Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / benchmark / tests / vliw.sml
1(* From the SML/NJ benchmark suite. *)
3fun print _ = ()
5signature BMARK =
6 sig
7 val doit : int -> unit
8 val testit : TextIO.outstream -> unit
9 end;
11open Array (* List *)
12infix 9 sub
14fun fold f x y = List.foldr f y x
15fun revfold f x y = List.foldl f y x
16val makestring = Int.toString
19open Real
21val realEq = ==
22val realNe = !=
25exception NotAChar
26fun fromStr x =
27 (case Char.fromString x
28 of SOME c => c
29 | NONE => raise NotAChar)
31fun ordof(s, i) = Char.ord(String.sub(s, i))
34val explode = (fn x => map Char.toString (explode x))
35val implode = (fn x => implode (map fromStr x))
36fun ord s = Char.ord (fromStr s)
38val output = TextIO.output
39val std_out = TextIO.stdOut
40val open_in = TextIO.openIn
41val open_out = TextIO.openOut
42val close_in = TextIO.closeIn
43val close_out = TextIO.closeOut
44val input_line =
45 fn ins =>
46 case TextIO.inputLine ins of
47 NONE => ""
48 | SOME s => s
49type instream = TextIO.instream
50type outstream = TextIO.outstream
51fun outputc f x = TextIO.output(f, x)
53exception NotAReal
55fun strToReal s =
56 (case Real.fromString s
57 of SOME r => r
58 | _ => raise NotAReal)
60fun intToReal x =
61 (strToReal ((Int.toString x) ^ ".0"))
63structure Bits =
66fun wrap (f : Word.word * Word.word -> Word.word)
67 = (fn (x : int, y : int) =>
68 Word.toInt(f(Word.fromInt x, Word.fromInt y)))
70val orb = wrap Word.orb
71val andb = wrap Word.andb
72val xorb = wrap Word.xorb
73val lshift = wrap Word.<<
74val rshift = wrap Word.>>
77structure Ref =
79 val inc = fn x => (x := !x + 1)
80 val dec = fn x => (x := !x - 1)
83(* stringmap.sml *)
85signature STRINGMAP =
86 sig type 'a stringmap
87 exception Stringmap
88 val new : unit -> 'a stringmap
89 val add : 'a stringmap -> string * 'a -> unit
90 val rm : 'a stringmap -> string -> unit
91 val map : 'a stringmap -> string -> 'a
92 val app : (string * 'a -> unit) -> 'a stringmap -> unit
93 val isin : 'a stringmap -> string -> bool
94 val extract : 'a stringmap -> 'a list
95 end
97structure Stringmap : STRINGMAP =
99 type 'a stringmap = (string * 'a) list array
100 exception Stringmap
101 val hashFactor = 32
102 and tableSize = 2357
104 (* a string hashing function
105 returns a number between 0 and tableSize-1 *)
106 fun hash(str: string) : int =
107 let val nchars = String.size str
109 fun loop(i,n,r) =
110 if i < n then
111 loop(i+1,n,(hashFactor * r + ordof(str,i)) mod tableSize)
112 else r
114 in loop(0,nchars,0)
115(* while !i < nchars do
116 (n := (hashFactor * !n + ordof(str, !i)) mod tableSize;
117 i := !i + 1);
118 !n
120 end
122 (* create a new stringmap *)
123 fun new (): 'a stringmap = array(tableSize,nil)
125 (* add a mapping pair s +-> x to the stringmap a *)
126 fun add a (s,x) =
127 let val index = hash s
128 in update(a,index,(s,x)::(a sub index))
129 end
131 (* apply the stringmap a to the index string s *)
132 fun map a s =
133 let fun find ((s',x)::r) = if s=s' then x else find r
134 | find nil = raise Stringmap
135 in find (a sub (hash s))
136 end
138 (* return true if the string is in the map, false otherwise *)
139 fun isin a s =
140 ((map a s; true)
141 handle Stringmap => false)
143 (* remove all pairs mapping string s from stringmap a *)
144 fun rm a s = let fun f ((b as (s',j))::r) =
145 if s=s' then f r else b :: f r
146 | f nil = nil
147 val index = hash s
148 in update(a,index, f(a sub index))
149 end
151 (* apply a function f to all mapping pairs in stringmap a *)
152 fun app (f: string * 'a -> unit) a =
153 let fun zap 0 = ()
154 | zap n = let val m = n-1 in f (a sub m); zap m end
155 in zap tableSize
156 end
158 (* extract the stringmap items as a list *)
159 fun extract a =
160 let fun atol n =
161 if n < Array.length a then (a sub n) :: atol (n + 1)
162 else nil
163 val al = atol 0
164 fun flatten (a, b) = a @ b
165 val fal = fold flatten al nil
166 fun strip (s, v) = v
167 val answer = strip fal
168 in
169 answer
170 end
172end (* Stringmap *)
176structure StrPak :
177 sig
178 val stringListString : string list -> string
179 end =
183fun sl nil = "]"
184 | sl (h::nil) = h ^ "]"
185 | sl (h::n::t) = h ^ "," ^ sl (n::t)
187fun stringListString l = "[" ^ sl l
190signature SortObjSig =
191 sig
192 type obj
193 val gt : obj * obj -> bool
194 end
196functor Sort ( objfun : SortObjSig ) :
197 sig
198 type obj
199 val sort : obj list -> obj list
200 end =
204open objfun
206type obj = objfun.obj
208fun sort l =
209 let fun m2 (nil, b) = b
210 | m2 (a, nil) = a
211 | m2 (ha::ta, hb::tb) =
212 if gt(ha, hb) then hb::(m2(ha::ta, tb))
213 else ha::(m2(ta, hb::tb))
214 fun ml (nil) = nil
215 | ml (h::nil) = h
216 | ml (h1::h2::nil) = m2(h1, h2)
217 | ml (h1::h2::l) = ml [m2(h1, h2), (ml l)]
218 in
219 ml (map (fn x => [x]) l)
220 end
224structure IntImp =
225 struct
226 type obj = int
227 fun gt(a:obj, b:obj) = a > b
228 end
231structure INTSort = Sort ( IntImp )
233structure Set :
234 sig
235 exception SET
236 exception LISTUNION
237 type 'a set
238 val make : ''a set
239 val makeEQ : ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a set
240 val listToSet : ''a list -> ''a set
241 val listToSetEQ : ('a * 'a -> bool) * 'a list -> 'a set
242 val add : 'a set * 'a -> 'a set
243 val union : 'a set * 'a set -> 'a set
244 val listUnion : 'a set list -> 'a set
245 val listUnionEQ : ('a * 'a -> bool) * 'a set list -> 'a set
246 val rm : 'a set * 'a -> 'a set
247 val intersect : 'a set * 'a set -> 'a set
248 val diff : 'a set * 'a set -> 'a set
249 val member : 'a set * 'a -> bool
250 val set : 'a set -> 'a list
251 val mag : 'a set -> int
252 val empty : 'a set -> bool
253 end =
255datatype 'a set = S of ('a*'a->bool) * 'a list
257exception SET
258exception LISTUNION
260fun eqf (x, y) = x = y
262val make = S (eqf, nil)
264fun makeEQ eqf = S (eqf, nil)
266fun set (S (eqf, a)) = a
268fun member (S (eqf, nil), e) = false
269 | member (S (eqf, (s::t)), e) = eqf(e, s) orelse member(S (eqf, t), e)
271fun add(st as (S (eqf, s)), e) = if member(st, e) then st else S(eqf, e::s)
273fun listToSetEQ (eqf, l) =
274 let fun f (nil, s) = s
275 | f (h::t, s) = f(t, add(s, h))
276 in
277 f(l, makeEQ eqf)
278 end
280fun listToSet l = listToSetEQ (eqf, l)
283fun union (a, S (eqf, nil)) = a
284 | union (S (eqf, nil), b) = b
285 | union (S (eqf, e::a), b) = union(S (eqf, a), add(b, e))
287fun listUnion (h::t) = fold union t h
288 | listUnion _ = raise LISTUNION
290fun listUnionEQ (eqf, l) = fold union l (makeEQ eqf)
293fun rm (S (eqf, nil), x) = raise SET
294 | rm (S (eqf, s::t), x) =
295 if eqf(s, x) then S (eqf, t) else S(eqf, s :: set(rm(S (eqf, t), x)))
297fun intersect1 (a, S (eqf, nil), c) = S (eqf, c)
298 | intersect1 (S (eqf, nil), b, c) = S (eqf, c)
299 | intersect1 (S (eqf, a::t), b, c) =
300 if member(b, a) then intersect1(S (eqf, t), b, a::c)
301 else intersect1(S (eqf, t), b, c)
303fun intersect (a, b) = intersect1 (a, b, nil)
305fun diff (S (eqf, nil), b) = S (eqf, nil)
306 | diff (S (eqf, a::t), b) = if member(b, a) then diff(S (eqf, t), b)
307 else S (eqf, a :: set(diff(S (eqf, t), b)))
310fun mag s = List.length (set s)
312(* fun empty s = set s = nil *)
314fun empty (S(eqf, nil)) = true
315 | empty (S(eqf, _)) = false
318(* Copyright 1989 by AT&T Bell Laboratories *)
319(* updated by John Danskin at Princeton *)
320structure AbsMach =
322 type reg = (int*string)
323 type label = (int*string)
324 datatype values =
325 INT of int
326 | REAL of real
327 | LABVAL of int * int
329 datatype arithop = imul | iadd | isub | idiv
330 | orb | andb | xorb | rshift | lshift
331 | fadd | fdiv | fmul | fsub
332 | real | floor | logb
334 datatype comparison = ilt | ieq | igt | ile | ige | ine
335 | flt | feq | fgt | fle | fge | fne
336 | inrange | outofrange
337 datatype opcode =
338 FETCH of {immutable: bool, offset: int, ptr: reg, dst: reg}
339 (* dst := M[ptr+offset]
340 if immutable then unaffected by any STORE
341 other than through the allocptr *)
342 | STORE of {offset: int, src: reg, ptr: reg}
343 (* M[ptr+offset] := src *)
344 | GETLAB of {lab: label, dst: reg}
345 | GETREAL of {value: string, dst: reg}
346 | ARITH of {oper: arithop, src1: reg, src2: reg, dst: reg}
347 | ARITHI of {oper: arithop, src1: reg, src2: int, dst: reg}
348 | MOVE of {src: reg, dst: reg}
349 | BRANCH of {test: comparison, src1: reg, src2: reg, dst: label,
350 live: reg list}
351 | JUMP of {dst: reg, live: reg list}
352 | LABEL of {lab:label, live: reg list}
353 | WORD of {value: int}
354 | LABWORD of {lab: label}
355 | NOP
356 | BOGUS of {reads: reg list, writes: reg list}
358 val opcodeEq : opcode * opcode -> bool = (op =)
362structure AbsMachImp :
363 sig
364 type reg
365 type operation
366 val oeq : operation * operation -> bool
367 type comparison
368 val ceq : comparison * comparison -> bool
369 val write_o : operation -> reg Set.set
370 val read_o : operation -> reg Set.set
371 val write_c : comparison -> reg Set.set
372 val read_c : comparison -> reg Set.set
373 val resources_ok : operation list * comparison list -> bool
374 datatype codetypes =
375 ASSIGNMENT of operation
376 | LABELREF of int * operation
377 | COMPARISON of int * operation
378 | FLOW of int * operation
379 | TARGET of int * operation
380 | EXIT of operation
381 | JUNK of operation
382 | NERGLE
383 val classify : operation -> codetypes
384 val maxreg : AbsMach.opcode list -> int
385 end =
388type reg = int (* register strings will gum up set operations etc *)
389type operation = AbsMach.opcode
390type comparison = AbsMach.opcode
392fun oeq (a, b) = AbsMach.opcodeEq(a, b)
393fun ceq (a, b) = AbsMach.opcodeEq(a, b)
395fun reg(i, s) = i
396fun label(i, s) = i
399fun srl rl = Set.listToSet((map reg) rl)
400fun sr r = srl [r]
402val immutableMem = ~1
403val mutableMem = ~2
404val flowControl = ~3
406(* comparisons are limited to one because of difficulty writing larger trees *)
407fun resources_ok(ops, c) = (List.length ops) <= 4 andalso (List.length c) <= 1
409fun allocptr r = reg r = 1
411fun write_o i =
412 let open Set
413 open AbsMach
414 val f =
415 fn FETCH{dst, ...} => sr dst
416 | STORE{ptr, ...} =>
417 if allocptr ptr then listToSet [immutableMem, mutableMem]
418 else listToSet [mutableMem]
419 | GETLAB {dst, ...} => sr dst
420 | GETREAL {dst, ...} => sr dst
421 | ARITH {dst, ...} => sr dst
422 | ARITHI {dst, ...} => sr dst
423 | MOVE {dst, ...} => sr dst
424 | JUMP _ => listToSet [flowControl]
425 | BOGUS {writes, ...} => srl writes
426 | _ => make
427 in
428 f i
429 end
431fun write_c c = Set.listToSet [flowControl]
433val std_reg_list = [(1, ""), (2, ""), (3, ""), (4, ""), (5, "")]
435fun read i =
436 let open Set
437 open AbsMach
438 val f =
439 fn FETCH {immutable, ptr, ...} =>
440 let val mem = if immutable then immutableMem else mutableMem
441 in
442 add(sr ptr, mem)
443 end
444 | STORE {src, ptr, ...} => srl [src, ptr]
445 | ARITH {src1, src2, ...} => srl [src1, src2]
446 | ARITHI {src1, ...} => sr src1
447 | MOVE {src, ...} => sr src
448 | BRANCH {src1, src2, ...} => srl [src1, src2]
449 | JUMP {dst, ...} => srl (dst :: std_reg_list)
450 | BOGUS {reads, ...} => srl reads
451 | _ => make
452 in
453 f i
454 end
456fun read_o i = read i
457fun read_c i = read i
459datatype codetypes =
460 ASSIGNMENT of operation
461 | LABELREF of int * operation
462 | COMPARISON of int * operation
463 | FLOW of int * operation
464 | TARGET of int * operation
465 | EXIT of operation
466 | JUNK of operation
467 | NERGLE
469fun maxreg li =
470 let fun f (a, b) = Int.max(a, b)
471 val r =
472 (Set.set (Set.listUnion((map write_o li) @
473 (map read li))))
474 in
475 fold f r 0
476 end
479fun classify i =
480 let open AbsMach
481 val f =
482 fn FETCH _ => ASSIGNMENT i
484 | GETLAB{lab, dst} => LABELREF(label lab, i)
488 | MOVE{src, dst} =>
489 if reg src = reg dst then NERGLE
490 else ASSIGNMENT i
491 | BRANCH{test,src1,src2,dst,live} =>
492 if test = ieq andalso (reg src1) = (reg src2)
493 then FLOW (label dst, i)
494 else COMPARISON (label dst, i)
495 | JUMP _ => EXIT i
496 | LABEL {lab, ...} => TARGET(label lab, i)
497 | WORD _ => JUNK i
498 | LABWORD _ => JUNK i
499 | NOP => JUNK i
501 in
502 f i
503 end
505structure ReadAbs : sig val read: instream -> AbsMach.opcode list end =
508open AbsMach
510exception ReadError
512fun readline(i,f) =
515 fun error s = (print("Error in line "^makestring i^": "^s^"\n");
516 raise ReadError)
518fun b(" "::rest) = b rest | b rest = rest
520val aop =
521 fn "i"::"m"::"u"::"l"::l => (imul,l)
522 | "i"::"a"::"d"::"d"::l => (iadd,l)
523 | "i"::"s"::"u"::"b"::l => (isub,l)
524 | "i"::"d"::"i"::"v"::l => (idiv,l)
525 | "o"::"r"::"b"::" "::l=> (orb,l)
526 | "a"::"n"::"d"::"b"::l => (andb,l)
527 | "x"::"o"::"r"::"b"::l => (xorb,l)
528 | "r"::"s"::"h"::"i"::"f"::"t"::l => (rshift,l)
529 | "l"::"s"::"h"::"i"::"f"::"t"::l => (lshift,l)
530 | "f"::"a"::"d"::"d"::l => (fadd,l)
531 | "f"::"d"::"i"::"v"::l => (fdiv,l)
532 | "f"::"m"::"u"::"l"::l => (fmul,l)
533 | "f"::"s"::"u"::"b"::l => (fsub,l)
534 | "r"::"e"::"a"::"l"::l => (real,l)
535 | "f"::"l"::"o"::"o"::"r"::l => (floor,l)
536 | "l"::"o"::"g"::"b"::l => (logb,l)
537 | _ => error "illegal arithmetic operator"
539val com =
540 fn "i"::"l"::"t"::l => (ilt,l)
