Initial check-in of Amazon S3 helper scripts.
authormwolson_admin <>
Sun, 22 Jun 2008 23:42:09 +0000 (19:42 -0400)
committermwolson_admin <>
Sun, 22 Jun 2008 23:42:09 +0000 (19:42 -0400)
s3-common-functions [new file with mode: 0644]
s3-delete [new file with mode: 0755]
s3-get [new file with mode: 0755]
s3-put [new file with mode: 0755]

diff --git a/s3-common-functions b/s3-common-functions
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4d035ca
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+cat > /dev/null << EndOfLicence
+Copyright 2007 Raphael James Cohn
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
+in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
+is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
+or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+the License.
+# Pragmas
+set -u
+set -e
+# Constants
+readonly version="0.02"
+readonly userSpecifiedDataErrorExitCode=1
+readonly invalidCommandLineOption=2
+readonly internalErrorExitCode=3
+readonly invalidEnvironmentExitCode=4
+readonly ipadXorByte=0x36
+readonly opadXorByte=0x5c
+# Command-like aliases
+readonly sha1="openssl dgst -sha1 -binary"
+readonly base64encode="openssl enc -base64 -e -in"
+readonly base64decode="openssl enc -base64 -d -in"
+# Globals
+declare -a temporaryFiles
+function base64EncodedMD5
+       openssl dgst -md5 -binary "$1" | openssl enc -e -base64
+function printErrorMessage
+       printf "%s: %s\n" "$1" "$2" 1>&2
+function printErrorHelpAndExit
+       printErrorMessage "$weAreKnownAs" "$1"
+       printHelpAndExit $2
+function checkProgramIsInEnvironment
+       if [ ! -x "$(which $1)" ]; then
+               printErrorHelpAndExit "Environment Error: $1 not found on the path or not executable" $invalidEnvironmentExitCode
+       fi
+# Do not use this from directly. Due to a bug in bash, array assignments do not work when the function is used with command substitution
+function createTemporaryFile
+       local temporaryFile="$(mktemp "$temporaryDirectory/$$.$1.XXXXXXXX")" || printErrorHelpAndExit "Environment Error: Could not create a temporary file. Please check you /tmp folder permissions allow files and folders to be created and disc space." $invalidEnvironmentExitCode
+       local length="${#temporaryFiles[@]}"
+       temporaryFiles[$length]="$temporaryFile"
+function mostRecentTemporaryFile
+       local length="${#temporaryFiles[@]}"
+       local lastIndex
+       ((lastIndex = --length))
+       echo "${temporaryFiles[$lastIndex]}"
+function deleteTemporaryFile
+       rm -f "$1" || printErrorHelpAndExit "Environment Error: Could not delete a temporary file ($1)." $invalidEnvironmentExitCode
+function removeTemporaryFiles
+       length="${#temporaryFiles[@]}"
+       if [ $length -eq 0 ]; then
+               return
+       fi
+       for temporaryFile in ${temporaryFiles[@]}; do
+               deleteTemporaryFile "$temporaryFile"
+       done
+       temporaryFiles=()
+       length="${#temporaryFiles[@]}"
+function checkEnvironment
+       programs=(openssl curl od dd printf sed awk sort mktemp rm grep cp ls env bash)
+       for program in "${programs[@]}"; do
+               checkProgramIsInEnvironment "$program"
+       done
+       local temporaryFolder="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"
+       if [ ! -x "$temporaryFolder" ]; then
+               printErrorHelpAndExit "Environment Error: The temporary directory ($temporaryFolder) does not exist. Please set the TMPDIR environment variable to your temporary directory" $invalidEnvironmentExitCode
+       fi
+       readonly temporaryDirectory="$temporaryFolder/s3-bash/$weAreKnownAs"
+       mkdir -p "$temporaryDirectory" || printErrorHelpAndExit "Environment Error: Could not create a temporary directory ($temporaryDiectory). Please check you /tmp folder permissions allow files and folders to be created and you have sufficient disc space" $invalidEnvironmentExitCode
+       #Check we can create and delete temporary files
