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18 <h1>Hummus</h1>
19 <div class="contents">
20 <dl>
21 <dt>
22 <a href="#sec1">Ingredients</a>
23 </dt>
24 <dt>
25 <a href="#sec2">Directions</a>
26 </dt>
27 <dd>
28 <dl>
29 <dt>
30 <a href="#sec3">Preparing the Beans</a>
31 </dt>
32 <dt>
33 <a href="#sec4">Bell Pepper</a>
34 </dt>
35 <dt>
36 <a href="#sec5">And Now for the Actual Hummus</a>
37 </dt>
38 </dl>
39 </dd>
40 <dt>
41 <a href="#sec6">Notes</a>
42 </dt>
43 </dl>
44 </div>
47 <!-- Page published by Emacs Muse begins here --><h2><a name="sec1" id="sec1"></a>
48 Ingredients</h2>
50 <p class="first">Yields around one quart</p>
52 <ul>
53 <li>1 cup dried chick peas (or two cans; if using cans, try to find &quot;no
54 salt added&quot; to avoid making things too salty)</li>
55 <li>1/4 cup liquid from chick peas (or vegetable stock)</li>
56 <li>8 cloves (one head) of <a href="Roasted%20Garlic.html">Roasted Garlic</a></li>
57 <li>Medium red bell pepper, roasted</li>
58 <li>2 tsp paprika</li>
59 <li>1 tbsp dried flaked maras biberi or aleppo pepper (recommended, but
60 not required)</li>
61 <li>1 tbsp ground cumin</li>
62 <li>1/2 tsp table salt</li>
63 <li>5 tbsp (~1 lemon) fresh lemon juice</li>
64 <li>2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (if you can get your hands on it,
65 <a href="http://www.palestineoliveoil.org/">Holy Land</a> is great)</li>
66 <li>5 tbsp tahini</li>
67 </ul>
70 <h2><a name="sec2" id="sec2"></a>
71 Directions</h2>
73 <h3><a name="sec3" id="sec3"></a>
74 Preparing the Beans</h3>
76 <p class="first">Just soak a cup of dried beans at least overnight in a couple of cups
77 of water. Drain them and throw them into a pot with enough water to
78 just more than cover them (an extra inch or so seems to be
79 good). Bring everything to a boil uncovered, and then cut the heat
80 back to simmer partially covered for about an hour or an hour and a
81 half (when the skins split easily they have a good texture).</p>
83 <p>When you drain them save the liquid and use that when blending the
84 hummus.</p>
87 <h3><a name="sec4" id="sec4"></a>
88 Bell Pepper</h3>
90 <p class="first">Scorch the skin off of the bell pepper over flame or under a broiler
91 (optional &mdash; I leave the skins on and notice no difference), and then
92 <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20130527144021/http://www.ochef.com/158.htm">roast the pepper</a>:</p>
94 <blockquote>
95 <p class="quoted">To roast the pepper, put the cut pieces in a baking dish with a
96 little oil and pop it into a 400°F (205°C) oven, until the pieces
97 are tender and slightly browned, about 35 minutes.</p>
98 </blockquote>
100 <p>Conveniently, this is the same temperature garlic is roasted at, so
101 you can roast both at the same time.</p>
104 <h3><a name="sec5" id="sec5"></a>
105 And Now for the Actual Hummus</h3>
107 <ol>
108 <li>Prepare the beans (or open canned beans).</li>
109 <li>Add beans, roasted garlic, and chickpea water to food processor work
110 bowl; process for two minutes.</li>
111 <li>Add lemon juice; process for one minute</li>
112 <li>Add tahini, roasted bell pepper, salt, cumin, and paprika; process
113 for one minute.</li>
114 <li>Drizzle olive oil in while processing for three minutes.</li>
115 <li>Garnish if you desire (minced garlic, capers, coarsely ground
116 black pepper, and olive oil for example).</li>
117 <li>Take to a gathering of some sort.</li>
118 <li>Watch the hummus evaporate.</li>
119 </ol>
123 <h2><a name="sec6" id="sec6"></a>
124 Notes</h2>
126 <p class="first">One time I decided to make hummus for folks and alas! I forgot to soak
127 beans the night before. My strange friend came to the rescue with the
128 equivalent amount of home prepared white beans and it was a good
129 substitute (slightly different flavor, but the spices here really
130 dominate). I used water from boiling dried tomatoes (slightly
131 different recipe) as there was no fresh chickpea water on hand and it
132 was delightful.</p>
134 <p>I've used cheap blenders, decent food processors, and a
135 super-expensive blender to make this. It comes out adequately with
136 most any equipment. You can just blend everything together at a
137 moderate speed until the consistency is whatever you consider
138 reasonably smooth, but processing in steps with a good food processor
139 results in a slightly better texture.</p>
141 <p>I've done this with and without removing the skins, and I personally
142 don't think it's worth the effort to remove the skins.</p>
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171 <p class="cke-footer">I'm just thinking aloud; isn't thinking allowed?
172 </p>
173 <p class="cke-timestamp">Last Modified:
174 January 5, 2020</p>
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