Import Debian changes 4.92-8+deb10u3
[hcoop/debian/exim4.git] / debian / exim-gencert
1 #!/bin/sh -e
3 if [ -n "$EX4DEBUG" ]; then
4 echo "now debugging $0 $@"
5 set -x
6 fi
8 DIR=/etc/exim4
9 CERT=$DIR/exim.crt
10 KEY=$DIR/exim.key
12 # This exim binary was built with GnuTLS which does not support dhparams
13 # from a file. See /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/README.Debian.gz
14 #DH=$DIR/exim.dhparam
16 if ! which openssl > /dev/null ;then
17 echo "$0: openssl is not installed, exiting" 1>&2
18 exit 1
19 fi
21 # valid for three years
22 DAYS=1095
24 if [ "$1" != "--force" ] && [ -f $CERT ] && [ -f $KEY ]; then
25 echo "[*] $CERT and $KEY exists!"
26 echo " Use \"$0 --force\" to force generation!"
27 exit 0
28 fi
30 if [ "$1" = "--force" ]; then
31 shift
32 fi
34 #SSLEAY=/tmp/exim.ssleay.$$.cnf
35 SSLEAY="$(tempfile -m600 -pexi)"
37 cat > $SSLEAY <<EOM
38 RANDFILE = $HOME/.rnd
39 [ req ]
40 default_bits = 2048
41 default_keyfile = exim.key
42 distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
43 [ req_distinguished_name ]
44 countryName = Country Code (2 letters)
45 countryName_default = US
46 countryName_min = 2
47 countryName_max = 2
48 stateOrProvinceName = State or Province Name (full name)
49 localityName = Locality Name (eg, city)
50 organizationName = Organization Name (eg, company; recommended)
51 organizationName_max = 64
52 organizationalUnitName = Organizational Unit Name (eg, section)
53 organizationalUnitName_max = 64
54 commonName = Server name (eg. ssl.domain.tld; required!!!)
55 commonName_max = 64
56 emailAddress = Email Address
57 emailAddress_max = 40
58 EOM
60 echo "[*] Creating a self signed SSL certificate for Exim!"
61 echo " This may be sufficient to establish encrypted connections but for"
62 echo " secure identification you need to buy a real certificate!"
63 echo " "
64 echo " Please enter the hostname of your MTA at the Common Name (CN) prompt!"
65 echo " "
67 openssl req -config $SSLEAY -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout $KEY -out $CERT -days $DAYS -nodes
68 #see README.Debian.gz*# openssl dhparam -check -text -5 512 -out $DH
69 rm -f $SSLEAY
71 chown root:Debian-exim $KEY $CERT $DH
72 chmod 640 $KEY $CERT $DH
74 echo "[*] Done generating self signed certificates for exim!"
75 echo " Refer to the documentation and example configuration files"
76 echo " over at /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/ for an idea on how to enable TLS"
77 echo " support in your mail transfer agent."