigned.xorb
70 val ~~ = MLRep.Int.Unsigned.notb
71 in
73 type ('t, 'c) obj = addr * 't objt (* RTTI for stored value *)
74 type ('t, 'c) obj' = addr
75 type ro = unit
76 type rw = unit
78 type 'o ptr = addr * 'o objt (* RTTI for target value *)
79 type 'o ptr' = addr
81 type ('t, 'n) arr = 't
83 type 'f fptr = addr * 'f
84 type 'f fptr' = addr
86 type void = unit
87 type voidptr = void ptr'
89 type 'tag su = unit
91 type 'tag enum =
93 type schar =
94 type uchar = MLRep.Char.Unsigned.word
95 type sshort =
96 type ushort = MLRep.Short.Unsigned.word
97 type sint =
98 type uint = MLRep.Int.Unsigned.word
99 type slong =
100 type ulong = MLRep.Long.Unsigned.word
101 type slonglong =
102 type ulonglong = MLRep.LongLong.Unsigned.word
103 type float = MLRep.Float.real
104 type double = MLRep.Double.real
106 type 'c schar_obj = ( schar, 'c) obj
107 type 'c uchar_obj = ( uchar, 'c) obj
108 type 'c sshort_obj = ( sshort, 'c) obj
109 type 'c ushort_obj = ( ushort, 'c) obj
110 type 'c sint_obj = ( sint, 'c) obj
111 type 'c uint_obj = ( uint, 'c) obj
112 type 'c slong_obj = ( slong, 'c) obj
113 type 'c ulong_obj = ( ulong, 'c) obj
114 type 'c slonglong_obj = (slonglong, 'c) obj
115 type 'c ulonglong_obj = (ulonglong, 'c) obj
116 type 'c float_obj = ( float, 'c) obj
117 type 'c double_obj = ( double, 'c) obj
118 type 'c voidptr_obj = ( voidptr, 'c) obj
119 type ('e, 'c) enum_obj = ( 'e enum, 'c) obj
120 type ('f, 'c) fptr_obj = ( 'f fptr, 'c) obj
121 type ('s, 'c) su_obj = ( 's su, 'c) obj
123 type 'c schar_obj' = ( schar, 'c) obj'
124 type 'c uchar_obj' = ( uchar, 'c) obj'
125 type 'c sshort_obj' = ( sshort, 'c) obj'
126 type 'c ushort_obj' = ( ushort, 'c) obj'
127 type 'c sint_obj' = ( sint, 'c) obj'
128 type 'c uint_obj' = ( uint, 'c) obj'
129 type 'c slong_obj' = ( slong, 'c) obj'
130 type 'c ulong_obj' = ( ulong, 'c) obj'
131 type 'c slonglong_obj' = (slonglong, 'c) obj'
132 type 'c ulonglong_obj' = (ulonglong, 'c) obj'
133 type 'c float_obj' = ( float, 'c) obj'
134 type 'c double_obj' = ( double, 'c) obj'
135 type 'c voidptr_obj' = ( voidptr, 'c) obj'
136 type ('e, 'c) enum_obj' = ( 'e enum, 'c) obj'
137 type ('f, 'c) fptr_obj' = ( 'f fptr, 'c) obj'
138 type ('s, 'c) su_obj' = ( 's su, 'c) obj'
140 type 'c ubf = bf
141 type 'c sbf = bf
143 structure W = struct
144 type ('from, 'to) witness = 'from -> 'to
146 fun convert (w : 's -> 't) (x : 's objt) : 't objt =
147 case x of
148 BASE b => BASE b
149 | PTR x => PTR (w x)
150 | FPTR f => FPTR (fn a => w (f a))
151 | ARR {typ, n, esz, asz} =>
152 ARR {typ = convert w typ,
153 n = n, esz = esz, asz = asz}
155 val trivial : ('t, 't) witness =
156 fn x => x
158 val pointer : ('from, 'to) witness -> ('from ptr, 'to ptr) witness =
159 fn w => fn (a, t) => (a, convert w t)
160 val object : ('from, 'to) witness -> (('from, 'c) obj, ('to, 'c) obj) witness =
161 fn w => fn (a, t) => (a, convert w t)
162 val arr : ('from, 'to) witness -> (('from, 'n) arr, ('to, 'n) arr) witness =
163 fn w => w
164 val ro : ('from, 'to) witness -> (('from, 'fc) obj, ('to, ro) obj) witness =
165 fn w => fn (a, t) => (a, convert w t)
166 val rw : ('from, 'to) witness -> (('from, 'fc) obj, ('to, 'tc) obj) witness =
167 fn w => fn (a, t) => (a, convert w t)
168 end
170 val convert : (('st, 'sc) obj, ('tt, 'tc) obj) W.witness ->
171 ('st, 'sc) obj -> ('tt, 'tc) obj =
172 fn w => fn x => w x
173 val convert' : (('st, 'sc) obj, ('tt, 'tc) obj) W.witness ->
174 ('st, 'sc) obj' -> ('tt, 'tc) obj' =
175 fn _ => fn x => x
177 (*
178 * A family of types and corresponding values representing natural numbers.
