// PRUSA iteration3 // Y belt holder // GNU GPL v3 // Josef Průša and contributors // http://www.reprap.org/wiki/Prusa_Mendel // http://prusamendel.org // Adapted for Wilson TS by mrice belt_spacing = 2.0; // gt2=2mm tooth_w = 1; min_h = 8; // belt starts this far from bottom of bed max_h = 22; // belt can be up to this far from bottom of bed nut_trap_w = 6; module belt_holder_base(){ translate([-33-8.5,0,0]) cube([33,15,max_h]); // this is the part the belt is cut into translate([-33-9.5,12,0]) cube([35,15,12]); } module belt_holder_beltcut(){ position_tweak=.5; // Belt slit translate([-66,-0.5+10,0]) cube([67,1,15]); // Smooth insert cutout translate([-66,-0.5+10,12]) rotate([45,0,0]) cube([67,15,15]); // Individual teeth for ( i = [0 : 23] ){ translate([0-(i*belt_spacing)+position_tweak,-0.5+8,0]) cube([tooth_w,3,15]); } // Middle opening translate([-2-25,-1,0]) cube([4,11,15]); } module belt_holder_holes(){ translate([0,19,-2]) { translate([-14.5,0,0]) { cylinder(h=30, r=1.8, $fn=10); translate([0,0,10]) cylinder(h=30, r=nut_trap_w/2+.5, $fn=6); } translate([-35.5,0,0]) { cylinder(h=30, r=1.8, $fn=10); translate([0,0,10]) cylinder(h=30, r=nut_trap_w/2+.5, $fn=6); } } } // Final part module belt_holder(){ difference(){ belt_holder_base(); translate([0,0,min_h]) belt_holder_beltcut(); belt_holder_holes(); } } belt_holder();