Imported Upstream version 0.63.0
[hcoop/debian/courier-authlib.git] / rfc822 / rfc822.h
1 /*
2 ** $Id: rfc822.h,v 1.31 2009/11/22 19:39:52 mrsam Exp $
3 */
4 #ifndef rfc822_h
5 #define rfc822_h
7 /*
8 ** Copyright 1998 - 2009 Double Precision, Inc.
9 ** See COPYING for distribution information.
10 */
13 #include "../rfc822/config.h" /* VPATH build */
14 #endif
16 #include <time.h>
18 #ifdef __cplusplus
19 extern "C" {
20 #endif
22 #define RFC822_SPECIALS "()<>[]:;@\\,.\""
24 /*
25 ** The text string we want to parse is first tokenized into an array of
26 ** struct rfc822token records. 'ptr' points into the original text
27 ** string, and 'len' has how many characters from 'ptr' belongs to this
28 ** token.
29 */
31 struct rfc822token {
32 struct rfc822token *next; /* Unused by librfc822, for use by
33 ** clients */
34 int token;
35 /*
36 Values for token:
38 '(' - comment
39 '"' - quoted string
40 '<', '>', '@', ',', ';', ':', '.', '[', ']', '%', '!', '=', '?', '/' - RFC atoms.
41 0 - atom
42 */
44 #define rfc822_is_atom(p) ( (p) == 0 || (p) == '"' || (p) == '(' )
46 const char *ptr; /* Pointer to value for the token. */
47 int len; /* Length of token value */
48 } ;
50 /*
51 ** After the struct rfc822token array is built, it is used to create
52 ** the rfc822addr array, which is the array of addresses (plus
53 ** syntactical fluff) extracted from those text strings. Each rfc822addr
54 ** record has several possible interpretation:
55 **
56 ** tokens is NULL - syntactical fluff, look in name/nname for tokens
57 ** representing the syntactical fluff ( which is semicolons
58 ** and list name:
59 **
60 ** tokens is not NULL - actual address. The tokens representing the actual
61 ** address is in tokens/ntokens. If there are comments in
62 ** the address that are possible "real name" for the address
63 ** they are saved in name/nname (name may be null if there
64 ** is none).
65 ** If nname is 1, and name points to a comment token,
66 ** the address was specified in old-style format. Otherwise
67 ** the address was specified in new-style route-addr format.
68 **
69 ** The tokens and name pointers are set to point to the original rfc822token
70 ** array.
71 */
73 struct rfc822addr {
74 struct rfc822token *tokens;
75 struct rfc822token *name;
76 } ;
78 /***************************************************************************
79 **
80 ** rfc822 tokens
81 **
82 ***************************************************************************/
84 struct rfc822t {
85 struct rfc822token *tokens;
86 int ntokens;
87 } ;
89 struct rfc822t *rfc822t_alloc_new(const char *p,
90 void (*err_func)(const char *, int, void *), void *);
91 /* Parse addresses */
93 void rfc822t_free(struct rfc822t *); /* Free rfc822 structure */
95 void rfc822tok_print(const struct rfc822token *, void (*)(char, void *), void *);
96 /* Print the tokens */
98 /***************************************************************************
99 **
100 ** rfc822 addresses
101 **
102 ***************************************************************************/
104 struct rfc822a {
105 struct rfc822addr *addrs;
106 int naddrs;
107 } ;
109 struct rfc822a *rfc822a_alloc(struct rfc822t *);
110 void rfc822a_free(struct rfc822a *); /* Free rfc822 structure */
112 void rfc822_deladdr(struct rfc822a *, int);
114 /* rfc822_print "unparses" the rfc822 structure. Each rfc822addr is "printed"
115 (via the attached function). NOTE: instead of separating addresses by
116 commas, the print_separator function is called.
117 */
119 int rfc822_print(const struct rfc822a *a,
120 void (*print_func)(char, void *),
121 void (*print_separator)(const char *, void *), void *);
123 /* rfc822_print_common is an internal function */
125 int rfc822_print_common(const struct rfc822a *a,
126 char *(*decode_func)(const char *, const char *, int),
127 const char *chset,
128 void (*print_func)(char, void *),
129 void (*print_separator)(const char *, void *), void *);
131 /* Extra functions */
133 char *rfc822_gettok(const struct rfc822token *);
134 char *rfc822_getaddr(const struct rfc822a *, int);
135 char *rfc822_getaddrs(const struct rfc822a *);
136 char *rfc822_getaddrs_wrap(const struct rfc822a *, int);
138 void rfc822_mkdate_buf(time_t, char *);
139 const char *rfc822_mkdate(time_t);
140 time_t rfc822_parsedt(const char *);
142 #define CORESUBJ_RE 1
143 #define CORESUBJ_FWD 2
145 char *rfc822_coresubj(const char *, int *);
146 char *rfc822_coresubj_nouc(const char *, int *);
147 char *rfc822_coresubj_keepblobs(const char *s);
149 /*
150 ** Display a header. Takes a raw header value, and formats it for display
151 ** in the given character set.