+       createTemporaryFile "check"
+       temporaryFileCheck="$(mostRecentTemporaryFile)"
+       echo "Checking we can write to temporary files. If this is still here then we could not delete temporary files." > "$temporaryFileCheck"
+       removeTemporaryFiles
+function setErrorTraps
+       trap "removeTemporaryFiles; exit $internalErrorExitCode" INT TERM EXIT
+function unsetErrorTraps
+       trap - INT TERM EXIT
+function verifyUrl
+       if [ -z "$url" ]; then
+               printErrorHelpAndExit "URL not specified" $userSpecifiedDataErrorExitCode
+       elif echo $url | grep -q http://; then
+               printErrorHelpAndExit "URL starts with http://" $userSpecifiedDataErrorExitCode
+       elif echo $url | grep -q https://; then
+               printErrorHelpAndExit "URL starts with https://" $userSpecifiedDataErrorExitCode
+       elif echo $url | grep -v ^/; then
+               printErrorHelpAndExit "URL does not start with /" $userSpecifiedDataErrorExitCode
+       fi
+function appendHash
+       local fileToHash="$1"
+       local fileToWriteTo="$2"
+       $sha1 "$fileToHash" >> "$fileToWriteTo"
+function writeHash
+       local fileToHash="$1"
+       local fileToWriteTo="$2"
+       $sha1 -out "$fileToWriteTo" "$fileToHash"
+function checkAwsKey
+       local originalKeyFile="$1"
+       local keySize="$(ls -l "$originalKeyFile" | awk '{ print $5 }')"
+       if [ ! $keySize -eq 40 ]; then
+               printErrorHelpAndExit "We do not understand Amazon AWS secret keys which are not 40 bytes long. Have you included a carriage return or line feed by mistake at the end of the secret key file?" $userSpecifiedDataErrorExitCode
+       fi
+function padDecodedKeyTo
+       local originalKeyFile="$1"
+       local keyFile="$2"
+       cp "$originalKeyFile" "$keyFile"
+       local keySize=$(ls -l "$keyFile" | awk '{ print $5 }')
+       if [ $keySize -lt 64 ]; then
+               local zerosToWrite=$((64 - $keySize))
+               dd if=/dev/zero of=$keyFile bs=1 count=$zerosToWrite seek=$keySize 2> /dev/null
+       elif [ $keySize -gt 64 ]; then
+               echo "Warning: Support for hashing keys bigger than the SHA1 block size of 64 bytes is untested" 1>&2
+               writeHash "$originalKeyFile" "$keyFile"
+               local keySize=$(ls -l "$keyFile" | awk '{ print $5 }')
+               if [ $keySize -lt 64 ]; then
+                       local zerosToWrite=$((64 - $keySize))
+                       dd if=/dev/zero of=$keyFile bs=1 count=$zerosToWrite seek=$keySize 2> /dev/null
+               fi
+               exit 1
+       else
+               :
+       fi
+function writeLongAsByte
+       local byte="$1"
+       local file="$2"
+       printf "\\$(printf "%o" $byte)" >> "$file"
+function readBytesAndXorAndWriteAsBytesTo
+       local inputFile="$1"
+       local xorByte=$2
+       local outputFile="$3"
+       od -v -A n -t uC "$inputFile" | awk '{ OFS="\n"; for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) print $i }' |
+       while read byte; do
+               ((xord = byte ^ xorByte))
+               writeLongAsByte $xord "$outputFile"
+       done
+function writeHexByte
+       local byte="$1"
+       local file="$2"
+       printf "\\$(printf "%o" 0x$byte)" >> "$file"
+function writeHexString
+       local hexString="$1"
+       for byte in $(echo $hexString | sed 's/../& /g'); do
+               writeHexByte "$byte" "$2"
+       done
+function writeStringToSign
+       local outputFile="$1"
+       echo $verb >> "$outputFile"
+       echo "$contentMD5" >> "$outputFile"
+       echo "$contentType" >> "$outputFile"
+       echo "$currentDateTime" >> "$outputFile"
+       writeStringToSignAmazonHeaders "$outputFile"
+       urlPath="$(echo "$url" | awk 'BEGIN { FS="[?]"} { print $1 }')"
+       urlQueryString="$(echo "$url" | awk 'BEGIN { FS="[?]"} { print $2 }')"
+       printf "$urlPath" >> "$outputFile"
