(in-package "PARENSCRIPT") (defmacro with-local-macro-environment ((var env) &body body) `(let* ((,var (make-macro-dictionary)) (,env (cons ,var ,env))) ,@body)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; literals (defmacro defpsliteral (name string) `(progn (add-ps-reserved-symbol ',name) (define-ps-special-form ,name () (list 'js:literal ,string)))) (defpsliteral this "this") (defpsliteral t "true") (defpsliteral true "true") (defpsliteral false "false") (defpsliteral f "false") (defpsliteral nil "null") (defpsliteral undefined "undefined") (macrolet ((def-for-literal (name printer) `(progn (add-ps-reserved-symbol ',name) (define-ps-special-form ,name (&optional label) (list ',printer label))))) (def-for-literal break js:break) (def-for-literal continue js:continue)) (define-ps-special-form quote (x) (ps-compile-expression (typecase x (cons `(array ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) (when x `',x)) x))) (null '(array)) (keyword x) (symbol (symbol-to-js-string x)) (number x) (string x)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; unary operators (macrolet ((def-unary-ops (&rest ops) `(progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (op) (let ((op (if (listp op) (car op) op)) (spacep (if (listp op) (second op) nil))) `(define-ps-special-form ,op (x) (list 'js:unary-operator ',op (ps-compile-expression (ps-macroexpand x)) :prefix t :space ,spacep)))) ops)))) (def-unary-ops ~ ! (new t) (delete t) (void t) (typeof t))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; statements (define-ps-special-form return (&optional value) `(js:return ,(ps-compile-expression (ps-macroexpand value)))) (define-ps-special-form throw (value) `(js:throw ,(ps-compile-expression (ps-macroexpand value)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; arrays (define-ps-special-form array (&rest values) `(js:array ,@(mapcar (lambda (form) (ps-compile-expression (ps-macroexpand form))) values))) (define-ps-special-form aref (array &rest coords) `(js:aref ,(ps-compile-expression (ps-macroexpand array)) ,(mapcar (lambda (form) (ps-compile-expression (ps-macroexpand form))) coords))) (defpsmacro list (&rest values) `(array ,@values)) (defpsmacro make-array (&rest initial-values) `(new (*array ,@initial-values))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; operators (define-ps-special-form incf (x &optional (delta 1)) (let ((x (ps-macroexpand x)) (delta (ps-macroexpand delta))) (if (eql delta 1) `(js:unary-operator js:++ ,(ps-compile-expression x) :prefix t) `(js:operator js:+= ,(ps-compile-expression x) ,(ps-compile-expression delta))))) (define-ps-special-form decf (x &optional (delta 1)) (let ((x (ps-macroexpand x)) (delta (ps-macroexpand delta))) (if (eql delta 1) `(js:unary-operator js:-- ,(ps-compile-expression x) :prefix t) `(js:operator js:-= ,(ps-compile-expression x) ,(ps-compile-expression delta))))) (define-ps-special-form - (first &rest rest) (let ((first (ps-macroexpand first)) (rest (mapcar #'ps-macroexpand rest))) (if rest `(js:operator js:- ,@(mapcar (lambda (val) (ps-compile-expression val)) (cons first rest))) `(js:unary-operator js:- ,(ps-compile-expression first) :prefix t)))) (define-ps-special-form not (x) (let ((form (ps-compile-expression (ps-macroexpand x))) inverse-op) (if (and (eq (car form) 'js:operator) (= (length (cddr form)) 2) (setf inverse-op (case (cadr form) (== '!=) (< '>=) (> '<=) (<= '>) (>= '<) (!= '==) (=== '!==) (!