Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / basis-library / text / string-cvt.sml
1(* Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
2 * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
3 * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 NEC Research Institute.
4 *
5 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
6 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
7 *)
9structure StringCvt: STRING_CVT_EXTRA =
10 struct
11 open Reader
13 val wordFromInt = Word.sextdFromInt
15 datatype radix = BIN | OCT | DEC | HEX
17 val radixToInt: radix -> int =
18 fn BIN => 2
19 | OCT => 8
20 | DEC => 10
21 | HEX => 16
22 val radixToWord: radix -> word = wordFromInt o radixToInt
24 datatype realfmt =
25 SCI of int option
26 | FIX of int option
27 | GEN of int option
28 | EXACT
30 type ('a, 'b) reader = 'b -> ('a * 'b) option
32 open Int
34 local
35 fun pad f (c: char) i s =
36 let
37 val n = String.size s
38 in
39 if n >= i
40 then s
41 else f (s, String.vector (i -? n, c))
42 end
43 in
44 val padLeft = pad (fn (s, pad) => String.^ (pad, s))
45 val padRight = pad String.^
46 end
48 fun splitl p f src =
49 let fun done chars = String.implode (rev chars)
50 fun loop (src, chars) =
51 case f src of
52 NONE => (done chars, src)
53 | SOME (c, src') =>
54 if p c
55 then loop (src', c :: chars)
56 else (done chars, src)
57 in loop (src, [])
58 end
60 fun takel p f s = #1 (splitl p f s)
61 fun dropl p f s = #2 (splitl p f s)
63 type cs = int
65 fun stringReader (s: string): (char, cs) reader =
66 fn i => if i >= String.size s
67 then NONE
68 else SOME (String.sub (s, i), i + 1)
70 fun 'a scanString (f: ((char, cs) reader -> ('a, cs) reader)) (s: string)
71 : 'a option =
72 case f (stringReader s) 0 of
74 | SOME (a, _) => SOME a
76 local
77 fun memoize (f: char -> 'a): char -> 'a =
78 let val a = Array.tabulate (Char.numChars, f o Char.chrUnsafe)
79 in fn c => Array.sub (a, Char.ord c)
80 end
82 fun range (add: int, cmin: char, cmax: char): char -> int option =
83 let val min = Char.ord cmin
84 in fn c => if Char.<= (cmin, c) andalso Char.<= (c, cmax)
85 then SOME (add +? Char.ord c -? min)
86 else NONE
87 end
89 fun 'a combine (ds: (char -> 'a option) list): char -> 'a option =
90 memoize
91 (fn c =>
92 let
93 val rec loop =
94 fn [] => NONE
95 | d :: ds =>
96 case d c of
97 NONE => loop ds
98 | z => z
99 in loop ds
100 end)
102 val bin = memoize (range (0, #"0", #"1"))
103 val oct = memoize (range (0, #"0", #"7"))
104 val dec = memoize (range (0, #"0", #"9"))
105 val hex = combine [range (0, #"0", #"9"),
106 range (10, #"a", #"f"),
107 range (10, #"A", #"F")]
109 fun isSpace c = (c = #" " orelse c = #"\t" orelse c = #"\r" orelse
110 c = #"\n" orelse c = #"\v" orelse c = #"\f")
111 in
112 val isSpace = memoize isSpace
113 fun skipWS x = dropl isSpace x
115 fun charToDigit (radix: radix): char -> int option =
116 case radix of
117 BIN => bin
118 | OCT => oct
119 | DEC => dec
120 | HEX => hex
121 end
123 fun charToWDigit radix = ( wordFromInt) o (charToDigit radix)
125 fun digits (radix, max, accum) reader state =
126 let
127 val r = radixToInt radix
128 fun loop (max, accum, state) =
129 let fun done () = SOME (accum, state)
130 in if max <= 0
131 then done ()
132 else
133 case reader state of
134 NONE => done ()
135 | SOME (c, state) =>
136 case charToDigit radix c of
137 NONE => done ()
138 | SOME n => loop (max - 1, n + accum * r, state)
139 end
140 in loop (max, accum, state)
141 end
143 fun digitsPlus (radix, max) reader state =
144 case reader state of
145 NONE => NONE
146 | SOME (c, state) =>
147 case charToDigit radix c of
148 NONE => NONE
149 | SOME n => digits (radix, max -? 1, n) reader state
151 fun digitsExact (radix, num) reader state =
152 let val r = radixToInt radix
153 fun loop (num, accum, state) =
154 if num <= 0
155 then SOME (accum, state)
156 else
157 case reader state of
158 NONE => NONE
159 | SOME (c, state) =>
160 case charToDigit radix c of
161 NONE => NONE
162 | SOME n => loop (num - 1, n + accum * r, state)
163 in loop (num, 0, state)
164 end
166 fun digits radix reader state =
167 let
168 val r = radixToInt radix
169 fun loop (accum, state) =
170 case reader state of
171 NONE => SOME (accum, state)
172 | SOME (c, state') =>
173 case charToDigit radix c of
174 NONE => SOME (accum, state)
175 | SOME n => loop (n + accum * r, state')
176 in case reader state of
177 NONE => NONE
178 | SOME (c, state) =>
179 case charToDigit radix c of
180 NONE => NONE
181 | SOME n => loop (n, state)
182 end
184 fun wdigits radix reader state =
185 let
186 val op + = Word.+
187 val op * = Word.*
188 val r = radixToWord radix
189 fun loop (accum, state) =
190 case reader state of
191 NONE => SOME (accum, state)
192 | SOME (c, state') =>
193 case charToWDigit radix c of
194 NONE => SOME (accum, state)
195 | SOME n => loop (n + accum * r, state')
196 in case reader state of
197 NONE => NONE
198 | SOME (c, state) =>
199 case charToWDigit radix c of
200 NONE => NONE
201 | SOME n => loop (n, state)
202 end
204 fun digitToChar (n: int): char = String.sub ("0123456789ABCDEF", n)
205 end