179 * (An encoding in SML without using dependent types.)
180 * This is the full implementation including an unsafe extension
181 * ("fromInt"). *)
183 structure Dim = struct
185 type ('a, 'z) dim0 = int
186 fun toInt d = d
187 fun fromInt d = d
189 type dec = unit
190 type 'a dg0 = unit
191 type 'a dg1 = unit
192 type 'a dg2 = unit
193 type 'a dg3 = unit
194 type 'a dg4 = unit
195 type 'a dg5 = unit
196 type 'a dg6 = unit
197 type 'a dg7 = unit
198 type 'a dg8 = unit
199 type 'a dg9 = unit
201 type zero = unit
202 type nonzero = unit
204 type 'a dim = ('a, nonzero) dim0
206 local
207 fun dg n d = 10 * d + n
208 in
209 val dec' = 0
210 val (dg0', dg1', dg2', dg3', dg4', dg5', dg6', dg7', dg8', dg9') =
211 (dg 0, dg 1, dg 2, dg 3, dg 4, dg 5, dg 6, dg 7, dg 8, dg 9)
213 fun dec k = k dec'
214 fun dg0 d k = k (dg0' d)
215 fun dg1 d k = k (dg1' d)
216 fun dg2 d k = k (dg2' d)
217 fun dg3 d k = k (dg3' d)
218 fun dg4 d k = k (dg4' d)
219 fun dg5 d k = k (dg5' d)
220 fun dg6 d k = k (dg6' d)
221 fun dg7 d k = k (dg7' d)
222 fun dg8 d k = k (dg8' d)
223 fun dg9 d k = k (dg9' d)
224 fun dim d = d
225 end
226 end
228 structure S = struct
230 type 't size = word
232 fun toWord (s: 't size) = s
234 val schar = CMemory.char_size
235 val uchar = CMemory.char_size
236 val sint = CMemory.int_size
237 val uint = CMemory.int_size
238 val sshort = CMemory.short_size
239 val ushort = CMemory.short_size
240 val slong = CMemory.long_size
241 val ulong = CMemory.long_size
242 val slonglong = CMemory.longlong_size
243 val ulonglong = CMemory.longlong_size
244 val float = CMemory.float_size
245 val double = CMemory.double_size
247 val voidptr = CMemory.addr_size
248 val ptr = CMemory.addr_size
249 val fptr = CMemory.addr_size
250 val enum = CMemory.int_size
251 end
253 structure T = struct
255 type 't typ = 't objt
257 val typeof : ('t, 'c) obj -> 't typ =
258 fn (_, t) => t
260 val sizeof : 't typ -> 't S.size =
261 fn BASE b => b
262 | PTR _ => S.ptr
263 | FPTR _ => S.fptr
264 | ARR a => #asz a
266 (* use private (and unsafe) extension to Dim module here... *)
267 val dim : ('t, 'n) arr typ -> 'n Dim.dim =
268 fn ARR { n, ... } => Dim.fromInt (Word.toInt n)
269 | _ => bug "T.dim (non-array type)"
271 val pointer : 't typ -> ('t, rw) obj ptr typ =
272 fn t => PTR (null, PTR (null, t))
273 val target : ('t, 'c) obj ptr typ -> 't typ =
274 fn PTR (_, PTR (_, t)) => t
275 | _ => bug " (non-pointer type)"
276 val arr : 't typ * 'n Dim.dim -> ('t, 'n) arr typ =
277 fn (t, d) =>
278 let
279 val n = Word.fromInt (Dim.toInt d)
280 val s = sizeof t
281 in
282 ARR { typ = t, n = n, esz = s, asz = n * s }
283 end
284 val elem : ('t, 'n) arr typ -> 't typ =
285 fn ARR a => #typ a
286 | _ => bug "T.elem (non-array type)"
287 val ro : ('t, 'c) obj ptr typ -> ('t, ro) obj ptr typ =
288 fn t => t
290 val schar : schar typ = BASE S.schar
291 val uchar : uchar typ = BASE S.uchar
292 val sshort : sshort typ = BASE S.sshort