+       if [ "$urlQueryString" = "acl" ] || [ "$urlQueryString" = "torrent" ]; then
+               printf "?" >> "$outputFile"
+               printf "$urlQueryString" >> "$outputFile"
+       fi
+function writeStringToSignAmazonHeaders()
+       local outputFile="$1"
+       #Convert all headers to lower case
+       #sort
+       #Strip ": " to ":"
+       #Add LF to each header
+       awk 'BEGIN { FS=": " } NF == 2 { print tolower($1) ":" $2 }' "$amazonHeaderFile" | sort >> "$outputFile"
+       #TODO: RFC 2616, section 4.2 (combine repeated headers' values)
+       #TODO: Unfold long lines (not supported elsewhere)
+function computeAwsAuthorizationHeader
+       checkAwsKey "$awsAccessSecretKeyIdFile"
+       createTemporaryFile "key"
+       local tempKeyFile="$(mostRecentTemporaryFile)"
+       createTemporaryFile "ipad"
+       local ipadHashingFile="$(mostRecentTemporaryFile)"
+       createTemporaryFile "opad"
+       local opadHashingFile="$(mostRecentTemporaryFile)"
+       createTemporaryFile "HMAC-SHA1"
+       local hmacSha1File="$(mostRecentTemporaryFile)"
+       padDecodedKeyTo "$awsAccessSecretKeyIdFile" "$tempKeyFile"
+       readBytesAndXorAndWriteAsBytesTo "$tempKeyFile" ipadXorByte "$ipadHashingFile"
+       writeStringToSign "$ipadHashingFile"
+       readBytesAndXorAndWriteAsBytesTo "$tempKeyFile" opadXorByte "$opadHashingFile"
+       appendHash "$ipadHashingFile" "$opadHashingFile"
+       writeHash "$opadHashingFile" "$hmacSha1File"
+       local signature="$($base64encode "$hmacSha1File")"
+       echo "Authorization: AWS $awsAccessKeyId:$signature"
+function writeAmazonHeadersForCurl
+       if [ ! -e "$amazonHeaderFile" ]; then
+               printErrorHelpAndExit "Amazon Header file does not exist" $userSpecifiedDataErrorExitCode
+       elif grep -q ^X-Amz-Date: "$amazonHeaderFile"; then
+               printErrorHelpAndExit "X-Amz-Date header not allowed" $userSpecifiedDataErrorExitCode
+       fi
+       # Consider using sed...
+       awk 'BEGIN { ORS=" "; FS="\0" } { print "--header \"" $1 "\""}' "$amazonHeaderFile" >> "$1"
+function runCurl
+       local verbAndAnyData="$1"
+       local fullUrl="$protocol://$url"
+       createTemporaryFile "curl"
+       local tempCurlCommand="$(mostRecentTemporaryFile)"
+       local cleanUpCommand="rm -f "$tempCurlCommand""
+       echo "#! /usr/bin/env bash" >> "$tempCurlCommand"
+       printf "curl %s %s --dump-header \"%s\" " "$verbose" "$verbAndAnyData" "$dumpHeaderFile" >> "$tempCurlCommand"
+       writeAmazonHeadersForCurl "$tempCurlCommand"
+       printf " --header \"%s\"" "Date: $currentDateTime" >> "$tempCurlCommand"
+       printf " --header \"%s\"" "$authorizationHeader" >> "$tempCurlCommand"
+       if [ ! -z "$contentType" ]; then
+               printf " --header \"Content-Type: %s\"" "$contentType" >> "$tempCurlCommand"
+       fi
+       if [ ! -z "$contentMD5" ]; then
+               printf " --header \"Content-MD5: %s\"" "$contentMD5" >> "$tempCurlCommand"
+       fi
+       printf " \"%s\"\n" "$fullUrl" >> "$tempCurlCommand"
+       unsetErrorTraps
+       exec env bash "$tempCurlCommand"
+function initialise
+       setErrorTraps
+       checkEnvironment
+function main
+       initialise
+       parseOptions "$@"
+       readonly currentDateTime="$(LC_TIME=C date "+%a, %d %h %Y %T %z")"
+       prepareToRunCurl
+       readonly authorizationHeader="$(computeAwsAuthorizationHeader)"
+       runCurl "$verbToPass"
diff --git a/s3-delete b/s3-delete
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..02aee65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/s3-delete
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+cat > /dev/null << EndOfLicence
+Copyright 2007 Raphael James Cohn
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
+in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
+is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
+or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+the License.