== '===)))) `(js:operator ,inverse-op ,@(cddr form)) `(js:unary-operator js:! ,form :prefix t)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; control structures (defun flatten-blocks (body) (when body (if (and (listp (car body)) (eq 'js:block (caar body))) (append (cdr (car body)) (flatten-blocks (cdr body))) (cons (car body) (flatten-blocks (cdr body)))))) (defun constant-literal-form-p (form) (or (numberp form) (stringp form) (and (listp form) (eq 'js:literal (car form))))) (define-ps-special-form progn (&rest body) (let ((body (mapcar #'ps-macroexpand body))) (if (and compile-expression? (= 1 (length body))) (ps-compile-expression (car body)) `(,(if compile-expression? 'js:|,| 'js:block) ,@(let* ((block (flatten-blocks (remove nil (mapcar #'ps-compile body))))) (append (remove-if #'constant-literal-form-p (butlast block)) (last block))))))) (define-ps-special-form cond (&rest clauses) (if compile-expression? (make-cond-clauses-into-nested-ifs clauses) `(js:if ,(ps-compile-expression (caar clauses)) ,(ps-compile-statement `(progn ,@(cdar clauses))) ,@(loop for (test . body) in (cdr clauses) appending (if (eq t test) `(:else ,(ps-compile-statement `(progn ,@body))) `(:else-if ,(ps-compile-expression test) ,(ps-compile-statement `(progn ,@body)))))))) (defun make-cond-clauses-into-nested-ifs (clauses) (if clauses (destructuring-bind (test &rest body) (car clauses) (if (eq t test) (ps-compile-expression `(progn ,@body)) `(js:? ,(ps-compile-expression test) ,(ps-compile-expression `(progn ,@body)) ,(make-cond-clauses-into-nested-ifs (cdr clauses))))) (ps-compile-expression nil))) (define-ps-special-form if (test then &optional else) (if compile-expression? `(js:? ,(ps-compile-expression (ps-macroexpand test)) ,(ps-compile-expression (ps-macroexpand then)) ,(ps-compile-expression (ps-macroexpand else))) `(js:if ,(ps-compile-expression (ps-macroexpand test)) ,(ps-compile-statement `(progn ,then)) ,@(when else `(:else ,(ps-compile-statement `(progn ,else))))))) (define-ps-special-form switch (test-expr &rest clauses) `(js:switch ,(ps-compile-expression test-expr) ,(loop for (val . body) in clauses collect (cons (if (eq val 'default) 'default (ps-compile-expression val)) (mapcar (lambda (x) (ps-compile-statement x)) body))))) (defpsmacro case (value &rest clauses) (labels ((make-clause (val body more) (cond ((and (listp val) (not (eq (car val) 'quote))) (append (mapcar #'list (butlast val)) (make-clause (first (last val)) body more))) ((member val '(t otherwise)) (make-clause 'default body more)) (more `((,val ,@body break))) (t `((,val ,@body)))))) `(switch ,value ,@(mapcon (lambda (clause) (make-clause (car (first clause)) (cdr (first clause)) (rest clause))) clauses)))) (defpsmacro when (test &rest body) `(if ,test (progn ,@body))) (defpsmacro unless (test &rest body) `(if (not ,test) (progn ,@body))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; function definition (defvar *vars-bound-in-enclosing-lexical-scopes* ()) (defun compile-function-definition (args body) (let ((args (mapcar #'ps-compile-symbol args))) (list args (let* ((*enclosing-lexical-block-declarations* ()) (*vars-bound-in-enclosing-lexical-scopes* (append args *vars-bound-in-enclosing-lexical-scopes*)) (body (ps-compile-statement `(progn ,@body))) (var-decls (ps-compile-statement `(progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (var) `(var ,var)) *enclosing-lexical-block-declarations*))))) `(js:block ,@(cdr var-decls) ,@(cdr body)))))) (define-ps-special-form %js-lambda (args &rest body) `(js:lambda ,@(compile-function-definition args body))) (define-ps-special-form %js-defun (name args &rest body) `(js:defun ,name ,@(compile-function-definition args body))) (defun parse-function-body (body) (let* ((docstring (when (stringp (first body)) (first body))) (body-forms (if docstring (rest body) body))) (values body-forms docstring))) (defun parse-key-spec (key-spec) "parses an &key parameter. Returns 5 values: var, init-form, keyword-name, supplied-p-var, init-form-supplied-p. Syntax of key spec: [&key {var | ({var | (keyword-name var)} [init-form [supplied-p-parameter]])}* " (let* ((var (cond ((symbolp key-spec) key-spec) ((and (listp key-spec) (symbolp (first key-spec))) (first key-spec)) ((and (listp key-spec) (listp (first key-spec))) (second (first key-spec))))) (keyword-name (if (and (listp key-spec) (listp (first key-spec))) (first (first key-spec)) (intern (string var) :keyword))) (init-form (if (listp key-spec) (second key-spec) nil)) (init-form-supplied-p (if (listp key-spec) t nil)) (supplied-p-var (if (listp key-spec) (third key-spec) nil))) (values var init-form keyword-name supplied-p-var init-form-supplied-p))) (defun parse-optional-spec (spec) "Parses an &optional parameter. Returns 3 values: var, init-form, supplied-p-var. [&optional {var | (var [init-form [supplied-p-parameter]])}*] " (let* ((var (cond ((symbolp spec) spec) ((and (listp spec) (first spec))))) (init-form (if (listp spec) (second spec))) (supplied-p-var (if (listp spec) (third spec)))) (values var init-form supplied-p-var))) (defun parse-aux-spec (spec) "Returns two values: variable and init-form" ;; [&aux {var | (var [init-form])}*]) (values (if (symbolp spec) spec (first spec)) (when (listp spec) (second spec)))) (defpsmacro defaultf (name value suppl) `(progn ,@(when suppl `((var ,suppl t))) (when (=== ,name undefined) (setf ,name ,value ,@(when suppl (list suppl nil)))))) (defun parse-extended-function (lambda-list body &optional name) "Returns two values: the effective arguments and body for a function with the given lambda-list and body." ;; The lambda list is transformed as follows, since a javascript lambda list is just a ;; list of variable names, and you have access to the arguments variable inside the function: ;; * standard variables are the mapped directly into the js-lambda list ;; * optional variables' variable names are mapped directly into the lambda list, ;; and for each optional variable with name v, default value d, and ;; supplied-p parameter s, a form is produced (defaultf v d s) ;; * keyword variables are not included in the js-lambda list, but instead are ;; obtained from the magic js ARGUMENTS pseudo-array. Code assigning values to ;; keyword vars is prepended to the body of the function. Defaults and supplied-p ;; are handled using the same mechanism as with optional vars. (declare (ignore name)) (multiple-value-bind (requireds optionals rest? rest keys? keys allow? aux? aux more? more-context more-count key-object) (parse-lambda-list lambda-list) (declare (ignore allow? aux? aux more? more-context more-count key-object)) (let* (;; optionals are of form (var default-value) (effective-args (remove-if #'null (append requireds (mapcar #'parse-optional-spec optionals)))) (opt-forms (mapcar #'(lambda (opt-spec) (multiple-value-bind (var val suppl) (parse-optional-spec opt-spec) `(defaultf ,var ,val ,suppl))) optionals)) (key-forms (when keys? (if (< *js-target-version* 1.6) (with-ps-gensyms (n) (let ((decls nil) (assigns nil) (defaults nil)) (mapc (lambda (k) (multiple-value-bind (var init-form keyword-str suppl) (parse-key-spec k) (push `(var ,var) decls) (push `(,keyword-str (setf ,var (aref arguments (1+ ,n)))) assigns) (push (list 'defaultf var init-form suppl) defaults))) (reverse keys)) `(,@decls (loop :for ,n :from ,(length requireds) :below (length arguments) :by 2 :do (case (aref arguments ,n) ,@assigns)) ,@defaults))) (mapcar (lambda (k) (multiple-value-bind (var init-form keyword-str) (parse-key-spec k) (with-ps-gensyms (x) `(let ((,x ((@ *Array prototype index-of call) arguments ,keyword-str ,(length requireds)))) (var ,var (if (= -1 ,x) ,init-form (aref arguments (1+ ,x)))))))) keys)))) (rest-form (if rest? (with-ps-gensyms (i) `(progn (var ,rest (array)) (dotimes (,i (- (slot-value arguments 'length) ,(length effective-args))) (setf (aref ,rest ,i) (aref arguments (+ ,i ,(length effective-args))))))) `(progn))) (body-paren-forms (parse-function-body body)) ; remove documentation (effective-body (append opt-forms key-forms (list rest-form) body-paren-forms))) (values effective-args effective-body)))) (defpsmacro defun (name lambda-list &body body) "An extended defun macro that allows cool things like keyword arguments. lambda-list::= (var* [&optional {var | (var [init-form [supplied-p-parameter]])}*] [&rest var] [&key {var | ({var | (keyword-name var)} [init-form [supplied-p-parameter]])}* [&allow-other-keys]] [&aux {var | (var [init-form])}*])" (if (symbolp name) `(defun-function ,name ,lambda-list ,@body) (progn (assert (and (listp name) (= (length name) 2) (eq 'setf (car name))) () "(defun ~s ~s ...) needs to have a symbol or (setf symbol) for a name." name lambda-list) `(defun-setf ,name ,lambda-list ,@body)))) (defpsmacro defun-function (name lambda-list &body body) (multiple-value-bind (effective-args effective-body) (parse-extended-function lambda-list body name) `(%js-defun ,name ,effective-args ,@effective-body))) (defpsmacro lambda (lambda-list &body body) "An extended defun macro that allows cool things like keyword arguments. lambda-list::= (var* [&optional {var | (var [init-form [supplied-p-parameter]])}*] [&rest var] [&key {var | ({var | (keyword-name var)} [init-form [supplied-p-parameter]])}* [&allow-other-keys]] [&aux {var | (var [init-form])}*])" (multiple-value-bind (effective-args effective-body) (parse-extended-function lambda-list body) `(%js-lambda ,effective-args ,@effective-body))) (define-ps-special-form labels (fn-defs &rest body) (with-local-macro-environment (local-fn-renames *ps-local-function-names*) (loop for (fn-name) in fn-defs do (setf (gethash fn-name local-fn-renames) (ps-gensym fn-name))) (ps-compile `(progn ,@(loop for (fn-name . def) in fn-defs collect `(var ,(gethash fn-name local-fn-renames) (lambda ,@def))) ,@body)))) (defvar *defun-setf-name-prefix* "__setf_") (defpsmacro defun-setf (setf-name lambda-list &body body) (let ((mangled-function-name (intern (concatenate 'string *defun-setf-name-prefix* (symbol-name (second setf-name))) (symbol-package (second setf-name)))) (function-args (cdr (ordered-set-difference lambda-list lambda-list-keywords)))) (ps* `(defsetf ,(second setf-name) ,(cdr lambda-list) (store-var) `(,',mangled-function-name ,store-var ,@(list ,@function-args)))) `(defun ,mangled-function-name ,lambda-list ,@body))) (defpsmacro defsetf-long (access-fn lambda-list (store-var) form) (setf (gethash access-fn *ps-setf-expanders*) (compile nil (let ((var-bindings (ordered-set-difference lambda-list lambda-list-keywords))) `(lambda (access-fn-args store-form) (destructuring-bind ,lambda-list access-fn-args (let* ((,store-var (ps-gensym)) (gensymed-names (loop repeat ,(length var-bindings) collecting (ps-gensym))) (gensymed-arg-bindings (mapcar #'list gensymed-names (list ,@var-bindings)))) (destructuring-bind ,var-bindings gensymed-names `(let* (,@gensymed-arg-bindings (,,store-var ,store-form)) ,,form)))))))) nil) (defpsmacro defsetf-short (access-fn update-fn &optional docstring) (declare (ignore docstring)) (setf (gethash access-fn *ps-setf-expanders*) (lambda (access-fn-args store-form) `(,update-fn ,@access-fn-args ,store-form))) nil) (defpsmacro defsetf (access-fn &rest args) `(,(if (= (length args) 3) 'defsetf-long 'defsetf-short) ,access-fn ,@args)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; macros (define-ps-special-form macrolet (macros &body body) (with-local-macro-environment (local-macro-dict *ps-macro-env*) (dolist (macro macros) (destructuring-bind (name arglist &body body) macro (setf (gethash name local-macro-dict) (eval (make-ps-macro-function arglist body))))) (ps-compile `(progn ,@body)))) (define-ps-special-form symbol-macrolet (symbol-macros &body body) (with-local-macro-environment (local-macro-dict *ps-symbol-macro-env*) (let (local-var-bindings) (dolist (macro symbol-macros) (destructuring-bind (name expansion) macro (setf (gethash name local-macro-dict) (lambda (x) (declare (ignore x)) expansion)) (push name local-var-bindings))) (let ((*vars-bound-in-enclosing-lexical-scopes* (append local-var-bindings *vars-bound-in-enclosing-lexical-scopes*))) (ps-compile `(progn ,@body)))))) (define-ps-special-form defmacro (name args &body body) ;; should this be a macro? (eval `(defpsmacro ,name ,args ,@body)) nil) (define-ps-special-form define-symbol-macro (name expansion) ;; should this be a macro? (eval `(define-ps-symbol-macro ,name ,expansion)) nil) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; objects (add-ps-reserved-symbol '{}) (define-ps-symbol-macro {} (create)) (define-ps-special-form create (&rest arrows) `(js:object ,@(loop for (key-expr val-expr) on arrows by #'cddr collecting (let ((compiled-key (ps-compile-expression (ps-macroexpand key-expr)))) (assert (or (stringp compiled-key) (numberp compiled-key) (keywordp compiled-key) (and (listp compiled-key) (eq 'js:variable (car compiled-key)))) () "Slot key ~s is not one of js-variable, keyword, string or number." compiled-key) (let ((key (aif (ps-reserved-symbol-p (if (listp compiled-key) (second compiled-key) compiled-key)) it compiled-key))) (cons key (ps-compile-expression (ps-macroexpand val-expr)))))))) (define-ps-special-form instanceof (value type) `(js:instanceof ,(ps-compile-expression value) ,(ps-compile-expression type))) (define-ps-special-form %js-slot-value (obj slot) (let ((slot (ps-macroexpand slot))) `(js:slot-value ,(ps-compile-expression (ps-macroexpand obj)) ,(let ((slot (if (and (listp slot) (eq 'quote (car slot))) (second slot) ;; assume we're quoting a symbol (ps-compile-expression slot)))) (if (and (symbolp slot) (ps-reserved-symbol-p slot)) (symbol-name-to-js-string slot) slot))))) (defpsmacro slot-value (obj &rest slots) (if (null (rest slots)) `(%js-slot-value ,obj ,(first slots)) `(slot-value (slot-value ,obj ,(first slots)) ,@(rest slots)))) (defpsmacro with-slots (slots object &rest body) (flet ((slot-var (slot) (if (listp slot) (first slot) slot)) (slot-symbol (slot) (if (listp slot) (second slot) slot))) `(symbol-macrolet ,(mapcar #'(lambda (slot) `(,(slot-var slot) (slot-value ,object ',(slot-symbol slot)))) slots) ,@body))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; assignment and binding (defun assignment-op (op) (case op (+ '+=) (~ '~=) (\& '\&=) (\| '\|=) (- '-=) (* '*=) (% '%=) (>> '>>=) (^ '^=) (<< '<<=) (>>> '>>>=) (/ '/=) (t nil))) (define-ps-special-form setf1% (lhs rhs) (let ((lhs (ps-compile-expression (ps-macroexpand lhs))) (rhs (ps-compile-expression (ps-macroexpand rhs)))) (if (and (listp rhs) (eq 'js:operator (car rhs)) (member (cadr rhs) '(+ *)) (equalp lhs (caddr rhs))) `(js:operator ,(assignment-op (cadr rhs)) ,lhs (js:operator ,(cadr rhs) ,@(cdddr rhs))) `(js:= ,lhs ,rhs)))) (defpsmacro setf (&rest args) (assert (evenp (length args)) () "~s does not have an even number of arguments." `(setf ,args)) `(progn ,@(loop for (place value) on args by #'cddr collect (let ((place (ps-macroexpand place))) (aif (and (listp place) (gethash (car place) *ps-setf-expanders*)) (funcall it (cdr place) value) `(setf1% ,place ,value)))))) (defpsmacro psetf (&rest args) (let ((places (loop for x in args by #'cddr collect x)) (vals (loop for x in (cdr args) by #'cddr collect x))) (let ((gensyms (mapcar (lambda (x) (declare (ignore x)) (ps-gensym)) places))) `(let ,(mapcar #'list gensyms vals) (setf ,@(mapcan #'list places gensyms)))))) (defun check-setq-args (args) (let ((vars (loop for x in args by #'cddr collect x))) (let ((non-var (find-if (complement #'symbolp) vars))) (when non-var (error 'type-error :datum non-var :expected-type 'symbol))))) (defpsmacro setq (&rest args) (check-setq-args args) `(setf ,@args)) (defpsmacro psetq (&rest args) (check-setq-args args) `(psetf ,@args)) (define-ps-special-form var (name &optional (value (values) value-provided?) documentation) (declare (ignore documentation)) (let ((name (ps-macroexpand name))) (if compile-expression? (progn (push name *enclosing-lexical-block-declarations*) (when value-provided? (ps-compile-expression `(setf ,name ,value)))) `(js:var (js:variable ,name) ,@(when value-provided? (list (ps-compile-expression (ps-macroexpand value)))))))) (defpsmacro defvar (name &optional (value (values) value-provided?) documentation) ;; this must be used as a top-level form, otherwise the resulting behavior will be undefined. (declare (ignore documentation)) (pushnew name *ps-special-variables*) `(var ,name ,@(when value-provided? (list value)))) (define-ps-special-form let (bindings &body body) `(js:let ,(mapcar #'car bindings) ,@(let ((body-forms (if compile-expression? `((progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (bind) `(var ,(car bind) ,(cadr bind))) bindings) ,@body)) `(,@(mapcar (lambda (bind) `(var ,(car bind) ,(cadr bind))) bindings) ,@body)))) (mapcar #'ps-compile body-forms)))) (defpsmacro let* (bindings &body body) (if bindings `(let (,(car bindings)) (let* ,(cdr bindings) ,@body)) `(progn ,@body))) (defpsmacro letrec (bindings &body body) `(let ,(mapcar (lambda (bind) (list (car bind) 'null)) bindings) ,@(mapcar (lambda (bind) `(var ,(car bind) ,(cadr bind))) bindings) ,@body)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; iteration (defun make-for-vars/inits (init-forms) (mapcar (lambda (x) (cons (ps-compile-symbol (ps-macroexpand (if (atom x) x (first x)))) (ps-compile-expression (ps-macroexpand (if (atom x) nil (second x)))))) init-forms)) (define-ps-special-form labeled-for (label init-forms cond-forms step-forms &rest body) `(js:for ,label ,(make-for-vars/inits init-forms) ,(mapcar (lambda (x) (ps-compile-expression (ps-macroexpand x))) cond-forms) ,(mapcar (lambda (x) (ps-compile-expression (ps-macroexpand x))) step-forms) ,(ps-compile-statement `(progn ,@body)))) (defpsmacro for (init-forms cond-forms step-forms &body body) `(labeled-for nil ,init-forms ,cond-forms ,step-forms ,@body)) (defun do-make-let-bindings (decls) (mapcar (lambda (x) (if (atom x) x (if (endp (cdr x)) (list (car x)) (subseq x 0 2)))) decls)) (defun do-make-init-vars (decls) (mapcar (lambda (x) (if (atom x) x (first x))) decls)) (defun do-make-init-vals (decls) (mapcar (lambda (x) (if (or (atom x) (endp (cdr x))) nil (second x))) decls)) (defun do-make-for-vars/init (decls) (mapcar (lambda (x) (if (atom x) x (if (endp (cdr x)) x (subseq x 0 2)))) decls)) (defun do-make-for-steps (decls) (mapcar (lambda (x) `(setf ,(first x) ,(third x))) (remove-if (lambda (x) (or (atom x) (< (length x) 3))) decls))) (defun do-make-iter-psteps (decls) `(psetq ,@(mapcan (lambda (x) (list (first x) (third x))) (remove-if (lambda (x) (or (atom x) (< (length x) 3))) decls)))) (defpsmacro do* (decls (termination &optional (result nil result?)) &body body) (if result? `((lambda () (for ,(do-make-for-vars/init decls) ((not ,termination)) ,(do-make-for-steps decls) ,@body) (return ,result))) `(progn (for ,(do-make-for-vars/init decls) ((not ,termination)) ,(do-make-for-steps decls) ,@body)))) (defpsmacro do (decls (termination &optional (result nil result?)) &body body) (if result? `((lambda ,(do-make-init-vars decls) (for () ((not ,termination)) () ,@body ,(do-make-iter-psteps decls)) (return ,result)) ,@(do-make-init-vals decls)) `(let ,(do-make-let-bindings decls) (for () ((not ,termination)) () ,@body ,(do-make-iter-psteps decls))))) (define-ps-special-form for-in ((var object) &rest body) `(js:for-in ,(ps-compile-expression var) ,(ps-compile-expression (ps-macroexpand object)) ,(ps-compile-statement `(progn ,@body)))) (define-ps-special-form while (test &rest body) `(js:while ,(ps-compile-expression test) ,(ps-compile-statement `(progn ,@body)))) (defpsmacro dotimes ((var count &optional (result nil result?)) &rest body) `(do* ((,var 0 (1+ ,var))) ((>= ,var ,count) ,@(when result? (list result))) ,@body)) (defpsmacro dolist ((var array &optional (result nil result?)) &body body) (let ((idx (ps-gensym "_js_idx")) (arrvar (ps-gensym "_js_arrvar"))) `(do* (,var (,arrvar ,array) (,idx 0 (1+ ,idx))) ((>= ,idx (slot-value ,arrvar 'length)) ,@(when result? (list result))) (setq ,var (aref ,arrvar ,idx)) ,@body))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; misc (define-ps-special-form with (expression &rest body) `(js:with ,(ps-compile-expression expression) ,(ps-compile-statement `(progn ,@body)))) (define-ps-special-form try (form &rest clauses) (let ((catch (cdr (assoc :catch clauses))) (finally (cdr (assoc :finally clauses)))) (assert (not (cdar catch)) nil "Sorry, currently only simple catch forms are supported.") (assert (or catch finally) () "Try form should have either a catch or a finally clause or both.") `(js:try ,(ps-compile-statement `(progn ,form)) :catch ,(when catch (list (ps-compile-symbol (caar catch)) (ps-compile-statement `(progn ,@(cdr catch))))) :finally ,(when finally (ps-compile-statement `(progn ,@finally)))))) (define-ps-special-form cc-if (test &rest body) `(js:cc-if ,test ,@(mapcar #'ps-compile-statement body))) (define-ps-special-form regex (regex) `(js:regex ,(string regex))) (define-ps-special-form lisp (lisp-form) ;; (ps (foo (lisp bar))) is in effect equivalent to (ps* `(foo ,bar)) ;; when called from inside of ps*, lisp-form has access only to the dynamic environment (like for eval) `(js:escape (compiled-form-to-string (let ((compile-expression? ,compile-expression?)) (ps-compile ,lisp-form))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; eval-when (define-ps-special-form eval-when (situation-list &body body) "(eval-when (situation*) body-form*) The body forms are evaluated only during the given SITUATION. The accepted SITUATIONS are :load-toplevel, :compile-toplevel, and :execute. The code in BODY-FORM is assumed to be COMMON-LISP code in :compile-toplevel and :load-toplevel sitations, and parenscript code in :execute. " (when (and (member :compile-toplevel situation-list) (member *ps-compilation-level* '(:toplevel :inside-toplevel-form))) (eval `(progn ,@body))) (if (member :execute situation-list) (ps-compile `(progn ,@body)) (ps-compile `(progn))))