(in-package :lisp-on-lines) ;;;; *LoL Entry points ;;;; ;;;; This file contains the high level functions and macros ;;;; that are part of LoL proper, that is to say, not Mewa ;;;; or Meta-Model. (defmacro action (args &body body) `(lambda ,args (with-call/cc ,@body))) ;;;; ** Initialisation (defmethod find-default-attributes ((object t)) "return the default attributes for a given object using the meta-model's meta-data" (append (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (cons (car s) (gen-pslot (if (meta-model:foreign-key-p object (car s)) 'foreign-key (cadr s)) (string (car s)) (car s)))) (meta-model:list-slot-types object)) (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (cons s (append (gen-pslot 'has-many (string s) s) `(:presentation (make-presentation ,object :type :one-line))))) (meta-model:list-has-many object)) (find-default-presentation-attribute-definitions))) (defmethod set-default-attributes ((object t)) "Set the default attributes for MODEL" (clear-attributes object) (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (setf (find-attribute object (car x)) (cdr x))) (find-default-attributes object))) ;;;; This automagically initialises any meta model (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defmethod meta-model::generate-base-class-expander :after (meta-model name args) (set-default-attributes name))) ;;;; The following macros are used to initialise a set of database tables as LoL objects. (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defun generate-define-view-for-table (table) " Generates a form that, when evaluated, initialises the given table as an lol object. This involves creating a meta-model, a clsql view-class, and the setting up the default attributes for a mewa presentation" `(progn (def-view-class-from-table ,table) (set-default-attributes (quote ,(meta-model::sql->sym table)))))) (defmacro define-view-for-table (&rest tables) " expand to a form which initialises TABLES for use with LOL" `(progn ,@(loop for tbl in tables collect (generate-define-view-for-table tbl)) (values))) (defmacro define-views-for-database () "expands to init-i-f-t using the listing of tables provided by meta-model" `(define-view-for-table ,@(meta-model::list-tables))) (defmethod find-slots-of-type (model &key (type 'string) (types '((string)) types-supplied-p)) "returns a list of slots matching TYPE, or matching any of TYPES" (let (ty) (if types-supplied-p (setf ty types) (setf ty (list type))) (remove nil (mapcar #'(lambda (st) (when (member (second st) ty) (first st))) (lisp-on-lines::list-slot-types model))))) (defmethod word-search (class-name slots search-terms &key (limit 10) (where (sql-and t))) (select class-name :where (sql-and where (word-search-where class-name slots search-terms :format-string "~a%")) :flatp t :limit limit)) (defmethod word-search (class-name slots (s string) &rest args) (apply #'word-search class-name slots (list s) args)) (defmethod word-search-where (class-name slots search-terms &key (format-string "%~a%")) (sql-or (mapcar #'(lambda (term) (apply #'sql-or (mapcar #'(lambda (slot) (sql-uplike (sql-slot-value class-name slot) (format nil format-string term))) slots))) search-terms)))