+# Pragmas
+set -u
+set -e
+function printHelpAndExit
+       exitCode=$1
+       printf "%s: version %s\n" "$weAreKnownAs" "$version"
+       printf "Part of s3-bash. Latest version is at %s\n" ''
+       printf "Usage %s: -h\n" "$weAreKnownAs"
+       printf "Usage %s: [-vS] [-H file] [-a file] -k key -s file url\n" "$weAreKnownAs"
+       printf " Option\tType\tRequirement\tDescription\n"
+       printf " -h\t\tprecedent\tprint this help\n"
+       printf " -v\t\toptional\tverbose output\n"
+       printf " -k\tstring\tmandatory\tAWS Access Key Id\n"
+       printf " -s\tfile\tmandatory\tAWS Secret Access Key Id File\n"
+       printf " -S\t\toptional\tUse https\n"
+       printf " -H\tfile\toptional\tFile to write response headers to\n"
+       printf " -a\tfile\toptional\tFile to read Amazon custom headers from (X-Amz-Date is not allowed)\n"
+       printf " \turl\tmandatory\trelative url including bucket name and leading slash, eg /bucket/path/to/object?acl. Assumed to be already encoded\n"
+       printf "\n"
+       printf "Notes\n"
+       printf "Specify proxies using a ~/.curlrc file\n"
+       exit $exitCode
+function parseOptions
+       verbose=""
+       url=""
+       awsAccessKeyId=""
+       awsAccessSecretKeyIdFile=""
+       protocol="http"
+       dumpHeaderFile="/dev/null"
+       amazonHeaderFile="/dev/null"
+       while getopts "hvk:s:SH:T:a:" optionName; do            
+               case "$optionName" in
+                       h)      printHelpAndExit 0;;
+                       v)      verbose="-v";;
+                       k)      awsAccessKeyId="$OPTARG";;
+                       s)      awsAccessSecretKeyIdFile="$OPTARG"
+                               if [ ! -e "$awsAccessSecretKeyIdFile" ]; then
+                                       printErrorHelpAndExit "AWS Secret Key Id file does not exist" $userSpecifiedDataErrorExitCode
+                               fi;;
+                       S)      protocol="https";;
+                       H)      dumpHeaderFile="$OPTARG";;
+                       a)      amazonHeaderFile="$OPTARG";;
+                       [?])    printErrorHelpAndExit "Option not recognised" $userSpecifiedDataErrorExitCode;;
+               esac
+       done
+       if [ 1 -eq $OPTIND ]; then
+               printErrorHelpAndExit "Internal Error: parseOptions or a parent method in the call stack was not called with $"@"." $internalErrorExitCode
+       fi
+       let "toShift = $OPTIND - 1"
+       shift $toShift
+       if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+               printErrorHelpAndExit "URL not specified" $userSpecifiedDataErrorExitCode
+       fi
+       url="$1"
+       verifyUrl
+       if [ -z "$awsAccessSecretKeyIdFile" ]; then
+               printErrorHelpAndExit "AWS Secret Access Key file not specified" $userSpecifiedDataErrorExitCode
+       elif [ -z "$awsAccessKeyId" ]; then
+               printErrorHelpAndExit "AWS Access Key Id not specified" $userSpecifiedDataErrorExitCode
+       fi
+function prepareToRunCurl
+       readonly verb="DELETE"
+       readonly verbToPass="-X DELETE"
+       readonly contentMD5=""
+       readonly contentType=""
+readonly weAreKnownAs="$(basename $0)"
+readonly ourPath="$(dirname $0)"
+readonly commonFunctions="$ourPath/s3-common-functions"
+if [ -e "$commonFunctions" ]; then
+       source "$commonFunctions"
+       version="Unknown"
+       invalidEnvironmentExitCode=4
+       printHelpAndExit "$weAreKnownAs: Could not locate file s3-common-functions" $invalidEnvironmentExitCode
+main "$@"
diff --git a/s3-get b/s3-get
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..caaa205
--- /dev/null
+++ b/s3-get
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+cat > /dev/null << EndOfLicence
+Copyright 2007 Raphael James Cohn
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
+in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
+is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
+or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+the License.