293 val ushort : ushort typ = BASE S.ushort
294 val sint : sint typ = BASE S.sint
295 val uint : uint typ = BASE S.uint
296 val slong : slong typ = BASE S.slong
297 val ulong : ulong typ = BASE S.ulong
298 val slonglong : slonglong typ = BASE S.slonglong
299 val ulonglong : ulonglong typ = BASE S.ulonglong
300 val float : float typ = BASE S.float
301 val double : double typ = BASE S.double
303 val voidptr : voidptr typ = BASE S.voidptr
305 val enum : 'tag enum typ = BASE S.sint
306 end
308 structure Light = struct
309 val obj : ('t, 'c) obj -> ('t, 'c) obj' =
310 fn (a, _) => a
311 val ptr : 'o ptr -> 'o ptr' =
312 fn (a, _) => a
313 val fptr : 'f fptr -> 'f fptr' =
314 fn (a, _) => a
315 end
317 structure Heavy = struct
318 val obj : 't T.typ -> ('t, 'c) obj' -> ('t, 'c) obj =
319 fn t => fn a => (a, t)
320 val ptr : 'o ptr T.typ -> 'o ptr' -> 'o ptr =
321 fn PTR (_, t) => (fn a => (a, t))
322 | _ => bug "Heavy.ptr (non-object-pointer-type)"
323 val fptr : 'f fptr T.typ -> 'f fptr' -> 'f fptr =
324 fn (FPTR mkf) => (fn a => (a, #2 (mkf a)))
325 | _ => bug "Heavy.fptr (non-function-pointer-type)"
326 end
328 val sizeof : ('t, 'c) obj -> 't S.size =
329 fn (_, t) => T.sizeof t
331 structure Cvt = struct
332 (* going between abstract and concrete; these are all identities *)
333 fun c_schar (c: schar) = c
334 fun c_uchar (c: uchar) = c
335 fun c_sshort (s: sshort) = s
336 fun c_ushort (s: ushort) = s
337 fun c_sint (i: sint) = i
338 fun c_uint (i: uint) = i
339 fun c_slong (l: slong) = l
340 fun c_ulong (l: ulong) = l
341 fun c_slonglong (ll: slonglong) = ll
342 fun c_ulonglong (ll: ulonglong) = ll
343 fun c_float (f: float) = f
344 fun c_double (d: double) = d
345 fun i2c_enum (e: 'e enum) = e
347 val ml_schar = c_schar
348 val ml_uchar = c_uchar
349 val ml_sshort = c_sshort
350 val ml_ushort = c_ushort
351 val ml_sint = c_sint
352 val ml_uint = c_uint
353 val ml_slong = c_slong
354 val ml_ulong = c_ulong
355 val ml_slonglong = c_slonglong
356 val ml_ulonglong = c_ulonglong
357 val ml_float = c_float
358 val ml_double = c_double
359 val c2i_enum = i2c_enum
360 end
362 structure Get = struct
363 val uchar' = CMemory.load_uchar
364 val schar' = CMemory.load_schar
365 val uint' = CMemory.load_uint
366 val sint' = CMemory.load_sint
367 val ushort' = CMemory.load_ushort
368 val sshort' = CMemory.load_sshort
369 val ulong' = CMemory.load_ulong
370 val slong' = CMemory.load_slong
371 val ulonglong' = CMemory.load_ulonglong
372 val slonglong' = CMemory.load_slonglong
373 val float' = CMemory.load_float
374 val double' = CMemory.load_double
375 val enum' = CMemory.load_sint
377 val ptr' = CMemory.load_addr
378 val fptr' = CMemory.load_addr
379 val voidptr' = CMemory.load_addr
381 val uchar = uchar' o strip_type
382 val schar = schar' o strip_type
383 val uint = uint' o strip_type
384 val sint = sint' o strip_type
385 val ushort = ushort' o strip_type
386 val sshort = sshort' o strip_type
387 val ulong = ulong' o strip_type
