Use proper name for wheat ale source
[clinton/website/site/] / TRUTH.muse
8a7c1bf7 1#title Absolute Truths Which Cannot Be Denied
3 - Everyone is depressed. It is a normal state of being. Take your
4 pills.
5 - Most children have ADHD. Give them their pills; if you don't they
6 will never learn anything.
7 - You must have a career
8 - Not being employed will make you poor
9 - The point of the University is to attain job skills
10 - Not owning a car will make you a social pariah
11 - Music is background noise and nothing more
12 - Songs which discuss topics other than love, lust, and loneliness
13 are not good
14 - Heavy metal contains the message of Satan and will corrupt your
15 children
16 - The NYTimes best seller list consists of the best books written today
17 - Literature produced today is better than any ever written before
18 - Therefore literature written before 1900 is a waste of time
19 - Logic is for cold and unfeeling people
20 - Good arguments are based on emotion
21 - The axioms of logic cannot be proven, and we must therefore
22 abandon logic as an anachronism of times long past
23 - The individual should serve the state
24 - Average people are incapable of teaching themselves much
25 - Ethanol will enable us to continue consuming energy as we do now