#!/bin/sh # autopkgtest check: test two local users via PAM authentication. # Author: Markus Wanner set -eu . debian/tests/common.sh export LANG=C unset LANGUAGE LC_ALL LC_CTYPE test_enumeration() { ENUM_OUTPUT="$AUTOPKGTEST_ARTIFACTS/authenumerate.out" # test authenumerate ( authenumerate_as_courier > $ENUM_OUTPUT 2> $AUTOPKGTEST_ARTIFACTS/authenumerate.err ) echo $? > $AUTOPKGTEST_ARTIFACTS/authenumerate.exitcode # the three test users should appear in the output of authenumerate echo -n "checking for alice: " grep "alice" $ENUM_OUTPUT > /dev/null && echo "ok" || echo "FAILED" echo -n "checking for bob: " grep "bob" $ENUM_OUTPUT > /dev/null && echo "ok" || echo "FAILED" echo -n "checking for carol: " grep "carol" $ENUM_OUTPUT > /dev/null && echo "ok" || echo "FAILED" } # Actual tests start here backup_config_files create_test_users start_authdaemon echo "== check enumeration..." test_enumeration echo "== test completed"