541 | "i"::"e"::"q"::l => (ieq,l)
542 | "i"::"g"::"t"::l => (igt,l)
543 | "i"::"l"::"e"::l => (ile,l)
544 | "i"::"g"::"e"::l => (ige,l)
545 | "i"::"n"::"e"::l => (ine,l)
546 | "f"::"l"::"t"::l => (flt,l)
547 | "f"::"e"::"q"::l => (feq,l)
548 | "f"::"g"::"t"::l => (fgt,l)
549 | "f"::"l"::"e"::l => (fle,l)
550 | "f"::"g"::"e"::l => (fge,l)
551 | "f"::"n"::"e"::l => (fne,l)
552 | "i"::"n"::"r"::"a"::"n"::"g"::"e"::l => (inrange,l)
553 | "o"::"u"::"t"::"o"::"f"::"r"::"a"::"n"::"g"::"e"::l => (outofrange,l)
554 | _ => error "illegal comparison operator"
556fun immut("i"::l) = (true,l) | immut("m"::l) = (false,l)
557 | immut _ = error "i or m required"
559fun int l =
560 let val z = ord "0"
561 fun f(n,l0 as d::l) = if d>="0" andalso d<="9"
562 then f(n*10+ord(d)-z, l)
563 else (n,l0)
564 | f _ = error "in"
565 in f(0,l)
566 end
568fun string l =
569 let fun f("/"::l) = (nil,l)
570 | f(a::l) = let val (s,l') = f l
571 in (a::s, l')
572 end
573 | f _ = error "name not terminated by \"/\""
574 val (s,l') = f l
575 in (implode s, l')
576 end
578 fun realc s =
579 let val (sign,s) = case explode s of "~"::rest => (~1.0,rest)
580 | s => (1.0,s)
581 fun j(exp,d::dl,mant) = j(exp,dl,mant * 0.1 + intToReal(d))
582 | j(0,nil,mant) = mant*sign
583 | j(exp,nil,mant) = if exp>0 then j(exp-1,nil,mant*10.0)
584 else j(exp+1,nil,mant*0.1)
585 fun h(esign,wholedigits,diglist,exp,nil) =
586 j(esign*exp+wholedigits-1,diglist,0.0)
587 | h(es,fd,dl,exp,d::s) = h(es,fd,dl,exp*10+(ord d - ord "0"),s)
588 fun g(i,r,"E"::"~"::s)=h(~1,i,r,0,s)
589 | g(i,r,"E"::s)=h(1,i,r,0,s)
590 | g(i,r,d::s) = if d>="0" andalso d<="9" then
591 g(i, (ord d - ord "0")::r, s)
592 else h(1,i,r,0,nil)
593 | g(i,r,nil) = h(1,i,r,0,nil)
594 fun f(i,r,"."::s)=g(i,r,s)
595 | f(i,r,s as "E"::_)=g(i,r,s)
596 | f(i,r,d::s) = f(i+1,(ord(d)-ord("0"))::r,s)
597 | f _ = error "bad in readdabs"
598 in f(0,nil,s)
599 end handle Overflow => error ("real constant "^s^" out of range")
601fun require((a:string)::ar, b::br) = if a=b then require(ar,br)
602 else error(a^" required")
603 | require(nil, br) = br
604 | require(a::_,_) = error(a^" required")
606fun reg l = let val (s,l) = string l
607 val l = require(["R"],l)
608 val (i,l) = int l
609 in ((i,s),l)
610 end
611fun lab l = let val (s,l) = string l
612 val l = require(["L"],l)
613 val (i,l) = int l
614 in ((i,s),l)
615 end
617fun live l =
618 let fun f(")"::_) = nil
619 | f l = let val (r,l) = reg l
620 in r::f(b l)
621 end
622 in f(b(require(["("],l)))
623 end
625val opcode =
626 fn "F"::"E"::"T"::"C"::"H"::l =>
627 let val (imm,l) = immut(b l)
628 val (dst,l) = reg(b l)
629 val (ptr,l) = reg(b(require(["M","["],b(require([":","="],b l)))))
630 val (offset,l) = int(b(require(["+"],b l)))
631 in require(["]"], b l);
632 FETCH{immutable=imm,dst=dst,ptr=ptr,offset=offset}
633 end
634 | "S"::"T"::"O"::"R"::"E"::l =>
635 let val (ptr,l) = reg(b(require(["M","["],b l)))
636 val (offset,l) = int(b(require(["+"],b l)))
637 val (src,l) = reg(b(require([":","="],b(require(["]"], b l)))))
638 in STORE{src=src,ptr=ptr,offset=offset}
639 end
640 | "G"::"E"::"T"::"L"::"A"::"B"::l =>
641 let val (dst,l) = reg(b l)
642 val (lab,l) = lab(b(require([":","="],b l)))
643 in GETLAB{dst=dst,lab=lab}
644 end
645 | "G"::"E"::"T"::"R"::"E"::"A"::"L"::l =>
646 let val (dst,l) = reg(b l)
647 val r = realc(implode(b(require([":","="],b l))))
648 in GETREAL{dst=dst,value=Real.toString r}
649 end
650 | "A"::"R"::"I"::"T"::"H"::"I"::l =>
651 let val (dst,l) = reg(b l)
652 val (s1,l) = reg(b(require([":","="],b l)))
653 val (oper,l) = aop(b l)
654 val (s2,l) = int(b l)
655 in ARITHI{oper=oper,src1=s1,src2=s2,dst=dst}
656 end
657 | "A"::"R"::"I"::"T"::"H"::l =>
658 let val (dst,l) = reg(b l)
659 val (s1,l) = reg(b(require([":","="],b l)))
660 val (oper,l) = aop(b l)
661 val (s2,l) = reg(b l)
662 in ARITH{oper=oper,src1=s1,src2=s2,dst=dst}
663 end
664 | "M"::"O"::"V"::"E"::l =>
665 let val (dst,l) = reg(b l)
666 val (s1,l) = reg(b(require([":","="],b l)))
667 in MOVE{src=s1,dst=dst}
668 end
669 | "B"::"R"::"A"::"N"::"C"::"H"::l =>
670 let val (s1,l) = reg(b(require(["I","F"],b l)))
671 val (test,l) = com(b l)
672 val (s2,l) = reg(b l)
673 val (dst,l) = lab(b(require(["G","O","T","O"],b l)))
674 val liv = live(b l)
675 in BRANCH{test=test,src1=s1,src2=s2,dst=dst,live=liv}
676 end
677 | "J"::"U"::"M"::"P"::l =>
678 let val (dst,l) = reg(b l)
679 val live = live(b l)
680 in JUMP{dst=dst,live=live}
681 end
682 | "L"::"A"::"B"::"E"::"L"::l =>
683 let val (lab,l) = lab(b l)
684 val live = live(b(require([":"],l)))
685 in LABEL{lab=lab,live=live}
686 end
687 | "W"::"O"::"R"::"D"::l =>
688 let val (i,l) = int(b l)
689 in WORD{value=i}
690 end
691 | "L"::"A"::"B"::"W"::"O"::"R"::"D"::l =>
692 let val (i,l) = lab(b l)
693 in LABWORD{lab=i}
694 end
695 | "N"::"O"::"P"::_ => NOP
696 | _ => error "illegal opcode name"
698 case explode(input_line f)
699 of nil => nil
700 | l => opcode(b l)::readline(i+1,f)
703fun read f = readline(0,f)
707structure PrintAbs :
708 sig
709 val show: outstream -> AbsMach.opcode list -> unit
710 val str: AbsMach.opcode list -> string
711 end =
714open AbsMach
716fun xstr prog =
720val outstr = ref ""
721fun pr s = outstr := !outstr ^ s
723val aop =
724 fn imul => "imul"
725 | iadd => "iadd"
726 | isub => "isub"
727 | idiv => "idiv"
728 | orb => "orb"
729 | andb => "andb"
730 | xorb => "xorb"
731 | rshift => "rshift"
732 | lshift => "lshift"
733 | fadd => "fadd"
734 | fdiv => "fdiv"
735 | fmul => "fmul"
736 | fsub => "fsub"
737 | real => "real"
738 | floor => "floor"
739 | logb => "logb"
741val com =
742 fn ilt => "ilt"
743 | ieq => "ieq"
744 | igt => "igt"
745 | ile => "ile"
746 | ige => "ige"
747 | ine => "ine"
748 | flt => "flt"
749 | feq => "feq"
750 | fgt => "fgt"
751 | fle => "fle"
752 | fge => "fge"
753 | fne => "fne"
754 | inrange => "inrange"
755 | outofrange => "outofrange"
757fun bo true = "t" | bo false = "f"
759fun reg(i,s) = (pr(s); pr "/R"; pr(makestring i))
760fun label(i,s) = (pr(s); pr "/L"; pr(makestring i))
762val p =
763 fn FETCH{immutable,offset,ptr,dst} =>
764 (pr "FETCH";
765 if immutable then pr "i " else pr "m ";
766 reg dst; pr " := M[ "; reg ptr;
767 pr " + "; pr (makestring offset); pr(" ]\n"))
768 | STORE{offset,ptr,src} =>
769 (pr "STORE ";
770 pr "M[ "; reg ptr;
771 pr " + "; pr (makestring offset); pr(" ] := ");
772 reg src;
773 pr "\n")
774 | GETLAB{lab, dst} =>
775 (pr "GETLAB "; reg dst;
776 pr " := "; label lab;
777 pr "\n")
778 | GETREAL{value,dst} =>
779 (pr "GETREAL "; reg dst;
780 pr " := ";
781 pr value;
782 pr "\n")
783 | ARITH{oper,src1,src2,dst} =>
784 (pr "ARITH "; reg dst;
785 pr " := "; reg src1;
786 pr " "; pr(aop oper); pr " ";
787 reg src2;
788 pr "\n")
789 | ARITHI{oper,src1,src2,dst} =>
790 (pr "ARITHI "; reg dst;
791 pr " := "; reg src1;
792 pr " "; pr(aop oper); pr " ";
793 pr(makestring src2);
794 pr "\n")
795 | MOVE{src,dst} =>
796 (pr "MOVE "; reg dst;
797 pr " := "; reg src;
798 pr "\n")
799 | BRANCH{test,src1,src2,dst,live} =>
800 (pr "BRANCH ";
801 pr "IF "; reg src1;
802 pr " "; pr(com test); pr " ";
803 reg src2;
804 pr " GOTO ";
805 label dst;
806 pr " ( ";
807 (fn r => (reg r; pr " ")) live;
808 pr ")\n")
809 | JUMP{dst,live} =>
810 (pr "JUMP "; reg dst;
811 pr " ( ";
812 (fn r => (reg r; pr " ")) live;
813 pr ")\n")
814 | LABEL{lab, live} =>
815 (pr "LABEL "; label lab;
816 pr ": ( ";
817 (fn r => (reg r; pr " ")) live;
818 pr ")\n")
819 | WORD{value} =>
820 (pr "WORD ";
821 pr (makestring value);
822 pr "\n")
823 | LABWORD{lab} =>
824 (pr "LABWORD "; label lab;
825 pr "\n")
826 | NOP => pr "NOP\n"
827 | BOGUS{reads, writes} =>
828 (pr "BOGUS";
829 pr " ( ";
830 (fn r => (reg r; pr " ")) writes;
831 pr ") := (";
832 (fn r => (reg r; pr " ")) reads;
833 pr ")\n")
836in ( p prog; !outstr)
839fun str prog =
840 let fun cat (a, b) = (xstr [a]) ^ b
841 in
842 fold cat prog ""
843 end
845fun show out prog =
846 let fun f nil = ()
847 | f (h::t) = (outputc out (xstr [h]);
848 f t)
849 in
850 f prog
851 end
856structure HM = AbsMachImp
857structure BreakInst :
858 sig
859 val breaki : AbsMach.opcode list -> AbsMach.opcode list
860 end =
863open AbsMach
864open HM
866val maxreg = AbsMachImp.maxreg
868fun reg(i:int, s:string) = i
869fun rstr(i:int, s:string) = s
871val new_reg_val = ref 0
872val new_reg_pairs:(AbsMach.reg * AbsMach.reg) list ref = ref nil
874fun new_reg_init li = (new_reg_val := maxreg li;
875 new_reg_pairs := nil)
877fun new_reg (r:AbsMach.reg) =
878 let fun f nil =
879 let val nr = (new_reg_val := !new_reg_val + 1; (!new_reg_val, rstr r))
880 in
881 (new_reg_pairs := (r, nr) :: !new_reg_pairs;
882 nr)
883 end
884 | f ((a, b)::t) = if r = a then b else f t
885 in
886 f (!new_reg_pairs)
887 end
889fun breaki l =
890 let fun f i =
891 let val g =
892 fn ARITH{oper, src1, src2, dst} =>
893 if reg dst = reg src1 orelse reg dst = reg src2 then
894 let val nr = new_reg(dst)
895 in
896 [ARITH{oper=oper, src1=src2, src2=src2, dst=nr},
897 MOVE{src=nr, dst=dst}]
898 end
899 else [i]
900 | ARITHI{oper, src1, src2, dst} =>
901 if reg dst = reg src1 then
902 let val nr = new_reg(dst)
903 in
904 [ARITHI{oper=oper, src1=src1, src2=src2, dst=nr},
905 MOVE{src=nr, dst=dst}]
906 end
907 else [i]
908 | FETCH{immutable, offset, ptr, dst} =>
909 if reg ptr = reg dst then
910 let val nr = new_reg(dst)
911 in
912 [FETCH{immutable=immutable, offset=offset,
913 ptr=ptr, dst=nr},
914 MOVE{src=nr, dst=dst}]
915 end
916 else [i]
917 | MOVE{src, dst} =>
918 if reg src = reg dst then nil
919 else [i]
920 | _ => [i]
921 in
922 g i
923 end
924 fun h (a, b) = f a @ b
925 val foo = new_reg_init l
926 in
927 fold h l nil
928 end
931structure OutFilter :
932 sig
933 val remnops : AbsMach.opcode list -> AbsMach.opcode list
934 end =
937open AbsMach
939fun remnops ol =
940 let fun f (NOP, NOP::b) = NOP::b
941 | f (a, b) = a::b
942 in
943 fold f ol nil
944 end
947structure Delay :
948 sig
949 val init: AbsMach.opcode list -> unit
950 val add_delay: AbsMach.opcode list -> AbsMach.opcode list
951 val rm_bogus: AbsMach.opcode list -> AbsMach.opcode list
952 val is_bogus_i : AbsMach.opcode -> bool
953 val is_bogus_reg : AbsMach.reg -> bool
954 val idempotency : int ref
955 end =
958open AbsMach
960val maxreg = ref 0
961val maxdelay = 12
963val idempotency = ref 0
965fun is_bogus_i (BOGUS _ ) = true
966 | is_bogus_i _ = false
968fun bogus_reg ((i, s), which) = (!maxreg + maxdelay * i + which, s)
970fun is_bogus_reg (i, s) = i > !maxreg
972fun unbogus_reg (i, s) = if is_bogus_reg (i, s) then (i div maxdelay, s)
973 else (i, s)
975val max_bog_reg = ref 0
976val curr_idem_reg = ref 0
978fun idem_reg() =
979 (curr_idem_reg := !curr_idem_reg + 1;
980 (!curr_idem_reg, "idem"))
982fun init il = (
983 maxreg := AbsMachImp.maxreg il;
984 max_bog_reg := (!maxreg + 1) * maxdelay;
985 curr_idem_reg := !max_bog_reg + 1
986 )
988exception DELAY
990fun delay i =
991 let fun opdelay oper =
992 let val f =
993 fn imul => 5
994 | iadd => 2
995 | isub => 2
996 | idiv => 12
997 | orb => 2
998 | andb => 2
999 | xorb => 2
1000 | rshift => 2
1001 | lshift => 2
1002 | fadd => 2
1003 | fdiv => 12
1004 | fmul => 4
1005 | fsub => 2
1006 | real => 2
1007 | floor => 2
1008 | logb => 2
1009 in
1010 f oper
1011 end
1012 val id =
1013 fn FETCH{immutable,offset,ptr,dst} => 2
1014 | STORE{offset,ptr,src} => 2
1015 | GETLAB{lab, dst} => 2
1016 | GETREAL{value,dst} => 2
1017 | ARITH{oper,src1,src2,dst} => opdelay oper
1018 | ARITHI{oper,src1,src2,dst} => opdelay oper
1019 | MOVE{src,dst} => 1
1020 | BRANCH{test,src1,src2,dst,live} => 5
1021 | JUMP{dst,live} => 1
1022 | LABEL{lab, live} => 0
1023 | NOP => 1
1024 | _ => raise DELAY
1025 in
1026 id i
1027 end
1029fun b_idemx (0, r, w) = nil
1030 | b_idemx (1, r, w) = BOGUS{reads=r @ w, writes = [idem_reg()]} :: nil
1031 | b_idemx (n, r, w) =
1032 let val ir = idem_reg()
1033 in
1034 BOGUS{reads=r @ w, writes = [ir]} :: b_idemx(n-1, r, [ir])
1035 end
1037fun b_idem (n, r, w) =
1038 let fun fil ((i, s), b) = if i = 0 then b else (i, s) :: b
1039 val nr = fold fil r nil
1040 in
1041 if null nr then nil
1042 else b_idemx(n, nr, w)
1043 end
1045fun b_assx (0, r) = nil
1046 | b_assx (1, r) = BOGUS{reads=[bogus_reg(r, 1)], writes=[r]} :: nil
1047 | b_assx (n, r) =
1048 BOGUS{reads=[bogus_reg(r, n)], writes=[bogus_reg(r, n-1)]} ::
1049 b_assx(n-1, r)
1051fun b_ass(n, r) = BOGUS{reads=[r], writes=[bogus_reg(r, n-1)]} ::
1052 b_assx(n-1, r)
1054fun b_brxx (0, rl) = nil
1055 | b_brxx (1, rl) =
1056 let fun b r = bogus_reg(r, 1)
1057 in
1058 BOGUS{reads=rl, writes=map b rl} :: nil
1059 end
1060 | b_brxx (n, rl) =
1061 let fun br r = bogus_reg(r, n - 1)
1062 fun bw r = bogus_reg(r, n)
1063 in
1064 BOGUS{reads=map br rl, writes=map bw rl} :: b_brxx (n - 1, rl)
1065 end
1067fun b_brx (n, rl) =
1068 let fun br r = bogus_reg(r, n-1)
1069 in
1070 BOGUS{reads=map br rl, writes=rl} :: b_brxx(n-1, rl)
1071 end
1073fun b_br (b, n, rl) = rev (b :: b_brx(n, rl))
1075fun is_flow i =
1076 let open AbsMachImp
1077 fun f (FLOW _) = true
1078 | f _ = false
1079 in
1080 f (classify i)
1081 end
1083fun add_delay il =
1084 let fun idem (r, w) = b_idem (!idempotency, r, w)
1085 fun g i =
1086 let val d = delay i
1087 val f =
1088 fn FETCH{immutable,offset,ptr,dst} =>