152 **
153 ** hdrname -- header name. Determines whether the header contains addresses,
154 ** or unstructured data.
155 **
156 ** hdrvalue -- the actual value to format.
157 **
158 ** display_func -- output function.
159 **
160 ** err_func -- if this function returns a negative value, to indicate an error,
161 ** this may be called just prior to the error return to indicate where the
162 ** formatting error is, in the original header.
163 **
164 ** ptr -- passthrough last argument to display_func or err_func.
165 **
166 ** repeatedly invokes display_func to pass the formatted contents.
167 **
168 ** Returns 0 upon success, -1 upon a failure.
169 */
171 int rfc822_display_hdrvalue(const char *hdrname,
172 const char *hdrvalue,
173 const char *charset,
174 void (*display_func)(const char *, size_t,
175 void *),
176 void (*err_func)(const char *, int, void *),
177 void *ptr);
179 /*
180 ** Like rfc822_display_hdrvalue, except that the converted header is saved in
181 ** a malloc-ed buffer. The pointer to the malloc-ed buffer is returned, the
182 ** caller is responsible for free-ing it. An error condition is indicated
183 ** by a NULL return value.
184 */
186 char *rfc822_display_hdrvalue_tobuf(const char *hdrname,
187 const char *hdrvalue,
188 const char *charset,
189 void (*err_func)(const char *, int,
190 void *),
191 void *ptr);
193 /*
194 ** Display a recipient's name in a specific character set.
195 **
196 ** The index-th recipient in the address structure is formatted for the given
197 ** character set. If the index-th entry in the address structure is not
198 ** a recipient address (it represents an obsolete list name indicator),
199 ** this function reproduces it literally.
200 **
201 ** If the index-th entry in the address structure is a recipient address without
202 ** a name, the address itself is formatted for the given character set.
203 **
204 ** If 'charset' is NULL, the name is formatted as is, without converting
205 ** it to any character set.
206 **
207 ** A callback function gets repeatedly invoked to produce the name.
208 **
209 ** Returns a negative value upon a formatting error.
210 */
212 int rfc822_display_name(const struct rfc822a *rfcp, int index,
213 const char *chset,
214 void (*print_func)(const char *, size_t, void *),
215 void *ptr);
217 /*
218 ** Display a recipient's name in a specific character set.
219 **
220 ** Uses rfc822_display_name to place the generated name into a malloc-ed
221 ** buffer. The caller must free it when it is no longer needed.
222 **
223 ** Returns NULL upon an error.
224 */
226 char *rfc822_display_name_tobuf(const struct rfc822a *rfcp, int index,
227 const char *chset);
229 /*
230 ** Display names of all addresses. Each name is followed by a newline
231 ** character.
232 **
233 */
234 int rfc822_display_namelist(const struct rfc822a *rfcp,
235 const char *chset,
236 void (*print_func)(const char *, size_t, void *),
237 void *ptr);
239 /*
240 ** Display a recipient's address in a specific character set.
241 **
242 ** The index-th recipient in the address structure is formatted for the given
243 ** character set. If the index-th entry in the address structure is not
244 ** a recipient address (it represents an obsolete list name indicator),
245 ** this function produces an empty string.
246 **
247 ** If 'charset' is NULL, the address is formatted as is, without converting
248 ** it to any character set.
249 **
250 ** A callback function gets repeatedly invoked to produce the address.
251 **
252 ** Returns a negative value upon a formatting error.
253 */
255 int rfc822_display_addr(const struct rfc822a *rfcp, int index,
256 const char *chset,
257 void (*print_func)(const char *, size_t, void *),
258 void *ptr);
260 /*
261 ** Like rfc822_display_addr, but the resulting displayable string is
262 ** saved in a buffer. Returns a malloc-ed buffer, the caller is responsible
263 ** for free()ing it. A NULL return indicates an error.
264 */
266 char *rfc822_display_addr_tobuf(const struct rfc822a *rfcp, int index,
267 const char *chset);
269 /*
270 ** Like rfc822_display_addr, but the user@domain gets supplied in a string.
271 */
272 int rfc822_display_addr_str(const char *tok,
273 const char *chset,
274 void (*print_func)(const char *, size_t, void *),
275 void *ptr);
277 /*
278 ** Like rfc822_display_addr_str, but the resulting displayable string is
279 ** saved in a buffer. Returns a malloc-ed buffer, the caller is responsible
280 ** for free()ing it. A NULL return indicates an error.
281 */
282 char *rfc822_display_addr_str_tobuf(const char *tok,
283 const char *chset);
285 /*
286 ** address is a hostname, which is IDN-encoded. 'address' may contain an
287 ** optional 'user@', which is preserved. Returns a malloc-ed buffer, the
288 ** caller is responsible for freeing it.
289 */
290 char *rfc822_encode_domain(const char *address,
291 const char *charset);
293 #ifdef __cplusplus
294 }
295 #endif
297 #endif