Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / doc / guide / src / WholeProgramOptimization.adoc
4Whole-program optimization is a compilation technique in which
5optimizations operate over the entire program. This allows the
6compiler many optimization opportunities that are not available when
7analyzing modules separately (as with separate compilation).
9Most of MLton's optimizations are whole-program optimizations.
10Because MLton compiles the whole program at once, it can perform
11optimization across module boundaries. As a consequence, MLton often
12reduces or eliminates the run-time penalty that arises with separate
13compilation of SML features such as functors, modules, polymorphism,
14and higher-order functions. MLton takes advantage of having the
15entire program to perform transformations such as: defunctorization,
16monomorphisation, higher-order control-flow analysis, inlining,
17unboxing, argument flattening, redundant-argument removal, constant
18folding, and representation selection. Whole-program compilation is
19an integral part of the design of MLton and is not likely to change.