1089 i :: (idem([ptr], [dst]) @ b_ass(d, dst))
1090 | STORE{offset,ptr,src} => [i]
1091 | GETLAB{lab, dst} => i :: b_ass(d, dst)
1092 | GETREAL{value,dst} => i :: b_ass(d, dst)
1093 | ARITH{oper,src1,src2,dst} =>
1094 i :: (idem([src1, src2], [dst]) @ b_ass(d, dst))
1095 | ARITHI{oper,src1,src2,dst} =>
1096 i :: (idem([src1], [dst]) @ b_ass(d, dst))
1097 | MOVE{src,dst} => i :: idem([src], [dst])
1098 | BRANCH{test,src1,src2,dst,live} =>
1099 if is_flow i then [i]
1100 else
1101 b_br (BRANCH{test=test,
1102 src1=src1,src2=src2,dst=dst,
1103 live=live},
1104 d, [src1, src2])
1105 | _ => [i]
1106 in
1107 f i
1108 end
1109 fun apnd (nil, b) = b
1110 | apnd (a::t, b) = a :: apnd(t, b)
1111 fun fld(a, b) = apnd(g a, b)
1112 in
1113 fold fld il nil
1114 end
1116fun rm_bogus il =
1117 let fun g nil = nil
1118 | g (i::t) =
1119 let val f =
1120 fn FETCH{immutable,offset,ptr,dst} =>
1121 FETCH{immutable=immutable, offset=offset, ptr=ptr,
1122 dst= unbogus_reg dst} ::
1123 g t
1124 | STORE{offset,ptr,src} => i :: g t
1125 | GETLAB{lab, dst} =>
1126 GETLAB{lab=lab, dst= unbogus_reg dst} :: g t
1127 | GETREAL{value,dst} =>
1128 GETREAL{value=value, dst=unbogus_reg dst} :: g t
1129 | ARITH{oper,src1,src2,dst} =>
1130 ARITH{oper=oper,src1=src1,src2=src2,dst=unbogus_reg dst} ::
1131 g t
1132 | ARITHI{oper,src1,src2,dst} =>
1133 ARITHI{oper=oper,src1=src1,src2=src2,dst=unbogus_reg dst} ::
1134 g t
1135 | MOVE{src,dst} => i :: g t
1136 | BRANCH{test,src1,src2,dst,live} =>
1137 BRANCH{test=test,
1138 src1=unbogus_reg src1,
1139 src2=unbogus_reg src2,
1140 dst=dst, live=live
1141 } :: g t
1142 | BOGUS _ => g t
1143 | _ => i :: g t
1144 in
1145 f i
1146 end
1147 in
1148 g il
1149 end
1151structure Ntypes :
1152 sig
1153 type name
1154 val init_names : unit -> unit
1155 val new_name : name -> name
1156 val prime_name : name -> name
1157 val name_prefix_eq : (name * name) -> bool
1158 type test
1159 val teq : test * test -> bool
1160 type reg
1161 type assignment
1162 val aeq : assignment * assignment -> bool
1164 datatype test_or_name =
1165 TEST of test
1166 | NAME of name
1167 | NEITHER
1169 val toneq : test_or_name * test_or_name -> bool
1171 datatype test_or_assign =
1172 TST of test
1173 | ASS of assignment
1175 val toaeq : test_or_assign * test_or_assign -> bool
1177 end =
1182type test = HM.comparison
1183val teq = HM.ceq
1185type reg = int*string
1187type assignment = HM.operation
1188val aeq = HM.oeq
1190type name = string
1192val ct = ref 0
1194fun init_names () = ct := 0
1196fun nn() = (ct := !ct + 1; !ct - 1)
1198fun pref nil = nil
1199 | pref ("_" :: t) = nil
1200 | pref (h :: t) = h :: pref t
1202val name_prefix = implode o pref o explode
1203fun name_prefix_eq(a, b) = (name_prefix a) = (name_prefix b)
1205fun new_name n = n ^ "_" ^ (makestring (nn()))
1207fun new_name n = name_prefix n ^ "_" ^ (makestring (nn()))
1208fun prime_name n = (new_name n) ^ "'"
1210datatype test_or_name =
1211 TEST of test
1212 | NAME of name
1213 | NEITHER
1215fun toneq (TEST a, TEST b) = teq (a, b)
1216 | toneq (NAME a, NAME b) = a = b
1217 | toneq _ = false
1219datatype test_or_assign =
1220 TST of test
1221 | ASS of assignment
1223fun toaeq (TST a, TST b) = teq (a, b)
1224 | toaeq (ASS a, ASS b) = aeq (a, b)
1225 | toaeq _ = false
1228structure Dag :
1229 sig
1230 exception DAG
1231 exception DAGnotfound
1232 type dag
1233 val make : dag
1234 val tests_of : dag -> Ntypes.test Set.set
1235 val sel_of : dag -> ((Ntypes.test * bool) -> Ntypes.test_or_name)
1236 val root_of : dag -> Ntypes.test_or_name
1237 val succ_of : dag -> Set.set
1238 val attach : Ntypes.test * dag * dag -> dag
1239 val reach : dag * Ntypes.test_or_name -> dag
1240 val replace_edge : dag * list -> dag
1241 val newdag : (Ntypes.test Set.set *
1242 ((Ntypes.test * bool) -> Ntypes.test_or_name) *
1243 Ntypes.test_or_name *
1244 Set.set)
1245 -> dag
1246 val dagToString : dag -> string
1247 end =
1250open Ntypes;
1253exception DAGnotfound
1254exception DAG
1256datatype dag =
1257 D of
1258 test Set.set *
1259 ((test * bool) -> test_or_name) *
1260 test_or_name *
1261 name Set.set
1263fun tonToString (TEST t) = "TEST t"
1264 | tonToString (NAME n) = "NAME " ^ n
1265 | tonToString NEITHER = "NEITHER"
1267fun sep (a, b) = a ^ ", " ^ b
1269fun dagToString (D(t, sel, rt, s)) =
1270 "D([" ^ PrintAbs.str (Set.set t) ^ "]" ^
1271 "fn, " ^ (tonToString rt) ^ ", " ^ (fold sep (Set.set s) ")")
1273val make = D(Set.makeEQ teq, fn x => raise DAGnotfound, NEITHER, Set.make)
1275fun newdag x = D x
1277fun tests_of(D (b, sel, r, h)) = b
1278fun sel_of(D (b, sel, r, h)) = sel
1279fun root_of(D (b, sel, r, h)) = r
1280fun succ_of(D (b, sel, r, h)) = h
1282fun attach (t, D dt, D df) =
1283 let open Set
1284 val (b1, sel1, r1, h1) = dt
1285 val (b2, sel2, r2, h2) = df
1286 in
1287 D(add(union(b1, b2), t),
1288 (fn(x, y) =>
1289 if teq(x, t) then if y then r1 else r2
1290 else sel1(x, y) handle DAGnotfound => sel2(x, y)),
1291 TEST t,
1292 union(h1,h2)
1293 )
1294 end
1296fun reach (D d, tn) =
1297 let open Set
1298 val (b, sel, r, h) = d
1299 fun f (TEST t) =
1300 if not (member(b, t)) then raise DAGnotfound
1301 else attach(t, reach(D d, sel(t, true)), reach(D d, sel(t, false)))
1302 | f (NAME n) =
1303 D(makeEQ teq, fn x => raise DAGnotfound, NAME n, listToSet [n])
1304 | f (_) = raise DAGnotfound
1305 in
1306 f tn
1307 end
1309fun replace_edge (D d, nil) = D d
1310 | replace_edge (D d, old::new::tl) =
1311 let open Set
1312 val (b, sel, r, h) = d
1313 val nh = if member(h, old) then add(rm(h, old), new) else h
1314 val nr = if toneq(r, NAME old) then NAME new else r
1315 val nsel = fn(x, y) =>
1316 let val v = sel(x, y)
1317 in
1318 if toneq(v, NAME old) then NAME new else v
1319 end
1320 in
1321 D (b, nsel, nr, nh)
1322 end
1323 | replace_edge _ = raise DAG
1342structure Node :
1343 sig
1344 type node
1345 type program
1346 val delete_debug : bool ref
1347 val move_op_debug : bool ref
1348 val move_test_debug : bool ref
1349 val rw_debug : bool ref
1350 val ntn_debug : bool ref
1351 val prog_node_debug : bool ref
1352 val prog_node_debug_verbose : bool ref
1353 val closure_progs_debug : bool ref
1354 val cpsiCheck : bool ref
1355 val makeProg : unit -> program
1356 val make :
1357 * Ntypes.assignment Set.set *
1358 Dag.dag * Set.set-> node
1359 val name_of : node ->
1360 val assignment_of : node -> Ntypes.assignment Set.set
1361 val dag_of : node -> Dag.dag
1362 val succ : program * node -> Set.set
1363 val prednm : program * -> Set.set
1364 val pred : program * node -> Set.set
1365 val succNodes : program * node -> node Set.set
1366 val predNodes : program * node -> node Set.set
1367 val readNode : node -> int Set.set
1368 val writeNode : node -> int Set.set
1369 val unreachable : program * node -> bool
1370 val num_ops_node : node -> int
1371 val num_tests_node : node -> int
1372 val num_things_node : node -> int
1373 val replace_edge_node : node * string list -> node
1374 exception NAMETONODE
1375 val nameToNode : program * -> node
1376 val nameSetToNodeSet : program * Set.set -> node Set.set
1377 val eqn : node * node -> bool
1378 val n00 : node
1379 val fin : node
1380 val delete : program * node -> program
1381 val move_op :
1382 program * Ntypes.assignment * node Set.set * node -> program
1383 val move_test : program * Ntypes.test * node * node -> program
1384 val nodeToString : node -> string
1385 val progToString : program -> string
1386 val entries : program -> node list
1387 val programs : program -> program list
1388 val addPredInfo : program -> program
1389 val closure : program * node -> program
1390 val sortNodes : node list -> node list
1391 val updateNode : program * node -> program
1392 val addNode : program * node -> program
1393 val rmNode : program * node -> program
1394 end =
1397open Ntypes
1398open Dag
1399open StrPak
1400datatype node = N of name * assignment Set.set * dag * name Set.set
1401type program = node Stringmap.stringmap * node * node
1403type debug_fun = unit -> string
1404val delete_debug = ref false
1405val move_op_debug = ref false
1406val dead_set_debug = ref false
1407val move_test_debug = ref false
1408val rw_debug = ref false
1409val prog_node_debug = ref false
1410val prog_node_debug_verbose = ref false
1411val closure_progs_debug = ref false
1413fun name_of(N(n, a, d, prd)) = n
1414fun assignment_of(N(n, a, d, prd)) = a
1415fun dag_of(N(n, a, d, prd)) = d
1416fun pred_of(N(n, a, d, prd)) = prd
1418fun eqn(n1, n2) = name_of n1 = name_of n2
1420val start:name = "START"
1421val finish:name = "FINISH"
1423fun printstringlist sl = stringListString sl
1424val psl = printstringlist
1426fun nodeToString (N(n, a, d, prd)) =
1427 "\nN(" ^ n ^ ", [" ^ PrintAbs.str (Set.set a) ^ "], " ^
1428 Dag.dagToString d ^
1429 "pred(" ^ psl (Set.set prd) ^ "))"
1431fun progToString (ns, n0, F) =
1432 "P (" ^ (psl o (map nodeToString) o Stringmap.extract) ns ^ ",\n" ^
1433 nodeToString n0 ^ ",\n" ^
1434 nodeToString F ^ ")\n"
1436fun make (n, a, t, prd) = N(n, a, t, prd)
1438val n00 = make(start, Set.makeEQ aeq, Dag.make, Set.make)
1439val fin = make(finish, Set.makeEQ aeq, Dag.make, Set.make)
1441fun makeProg() = ( Stringmap.stringmap, n00, fin)
1443fun addPredNode (N(n, a, t, prd), p) = (N(n, a, t, Set.add(prd, p)))
1444fun unionPredNode (N(n, a, t, prd), ps) = (N(n, a, t, Set.union(prd, ps)))
1445fun setPredNode (N(n, a, t, prd), p) = (N(n, a, t, p))
1446fun rmPredNode (N(n, a, t, prd), p) = (N(n, a, t, Set.rm(prd, p)))
1448fun p_n_debug (f:debug_fun) =
1449 if !prog_node_debug then print ("p_n:" ^ f() ^ "\n")
1450 else ()
1453fun updateNode(P as (ns, n0, F), new_node) =
1454 let val answer =
1455 (Stringmap.rm (ns:node Stringmap.stringmap)
1456 ((name_of new_node):string);
1457 Stringmap.add ns ((name_of new_node), new_node);
1458 if name_of new_node = name_of n0 then (ns, new_node, F)
1459 else if name_of new_node = name_of F then (ns, n0, new_node)
1460 else P)
1461 val foo = p_n_debug
1462 (fn () =>
1463 ("updateNode n=" ^ nodeToString new_node ^
1464 "=>" ^
1465 (if !prog_node_debug_verbose then progToString answer
1466 else "(program)")))
1467 in
1468 answer
1469 end
1471fun addNode(P as (ns, n0, F), new_node) =
1472 let val answer =
1473 if Stringmap.isin ns (name_of new_node) then updateNode(P, new_node)
1474 else (Stringmap.add ns ((name_of new_node), new_node);
1475 P)
1476 val foo = p_n_debug
1477 (fn () =>
1478 ("addNode n=" ^ nodeToString new_node ^
1479 "=>" ^
1480 (if !prog_node_debug_verbose then progToString answer
1481 else "(program)")))
1482 in
1483 answer
1484 end
1487fun rmNode(P as (ns, n0, F), node) =
1488 let val answer = (Stringmap.rm ns (name_of node);
1489 P)
1490 val foo = p_n_debug
1491 (fn () =>
1492 ("rmNode n=" ^ nodeToString node ^
1493 "=>" ^
1494 (if !prog_node_debug_verbose then progToString answer
1495 else "(program)")))
1496 in
1497 answer
1498 end
1501fun succ(p, n) = (succ_of o dag_of) n
1502fun pred(p, n) = pred_of n
1504val ntn_debug = ref true
1505fun ntnPrint (f:debug_fun) = if !ntn_debug then print ("ntn:" ^ f() ^ "\n") else ()
1507exception NAMETONODE
1508fun nameToNode(P as (ns, n0, F), nm) =
1509 ns nm
1510 handle Stringmap =>
1511 (ntnPrint (fn () => ("nameToNode " ^ nm ^ "not found"));
1512 raise NAMETONODE)
1515fun nameSetToNodeSet(P, ns) =
1516 Set.listToSetEQ(eqn, map (fn x => nameToNode(P, x)) (Set.set ns))
1519fun prednm(p, nm) = pred(p, nameToNode(p, nm))
1521fun succNodes (p, n) = nameSetToNodeSet(p, succ(p, n))
1522fun predNodes (p, n) = nameSetToNodeSet(p, pred(p, n))
1525(* a correctness assertion *)
1526exception CPSI
1527val cpsiCheck = ref false
1528fun checkPredSuccInfo(from, P as (ns, n0, F)) =
1529 let val nl = Stringmap.extract ns
1530 val badnode = ref n0
1531 fun fail s = (print ("CPSI:" ^ s ^ " failed\nfrom " ^ from ^
1532 "\nbadnode=" ^ nodeToString (!badnode) ^
1533 "\nprogram=" ^ progToString P ^ "\n");
1534 raise CPSI)
1535 fun chk (xpred, xsuccN, n) =
1536 let val foo = badnode := n
1537 val s = Set.set(xsuccN(P, n))
1540 fun cs x = Set.member(xpred x, name_of n)
1541 fun fs (x, b) = b andalso cs x
1542 in
1543 fold fs s true
1544 end
1545 fun cp (x, b) = b andalso chk(pred_of, succNodes, x)
1546 fun cs (x, b) = b andalso chk((succ_of o dag_of), predNodes, x)
1547 in
1548 if not (fold cp nl true) then fail "cp"
1549 else if not (fold cs nl true) then fail "cs"
1550 else ()
1551 end
1552fun cpsi x = if !cpsiCheck then checkPredSuccInfo x else ()
1555fun empty n =
1556 let open Set in
1557 empty (assignment_of n) andalso empty ((tests_of o dag_of) n)
1558 end
1560fun unreachable(P as (ns, n0, F), n) =
1561 not (eqn (n0, n)) andalso Set.empty (pred(P, n))
1563fun read (TST(t)) = HM.read_c t
1564 | read (ASS(a)) = HM.read_o a
1566fun write (TST(t)) = HM.write_c t
1567 | write (ASS(a)) = HM.write_o a
1569fun read_write_debug (f:debug_fun) =
1570 if !rw_debug then print (f() ^ "\n")
1571 else ()
1573fun readNode n =
1574 let open Set
1575 val answer =
1576 union
1577 (listUnion (make::(map (read o ASS) ((set o assignment_of) n))),
1578 listUnion (make::(map
1579 (read o TST) ((set o tests_of o dag_of) n))))
1580 val foo = read_write_debug
1581 (fn () =>
1582 ("readNode " ^ nodeToString n ^ "=>" ^
