#! @PERL@ # # Convert /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow to userdb format. # # $Id: pw2userdb.in,v 1.5 2000/07/19 11:55:15 mrsam Exp $ # # Copyright 1998 - 1999 Double Precision, Inc. See COPYING for # distribution information. use Getopt::Long; # # Some undocumented options here (for vchkpw2userdb) # die "Invalid options.\n" unless GetOptions("passwd=s" => \$passwd, "shadow=s" => \$shadow, "noshadow" => \$noshadow, "nouid" => \$nouid, "domain=s" => \$domain, "vpopuid" => \$vpopuid ); ($dummy, $dummy, $fixed_uid, $fixed_gid)=getpwnam("vpopmail") if $vpopuid; $passwd="/etc/passwd" unless $passwd =~ /./; $shadow="/etc/shadow" unless $shadow =~ /./; $domain="" unless $domain =~ /./; $domain="\@$domain" if $domain =~ /./; open(PASSWD, $passwd) || die "$!\n"; while () { chop if /\n$/; next if /^#/; ($acct,$passwd,$uid,$gid,$name,$home,$shell)=split( /:/ ); ($uid,$gid)=($fixed_uid,$fixed_gid) if $vpopuid; $PASSWORD{$acct}=$passwd if $passwd ne "x"; $UID{$acct}=$uid; $GID{$acct}=$gid; $HOME{$acct}=$home; $SHELL{$acct}=$shell; $name =~ s/\|/./g; # Just in case $GECOS{$acct}=$name; } close (PASSWD); if ( -f $shadow && ! $noshadow) { open (SHADOW, $shadow) || die "$!\n"; while () { next if /^#/; ($acct,$passwd,$dummy)=split(/:/); $PASSWORD{$acct}=$passwd; } close (SHADOW); } while ( defined ($key=each %UID)) { print "$key$domain\tuid=$UID{$key}|gid=$GID{$key}|home=$HOME{$key}" . ( $SHELL{$key} =~ /./ ? "|shell=$SHELL{$key}":"") . ( $PASSWORD{$key} =~ /./ ? "|systempw=$PASSWORD{$key}":"") . ( $GECOS{$key} =~ /./ ? "|gecos=$GECOS{$key}":"") . "\n"; print "$UID{$key}=\t$key\n" unless $nouid; }