388 val slong = slong' o strip_type
389 val ulonglong = ulonglong' o strip_type
390 val slonglong = slonglong' o strip_type
391 val float = float' o strip_type
392 val double = double' o strip_type
393 val voidptr = voidptr' o strip_type
394 val enum = enum' o strip_type
396 val ptr : ('o ptr, 'c) obj -> 'o ptr =
397 fn (a, PTR (_, t)) => (ptr' a, t)
398 | _ => bug "Get.ptr (non-pointer)"
399 val fptr : ('f, 'c) fptr_obj -> 'f fptr =
400 fn (a, FPTR mkf) => let val fa = fptr' a in (fa, #2 (mkf fa)) end
401 | _ => bug "Get.fptr (non-function-pointer)"
403 local
404 val u2s = MLRep.Int.Signed.fromLarge o MLRep.Int.Unsigned.toLargeIntX
405 in
406 fun ubf ({ a, l, r=_, lr, m=_, im=_ } : bf) =
407 (CMemory.load_uint a << l) >> lr
408 fun sbf ({ a, l, r=_, lr, m=_, im=_ } : bf) =
409 u2s ((CMemory.load_uint a << l) ~>> lr)
410 end
411 end
413 structure Set = struct
414 val uchar' = CMemory.store_uchar
415 val schar' = CMemory.store_schar
416 val uint' = CMemory.store_uint
417 val sint' = CMemory.store_sint
418 val ushort' = CMemory.store_ushort
419 val sshort' = CMemory.store_sshort
420 val ulong' = CMemory.store_ulong
421 val slong' = CMemory.store_slong
422 val ulonglong' = CMemory.store_ulonglong
423 val slonglong' = CMemory.store_slonglong
424 val float' = CMemory.store_float
425 val double' = CMemory.store_double
426 val enum' = CMemory.store_sint
428 val ptr' = CMemory.store_addr
429 val fptr' = CMemory.store_addr
430 val voidptr' = CMemory.store_addr
432 val ptr_voidptr' = CMemory.store_addr
434 local
435 infix $
436 fun (f $ g) (x, y) = f (g x, y)
437 in
438 val uchar = uchar' $ strip_type
439 val schar = schar' $ strip_type
440 val uint = uint' $ strip_type
441 val sint = sint' $ strip_type
442 val ushort = ushort' $ strip_type
443 val sshort = sshort' $ strip_type
444 val ulong = ulong' $ strip_type
445 val slong = slong' $ strip_type
446 val ulonglong = ulonglong' $ strip_type
447 val slonglong = slonglong' $ strip_type
448 val float = float' $ strip_type
449 val double = double' $ strip_type
450 val enum = enum' $ strip_type
452 val ptr : ('o ptr, rw) obj * 'o ptr -> unit =
453 fn (x, p) => ptr' (p_strip_type x, p_strip_type p)
454 val voidptr = voidptr' $ strip_type
455 val fptr : ('f, rw) fptr_obj * 'f fptr -> unit =
456 fn (x, f) => fptr' (p_strip_type x, strip_fun f)
458 val ptr_voidptr : ('o ptr, rw) obj * voidptr -> unit =
459 fn (x, p) => ptr_voidptr' (p_strip_type x, p)
460 end
462 fun ubf ({ a, l=_, r, lr=_, m, im }, x) =
463 CMemory.store_uint (a, (CMemory.load_uint a && im) ||
464 ((x << r) && m))
466 local
467 val s2u = MLRep.Int.Unsigned.fromLargeInt o MLRep.Int.Signed.toLarge
468 in
469 fun sbf (f, x) = ubf (f, s2u x)
470 end
471 end
473 fun copy' bytes { from, to } =
474 CMemory.bcopy { from = from, to = to, bytes = bytes }
475 fun copy { from = (from, t), to = (to, _: 'f objt) } =
476 copy' (T.sizeof t) { from = from, to = to }
478 val ro = addr_type_id
479 val rw = addr_type_id