1583 stringListString (map makestring (set answer))))
1584 in
1585 answer
1586 end
1588fun writeNode n =
1589 let open Set
1590 val answer =
1591 union
1592 (listUnion (make::(map (write o ASS) ((set o assignment_of) n))),
1593 listUnion (make::(map
1594 (write o TST) ((set o tests_of o dag_of) n))))
1595 val foo = read_write_debug
1596 (fn () =>
1597 ("writeNode " ^ nodeToString n ^ "=>" ^
1598 stringListString (map makestring (set answer))))
1599 in
1600 answer
1601 end
1603fun no_write_conflict (ta, n) =
1604 let open Set in
1605 empty (intersect(writeNode n, (union(read ta, write ta))))
1606 end
1608fun no_read_conflict (ta, n) =
1609 let open Set in
1610 empty (intersect (write ta, readNode n))
1611 end
1613fun empty n =
1614 let open Set in
1615 (empty o assignment_of) n andalso (empty o tests_of o dag_of) n
1616 end
1618fun replace_edge_node(N (n, a, d, p), nl) = N(n, a, replace_edge(d, nl), p)
1620fun except_bogus nil = nil
1621 | except_bogus (h::t) =
1622 if Delay.is_bogus_i h then except_bogus t else h :: except_bogus t
1624val num_ops_node = List.length o except_bogus o Set.set o assignment_of
1625val num_tests_node = List.length o Set.set o tests_of o dag_of
1626fun num_things_node n = (num_ops_node n) + (num_tests_node n)
1628fun dead_debug (f:debug_fun) =
1629 if !dead_set_debug then print ("dead" ^ f() ^ "\n") else ()
1631exception DEAD
1632fun dead(P:program, r:HM.reg, n:node, done: name Set.set) =
1633 let val foo =
1634 dead_debug (fn () => "(P, " ^ makestring r ^ ", " ^ nodeToString n ^ ")")
1635 val new_done = Set.add(done, name_of n)
1636 fun nfil(a, b) = if Set.member(new_done, a) then b
1637 else a::b
1638 fun drl nil = true
1639 | drl (h::t) = dead(P, r, h, new_done) andalso drl t
1640 fun ntn n = nameToNode (P, n) handle NAMETONODE => raise DEAD
1641 val next = fold nfil (Set.set (succ(P, n))) nil
1642 val answer = (
1643 not (Set.member(readNode n, r)) andalso
1644 (Set.member(writeNode n, r) orelse
1645 drl (map ntn next))
1646 )
1647 val foo = dead_debug(fn () => "=>" ^ Bool.toString answer)
1648 in
1649 answer
1650 end
1652fun deadset(P, rs, n) =
1653 let val foo = dead_debug (fn () => "deadset(" ^
1654 stringListString
1655 (map makestring (Set.set rs)) ^ ",\n" ^
1656 nodeToString n ^ ")")
1657 fun f nil = true
1658 | f (r::t) = dead(P, r, n, Set.make) andalso f t
1659 val answer = f (Set.set rs)
1660 val foo = dead_debug(fn () => "deadset=>" ^ Bool.toString answer ^ "\n")
1661 in
1662 answer
1663 end
1665fun del_debug (f:debug_fun) =
1666 if !delete_debug then print ("delete:" ^ f() ^ "\n")
1667 else ()
1669exception DELETE
1670exception DELETE_HD
1671exception DELETE_WIERDSUCC
1672fun delete (P as (ns, n0, F), n) =
1673 let val foo = cpsi("delete enter", P)
1674 val em = empty n
1675 val un = unreachable(P, n)
1676 fun ntn n = nameToNode(P, n) handle NAMETONODE => raise DELETE
1677 val p = Set.listToSetEQ(eqn, (map ntn (Set.set (pred(P, n)))))
1678 open Set
1680 val foo = del_debug
1681 (fn () =>
1682 "delete( n=" ^ (name_of n) ^ "\n" ^
1683 "em=" ^ (Bool.toString em) ^ "\n" ^
1684 "un=" ^ (Bool.toString un) ^ "\n" ^
1685 "p =" ^ (psl (map name_of (Set.set p))) ^ "\n" ^
1686 ")")
1687 in
1688 if (em orelse un) andalso not (eqn(n, F)) then
1689 if not un then
1690 let
1691 val foo = del_debug (fn () => "complex deletion")
1692 val s0 = Set.set (succ(P, n))
1693 val nprime = if List.length s0 = 1 then hd s0
1694 else (print (Int.toString (List.length s0));
1696 val new_nprime =
1697 rmPredNode(unionPredNode(ntn nprime, pred_of n),
1698 name_of n)
1699 fun ren x =
1700 replace_edge_node(x, [name_of n, name_of new_nprime])
1701 val pprime = map ren (set p)
1702 fun updt(n, p) = updateNode(p, n)
1703 val Nprime = fold updt (new_nprime :: pprime) P
1705 val foo = del_debug (fn () => "nprime=" ^ nprime)
1706 val foo = del_debug
1707 (fn () =>
1708 "pprime=" ^ (psl (map nodeToString pprime)))
1709 val answer = rmNode(Nprime, n)
1710 val foo = cpsi("delete leave cd", answer)
1711 in
1712 answer
1713 end
1714 else (del_debug (fn () => "simple_deletion");
1715 let val s = Set.set(nameSetToNodeSet(P, (succ(P, n))))
1716 fun updt(s, p) = updateNode(p, rmPredNode(s, name_of n))
1717 val np = rmNode(fold updt s P, n)
1718 val foo = cpsi("delete leave sd", np)
1719 in
1720 np
1721 end)
1722 else (del_debug (fn () => "No deletion");
1723 P)
1724 end handle Hd => raise DELETE_HD
1726fun mop_debug (f:debug_fun) =
1727 if !move_op_debug then
1728 (dead_set_debug := true;
1729 print ("mop:" ^ f() ^ "\n"))
1730 else dead_set_debug := false
1733fun can_move_op1(P as (ns, n0, F), x, move_set, m) =
1734 let open Set
1735 val foo = mop_debug (fn () => "can_move_op")
1736 val rok = HM.resources_ok(set (add(assignment_of m, x)),
1737 set ((tests_of o dag_of) m))
1738 val foo = mop_debug(fn () => "1")
1739 val p = diff(nameSetToNodeSet(P, succ(P, m)), move_set)
1740 val foo = mop_debug(fn () => "2")
1741 val l = (write o ASS) x
1742 val foo = mop_debug(fn () => "3")
1743 fun dlpf nil = true
1744 | dlpf (pj::t) = deadset(P, l, pj) andalso dlpf t
1745 fun cond nil = true
1746 | cond (nj::t) =
1747 (not o eqn)(nj, F) andalso
1748 (* no_read_conflict(ASS x, nj) andalso *)
1749 (* change ex model so it can run on a sequential machine *)
1750 no_read_conflict(ASS x, m) andalso
1751 no_write_conflict(ASS x, m) andalso
1752 cond t
1753 val foo = mop_debug(fn () => "4")
1754 val answer = rok andalso cond (set move_set) andalso dlpf (set p)
1755 val foo = mop_debug (fn () => "can_move_op=>" ^ Bool.toString answer)
1756 in
1757 answer
1758 end
1760fun can_move_op(P, x, move_set, m) =
1761 let open Set
1762 val ms = set move_set
1763 fun pf n = pred(P, n)
1764 val ps = set(listUnion (map pf ms))
1765 fun all (x, b) = b andalso can_move_op1(P, x, move_set, m)
1766 in
1767 if List.length ps > 1 then
1768 if List.length ms > 1 then false
1769 else fold all ((set o assignment_of o hd) ms) true
1770 else can_move_op1(P, x, move_set, m)
1771 end
1773fun move_op (P as (ns, n0, F), x, move_set, m) =
1774 let val foo = cpsi("move_op enter", P)
1775 val foo =
1776 mop_debug (fn () =>
1777 "move_op(x=" ^
1778 PrintAbs.str [x] ^
1779 "move_set\n" ^
1780 (stringListString (map nodeToString
1781 (Set.set move_set))) ^
1782 "\nm=" ^ nodeToString m ^"\n)\n")
1783 in
1784 if not (can_move_op(P, x, move_set, m)) then P
1785 else
1786 let open Set
1787 exception NOTFOUND
1788 val primed_pairs = ref nil
1789 fun pnf nm =
1790 let fun f nil =
1791 let val nn = prime_name nm
1792 in
1793 (primed_pairs := (nm, nn) :: !primed_pairs;
1794 nn)
1795 end
1796 | f ((a, b)::t) = if nm = a then b else f t
1797 val answer = f (!primed_pairs)
1798 val foo = mop_debug (fn () => "pnf " ^ nm ^ "=>" ^ answer)
1799 in
1800 answer
1801 end
1802 val foo = mop_debug(fn () => "1")
1803 fun njp nil = nil
1804 | njp ((N(n, a, d, prd))::t) =
1805 N(pnf n, rm(a, x), d, listToSet [name_of m]) :: njp t
1806 fun ojp l = map (fn x => rmPredNode(x, name_of m)) l
1807 fun replist nil = nil
1808 | replist (h::t) = h :: pnf h :: replist t
1809 val rlist = replist (map name_of (set move_set))
1810 val foo = mop_debug(fn () => "2")
1811 val mprime =
1812 let val aprime = add(assignment_of m, x)
1813 val dprime = replace_edge(dag_of m, rlist)
1814 in
1815 N(name_of m, aprime, dprime, pred_of m)
1816 end
1817 val foo = mop_debug(fn () => "3")
1818 val nj = njp(set move_set)
1819 val foo = mop_debug(fn () =>
1820 "nj=" ^
1821 stringListString (map name_of nj))
1822 fun uptd(n, p) = updateNode(p, n)
1823 val np = fold uptd (mprime :: (ojp (set move_set))) P
1824 fun addnpi(n, p) =
1825 let val s = set (succNodes(p, n))
1826 fun ap x = addPredNode(x, name_of n)
1827 fun updt(x, p) = updateNode(p, ap x)
1828 in
1829 fold updt s p
1830 end
1831 fun addn(n, p) = addnpi(n, addNode(p, n))
1832 val nnp = fold addn nj np
1833 val foo = mop_debug(fn () => "4")
1834 val answer = nnp
1835 val foo = mop_debug(fn () => "5")
1836 val foo = cpsi("move_op leave", answer)
1837 in
1838 mop_debug(fn () => "6");
1839 answer
1840 end
1841 end
1843fun updt_sel (d, nsel) =
1844 let val tst = tests_of d
1845 val rt = root_of d
1846 val s = succ_of d
1847 in
1848 newdag(tst, nsel, rt, s)
1849 end
1851fun mt_debug (f:debug_fun) =
1852 if !move_test_debug then print ("move_test" ^ f() ^ "\n")
1853 else ()
1855fun can_move_test(P as (ns, n0, F):program, x:test, n:node, m:node) =
1856 let val foo = cpsi("move_test enter", P)
1857 val foo = mt_debug (fn () => "can_move_test")
1858 val answer =
1859 no_write_conflict(TST x, m) andalso
1861 (* hack because sel can't distinguish xj *)
1862 not (Set.member(tests_of(dag_of m), x)) andalso
1864 HM.resources_ok(Set.set (assignment_of m),
1865 Set.set (Set.add((tests_of o dag_of) m, x)))
1866 val foo = mt_debug (fn () => "can_move_test=>" ^ Bool.toString answer)
1867 in
1868 answer
1869 end
1871fun move_test (P as (ns, n0, F):program, x:test, n:node, m:node) =
1872 if not (can_move_test(P, x, n, m)) then P
1873 else
1874 let val foo =
1875 mt_debug (fn () => "move_test" ^ name_of n ^ " " ^ name_of m)
1876 open Set
1877 val d_n = dag_of n
1878 val sel_n = sel_of d_n
1879 val rt_n = root_of d_n
1880 val nt =
1881 let val newname = (new_name o name_of) n ^ "tt"
1882 fun nsel (z, b) =
1883 let val v = sel_n(z, b) in
1884 if toneq(v, TEST x) then sel_n(x, true)
1885 else v
1886 end
1887 val nC =
1888 if TEST x = rt_n then
1889 reach(updt_sel(d_n, nsel), sel_n(x, true))
1890 else
1891 reach(updt_sel(d_n, nsel), rt_n)
1892 in
1893 N(newname, assignment_of n, nC, listToSet [name_of m])
1894 end
1895 val foo = mt_debug (fn () => "got nt")
1896 val nf =
1897 let val newname = ((new_name o name_of) n) ^ "ff"
1898 fun nsel (z, b) =
1899 let val v = sel_n(z, b) in
1900 if toneq(v, TEST x) then sel_n(x, false)
1901 else v
1902 end
1903 val nC =
1904 if TEST x = rt_n then
1905 reach(updt_sel(d_n, nsel), sel_n(x, false))
1906 else
1907 reach(updt_sel(d_n, nsel), rt_n)
1908 in
1909 N(newname, assignment_of n, nC, listToSet [name_of m])
1910 end
1911 val foo = mt_debug (fn () => "got nf")
1912 val d_m = dag_of m
1913 val sel_m = sel_of d_m
1914 fun nton n = NAME( name_of n)
1915 fun nsel (z, b) =
1916 if teq(z, x) then if b then nton nt else nton nf
1917 else
1918 let val v = sel_m(z, b) in
1919 if toneq(v, NAME(name_of n)) then TEST x else v
1920 end
1921 val nb = add(tests_of d_m, x)
1922 val nh =
1923 add(add(rm(succ_of d_m, name_of n), name_of nt), name_of nf)
1924 fun new_rt (NAME rt) = TEST x
1925 | new_rt t = t
1926 val nc = newdag(nb, nsel, (new_rt o root_of) d_m, nh)
1927 val new_m = N(name_of m, assignment_of m, nc, pred_of m)
1928 fun updt_t s = addPredNode(s, name_of nt)
1929 fun updt_f s = addPredNode(s, name_of nf)
1930 val upt = map updt_t (set (nameSetToNodeSet(P, succ(P, nt))))
1931 val upf = map updt_f (set (nameSetToNodeSet(P, succ(P, nf))))
1932 fun updtl(n, p) = updateNode(p, n)
1933 val np =
1934 fold updtl ([rmPredNode(n, name_of m), new_m] @ upt @ upf) P
1935 val answer = np
1936 val foo = mt_debug (fn () => "mtst done")
1937 val foo = cpsi("move_test leave", answer)
1938 in
1939 answer
1940 end
1943fun entries (P as (ns, n0, F)) =
1944 let val nl = Stringmap.extract ns
1945 fun f (a, b) = if unreachable(P, a) then a::b else b
1946 in
1947 n0 :: (fold f nl nil)
1948 end
1950fun addPredInfo(P as (ns, n0, F)) =
1951 let fun rmpi n = setPredNode (n, Set.make)
1952 val nl = map rmpi (Stringmap.extract ns)
1953 fun updt(n, p) = updateNode(p, n)
1954 val np = fold updt nl P
1955 fun addpi (n, p) =
1956 let val s = Set.set (succNodes(p, n))
1957 fun api(s, p) = updateNode(p, addPredNode(s, name_of n))
1958 in
1959 fold api s p
1960 end
1961 in
1962 fold addpi nl np
1963 end
1965fun cp_debug (f:debug_fun) =
1966 if !closure_progs_debug then print ("cp:" ^ f() ^ "\n")
1967 else ()
1969fun closure (P as (ns, n0, F), entry) =
1970 let open Set
1971 val foo = cp_debug
1972 (fn () =>
1973 "closure:entry=" ^ name_of entry ^ "\nprogram=" ^ progToString P)
1974 val isin = Stringmap.isin
1975 fun dfs(p, parent, nil) = p
1976 | dfs(p as (ns, n0, F), parent, cur::todo) =
1977 if not (isin ns (name_of cur)) then
1978 let val np = dfs(addNode(p, cur), cur, set(succNodes(P, cur)))
1979 in
1980 dfs(np, parent, todo)
1981 end
1982 else dfs(p, parent, todo)
1983 val prog:program = (, entry, F)
1984 val answer = dfs(addNode(prog, entry),
1985 entry,
1986 set(succNodes(P, entry)))
1987 val foo = cp_debug
1988 (fn () =>
1989 "\nclosure=>" ^ progToString answer)
1990 in
1991 answer
1992 end
1994fun programs(P as (ns, n0, F):program) =
1995 let val foo = cp_debug (fn () => "programs")
1996 val l = entries (addPredInfo P)
1997 (* make sure preds are in closure*)
1998 fun cf e = addPredInfo(closure(P, e))
1999 val answer = map cf l
2000 val foo = cp_debug (fn () => "programs done")
2001 in
2002 answer
2003 end
2005structure ns =
2006 struct
2007 type obj = node
2009 fun int l =
2010 let val z = ord "0"
2011 fun f(n, nil) = n
2012 | f (n, d::l) =
2013 if d>="0" andalso d<="9" then f(n*10+ord(d)-z, l)
2014 else n
2015 in
2016 f(0,l)
2017 end
2019 fun gt (a, b) =
2020 let val a = explode(name_of a)
2021 val b = explode(name_of b)
2022 in
2023 (int a) > (int b)
2024 end
2025 end
2027structure sortN = Sort(ns)
2029val sortNodes = sortN.sort
