(in-package :js-test) ;;Generates automatic tests from the reference (defparameter +reference-file+ (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory '(:relative :back "docs")) (make-pathname :name "reference" :type "lisp" :defaults *load-truename*))) (defparameter +generate-file+ (make-pathname :name "reference-tests" :type "lisp" :defaults *load-truename*)) (defparameter +head+ "(in-package :js-test) ;; Tests of everything in the reference. ;; File is generated automatically from the text in reference.lisp by ;; the function make-reference-tests-dot-lisp in ref2test.lisp ;; so do not edit this file. (def-suite ref-tests) (in-suite ref-tests)~%~%") ; a double-quote for emacs: " (defun make-reference-tests-dot-lisp() (let ((built "") heading heading-count) (with-open-file (out-stream +generate-file+ :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (labels ((empty-p (str) (zerop (length str))) (trim-whitespace (str) (string-trim '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline) str)) (left (str count) (subseq str 0 (min count (length str)))) (lispify-heading (heading) (remove-if (lambda (ch) (or (char= ch #\`)(char= ch #\'))) (substitute #\- #\Space (string-downcase (trim-whitespace heading)) :test #'char=))) (strip-indentation (str indentation) (if indentation (js::string-join (mapcar #'(lambda (str) (if (> (length str) indentation) (subseq str indentation) str)) (js::string-split str (list #\Newline))) (string #\Newline)) str)) (make-test () (let* ((sep-pos (search "=>" built)) (cr-before-sep (when sep-pos (or (position #\Newline (left built sep-pos) :from-end t :test #'char=) 0))) (js-indent-width (when cr-before-sep (+ 2 (- sep-pos cr-before-sep)))) (lisp-part (and sep-pos (left built sep-pos))) (javascript-part (when cr-before-sep (subseq built (+ 1 cr-before-sep))))) (cond ((null sep-pos) (format t "Ignoring:~a...~%" (left built 40))) ((search "=>" (subseq built (+ 1 sep-pos))) (format t "Error , two separators found~%")) ((and (string= heading "regular-expression-literals") (= 2 heading-count)) ;requires cl-interpol reader (format t "Skipping regex-test two~&")) ((and lisp-part javascript-part) (format out-stream "(test-ps-js ~a-~a~% ~a~% \"~a\")~%~%" heading heading-count (trim-whitespace lisp-part) (strip-indentation javascript-part js-indent-width))) (t (format t "Error, should not be here~%")))))) (format out-stream +head+) (with-open-file (stream +reference-file+ :direction :input) (loop for line = (read-line stream nil nil) with is-collecting while line do (cond ((string= (left line 4) ";;;#") (setf heading (lispify-heading (subseq line 5))) (setf heading-count 0) (when (string= (trim-whitespace heading) "the-parenscript-compiler") (return))) ((string= (left line 1) ";") 'skip-comment) ((empty-p (trim-whitespace line)) (when is-collecting (setf is-collecting nil) (incf heading-count) (make-test) (setf built ""))) (t (setf is-collecting t built (concatenate 'string built (when (not (empty-p built)) (list #\Newline)) line)))))) (format out-stream "~%(run-tests)~%")))))