481 val ro' = addr_id
482 val rw' = addr_id
484 structure Ptr = struct
485 val |&| : ('t, 'c) obj -> ('t, 'c) obj ptr =
486 fn (a, t) => (a, PTR (null, t))
487 val |*| : ('t, 'c) obj ptr -> ('t, 'c) obj =
488 fn (a, PTR (_, t)) => (a, t)
489 | _ => bug "Ptr.* (non-pointer)"
491 val |&! : ('t, 'c) obj' -> ('t, 'c) obj ptr' =
492 addr_id
493 val |*! : ('t, 'c) obj ptr' -> ('t, 'c) obj' =
494 addr_id
496 fun compare (p, p') = (p_strip_type p, p_strip_type p')
498 val compare' =
500 val inject' = addr_id
501 val cast' = addr_id
503 val inject : 'o ptr -> voidptr = p_strip_type
504 val cast : 'o ptr T.typ -> voidptr -> 'o ptr =
505 fn PTR (_, t) => (fn p => (p, t))
506 | _ => bug "Ptr.cast (non-pointer-type)"
508 val vnull : voidptr = CMemory.null
509 val null : 'o ptr T.typ -> 'o ptr =
510 fn t => cast t vnull
511 val null' : 'o ptr' = vnull
513 val fnull' : 'f ptr' = CMemory.null
514 val fnull : 'f fptr T.typ -> 'f fptr =
515 fn t => Heavy.fptr t fnull'
517 val isVNull : voidptr -> bool = CMemory.isNull
518 val isNull : 'o ptr -> bool =
519 fn p => isVNull (inject p)
520 val isNull' = CMemory.isNull
522 val isFNull : 'f fptr -> bool =
523 fn (a,_) => CMemory.isNull a
524 val isFNull' = CMemory.isNull
526 fun |+! s (p, i) = p ++ (Word.toInt s * i)
527 fun |-! s (p, p') = (p -- p') div Word.toInt s
529 val |+| : ('t, 'c) obj ptr * int -> ('t, 'c) obj ptr =
530 fn ((p, t as PTR (_, t')), i) => (|+! (T.sizeof t') (p, i), t)
531 | _ => bug "Ptr.|+| (non-pointer-type)"
532 val |-| : ('t, 'c) obj ptr * ('t, 'c) obj ptr -> int =
533 fn ((p, PTR (_, t')), (p', _)) => |-! (T.sizeof t') (p, p')
534 | _ => bug "Ptr.|-| (non-pointer-type"
536 val sub : ('t, 'c) obj ptr * int -> ('t, 'c) obj =
537 fn (p, i) => |*| (|+| (p, i))
539 fun sub' t (p, i) = |*! (|+! t (p, i))
541 val convert : (('st, 'sc) obj ptr, ('tt, 'tc) obj ptr) W.witness ->
542 ('st, 'sc) obj ptr -> ('tt, 'tc) obj ptr =
543 fn w => fn x => w x
544 val convert' : (('st, 'sc) obj ptr, ('tt, 'tc) obj ptr) W.witness ->
545 ('st, 'sc) obj ptr' -> ('tt, 'tc) obj ptr' =
546 fn _ => fn x => x
548 val ro : ('t, 'c) obj ptr -> ('t, ro) obj ptr =
549 fn x => convert (W.pointer ( W.trivial)) x
550 val rw : ('t, 'sc) obj ptr -> ('t, 'tc) obj ptr =
551 fn x => convert (W.pointer ( W.trivial)) x
553 val ro' : ('t, 'c) obj ptr' -> ('t, ro) obj ptr' =
554 addr_id
555 val rw' : ('t, 'sc) obj ptr' -> ('t, 'tc) obj ptr' =
556 addr_id
557 end
559 structure Arr = struct
560 local
561 fun asub (a, i, n, esz) =
562 (* take advantage of wrap-around to avoid the >= 0 test... *)
563 if Word.fromInt i < n then a ++ (Word.toIntX esz * i)
564 else raise General.Subscript
565 in
566 val sub : (('t, 'n) arr, 'c) obj * int -> ('t, 'c) obj =
567 fn ((a, ARR { typ, n, esz, ... }), i) => (asub (a, i, n, esz), typ)
568 | _ => bug "Arr.sub (non-array)"
569 val sub' : 't S.size * 'n Dim.dim ->
570 (('t, 'n) arr, 'c) obj' * int -> ('t, 'c) obj' =
571 fn (s, d) => fn (a, i) => asub (a, i, Word.fromInt (Dim.toInt d), s)