2033structure Compress :
2034 sig
2035 val compress_debug : bool ref
2036 val compress : (int * Node.program) -> Node.program
2037 val move_things_node :
2038 Node.program * * Set.set -> Node.program
2039 val do_move_tests : bool ref
2040 val do_move_ops : bool ref
2042 val dbg_p : Node.program ref
2044 end =
2048open Ntypes
2049open Dag
2050open Node
2052val do_move_tests = ref false
2053val do_move_ops = ref true
2055exception COMPRESS
2057fun error (s:string) =
2058 (print (s ^ "\n");
2059 raise COMPRESS)
2061val compress_debug = ref false
2063val dbg_p = ref (makeProg())
2065type debug_fun = unit -> string
2066fun debug (f:debug_fun) =
2067 if !compress_debug then print (f() ^ "\n")
2068 else ()
2070exception FILTERSUCC
2072fun filterSucc(P, nm, fence_set) =
2073 let open Set
2074 val s = set(succ(P, nameToNode(P, nm)))
2075 handle NAMETONODE => raise FILTERSUCC
2076 fun f (nm, l) = if member(fence_set, nm) then l else nm::l
2077 in
2078 fold f s nil
2079 end
2082val inP = ref false
2083val finP = ref makeProg
2084val foutP = ref makeProg
2086fun chinP (p, from) =
2087 let val nm = "11_100'_110tt_119'"
2088 val prd = prednm(p, nm)
2089 val pe = Set.empty(prd)
2090 in
2091 if !inP then
2092 if pe then (foutP := p; error ("chinP gone -" ^ from)) else ()
2093 else if pe then ()
2094 else (inP := true;
2095 print ("chinP found it -" ^ from ^ "\n");
2096 finP := p;
2097 nameToNode(p, nm);
2098 ())
2099 end
2102exception MOVETHINGSNODE
2103fun move_things_node(P, nm, fence_set) =
2104 let open Set
2105 (*
2106 val foo = debug
2107 (fn () =>
2108 "move_things_node(\n" ^
2109 progToString P ^ ",\n" ^
2110 nm ^ ", [" ^
2111 fold (fn (a, b) => a ^ ", " ^ b) (set fence_set) "]" ^
2112 ")")
2113 *)
2114 fun ntn (p, nm) = ((* chinP (p, "ntn");*) nameToNode (p, nm))
2115 handle NAMETONODE => (dbg_p := P; raise MOVETHINGSNODE)
2116 fun s_nm_list p = filterSucc(p, nm, fence_set)
2117 fun nd nm = ntn(P, nm) handle MOVETHINGSNODE => error "nd nm"
2118 val au = listUnionEQ(aeq, map (assignment_of o nd) (s_nm_list P))
2119 val tu = listUnionEQ(teq, map (tests_of o dag_of o nd) (s_nm_list P))
2120 fun ms (p, a) =
2121 let fun f(nm, l) =
2122 ((*chinP (p, "ms"); *)
2123 if member(assignment_of(ntn(p, nm)), a) then nm::l
2124 else l
2125 )
2126 handle MOVETHINGSNODE => (dbg_p := p; error "ms")
2127 in
2128 fold f (s_nm_list p) nil
2129 end
2130 fun move_a1(a, p) =
2131 let val msl = ms (p, a)
2132 val ms_set = nameSetToNodeSet(p, listToSet msl)
2133 fun dms(a, p) = delete(p, ntn(p, a))
2134 fun mop() =
2135 let val foo = debug (fn () => "mop start " ^ nm)
2136 val new_p = move_op(p, a, ms_set, ntn(p, nm))
2137 handle MOVETHINGSNODE => error "move_a move_op"
2138 val foo = debug (fn () => "mop end")
2139 in
2140 new_p
2141 end
2142 val mpa = mop()
2143 (*
2144 val foo = chinP(mpa,
2145 "a_move_a amop " ^ nm ^
2146 StrPak.stringListString
2147 (map name_of (set ms_set)))
2148 *)
2149 val answer = fold dms msl mpa
2150 (*
2151 val foo = chinP(answer, "a_move_a adel")
2152 *)
2153 in
2154 answer
2155 end
2156 fun move_a(a, p) = if !do_move_ops then move_a1(a, p) else p
2157 fun tset (p, t) =
2158 let fun f(nm, l) =
2159 ((*chinP (p, "tset");*)
2160 if member(tests_of(dag_of(ntn(p, nm))), t) then nm::l
2161 else l
2162 )
2163 handle MOVETHINGSNODE => error "tset"
2164 in
2165 fold f (s_nm_list p) nil
2166 end
2167 fun move_t1(t, p) =
2168 let val ts = tset (p, t)
2169 val answer =
2170 if List.length ts > 0 then
2171 move_test(p, t,
2172 (ntn(p, hd ts)
2173 handle MOVETHINGSNODE => error "move_t 1"),
2174 (ntn(p, nm)
2175 handle MOVETHINGSNODE => error "move_t 2"))
2177 else p
2178 (*val foo = chinP(answer, "a_move_t")*)
2179 in
2180 answer
2181 end
2182 fun move_t(t, p) = if !do_move_tests then move_t1(t, p) else p
2183 in
2184 debug (fn () => "movethingsnode " ^ nm ^ "\n");
2185 fold move_t (set tu) (fold move_a (set au) P)
2186 end
2189fun move_things_window(P, w, nm, fence_set) =
2190 let open Set
2191 (*
2192 val foo = debug (fn () =>
2193 "move_things_window(\n" ^
2194 progToString P ^ ",\n" ^
2195 (makestring w) ^ ", " ^
2196 nm ^ ", [" ^
2197 fold (fn (a, b) => a ^ ", " ^ b) (set fence_set) "]" ^
2198 ")\n")
2199 *)
2200 fun ntn (P, nm) = (nameToNode (P, nm))
2202 val node = ntn(P, nm)
2203 val things = num_things_node node
2204 val s_nm_list = filterSucc(P, nm, fence_set)
2205 fun nxt(nm, p) =
2206 move_things_window(p, w - things, nm, fence_set)
2207 val child_p = if w > things then fold nxt s_nm_list P else P
2208 in
2209 debug (fn () => "movethingswindow " ^ nm ^ "\n");
2210 move_things_node(child_p, nm, fence_set)
2211 end
2214exception CPRESS
2215exception CPRESS1
2216exception CPRESS2
2217exception CPRESS3
2218exception CPRESS4
2219exception CPRESS5
2220fun cpress(window, P, fence_set, everin_fence_set) =
2221 let open Set
2222 fun nxt(nm, p:program) =
2223 ((* dbg_p := p; *)
2224 move_things_window(p, window, nm, fence_set))
2225 handle MOVETHINGSWINDOW => raise CPRESS1
2226 val filled = fold nxt (set fence_set) P
2227 handle CPRESS1 => raise CPRESS2
2228 fun succf nm = succ(filled, nameToNode(filled, nm))
2229 handle NAMETONODE => raise CPRESS
2230 val nfence_set = listUnion(make::(map succf (set fence_set)))
2231 fun filt(a, l) = if member(everin_fence_set, a) then l else a::l
2232 val f_fence_set = listToSet(fold filt (set nfence_set) nil)
2233 val n_everin_fc =
2234 fold (fn (a, s) => add(s, a)) (set f_fence_set) everin_fence_set
2235 in
2236 debug (fn () => "cpress: fence_set=" ^
2237 StrPak.stringListString (set fence_set) ^
2238 "\n f_fence_set =" ^ StrPak.stringListString (set f_fence_set));
2239 if not (empty f_fence_set)
2240 then cpress(window, filled, f_fence_set, n_everin_fc)
2241 handle CPRESS => raise CPRESS3
2242 handle CPRESS1 => raise CPRESS4
2243 handle CPRESS2 => raise CPRESS5
2244 else filled
2245 end
2247fun clean_up (P as (ns, n0, F):program) =
2248 let val foo = debug (fn () => "cleanup")
2249 val clos = closure(P, n0)
2250 val (ns, n0, F) = clos
2251 val l = (map name_of (Stringmap.extract ns))
2252 fun f (n, p) =
2253 (debug (fn () => "cleanup deleting " ^ n);
2254 delete(p, nameToNode(p, n)))
2255 val answer = fold f l clos
2256 val foo = debug (fn () => "exiting cleanup")
2257 in
2258 answer
2259 end
2261fun compress(window, P as (ns, n0, F)) =
2262 let open Set
2263 val fence = n0
2264 val fence_set = add(make, name_of n0)
2265 val everin_fence_set = add(makeEQ(name_prefix_eq), name_of n0)
2266 val uc = cpress(window, P, fence_set, everin_fence_set)
2267 val cu = clean_up uc
2268 in
2269 debug (fn () => "compress");
2270 cu
2271 end
2276structure ReadI :
2277 sig
2278 val readI :
2279 HM.operation list -> (HM.operation list * Node.program list)
2281 val writeI :
2282 (HM.operation list * Node.program list) -> HM.operation list
2284 val progMap : Node.program -> string
2286 val read_debug : bool ref
2287 val write_debug : bool ref
2288 val live_debug : bool ref
2289 end =
2293val read_debug = ref false
2294val write_debug = ref false
2295val live_debug = ref false
2297fun read_dbg f =
2298 if !read_debug then print ("" ^ f() ^ "\n")
2299 else ()
2301fun write_dbg f =
2302 if !write_debug then print ("" ^ f() ^ "\n")
2303 else ()
2305fun write_dbg_s s = write_dbg (fn () => s)
2307exception BTARGET
2309fun btarget (nil, n) = (fn x => raise BTARGET)
2310 | btarget (h::t, n) =
2311 let open HM
2312 val rf = btarget(t, n + 1)
2313 fun g lbl x = if lbl = x then n else rf x
2314 fun f (TARGET(lbl, inst)) = (g lbl)
2315 | f _ = rf
2316 in
2317 f h
2318 end
2321val programs = Node.programs
2323exception BNODES
2325fun buildNodes l =
2326 let open HM
2327 open Ntypes
2328 val t = btarget(l, 0)
2329 fun f (nil, n) = nil
2330 | f (ci::rest, n) =
2331 let open Dag
2332 open AbsMach
2333 val nm = makestring n
2334 val nxtnm = makestring (n + 1)
2335 fun asn i = Set.listToSetEQ(aeq, i)
2336 val edag = reach(Dag.make, NAME nxtnm)
2337 fun tgtnm tgt = makestring (t tgt)
2338 fun edagt tgt = reach(Dag.make, NAME (tgtnm tgt))
2339 val finDag = reach(Dag.make, NAME (Node.name_of Node.fin))
2340 fun cdag (tgt,tst) = attach(tst, edagt tgt, edag)
2341 val g =
2342 fn ASSIGNMENT i => Node.make(nm, asn [i], edag, Set.make)
2343 | NERGLE => Node.make(nm, asn [], edag, Set.make)
2344 | LABELREF (tgt, i as GETLAB{lab, dst}) =>
2345 Node.make(nm,
2346 asn [GETLAB{lab=(t tgt, tgtnm tgt),
2347 dst=dst}],
2348 edag, Set.make)
2349 | COMPARISON (tgt, tst) =>
2350 Node.make(nm, asn nil, cdag(tgt, tst), Set.make)
2351 | FLOW (tgt, i) =>
2352 Node.make(nm, asn nil, edagt tgt, Set.make)
2353 | EXIT i => Node.make(nm, asn [i], finDag, Set.make)
2354 | TARGET (lbl, i) =>
2355 Node.make(nm, asn nil, edag, Set.make)
2356 | _ => raise BNODES
2357 in
2358 (g ci)::Node.fin::(f (rest, n + 1))
2359 end
2360 fun addn(n, p) = Node.addNode(p, n)
2361 val prog = fold addn (Node.fin :: f(l, 0)) (Node.makeProg())
2362 in
2363 prog
2364 end
2366exception READI
2367exception READI_NTN
2368fun readI ol =
2369 let open HM
2370 fun junkfil (JUNK a, (junk, other)) = (JUNK a :: junk, other)
2371 | junkfil (x, (junk, other)) = (junk, x::other)
2372 val cl = map HM.classify ol
2373 val (junk, other) = fold junkfil cl (nil, nil)
2374 fun ntn x = (Node.nameToNode x )
2375 handle NAMETONODE => raise READI_NTN
2376 val (ns, foo, fin) = buildNodes other
2377 val nn = (ns, ntn((ns, foo, fin), "0"), fin)
2378 fun unjunk (JUNK i) = i
2379 | unjunk _ = raise READI
2380 val progs = programs nn
2381 val foo = read_dbg
2382 (fn () => ("progs =>" ^
2383 (StrPak.stringListString
2384 (map Node.progToString progs))))
2385 in
2386 (map unjunk junk, progs)
2387 end
2389structure ps =
2390 struct
2391 open Ntypes
2392 type obj = Node.program
2394 fun int l =
2395 let val z = ord "0"
2396 fun f(n, nil) = n
2397 | f (n, d::l) =
2398 if d>="0" andalso d<="9" then f(n*10+ord(d)-z, l)
2399 else n
2400 in
2401 f(0,l)
2402 end
2404 fun gt((nsa, n0a, Fa), (nsb, n0b, Fb)) =
2405 let val a = explode (Node.name_of n0a)
2406 val b = explode (Node.name_of n0b)
2407 in
2408 (int a) > (int b)
2409 end
2410 end
2412structure sortP = Sort (ps)
2414fun live_dbg f = if !live_debug then print ("live:" ^ f() ^ "\n")
2415 else ()
2417fun build_live_tab(P as (ns, n0, F): Node.program) =
2418 let open Ntypes
2419 open Node
2420 open Set
2421 fun fil (a, b) = if a < 0 orelse Delay.is_bogus_reg (a, "") then b
2422 else add(b, a)
2423 fun fil_lset s = fold fil (set s) make
2424 val lt:(int set) Stringmap.stringmap =
2425 val finset = listToSet [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
2426 fun flive f n =
2427 if Stringmap.isin lt (name_of n) then lt (name_of n)
2428 else f n
2429 fun dfs cur =
2430 let fun fl n = flive dfs n
2431 val nm = name_of cur
2432 val gen = (fil_lset o readNode) cur
2433 val kill = writeNode cur
2434 val foo = Stringmap.add lt (nm, gen)
2435 val children = succNodes(P, cur)
2436 val ch_live = if empty children then finset
2437 else listUnion (map fl (set children))
2438 val live = union(diff(ch_live, kill), gen)
2439 val foo = Stringmap.rm lt nm
2440 val foo = Stringmap.add lt (nm, live)
2441 in
2442 live
2443 end
2444 in
2445 dfs n0;
2446 (fn nm =>
2447 let val ans = lt nm
2448 val foo = live_dbg (fn () => nm ^ "=>" ^
2449 StrPak.stringListString
2450 (map makestring (set ans)))
2451 in
2452 ans
2453 end)
2454 end
2456(* live is the union of live in successors *)
2457fun branch_live (P, tab, nm) =
2458 let open Node
2459 val s = Set.set (succ(P, nameToNode(P, nm)))
2460 val l:int Set.set = Set.listUnion (map tab s)
2461 val foo = live_dbg
2462 (fn()=>("branch_live " ^ nm ^ " s=" ^
2463 StrPak.stringListString s ^ " -> " ^
2464 StrPak.stringListString (map makestring (Set.set l))))
2465 in
2466 l
2467 end
2469exception WRITEP
2470exception WRITEP1
2471exception WRITEP_NTN
2473fun writeP (entry_map, lbl_fun, P as (ns, n0, F):Node.program) =
2474 let open Ntypes
2475 open Node
2476 open Set
2477 open HM
2478 open AbsMach
2479 val foo = write_dbg(fn () => "program:" ^ progToString P)
2480 fun blblmap nil = (fn x => (print ("blblmap_" ^ x); raise WRITEP))
2481 | blblmap (nm::t) =
2482 let val mp = blblmap t
2483 val mylab = lbl_fun()
2484 in
2485 (fn x => if x = nm then mylab else mp x)
2486 end
2487 val lblmap = blblmap(map name_of (Stringmap.extract ns))
2488 val live_tab = build_live_tab P
2489 fun label_list nm = map (fn r => (r, "")) (set (live_tab nm))
2490 fun br_list nm =
2491 map (fn r => (r, "")) (set (branch_live(P, live_tab, nm)))
2492 fun getlab (GETLAB{lab=(i,s), dst}) =
2493 GETLAB{lab=(entry_map s, "node" ^ s), dst=dst}
2494 | getlab _ = raise WRITEP1
2495 fun dogetlabs (i as GETLAB _, l) = (getlab i) :: l
2496 | dogetlabs (i, l) = i :: l
2497 fun ubranch (frm, nm) =
2498 BRANCH{test=ieq, src1=(0, "zero"), src2=(0, "zero"),
2499 dst=(lblmap nm, "node" ^ nm), live=br_list frm}
2500 fun cbranch (BRANCH{test, src1, src2, dst, live}, frm, nm) =
2501 BRANCH{test=test, src1=src1, src2=src2,
2502 dst=(lblmap nm, "node" ^ nm), live=br_list frm}
2503 | cbranch _ = (print "cbranch"; raise Match)
2504 fun label nm = LABEL{lab=(lblmap nm, "node" ^ nm), live=label_list nm}
2505 fun entry_label nm =
2506 LABEL{lab=(entry_map nm, "entry"), live=label_list nm}
2508 fun f (done, lastnm, nm) =
2509 let val foo = write_dbg