+# Pragmas
+set -u
+set -e
+function printHelpAndExit
+       exitCode=$1
+       printf "%s: version %s\n" "$weAreKnownAs" "$version"
+       printf "Part of s3-bash. Latest version is at %s\n" ''
+       printf "Usage %s: -h\n" "$weAreKnownAs"
+       printf "Usage %s: [-vS] [-H file] [-a file] -k key -s file url\n" "$weAreKnownAs"
+       printf " Option\tType\tRequirement\tDescription\n"
+       printf " -h\t\tprecedent\tprint this help\n"
+       printf " -v\t\toptional\tverbose output\n"
+       printf " -k\tstring\tmandatory\tAWS Access Key Id\n"
+       printf " -s\tfile\tmandatory\tAWS Secret Access Key Id File\n"
+       printf " -S\t\toptional\tUse https\n"
+       printf " -H\tfile\toptional\tFile to write response headers to\n"
+       printf " -a\tfile\toptional\tFile to read Amazon custom headers from (X-Amz-Date is not allowed)\n"
+       printf " \turl\tmandatory\trelative url including bucket name and leading slash, eg /bucket/path/to/object?acl. Assumed to be already encoded\n"
+       printf "\n"
+       printf "Notes\n"
+       printf "Specify proxies using a ~/.curlrc file\n"
+       printf "Content is returned on stdout\n"
+       exit $exitCode
+function parseOptions
+       verbose=""
+       url=""
+       awsAccessKeyId=""
+       awsAccessSecretKeyIdFile=""
+       protocol="http"
+       dumpHeaderFile="/dev/null"
+       amazonHeaderFile="/dev/null"
+       while getopts "hvk:s:SH:a:" optionName; do              
+               case "$optionName" in
+                       h)      printHelpAndExit 0;;
+                       v)      verbose="-v";;
+                       k)      awsAccessKeyId="$OPTARG";;
+                       s)      awsAccessSecretKeyIdFile="$OPTARG"
+                               if [ ! -e "$awsAccessSecretKeyIdFile" ]; then
+                                       printErrorHelpAndExit "AWS Secret Key Id file does not exist" $userSpecifiedDataErrorExitCode
+                               fi;;
+                       S)      protocol="https";;
+                       H)      dumpHeaderFile="$OPTARG";;
+                       a)      amazonHeaderFile="$OPTARG"
+                               ;;
+                       [?])    printErrorHelpAndExit "Option not recognised" $userSpecifiedDataErrorExitCode;;
+               esac
+       done
+       if [ 1 -eq $OPTIND ]; then
+               printErrorHelpAndExit "Internal Error: parseOptions or a parent method in the call stack was not called with $"@"." $internalErrorExitCode
+       fi
+       let "toShift = $OPTIND - 1"
+       shift $toShift
+       if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+               printErrorHelpAndExit "URL not specified" $userSpecifiedDataErrorExitCode
+       fi
+       url="$1"
+       verifyUrl
+       if [ -z "$awsAccessSecretKeyIdFile" ]; then
+               printErrorHelpAndExit "AWS Secret Access Key file not specified" $userSpecifiedDataErrorExitCode
+       elif [ -z "$awsAccessKeyId" ]; then
+               printErrorHelpAndExit "AWS Access Key Id not specified" $userSpecifiedDataErrorExitCode
+       fi
+function prepareToRunCurl
+       readonly verb="GET"
+       readonly verbToPass="--get"
+       readonly contentMD5=""
+       readonly contentType=""
+readonly weAreKnownAs="$(basename $0)"
+readonly ourPath="$(dirname $0)"
+readonly commonFunctions="$ourPath/s3-common-functions"
+if [ -e "$commonFunctions" ]; then
+       source "$commonFunctions"
+       version="Unknown"
+       invalidEnvironmentExitCode=4
+       printErrorHelpAndExit "$weAreKnownAs: Could not locate file s3-common-functions" $invalidEnvironmentExitCode
+main "$@"
diff --git a/s3-put b/s3-put
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..87af77b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/s3-put
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+cat > /dev/null << EndOfLicence
+Copyright 2007 Raphael James Cohn
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
+in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
+is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
+or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+the License.