572 end
574 val decay : (('t, 'n) arr, 'c) obj -> ('t, 'c) obj ptr =
575 fn (a, ARR { typ, ... }) => (a, PTR (null, typ))
576 | _ => bug "Arr.decay (non-array)"
578 val decay' = addr_id
580 val reconstruct : ('t, 'c) obj ptr * 'n Dim.dim -> (('t, 'n) arr, 'c) obj =
581 fn ((a, PTR (_, t)), d) => (a, T.arr (t, d))
582 | _ => bug "Arr.reconstruct (non-pointer)"
584 fun reconstruct' (a: addr, _: 'n Dim.dim) = a
586 fun dim (_: addr, t) = T.dim t
587 end
589 fun new' s = CMemory.alloc s
590 val new : 't T.typ -> ('t, 'c) obj =
591 fn t => (new' (T.sizeof t), t)
593 val discard' =
594 val discard : ('t, 'c) obj -> unit =
595 fn x => discard' (p_strip_type x)
597 fun alloc' s i = CMemory.alloc (s * i)
598 val alloc : 't T.typ -> word -> ('t, 'c) obj ptr =
599 fn t => fn i => (alloc' (T.sizeof t) i, PTR (null, t))
601 val free' =
602 val free : 'o ptr -> unit =
603 fn x => free' (p_strip_type x)
605 val call : ('a -> 'b) fptr * 'a -> 'b =
606 fn ((_, f), x) => f x
608 val call' : ('a -> 'b) fptr T.typ -> ('a -> 'b) fptr' * 'a -> 'b =
609 fn (FPTR mkf) => (fn (a, x) => (#2 (mkf a)) x)
610 | _ => bug "call' (non-function-pointer-type)"
612 structure U = struct
613 fun fcast (f : 'fa fptr') : 'fb fptr' = f
614 fun p2i (a : 'o ptr') : ulong = CMemory.p2i a
615 fun i2p (a : ulong) : 'o ptr' = CMemory.i2p a
616 end
618 (* ------------- internal stuff ------------- *)
620 fun mk_obj' (a : addr) = a
621 val mk_voidptr : addr -> voidptr = fn a => a
623 local
624 fun mk_field (t: 'f objt, i, (a, _)) = (a ++ i, t)
625 in
626 val mk_rw_field : 'm T.typ * int * ('s, 'c) su_obj -> ('m, 'c) obj = mk_field
627 val mk_ro_field : 'm T.typ * int * ('s, 'c) su_obj -> ('m, ro) obj = mk_field
628 fun mk_field' (i, a) = a ++ i
629 end
631 local
632 fun mk_bf' (offset, bits, shift) a = let
633 val a = a ++ offset
634 val l = shift
635 val lr = CMemory.int_bits - bits
636 val r = lr - l
637 val m = (~~0w0 << lr) >> l
638 val im = ~~ m
639 in
640 { a = a, l = l, r = r, lr = lr, m = m, im = im } : bf
641 end
642 fun mk_bf acc (a, _) = mk_bf' acc a
643 in
644 val mk_rw_ubf = mk_bf
645 val mk_ro_ubf = mk_bf
646 val mk_rw_ubf' = mk_bf'
647 val mk_ro_ubf' = mk_bf'
649 val mk_rw_sbf = mk_bf
650 val mk_ro_sbf = mk_bf
651 val mk_rw_sbf' = mk_bf'
652 val mk_ro_sbf' = mk_bf'
653 end
655 val mk_su_size : word -> 's S.size =
656 fn sz => sz
657 val mk_su_typ : 's su S.size -> 's su T.typ =
658 fn sz => BASE sz
659 val mk_fptr : (addr -> 'a -> 'b) * addr -> ('a -> 'b) fptr =
660 fn (mkf, a) => (a, mkf a)
661 val mk_fptr_typ : (addr -> 'a -> 'b) -> ('a -> 'b) fptr T.typ =
662 fn mkf => FPTR (fn a => (null, mkf a))
664 val reveal : voidptr -> addr = addr_id
665 val freveal : 'f fptr' -> addr = addr_id
667 val vcast : addr -> voidptr = addr_id
668 val pcast : addr -> 'o ptr' = addr_id
669 val fcast : addr -> 'f fptr' = addr_id
671 fun unsafe_sub esz (a, i) = a ++ esz * i
672 end (* local *)
675structure C_Int = C