2510 (fn () =>
2511 "f (" ^
2512 StrPak.stringListString (set done) ^ "," ^
2513 nm ^ ")")
2514 in
2515 if nm = name_of F then (write_dbg_s "fin"; (done, [NOP]))
2516 else if member(done, nm) then (write_dbg_s "already";
2517 (done, [NOP, ubranch(lastnm, nm)]))
2518 else
2519 let open Dag
2520 val foo = write_dbg_s "doing"
2521 val node = nameToNode(P, nm)
2522 handle NAMETONODE => raise WRITEP_NTN
2523 val needlabel =
2524 let val pd = set (pred (P, node))
2525 val foo = write_dbg
2526 (fn () => ("needlabel pd=" ^
2527 StrPak.stringListString pd))
2528 fun f nil = false
2529 | f ((p::nil) list) =
2530 let val pn = nameToNode(P,
2531 val foo = write_dbg
2532 (fn () => ("ndlbl: pn=" ^
2533 nodeToString pn))
2534 val d = dag_of pn
2535 val sel = sel_of d
2536 val rt = root_of d
2537 fun istst (TEST t) =
2538 (write_dbg_s "ist true\n";
2539 true)
2540 | istst (NAME n) =
2541 (write_dbg_s "ist false\n";
2542 false)
2543 | istst NEITHER =
2544 (write_dbg_s "ist false\n";
2545 false)
2546 fun untst (TEST t) = t
2547 | untst _ = (print "needlabel1";
2548 raise Match)
2549 fun unnm (NAME nm) = nm
2550 | unnm _ = (print "needlabel2";
2551 raise Match)
2552 val foo =
2553 if istst rt then
2554 write_dbg
2555 (fn () =>
2556 ("sel=" ^
2557 unnm(sel(untst rt, true)) ^
2558 "\n"))
2559 else ()
2560 in
2561 istst rt andalso
2562 (sel(untst rt, true) = NAME nm)
2563 end
2564 | f (a::b::c) = true
2565 val answer = f pd
2566 val foo = write_dbg
2567 (fn () => ("needlabel=>" ^
2568 Bool.toString answer))
2569 in
2570 answer
2571 end
2572 val nodelabel = if needlabel then [label nm] else nil
2573 val nodeNOP = [NOP]
2574 val a = fold dogetlabs (set (assignment_of node)) nil
2575 val d = dag_of node
2576 val sel = sel_of d
2577 val rt = root_of d
2578 (* only works for <= 1 test *)
2579 fun dag_code NEITHER = (nil, nil)
2580 | dag_code (NAME n) = ([n], nil)
2581 | dag_code (TEST t) =
2582 let fun unnm (NAME x) = x
2583 | unnm _ = (print "dag_code"; raise Match)
2584 val t_n = unnm(sel(t, true))
2585 val f_n = unnm(sel(t, false))
2586 in
2587 ([f_n, t_n], [cbranch(t, nm, t_n)])
2588 end
2589 val (nl, cd) = dag_code rt
2590 exception DFS_SURPRISE
2591 fun dfs (done, nil) = (write_dbg_s "dfs nil";
2592 (done, nil))
2593 | dfs (done, h::nil) = (write_dbg_s "dfs 1";
2594 f(done, nm, h))
2595 | dfs (done, h::nxt::nil) =
2596 let val foo = write_dbg_s "dfs 2"
2597 val (dn1, cd1) = f(done, nm, h)
2598 val (dn2, cd2) =
2599 if member(dn1, nxt) then (dn1, nil)
2600 else dfs(dn1, nxt::nil)
2601 val lbl =
2602 if nxt = name_of F orelse
2603 member(dn2, nxt) then [NOP]
2604 else [NOP, label nxt]
2605 in
2606 (dn2, cd1 @ lbl @ cd2)
2607 end
2608 | dfs _ = raise DFS_SURPRISE
2609 val (dn, dcd) = dfs(add(done, nm), nl)
2610 in
2611 (dn, NOP :: nodelabel @ a @ cd @ dcd)
2612 end
2613 end
2614 val (done, code) = f (Set.make, "badname", name_of n0)
2615 in
2616 (entry_label (name_of n0)) :: (label (name_of n0)) :: code
2617 end
2619exception WRITEI
2621fun progMap(p as (ns, n0, F)) =
2622 let val l = Node.sortNodes (Stringmap.extract ns)
2623 val outstr = ref ""
2624 fun pr s = outstr := !outstr ^ s
2625 fun ntn n = Node.nameToNode(p, n)
2626 val n0nm = Node.name_of n0
2627 val nFnm = Node.name_of F
2628 fun f n =
2629 let val s = Set.set (Node.succ(p, n))
2630 val nm = Node.name_of n
2631 val pre = if nm = n0nm then "->\t"
2632 else "\t"
2633 val post = if nm = nFnm then "\t->\n"
2634 else "\n"
2635 in
2636 pr (pre ^
2637 Node.name_of n ^ "\t->\t" ^ StrPak.stringListString s ^
2638 post)
2639 end
2640 in
2641 f l;
2642 !outstr
2643 end
2645fun writeI(j:AbsMach.opcode list, p:Node.program list) =
2646 let val labelid = ref 0
2647 fun newlabel () = (labelid := !labelid + 1; !labelid - 1)
2648 fun bentrymap nil = (fn x => (print ("bentrymap_" ^ x); raise WRITEI))
2649 | bentrymap ((ns, n0, F)::t) =
2650 let val mp = bentrymap t
2651 val mylab = newlabel()
2652 in
2653 (fn x => if x = Node.name_of n0 then mylab else mp x)
2654 end
2655 val entry_map = bentrymap p
2656 val sp = sortP.sort p
2657 fun wp p = writeP (entry_map, newlabel, p)
2658 fun f(a, b) = (wp a) @ b
2659 val i = fold f sp nil
2660 in
2661 i @ j
2662 end
2669signature SIMLABS =
2670 sig
2671 exception Data_dependency_checked
2672 exception End_of_Program
2673 exception Simulator_error_1
2674 exception Simulator_error_2
2675 exception illegal_branch_within_branchdelay
2676 exception illegal_jump_within_branchdelay
2677 exception illegal_operator_or_operand
2678 exception negative_label_offset
2679 exception no_address_in_register
2680 exception no_label_in_register
2681 exception no_memory_address_in_register
2682 exception runtime_error_in_labwords
2683 exception runtime_error_in_words_or_labwords
2684 exception type_mismatch_in_comparison
2685 exception wrong_label
2686 val breakptr : int -> unit
2687 val clock : int ref
2688 val d_m : int * int -> unit
2689 val d_ms : int list -> unit
2690 val d_pc : unit -> unit
2691 val d_r : unit -> unit
2692 val d_regs : int list -> unit
2693 val init : AbsMach.opcode list -> unit
2694 val mcell : int -> AbsMach.values
2695 val pc : unit -> AbsMach.opcode list
2696 val pinit : int * (AbsMach.arithop -> int) * int * AbsMach.opcode list
2697 -> unit
2698 val pptr : unit -> int
2699 val prun : unit -> unit
2700 val pstep : unit -> unit
2701 val regc : int -> AbsMach.values
2702 val run : unit -> unit
2703 val runcount : int ref
2704 val step : unit -> unit
2705 val vinit : int * AbsMach.opcode list -> unit
2706 val vpc : unit -> unit
2707 val vrun1 : unit -> unit
2708 val vrun2 : unit -> unit
2709 val vrun3 : unit -> unit
2710 val vstep1 : unit -> unit
2711 val vstep2 : unit -> unit
2712 val vstep3 : unit -> unit
2714 val Memory : (AbsMach.values array) ref
2715 end;
2718structure SetEnv : SIMLABS=
2721 open AbsMach;
2723 val codes : (opcode list ref)=ref nil;
2725 val RegN=ref 0 and LabN=ref 0 and memorysize=ref 10000;
2726 (*RegN = (pointer to) number of registers needed;
2727 LabN = (pointer to) number of labels;
2728 memorysize=(pointer to) memory space size.
2729 *)
2730 val IP: (opcode list) ref =ref nil;
2731 val inivalue=(INT 0);
2732 (*IP = Program Pointer;
2733 inivalue = zero- initial value of memory and registers.
2734 *)
2735 val Reg=ref (array(0,inivalue)) and Memory=ref (array(0,inivalue))
2736 and Lab_Array=ref (array(0, (0,IP) ));
2737 (*Reg = register array;
2738 Memory = memory cell array;
2739 Lab_Array = label-opcode list array.
2740 *)
2742 fun max(n1:int,n2:int)=if (n1>n2) then n1 else n2;
2744 (* hvnop tests whether the instruction is not a real machine instruction,
2745 but only useful in simulation.
2746 *)
2747 fun hvnop(LABEL{...})=true |
2748 hvnop(LABWORD{...})=true |
2749 hvnop(WORD{...})=true |
2750 hvnop(_)=false;
2752 (*count_number is used to take into account register references and label
2753 declarations, and change RegN or LabN.
2754 *)
2755 fun count_number(FETCH {ptr=(n1,_),dst=(n2,_),...})=
2756 (RegN:=max((!RegN),max(n1,n2)) ) |
2757 count_number(STORE {src=(n1,_),ptr=(n2,_),...})=
2758 (RegN:=max((!RegN),max(n1,n2)) ) |
2759 count_number(ARITHI {src1=(n1,_),dst=(n2,_),...})=
2760 (RegN:=max((!RegN),max(n1,n2)) ) |
2761 count_number(MOVE {src=(n1,_),dst=(n2,_)})=
2762 (RegN:=max((!RegN),max(n1,n2)) ) |
2763 count_number(BRANCH {src1=(n1,_),src2=(n2,_),...})=
2764 (RegN:=max((!RegN),max(n1,n2)) ) |
2765 count_number(GETLAB {dst=(n,_),...})=
2766 (RegN:=max((!RegN),n) ) |
2767 count_number(GETREAL {dst=(n,_),...})=
2768 (RegN:=max((!RegN),n) ) |
2769 count_number(ARITH{src1=(n1,_),src2=(n2,_),dst=(n3,_),...})=
2770 (RegN:=max((!RegN),max(n1,max(n2,n3)) ) ) |
2771 count_number(LABEL{...})=
2772 ( ) |
2773 count_number(_)=();
2775 (* scan is used to scan the opcode list for the first time, to determine
2776 the size of Reg and Lab_Array, i.e. number of registers and labels.
2777 *)
2778 fun scan(nil)=() |
2779 scan(h::t)=(count_number(h);scan(t));
2781 (* setlabels is used to set the label array, of which each item is a
2782 pair (label, codep), codep points to the codes containing the LABEL
2783 statement and afterwards codes.
2784 *)
2785 fun setlabels(nil,_)= () |
2786 setlabels(codel as ((LABEL {lab=(l,_),...})::t),k)=
2787 (update((!Lab_Array),k,(l,ref codel)); setlabels(t,k+1) ) |
2788 setlabels(h::t,k)=setlabels(t,k) ;
2790 (* initializing the enviroment of the simulation.
2791 *)
2792 fun init(l)=(RegN:=0; LabN:=0; IP:=l; codes:=l;
2793 scan(!IP);;
2794 Reg:=array( (!RegN), inivalue ) ;
2795 Memory:=array( (!memorysize), inivalue ) ;
2796 Lab_Array:=array( (!LabN), (0,IP));
2797 setlabels(!IP,0)
2798 );
2802 exception wrong_label;
2803 exception runtime_error_in_labwords;
2804 exception runtime_error_in_words_or_labwords;
2805 exception negative_label_offset;
2806 exception no_label_in_register;
2807 exception illegal_operator_or_operand;
2808 exception type_mismatch_in_comparison ;
2809 exception no_address_in_register;
2810 exception no_memory_address_in_register;
2812 (* getresult gives the results of arithmtic operations
2813 *)
2814 fun getresult(iadd,INT (n1:int),INT (n2:int))=INT (n1+n2) |
2815 getresult(isub,INT (n1:int),INT (n2:int))=INT (n1-n2) |
2816 getresult(imul,INT (n1:int),INT (n2:int))=INT (n1*n2) |
2817 getresult(idiv,INT (n1:int),INT (n2:int))=INT (n1 div n2) |
2818 getresult(fadd,REAL (r1:real),REAL (r2:real))=REAL (r1+r2) |
2819 getresult(fsub,REAL (r1:real),REAL (r2:real))=REAL (r1-r2) |
2820 getresult(fmul,REAL (r1:real),REAL (r2:real))=REAL (r1*r2) |
2821 getresult(fdiv,REAL (r1:real),REAL (r2:real))=REAL (r1/r2) |
2822 getresult(iadd,INT (n1:int),LABVAL (l,k))=LABVAL (l,k+n1) |
2823 getresult(iadd,LABVAL (l,k),INT (n1:int))=LABVAL (l,k+n1) |
2824 getresult(isub,LABVAL (l,k),INT (n1:int))=LABVAL (l,k-n1) |
2825 getresult(orb,INT n1,INT n2)=INT (Bits.orb(n1,n2)) |
2826 getresult(andb,INT n1,INT n2)=INT (Bits.andb(n1,n2)) |
2827 getresult(xorb,INT n1,INT n2)=INT (Bits.xorb(n1,n2)) |
2828 getresult(rshift,INT n1,INT n2)=INT (Bits.rshift(n1,n2)) |
2829 getresult(lshift,INT n1,INT n2)=INT (Bits.lshift(n1,n2)) |
2830 getresult(real,INT n,_)=REAL (intToReal(n)) |
2831 getresult(floor,REAL r,_)=INT (Real.floor(r)) |
2832(* getresult(logb,REAL r,_)=INT (System.Unsafe.Assembly.A.logb(r))| *)
2833 getresult(_)=raise illegal_operator_or_operand;
2835 (* compare gives the results of comparisons in BRANCH statement.
2836 *)
2837 fun compare(ilt,INT n1,INT n2)= (n1<n2) |
2838 compare(ieq,INT n1,INT n2)= (n1=n2) |
2839 compare(igt,INT n1,INT n2)= (n1>n2) |
2840 compare(ile,INT n1,INT n2)= (n1<=n2) |
2841 compare(ige,INT n1,INT n2)= (n1>=n2) |
2842 compare(ine,INT n1,INT n2)= (n1<>n2) |
2843 compare(flt,REAL r1,REAL r2)= (r1<r2) |
2844 compare(feq,REAL r1,REAL r2)= (realEq(r1,r2)) |
2845 compare(fgt,REAL r1,REAL r2)= (r1>r2) |
2846 compare(fle,REAL r1,REAL r2)= (r1<=r2) |
2847 compare(fge,REAL r1,REAL r2)= (r1>=r2) |
2848 compare(fne,REAL r1,REAL r2)= (realNe(r1,r2)) |
2849 compare(inrange,INT a,INT b)= (a>=0) andalso (a<b) |
2850 compare(outofrange,INT a,INT b)=(a<0) orelse (a>b) |
2851 compare(inrange,REAL a,REAL b)= (a>=0.0) andalso (a<b) |
2852 compare(outofrange,REAL a,REAL b)=(a<0.0) orelse (a>b) |
2853 compare(_)=raise type_mismatch_in_comparison ;
2855 (* findjmp_place returns the pointer to the codes corresponding to the
2856 given label (the codes containing the LABEL statement itself).
2857 *)
2858 fun findjmp_place lab =
2859 let val ipp=ref (ref nil) and i=ref 0 and flag=ref true;
2860 val none=(while ( (!i < !LabN) andalso (!flag) ) do
2861 ( let val (l,p)=((!Lab_Array) sub (!i)) in
2862 if (l=lab) then (ipp:=p;flag:=false)
2863 else
2864 end
2865 )
2866 )
2867 in if (!flag) then raise wrong_label
2868 else (!ipp)
2869 end;
2871 (* findjmp_word returns the content of the k th labword in a code stream.
2872 *)
2873 fun findjmp_word(k,ip)=if (k<0) then raise negative_label_offset
2874 else let fun f2(1,LABWORD{lab=(herepos,_)}::t)
2875 =herepos |
2876 f2(k,LABWORD{...}::t)=f2(k-1,t) |
2877 f2(_)=raise runtime_error_in_labwords ;
2878 in f2(k, (!ip) )
2879 end;
2881 (* inst_word returns the content of the k'th word or labword in a code
2882 stream.
2883 *)
2884 fun inst_word(k,ip)=if (k<0) then raise negative_label_offset
2885 else let fun f(1,LABWORD{lab=(herepos,_)}::t)
2886 =LABVAL (herepos,0) |
2887 f(1,WORD{value=n}::t)=INT n |
2888 f(k,LABWORD{...}::t)=f(k-1,t) |
2889 f(k,WORD{...}::t)=f(k-1,t) |
2890 f(_)=raise
2891 runtime_error_in_words_or_labwords
2892 in f(k,(!ip))
2893 end;
2896 (* execjmp changes IP, makes it point to the codes of the given label.
2897 *)
2898 fun execjmp(LABVAL (l,0))= (IP:= !(findjmp_place l) ) |
2899 execjmp(LABVAL (l,k))= (IP:=
2900 ! (findjmp_place
2901 (findjmp_word(k,findjmp_place(l) ) ) )
2902 ) |
2903 execjmp(_) = raise no_label_in_register;
2905 (* addrplus returns the result of address+offset.
2906 *)
2907 fun addrplus(INT n,ofst)= n+ofst |
2908 addrplus(_,_)=raise no_memory_address_in_register;
2910 (* content gives the content of the fetched word.
2911 *)
2912 fun content(INT n,ofst)= (!Memory) sub (n+ofst) |
2913 content(LABVAL (l,k),ofst)=inst_word(k+ofst,findjmp_place(l)) |
2914 content(_,_)=raise no_address_in_register;
2916 (* exec executes the given instruction.