+# Pragmas
+set -u
+set -e
+function printHelpAndExit
+       exitCode=$1
+       printf "%s: version %s\n" "$weAreKnownAs" "$version"
+       printf "Part of s3-bash. Latest version is at %s\n" ''
+       printf "Usage %s: -h\n" "$weAreKnownAs"
+       printf "Usage %s: [-vS] [-H file] [-a file] -k key -s file -T file url\n" "$weAreKnownAs"
+       printf " Option\tType\tRequirement\tDescription\n"
+       printf " -h\t\tprecedent\tprint this help\n"
+       printf " -v\t\toptional\tverbose output\n"
+       printf " -k\tstring\tmandatory\tAWS Access Key Id\n"
+       printf " -s\tfile\tmandatory\tAWS Secret Access Key Id File\n"
+       printf " -T\tfile\tmandatory\tFile (or stdin with -) to PUT\n"
+       printf " -S\t\toptional\tUse https\n"
+       printf " -H\tfile\toptional\tFile to write response headers to\n"
+       printf " -a\tfile\toptional\tFile to read Amazon custom headers from (X-Amz-Date is not allowed)\n"
+       printf " -c\tMIME\toptional\tMIME Content type. Default is text/plain\n"
+       printf " \turl\tmandatory\trelative url including bucket name and leading slash, eg /bucket/path/to/object?acl. Assumed to be already encoded\n"
+       printf "\n"
+       printf "Notes\n"
+       printf "Specify proxies using a ~/.curlrc file\n"
+       printf "Specify content to PUT using stdin using option -T -\n"
+       exit $exitCode
+function parseOptions
+       verbose=""
+       url=""
+       awsAccessKeyId=""
+       awsAccessSecretKeyIdFile=""
+       protocol="http"
+       fileToUpload=""
+       dumpHeaderFile="/dev/null"
+       amazonHeaderFile="/dev/null"
+       contentType="text/plain"
+       while getopts "hvk:s:SH:T:a:c:" optionName; do          
+               case "$optionName" in
+                       h)      printHelpAndExit 0;;
+                       v)      verbose="-v";;
+                       k)      awsAccessKeyId="$OPTARG";;
+                       s)      awsAccessSecretKeyIdFile="$OPTARG"
+                               if [ ! -e "$awsAccessSecretKeyIdFile" ]; then
+                                       printErrorHelpAndExit "AWS Secret Key Id file does not exist" $userSpecifiedDataErrorExitCode
+                               fi;;
+                       S)      protocol="https";;
+                       H)      dumpHeaderFile="$OPTARG";;
+                       T)      fileToUpload="$OPTARG";;
+                       a)      amazonHeaderFile="$OPTARG";;
+                       c)      contentType="$OPTARG";;
+                       [?])    printErrorHelpAndExit "Option not recognised" $userSpecifiedDataErrorExitCode;;
+               esac
+       done
+       if [ 1 -eq $OPTIND ]; then
+               printErrorHelpAndExit "Internal Error: parseOptions or a parent method in the call stack was not called with $"@"." $internalErrorExitCode
+       fi
+       let "toShift = $OPTIND - 1"
+       shift $toShift
+       if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+               printErrorHelpAndExit "URL not specified" $userSpecifiedDataErrorExitCode
+       fi
+       url="$1"
+       verifyUrl
+       if [ -z "$awsAccessSecretKeyIdFile" ]; then
+               printErrorHelpAndExit "AWS Secret Access Key file not specified" $userSpecifiedDataErrorExitCode
+       elif [ -z "$awsAccessKeyId" ]; then
+               printErrorHelpAndExit "AWS Access Key Id not specified" $userSpecifiedDataErrorExitCode
+       elif [ -z "$fileToUpload" ]; then
+               printErrorHelpAndExit "File to upload not specified" $userSpecifiedDataErrorExitCode
+       fi
+function prepareToRunCurl
+       readonly verb="PUT"
+       if [ ! "-" = "$fileToUpload" ]; then
+               readonly contentMD5="$(base64EncodedMD5 "$fileToUpload")"
+               readonly verbToPass="-T \"$fileToUpload\""
+       else
+               readonly contentMD5=""
+               readonly verbToPass="-T -"
+       fi
+readonly weAreKnownAs="$(basename $0)"
+readonly ourPath="$(dirname $0)"
+readonly commonFunctions="$ourPath/s3-common-functions"
+if [ -e "$commonFunctions" ]; then
+       source "$commonFunctions"
+       version="Unknown"
+       invalidEnvironmentExitCode=4
+       printErrorHelpAndExit "$weAreKnownAs: Could not locate file s3-common-functions" $invalidEnvironmentExitCode
+main "$@"