// PRUSA iteration3 // Bushing/bearing housings // GNU GPL v3 // Josef Průša // Václav 'ax' Hůla // http://www.reprap.org/wiki/Prusa_Mendel // http://github.com/prusajr/PrusaMendel include /** * @id bushing * @name Bushing * @category Printed * @id bushing */ // Linear bearing options lm8uu_diameter=(bearing_type==1) ? 16 : 15; lm8uu_length=(bearing_type==1) ? 25 : 24; lm8uu_radius = lm8uu_diameter / 2; block_height = 2*lm8uu_length+17; // basic building blocks, housings for 1 bushing/bearing // at [0,0] there is center of the smooth rod, pointing in Z module linear_bushing_square(h=11) { translate([0,0,h/2]) { difference(){ union(){ translate([-10.5/2,0,0]) cube([10.5,13.8,h], center = true); cube([13.8,13.8,h], center = true); } cube([9,9,h+0.02], center = true); } } } module linear_bushing_round(h=11) { difference(){ union(){ translate([-10.5/2,0,h/2]) cube([10.5,13.8,h], center = true); cylinder(r=7.5, h=h); } translate([0,0,-0.01]) cylinder(r=5.1, h=h+0.02); } } module linear_bushing_bronze(h=11) { difference(){ union(){ translate([-10.5/2,0,h/2]) cube([10.5,13.8,h], center = true); cylinder(r=10.7, h=h); } translate([0,0,-0.01]) cylinder(r=8.1, h=h+0.02); } } // select right bushing and cut it at angle, so it can be printed upside down module linear_bushing_long(h=30){ intersection(){ if (bushing_type == 0) { linear_bushing_square(h); } if (bushing_type == 1) { linear_bushing_round(h); } if (bushing_type == 2) { linear_bushing_bronze(h); } if (bushing_type == 2) { translate([0, 0, 0]) rotate([0,-55,0]) cube([30, 40, 80], center=true); } else { translate([0, 0, -4]) rotate([0,-45,0]) cube([30, 40, 80], center=true); } } } module linear_bushing(h=65){ translate([-9.5,0,h/2]) cube([2,13.8,h], center=true); linear_bushing_long(h); if (h>30) { translate([0,0,h]) mirror([0,0,1]) linear_bushing_long(30); } } //this is for Z axis module bushing_negative(h=65){ if (bearing_choice == 1) { if (bushing_type == 0) { translate([0,0,h/2]) cube([9,9,h+0.02], center = true); } if (bushing_type == 1) { translate([0,0,-0.01]) cylinder(r=5.1, h=h+0.02); } if (bushing_type == 2) { translate([0,0,-0.01]) cylinder(r=8.1, h=h+0.02); } } else { translate([0,0,-0.01]) cylinder(r=lm8uu_radius+0.4, h=h+0.02); } } module firm_foot(){ difference(){ union() { translate([0,13,0]) cube_fillet([3,18,20], top=[11,0,0,0], center=true); } translate([1.5,14,0]) rotate([0,-90,0]) screw(); } } module spring_foot(){ difference(){ union() { translate([0.5,23.5,0]) cube_fillet([3,14,20], top=[11,0,0,0], center=true); translate([5,17,0]) rotate([0,0,-15]) cube_fillet([12,3,20], center=true); translate([5,13,0]) rotate([0,0,25]) cube_fillet([13,3,20], center=true); translate([0,9,0]) cube_fillet([3,6,20], vertical=[0,2,0,0], center=true); } translate([2,24,0]) rotate([0,-90,0]) screw(); } } module y_bearing(float=false){ if (bearing_choice == 2) { linear_bearing(lm8uu_length+4); } else { linear_bushing_long(20); } translate([-9,0,10]) { if (float) { spring_foot(); mirror([0,1,0]) spring_foot(); } else { firm_foot(); mirror([0,1,0]) firm_foot(); } } } module linear_bearing(h=0, fillet=false){ linear_holder_base((h > lm8uu_length+4)? h : lm8uu_length+4, fillet); translate([-(3)/2-lm8uu_radius+2,0,1]) cube([3,18,2], center = true); translate([-(3)/2-lm8uu_radius+2,0,((h > lm8uu_length+4)? h : lm8uu_length+4)-1]) cube([3,18,2], center = true); if ( (h-4)/2 > lm8uu_length){ translate([-(3)/2-lm8uu_radius+2,0,h/2]) cube([3,18, (h-4)-2*lm8uu_length], center = true); } } module linear_holder_base(length, fillet=false){ difference(){ union(){ //main block translate([-10.5/2,0,length/2]) cube([10.5,lm8uu_diameter+5,length], center = true); translate([0,0,0]) cylinder(h = length, r=lm8uu_radius+2.5, $fn=60); } //main axis translate([0,0,-2]) cylinder(h = length+4, r=(lm8uu_diameter+0.8)/2, $fn=50); // not needed for zip tie //main cut translate([10,0,length/2]) cube([20,14,length+4], center = true); //smooth entry cut translate([12,0,length/2]) rotate([0,0,45]) cube([20,20,length+4], center = true); if (fillet) { translate([0,0,length/2 ]) cube_negative_fillet([21,lm8uu_diameter+5,length], vertical=[0,3,3,0]); } } } %cylinder(r=4, h=90); y_bearing(); translate([0,46,0]) y_bearing(); if (bearing_choice == 2) { translate([-22, 23, 0]) y_bearing(); } else { translate ([-26,23,0]) mirror([1,0,0]) y_bearing(true); }