2917 *)
2918 fun exec(FETCH{immutable=_,offset=ofst,ptr=(p,_),dst=(d,_)})=
2919 update((!Reg),d,content((!Reg) sub p,ofst) ) |
2920 exec(STORE{offset=ofst,src=(s,_),ptr=(p,_)})=
2921 update((!Memory),addrplus((!Reg) sub p,ofst),(!Reg) sub s) |
2922 exec(GETLAB {lab=(l,_),dst=(d,_)})=
2923 update((!Reg),d,(LABVAL (l,0)) ) |
2924 exec(GETREAL {value=v,dst=(d,_)})=
2925 update((!Reg),d,(REAL (strToReal v))) |
2926 exec(MOVE{src=(s,_),dst=(d,_)})=
2927 update((!Reg),d, (!Reg) sub s ) |
2928 exec(LABEL {...})=
2929 () |
2930 exec(LABWORD {...}) =
2931 () |
2932 exec(WORD{...})=
2933 () |
2934 exec(JUMP {dst=(d,_),...})=
2935 execjmp((!Reg) sub d) |
2936 exec(ARITH {oper=opn,src1=(s1,_),src2=(s2,_),dst=(d,_)})=
2937 update((!Reg),d,getresult(opn,(!Reg) sub s1,(!Reg) sub s2) ) |
2938 exec(ARITHI {oper=opn,src1=(s1,_),src2=n1,dst=(d,_)})=
2939 update((!Reg),d,getresult(opn,(!Reg) sub s1,(INT n1) ) ) |
2940 exec(BRANCH{test=comp,src1=(s1,_),src2=(s2,_),dst=(labnum,_),...})=
2941 if compare(comp,(!Reg) sub s1,(!Reg) sub s2)
2942 then (IP:= !(findjmp_place(labnum) ) )
2943 else () |
2944 exec(NOP)= () |
2945 exec(BOGUS _)= raise Match
2947 ;
2951 exception End_of_Program;
2953 fun step () =let
2954 val Instruction=(hd(!IP) handle Hd=> raise End_of_Program)
2955 in
2956 (IP:=tl(!IP) handle Tl=>raise End_of_Program;
2957 exec(Instruction) )
2958 end;
2959 fun run () =(step();run() )
2960 handle End_of_Program =>output(std_out,"End of program\n");
2962 (* bms, ims, rms are simply abbreviations.
2963 *)
2964 val bms : bool -> string = Bool.toString
2965 and ims : int -> string = Int.toString
2966 and rms : real -> string = Real.toString
2968 (* dispv shows the content of a register, dispm shows the content of a
2969 memory word.
2970 *)
2971 fun dispv(n,INT k)=output(std_out,"Register "^ims(n)^": "^
2972 "INT "^ims(k)^"\n") |
2973 dispv(n,REAL r)=output(std_out,"Register "^ims(n)^": "^
2974 "REAL "^rms(r)^"\n") |
2975 dispv(n,LABVAL (l,0))=output(std_out,
2976 "Register "^ims(n)^": "^
2977 "LABEL "^ims(l)^"\n") |
2978 dispv(n,LABVAL (l,k))=output(std_out,
2979 "Register "^ims(n)^": "^
2980 "LABWORD "^ims(k)^" after"^
2981 "LABEL "^ims(l)^"\n") ;
2983 fun dispm(n,INT k)=output(std_out,"Memory "^ims(n)^": "^
2984 "INT "^ims(k)^"\n") |
2985 dispm(n,REAL r)=output(std_out,"Memory "^ims(n)^": "^
2986 "REAL "^rms(r)^"\n") |
2987 dispm(n,LABVAL (l,0))=output(std_out,
2988 "Memory "^ims(n)^": "^
2989 "LABEL "^ims(l)^"\n") |
2990 dispm(n,LABVAL (l,k))=output(std_out,
2991 "Memory "^ims(n)^": "^
2992 "LABWORD "^ims(k)^" after"^
2993 "LABEL "^ims(l)^"\n") ;
2995 (* oms and cms give the strings of the functions and comparisions.
2996 *)
2997 fun oms(iadd)="iadd" | oms(isub)="isub" |
2998 oms(imul)="imul" | oms(idiv)="idiv" |
2999 oms(fadd)="fadd" | oms(fsub)="fsub" |
3000 oms(fmul)="fmul" | oms(fdiv)="fdiv" |
3001 oms(real)="real" | oms(floor)="floor" | oms(logb)="logb" |
3002 oms(orb)="orb" | oms(andb)="andb" | oms(xorb)="xorb" |
3003 oms(rshift)="rshift" | oms(lshift)="lshift" ;
3005 fun cms(ilt)="ilt" | cms(igt)="igt" | cms(ieq)="ieq" |
3006 cms(ile)="ile" | cms(ige)="ige" | cms(ine)="ine" |
3007 cms(flt)="flt" | cms(fgt)="fgt" | cms(feq)="feq" |
3008 cms(fle)="fle" | cms(fge)="fge" | cms(fne)="fne" |
3009 cms(outofrange)="outofrange" | cms(inrange)="inrange" ;
3011 (* lms gives the string of the live register list.
3012 *)
3013 fun lms(nil)="" |
3014 lms((h,s)::nil)="("^ims(h)^","^s^")" |
3015 lms((h,s)::t)="("^ims(h)^","^s^"),"^lms(t);
3017 (* disp gives the string for the instruction.
3018 *)
3019 fun disp(FETCH{immutable=b,offset=ofst,ptr=(p,s1),dst=(d,s2)}) =
3020 "FETCH{immutable="^bms(b)^",offset="^ims(ofst) ^",ptr=("^ims(p)^","^s1
3021 ^"),dst=("^ims(d)^","^s2^")}\n" |
3023 disp(STORE{offset=ofst,src=(s,s1),ptr=(p,s2)}) =
3024 "STORE{offset="^ims(ofst)^",src=("^ims(s)^","^s1^"),ptr=("
3025 ^ims(p)^","^s2^")}\n" |
3027 disp(GETLAB{lab=(l,ls),dst=(d,ds)}) =
3028 "GETLAB{lab=("^ims(l)^","^ls^"),dst=("^ims(d)^","^ds^")}\n" |
3030 disp(GETREAL{value=r,dst=(d,ds)}) =
3031 "GETREAL{value="^r^",dst=("^ims(d)^","^ds^")}\n" |
3033 disp(ARITH{oper=opn,src1=(s1,ss1),src2=(s2,ss2),dst=(d,ds)})=
3034 "ARITH{oper="^oms(opn)^",src1=("^ims(s1)^","^ss1^"),src2=("^ims(s2)
3035 ^","^ss2^"),dst=("^ims(d)^","^ds^")}\n" |
3037 disp(ARITHI{oper=opn,src1=(s1,ss1),src2=n,dst=(d,ds)})=
3038 "ARITH{oper="^oms(opn)^",src1=("^ims(s1)^","^ss1^"),src2="^ims(n)^
3039 ",dst=("^ims(d)^","^ds^")}\n" |
3041 disp(MOVE{src=(s,ss),dst=(d,ds)})=
3042 "MOVE{src=("^ims(s)^","^ss^"),dst=("^ims(d)^","^ds^")}\n" |
3044 disp(BRANCH{test=comp,src1=(s1,ss1),src2=(s2,ss2),dst=(labnum,ss3),
3045 live=lt})=
3046 "BRANCH{test="^cms(comp)^",src1=("^ims(s1)^","^ss1^"),src2=("^ims(s2)
3047 ^","^ss2^"),dst=("^ims(labnum)^","^ss3^"),live=["^lms(lt)^"]}\n" |
3049 disp(JUMP{dst=(d,ds),live=lt}) =
3050 "JUMP{dst=("^ims(d)^","^ds^"),live=["^lms(lt)^"]}\n" |
3052 disp(LABWORD{lab=(l,s)})="LABWORD{lab=("^ims(l)^","^s^")}\n" |
3054 disp(LABEL{lab=(l,s),live=lt})=
3055 "LABEL{lab=("^ims(l)^","^s^"),live=["^lms(lt)^"]}\n" |
3057 disp(WORD{value=n})="WORD{value="^ims(n)^"}\n" |
3059 disp(NOP)="NOP" |
3060 disp(BOGUS _) = raise Match
3062 ;
3064 fun d_pc () =output(std_out,disp(hd(!IP)) handle Hd=>"No More Instruction\n");
3065 fun pc () = (!IP);
3066 fun pptr () =(List.length(!codes)-List.length(!IP))+1;
3067 fun breakptr k=let fun goon (LABEL {lab=(l,_),...})=(l<>k) |
3068 goon (_)=true
3069 in while goon(hd(!IP)) do step()
3070 end;
3071 fun regc n=((!Reg) sub n);
3072 fun d_r () =let val i=ref 0 in
3073 (while ( !i < !RegN) do
3074 (dispv((!i),(!Reg) sub (!i)); )
3075 )
3076 end;
3077 fun d_regs (nil)=() |
3078 d_regs (h::t)=(dispv(h,(!Reg) sub h);d_regs(t));
3080 fun mcell n=((!Memory) sub n);
3081 fun d_m (n,m)=let val i=ref n in
3082 while ( !i <=m) do (dispm(!i,(!Memory) sub !i); )
3083 end;
3084 fun d_ms nil =() |
3085 d_ms (h::t)=(dispm(h,(!Memory) sub h); d_ms(t) );
3088(* This part for the VLIW mode execution. *)
3091 val runcount=ref 0 and sizen=ref 0 and flag=ref true;
3092 exception Simulator_error_1;
3093 exception Simulator_error_2;
3094 exception Data_dependency_checked;
3096 (* member tests whether element a is in a list.
3097 *)
3098 fun member(a,nil)=false |
3099 member(a,h::t)=if (a=h) then true else member(a,t);
3100 (* hvcom tests whether the intersection of two list isnot nil.
3101 *)
3102 fun hvcom(nil,l)=false |
3103 hvcom(h::t,l)=member(h,l) orelse hvcom(t,l);
3105 (* gset returns the list of registers refered in a instruction.
3106 gwset returns the list of the register being written in a instruction.
3107 *)
3108 fun gset(FETCH{ptr=(p,_),dst=(d,_),...})=[p,d] |
3109 gset(STORE{src=(s,_),ptr=(p,_),...})=[s,p] |
3110 gset(GETLAB{dst=(d,_),...})=[d] |
3111 gset(GETREAL{dst=(d,_),...})=[d] |
3112 gset(ARITH{src1=(s1,_),src2=(s2,_),dst=(d,_),...})=[s1,s2,d] |
3113 gset(ARITHI{src1=(s1,_),dst=(d,_),...})=[s1,d] |
3114 gset(MOVE{src=(s,_),dst=(d,_)})=[s,d] |
3115 gset(BRANCH{src1=(s1,_),src2=(s2,_),...})=[s1,s2] |
3116 gset(JUMP{dst=(d,_),...})=[d] |
3117 gset(_)=nil ;
3118 fun gwset(FETCH{dst=(d,_),...})=[d] |
3119 gwset(GETLAB{dst=(d,_),...})=[d] |
3120 gwset(GETREAL{dst=(d,_),...})=[d] |
3121 gwset(ARITH{dst=(d,_),...})=[d] |
3122 gwset(ARITHI{dst=(d,_),...})=[d] |
3123 gwset(MOVE{dst=(d,_),...})=[d] |
3124 gwset(_)=nil ;
3126 (* fetchcode returns the instruction word which contains the next k
3127 instruction. fetchcode3 is used in version 3 of VLIW mode, in which case
3128 labels within instruction words are OK.
3129 *)
3130 fun fetchcode(0)=nil |
3131 fetchcode(k)=let val h=hd(!IP) in
3132 (IP:=tl(!IP);
3133 if hvnop(h)
3134 then (output(std_out,
3135 "Warning: labels within the instruction word\n");
3136 fetchcode(k)
3137 )
3138 else h::fetchcode(k-1) )
3139 end handle Hd=>nil;
3140 fun fetchcode3(0)=nil |
3141 fetchcode3(k)=let val h=hd(!IP) in
3142 (IP:=tl(!IP);
3143 if hvnop(h) then fetchcode3(k)
3144 else h::fetchcode3(k-1) )
3145 end handle Hd=>nil;
3147 (* allnop tests if all instructions left mean no operation.
3148 *)
3149 fun allnop(nil)=true |
3150 allnop(NOP::t)=allnop(t) |
3151 allnop(_)=false;
3153 (* nopcut cut the instruction stream in a way that the first half are all
3154 NOP instruction.
3155 *)
3156 fun nopcut(nil)=(nil,nil) |
3157 nopcut(NOP::t)=let val (l1,l2)=nopcut(t) in (NOP::l1,l2) end |
3158 nopcut(l)=(nil,l);
3160 (* cmdd tests the data dependency on memory cells and IP.
3161 *)
3162 fun cmdd(_,nil)=false |
3163 cmdd(wset,STORE{ptr=(p,_),offset=ofst,...}::t)=
3164 cmdd(addrplus((!Reg) sub p,ofst)::wset,t) |
3165 cmdd(wset,FETCH{ptr=(p,_),offset=ofst,...}::t)=
3166 member(addrplus((!Reg) sub p,ofst),wset) orelse cmdd(wset,t) |
3167 cmdd(wset,BRANCH{...}::t)=if allnop(t) then false else true |
3168 cmdd(wset,JUMP{...}::t)=if allnop(t) then false else true |
3169 cmdd(wset,h::t)=cmdd(wset,t);
3171 (* crdd test the data dependency on registers.
3172 *)
3173 fun crdd(_,nil)=false |
3174 crdd(wset,h::t)=if hvcom(gset(h),wset) then true
3175 else crdd(gwset(h)@wset,t) ;
3177 (* check_dd checks whether there is data dependency in instruction stream l.
3178 *)
3179 fun check_dd(l)= crdd(nil,l) orelse cmdd(nil,l);
3181 (* rddcut seperate the longest part of the instruction stream that have no
3182 data dependency on registers , from the left.
3183 *)
3184 fun rddcut(_,nil)= (nil,nil) |
3185 rddcut(wset,l as (h::t))=
3186 if hvcom(gset(h),wset) then (nil,l)
3187 else let val (l1,l2)=rddcut(gwset(h)@wset,t)
3188 in (h::l1,l2) end
3189 ;
3190 (* mddcut seperate the longest part of the instruction stream that have no data
3191 dependency on memory cells and IP, from the left.
3192 *)
3193 fun mddcut(_,nil)= (nil,nil) |
3194 mddcut(wset,(h as STORE{ptr=(p,_),offset=ofst,...})::t)=
3195 let val (l1,l2)=mddcut(addrplus((!Reg) sub p,ofst)::wset,t)
3196 in (h::l1,l2) end |
3197 mddcut(wset,(h as FETCH{ptr=(p,_),offset=ofst,...})::t)=
3198 if member(addrplus((!Reg) sub p,ofst),wset)
3199 then (nil,h::t)
3200 else let val (l1,l2)=mddcut(wset,t) in (h::l1,l2) end |
3201 mddcut(wset,(h as BRANCH{...})::t)=
3202 let val (l1,l2)=nopcut(t) in (h::l1,l2) end |
3203 mddcut(wset,(h as JUMP{...})::t)=
3204 let val (l1,l2)=nopcut(t) in (h::l1,l2) end |
3205 mddcut(wset,h::t)=
3206 let val (l1,l2)=mddcut(wset,t) in (h::l1,l2) end
3207 ;
3209 (* calcult returns the necessary value list corresponding to a instruction
3210 stream. And change the IP when necessary.
3211 *)
3212 fun calcult(nil)=nil |
3213 calcult(FETCH{ptr=(p,_),offset=ofst,...}::t)=
3214 content((!Reg) sub p,ofst)::calcult(t) |
3215 calcult(STORE{src=(s,_),...}::t)=((!Reg) sub s )::calcult(t) |
3216 calcult(MOVE{src=(s,_),...}::t)=((!Reg) sub s)::calcult(t) |
3217 calcult(ARITH{oper=opn,src1=(s1,_),src2=(s2,_),...}::t)=
3218 getresult(opn,(!Reg) sub s1,(!Reg) sub s2)::calcult(t) |
3219 calcult(ARITHI{oper=opn,src1=(s1,_),src2=n1,...}::t)=
3220 getresult(opn,(!Reg) sub s1,(INT n1))::calcult(t) |
3221 calcult(JUMP{dst=(d,_),...}::t)=((!Reg) sub d)::calcult(t) |
3222 calcult(h::t)=calcult(t);
3224 (* dowr does the actual writing operations.
3225 *)
3226 fun dowr(nil,nil)=() |
3227 dowr(nil,h::t)=raise Simulator_error_1 |
3228 dowr(FETCH{...}::t,nil)=raise Simulator_error_2 |
3229 dowr(STORE{...}::t,nil)=raise Simulator_error_2 |
3230 dowr(MOVE{...}::t,nil)=raise Simulator_error_2 |
3231 dowr(ARITH{...}::t,nil)=raise Simulator_error_2 |
3232 dowr(ARITHI{...}::t,nil)=raise Simulator_error_2 |
3233 dowr(JUMP{...}::t,nil)=raise Simulator_error_2 |
3234 dowr(FETCH{dst=(d,_),...}::t,vh::vt)=(update((!Reg),d,vh);
3235 dowr(t,vt) ) |
3236 dowr(STORE{ptr=(p,_),offset=ofst,...}::t,vh::vt)=
3237 (update((!Memory),addrplus((!Reg) sub p,ofst),vh); dowr(t,vt) ) |
3238 dowr(GETLAB{lab=(l,_),dst=(d,_)}::t,vt)=
3239 (update((!Reg),d,(LABVAL (l,0)) ); dowr(t,vt) ) |
3240 dowr(GETREAL{value=v,dst=(d,_)}::t,vt)=
3241 (update((!Reg),d,(REAL (strToReal v)) ); dowr(t,vt) ) |
3242 dowr(MOVE{dst=(d,_),...}::t,vh::vt)=
3243 (update((!Reg),d,vh); dowr(t,vt) ) |
3244 dowr(ARITH{dst=(d,_),...}::t,vh::vt)=
3245 (update((!Reg),d,vh); dowr(t,vt) ) |
3246 dowr(ARITHI{dst=(d,_),...}::t,vh::vt)=
3247 (update((!Reg),d,vh); dowr(t,vt) ) |
3248 dowr(JUMP{...}::t,vh::vt)=
3249 (execjmp(vh); flag:=false; dowr(t,vt) ) |
3250 dowr(BRANCH{test=comp,src1=(s1,_),src2=(s2,_),
3251 dst=(labnum,_),...}::t,vt)=
3252 if compare(comp,(!Reg) sub s1,(!Reg) sub s2)
3253 then (IP:= !(findjmp_place(labnum)); flag:=false; dowr(t,vt) )
3254 else dowr(t,vt) |
3255 dowr(h::t,vt)=dowr(t,vt)
3256 ;
3258 (* vv3 executes an instruction word in version 3 mode.
3259 *)
3260 fun vv3(nil)= () |
3261 vv3(l)=let val (l1,l2)=rddcut(nil,l);
3262 val (l3,l4)=mddcut(nil,l1)
3263 in (flag:=true; dowr(l3,calcult(l3));;
3264 if (!flag) then vv3(l4@l2) else () )
3265 end;
3267 fun vinit(k,l)=(init(l); sizen:=k; runcount:=0 ) ;
3269 fun vstep1()=let val f=(while hvnop(hd(!IP)) do IP:=tl(!IP))
3270 handle Hd=>raise End_of_Program;
3271 val codel=fetchcode(!sizen)
3272 in
3273 (dowr(codel,calcult(codel)); )
3274 end;
3276 fun vstep2()=let val f=(while hvnop(hd(!IP)) do IP:=tl(!IP))
3277 handle Hd=>raise End_of_Program;
3278 val codel=fetchcode(!sizen)
3279 in
3280 if check_dd(codel)
3281 then (output(std_out,"Data dependency checked in:\n");
3282 let fun f(nil)=() |
3283 f(h::t)=(output(std_out,":"^disp(h)); f(t))
3284 in f(codel) end;
3285 raise Data_dependency_checked
3286 )
3287 else (dowr(codel,calcult(codel)); )
3288 end;
3290 fun vstep3()=let val f=if (!IP)=nil then raise End_of_Program else ();
3291 val codel=fetchcode3(!sizen)
3292 in vv3(codel) end;
3294 fun vrun1()=(vstep1();vrun1())
3295 handle End_of_Program =>
3296 output(std_out,"End of program.\nTotal runtime: "
3297 ^ims(!runcount)^" steps.\n");
3298 fun vrun2()=(vstep2(); vrun2())
3299 handle End_of_Program =>
3300 output(std_out,"End of program.\nTotal runtime: "
3301 ^ims(!runcount)^" steps.\n")|
3302 Data_dependency_checked=>
3303 output(std_out,"Program halted.\n") ;
3304 fun vrun3()=(vstep3(); vrun3())
3305 handle End_of_Program =>
3306 output(std_out,"End of program.\nTotal runtime: "
3307 ^ims(!runcount)^" substeps.\n");
3309 fun vpc()=let val codel=(!IP) ;
3310 fun f (_,nil)=() |
3311 f (0,_)= () |
3312 f (k,h::l)=if k<=0 then ()
3313 else (output(std_out,disp(h) );
3314 if hvnop(h) then f(k,l)
3315 else f(k-1,l) )
3316 in f((!sizen),codel) end;
3319(* This part for Pipeline mode *)
3322 exception illegal_jump_within_branchdelay;
3323 exception illegal_branch_within_branchdelay;
3324 exception illegal_label_within_branchdelay;
3325 exception illegal_labword_within_branchdelay;
3326 exception illegal_word_within_branchdelay;
3327 (* Rdelay points to the timing array of registers.
3328 *)
3329 val Rdelay=ref ( array(0,0) );
3330 (* clock records run time. withindelay is a flag used in BRANCH and JUMP delays.
3331 *)
3332 val clock=ref 0 and withindelay=ref false;
3333 val fdelay=ref 1 and ardelay: ((arithop->int) ref)=ref (fn k=>1)
3334 and jdelay=ref 1;
3336 (* pexec executes one instruction, increasing the clock when necessary, which
3337 corresponding to the holding down of instruction streams.
3338 *)
3339 fun pexec(FETCH{immutable=_,offset=ofst,ptr=(p,_),dst=(d,_)})=
3340 (let val t=(!Rdelay) sub p in
3341 if (!clock)<t then clock:=t else ()
3342 end;
3343 update((!Reg),d,content((!Reg) sub p,ofst) );
3344 update((!Rdelay),d,(!clock)+(!fdelay));
3346 ) |
3347 pexec(STORE{offset=ofst,src=(s,_),ptr=(p,_)})=
3348 (let val t1=((!Rdelay) sub p) and t2=((!Rdelay) sub s) ;
3349 val t=Int.max(t1,t2) in
3350 if (!clock)<t then clock:=t else ()
3351 end;
3352 update((!Memory),addrplus((!Reg) sub p,ofst),(!Reg) sub s);
3354 ) |
3355 pexec(GETLAB{lab=(l,_),dst=(d,_)})=
3356 (update((!Reg),d,(LABVAL (l,0)) );
3358 ) |
3359 pexec(GETREAL{value=v,dst=(d,_)})=
3360 (update((!Reg),d,(REAL (strToReal v)) );
3362 ) |
3363 pexec(MOVE{src=(s,_),dst=(d,_)})=
3364 (let val t=(!Rdelay) sub s in
3365 if (!clock)<t then clock:=t else ()
3366 end;
3367 update((!Reg),d,(!Reg) sub s);
3369 ) |
3370 pexec(ARITH{oper=opn,src1=(s1,_),src2=(s2,_),dst=(d,_)})=
3371 (let val t1=((!Rdelay) sub s1) and t2=((!Rdelay) sub s2);
3372 val t=Int.max(t1,t2) in
3373 if (!clock)<t then clock:=t else ()
3374 end;
3375 update((!Reg),d,getresult(opn,(!Reg) sub s1,(!Reg) sub s2) );
3376 update((!Rdelay),d,((!ardelay) opn)+(!clock) );
3378 ) |
3379 pexec(ARITHI{oper=opn,src1=(s1,_),src2=n1,dst=(d,_)})=
3380 (let val t=((!Rdelay) sub s1) in
3381 if (!clock)<t then clock:=t else ()
3382 end;
3383 update((!Reg),d,getresult(opn,(!Reg) sub s1,(INT n1) ) );
3384 update((!Rdelay),d,((!ardelay) opn)+(!clock) );
3386 ) |
3387 pexec(JUMP {dst=(d,_),...})=
3388 if (!withindelay) then raise illegal_jump_within_branchdelay
3389 else
3390 (let val t=((!Rdelay) sub d) in
3391 if (!clock)<t then clock:=t else ()
3392 end;
3393; withindelay:=true;
3394 let val i=ref 0 in
3395 while ((!i)<(!jdelay)) do
3396 (let val h=hd(!IP) in
3397 ( pexec(h); )
3398 end handle Hd=> (i:=(!jdelay) ) ;
3399 (IP:=tl(!IP)) handle Tl=>()
3400 )
3401 end;
3402 execjmp((!Reg) sub d)
3403 ) |
3404 pexec(BRANCH{test=comp,src1=(s1,_),src2=(s2,_),dst=(labnum,_),...})=
3405 if (!withindelay) then raise illegal_branch_within_branchdelay
3406 else
3407 (let val t1=((!Rdelay) sub s1) and t2=((!Rdelay) sub s2);
3408 val t=Int.max(t1,t2) in
3409 if (!clock)<t then clock:=t else ()
3410 end;
3411; withindelay:=true;
3412 let val i=ref 0 in
3413 while ((!i)<(!jdelay)) do
3414 (let val h=hd(!IP) in
3415 ( pexec(h); )
3416 end handle Hd=> (i:=(!jdelay) ) ;
3417 (IP:=tl(!IP)) handle Tl=>()
3418 )
3419 end;
3420 if compare(comp,(!Reg) sub s1,(!Reg) sub s2)
3421 then (IP:= !(findjmp_place(labnum) ) )
3422 else ()
3423 ) |
3424 pexec(NOP) |
3425 pexec(LABEL{...})=if (!withindelay)
3426 then raise illegal_label_within_branchdelay
3427 else () |
3428 pexec(LABWORD{...})=if (!withindelay)
3429 then raise illegal_labword_within_branchdelay
3430 else () |
3431 pexec(WORD{...})=if (!withindelay)
3432 then raise illegal_word_within_branchdelay
3433 else ()
3434 ;
3436 fun pinit(fetchdelay,arithdelay,jumpdelay,l)=
3437 (init(l);
3438 Rdelay:=array((!RegN),0);
3439 clock:=0; fdelay:=fetchdelay;
3440 ardelay:=arithdelay; jdelay:=jumpdelay );
3442 fun pstep()=
3443 let
3444 val Instruction=(hd(!IP) handle Hd=>raise End_of_Program)
3445 in (IP:=tl(!IP) handle Tl=>raise End_of_Program;
3446 withindelay:=false; pexec(Instruction) )
3447 end;
3449 fun prun()=(pstep(); prun() ) handle End_of_Program=>
3450 (output(std_out,"End of program.\n");
3451 output(std_out,"Total time used: "^ims(!clock)^" cycles.\n") );
3454structure SimStuff =
3457fun read file =
3458 let val if1 = (open_in "simprelude.s")
3459 val if2 = (open_in file)
3460 val if3 = (open_in "simpostlude.s")
3461 val prelude = if1
3462 val prog = if2
3463 val postlude = if3
3464 in
3465 close_in if1;
3466 close_in if2;
3467 close_in if3;
3468 prelude @ prog @ postlude
3469 end
3471fun init file = SetEnv.init (read file)
3473val runcount = ref 0
3475fun run ()=
3476 let open AbsMach
3477 val foo = runcount := 0
3478 fun updc NOP = runcount := !runcount + 1
3479 | updc _ = ()
3480 open SetEnv
3481 fun f () = (step(); (updc o hd o pc)(); f())
3482 in
3483 f()
3484 end
3486fun srun () = let open SetEnv in d_pc(); step(); srun() end;
3488fun memsave () = !SetEnv.Memory
3491fun memcmp(a:AbsMach.values array, b:AbsMach.values array) =
3492 let open AbsMach
3493 fun cmp (INT a, INT b) = a = b
3494 | cmp (REAL a, REAL b) = realEq(a, b)
3495 | cmp (LABVAL _, LABVAL _) = true
3496 | cmp _ = false
3497 fun f 0 = ~1
3498 | f n = if cmp((a sub n), (b sub n)) then f (n - 1) else n
3499 val al = Array.length a
3500 val bl = Array.length b
3501 in
3502 if al = bl then f (al - 1) else (print "size\n"; 0)
3503 end
3506fun copyarray a =
3507 let val la = Array.length a
3508 val na = array(la, a sub 0)
3509 fun f n = if n > 0 then (update(na, n, a sub n) ; f (n - 1)) else ()
3510 val foo = f (la - 1)
3511 in
3512 na
3513 end
3516exception PROG_NO_END
3518local open AbsMach
3520 fun vstring (INT i) = "INT " ^ makestring i
3521 | vstring (REAL i) = "REAL " ^ Real.toString i
3522 | vstring (LABVAL(i, j)) =
3523 "LABVAL(" ^ makestring i ^ ", " ^ makestring j ^ ")"
3526fun runf f =
3527 ((init f;
3528 run ();
3529 raise PROG_NO_END))
3530 handle End_of_Program => (print "eop\n";
3531 SetEnv.regc 4)
3534fun cmprog(f1, f2) =
3535 let open AbsMach
3536 fun intof (INT i) = i
3537 fun ptsat p = SetEnv.mcell (intof p)
3538 val p1 = runf f1
3539 (* val foo = print ("cmprog1:" ^ vstring p1 ^ "\n") *)
3540 val v1 = ptsat p1
3541 val r1 = !runcount
3542 val p2 = runf f2
3543 (* val foo = print ("cmprog2:" ^ vstring p2 ^ "\n") *)
3544 val v2 = ptsat p2
3545 val r2 = !runcount
3547 in
3548 (f1 ^ " ct " ^ makestring r1 ^ " ptr " ^ vstring p1 ^
3549 " val " ^ vstring v1 ^
3550 f2 ^ " ct " ^ makestring r2 ^ " ptr " ^ vstring p2 ^
3551 " val " ^ vstring v2 ^ "\n")
3552 end
3556fun time str f =
3557 let (* open System.Timer
3558 val s = start_timer() *)
3559 val v = f()
3560 (*
3561 val e = check_timer s
3562 val foo = print (str ^ " took " ^ makestring e ^ "sec.usec\n")
3563 *)
3564 in
3565 v
3566 end
3569fun writeprog(file, j, p) =
3570 let val ot = (open_out file)
3571 val prog = ReadI.writeI(j, p)
3572 val filp = (Delay.rm_bogus o OutFilter.remnops) prog
3573 val xxx = ot filp
3574 in
3575 close_out ot
3576 end;
3578fun wp(file, prog) =
3579 let val ot = (open_out file)
3580 val filp = Delay.rm_bogus prog
3581 val xxx = ot filp
3582 in
3583 close_out ot
3584 end;
3586fun dodelay i = (Delay.init i; Delay.add_delay i);
3588val _ = (
3589Node.move_test_debug := false;
3590Node.move_op_debug := false;
3591Node.rw_debug := false;
3592Node.delete_debug := false;
3593Node.ntn_debug := true;
3594Node.prog_node_debug := false;
3595Node.prog_node_debug_verbose := false;
3596Node.closure_progs_debug := false;
3597Node.cpsiCheck := false;
3598Compress.compress_debug := false;
3599ReadI.read_debug := false;
3600ReadI.write_debug := false;
3601ReadI.live_debug := false
3604fun pm pl = print (StrPak.stringListString (map ReadI.progMap pl));
3605fun pp pl = print (StrPak.stringListString (map PrintAbs.str pl));
3607fun ndnm nil = raise Node.NAMETONODE
3608| ndnm(h::t) = (fn (nm) => Node.nameToNode(h, nm)
3609 handle Node.NAMETONODE => ndnm t nm);
3611exception ERROR;
3613fun err (s:string) = (print s; raise ERROR);
3615fun pmem nil = (err "oh well")
3616 | pmem ((ns, n0, f)::t) =
3617 fn n => if Set.member(ns, n) then (ns, n0, f)
3618 else pmem t n;
3620structure Main = struct
3622fun doitx (ifile:string, ofile:string, c_ofile:string, ws:int) =
3623let val foo = Ntypes.init_names()
3624 val ins = open_in ifile
3625 val i = (dodelay o BreakInst.breaki o ins
3626 val _ = close_in ins
3627 val (j, p) = time "Building Nodes" (fn () => ReadI.readI i)
3628 val x = time "writing unopt" (fn () => writeprog(ofile, j, p))
3629 fun cwin p = Compress.compress(ws, p)
3630 val cp = time "compressing program" (fn () => map cwin p)
3631 val xx = time "writing opt program" (fn () => writeprog(c_ofile, j, cp))
3632 val answer = "" (* SimStuff.cmprog(ofile, c_ofile) *)
3633 val code_motions = Ntypes.new_name "0"
3635 print (answer ^ "code_motions " ^ code_motions ^ " \n")
3638fun main(s:string list, env:string list) =
3639 let val idemp = ref 0
3640 val ws = ref 0
3641 val ifile = ref "/dev/null"
3642 val ofile = ref "/dev/null"
3643 val c_ofile = ref "/dev/null"
3644 val gotifile = ref false
3645 val gotofile = ref false
3646 fun digit d =
3647 if ord d >= ord "0" andalso ord d <= ord "9" then ord d - ord "0"
3648 else err ("expected digit. got " ^ d)
3649 val parse =
3650 fn ("-" :: "i" :: "d" :: "e" :: "m" :: d :: nil) =>
3651 idemp := digit d
3652 | ("-" :: "w" :: "s" :: d :: nil) =>
3653 ws := digit d
3654 | ("-" :: t) =>
3655 (print ("usage: comp [-ws#] [-idem#]" ^
3656 "input_file temp_file compressed_file\n");
3657 print ("ws is the window size\nidem is the idempotency\n");
3658 err "exiting")
3659 | s => if !gotofile then c_ofile := implode s
3660 else if !gotifile then (gotofile := true;
3661 ofile := implode s)
3662 else (gotifile := true;
3663 ifile := implode s)
3664 val foo = (parse o explode) (tl s)
3665 val foo = print ("compressing " ^ !ifile ^ " into (uncompressed)" ^
3666 !ofile ^
3667 " and (compressed)" ^ !c_ofile ^
3668 " with idempotency " ^ makestring (!idemp) ^
3669 " and window size " ^ makestring (!ws) ^ "\n")
3670 in
3671 Delay.idempotency := !idemp;
3672 doitx(!ifile, !ofile, !c_ofile, !ws)
3673 end
3675val s = OS.FileSys.getDir()
3677fun doit() = main(["foobar", "-ws9",
3678 s^"/DATA/ndotprod.s",
3679 s^"/DATA/tmp.s",
3680 s^"/DATA/cmp.s"],
3681 nil)
3682fun testit _ = ()
3685structure Main : BMARK =
3686 struct
3687 open Main
3689 val doit =
3690 fn n =>
3691 let
3692 fun loop n =
3693 if n = 0
3694 then ()
3695 else (doit();
3696 loop(n-1))
3697 in loop n
3698 end
3699 end