(in-package :lol-test) ;;;; CREATE USER rofl_test PASSWORD 'rofl_test'; ;;;; CREATE DATABASE rofl_test OWNER rofl_test; (defmacro db (&body body) `(postmodern:with-connection '("rofl_test" "rofl_test" "rofl_test" "localhost") ,@body)) (deftest test-create-table () (finishes (db (postmodern:query (:DROP-TABLE 'rofl_test_base)) (postmodern:query (:CREATE-TABLE rofl_test_base ((rofl_test_base_id :type SERIAL :primary-key t) (test_string :type string) (test_integer :type integer))))))) (deftest test-simple-insert () (test-create-table) (let ((plist '(test-string "Test Entry" test-integer 1))) (finishes (db (postmodern:execute (postmodern:sql-compile `(:insert-into rofl-test-base :set ,@plist))))))) (deftest test-rofl-select () (test-simple-insert) (db (finishes (let* ((result (first (select '* :from 'rofl-test-base)))) (is (equalp '(:ROFL-TEST-BASE-ID 1 :TEST-STRING "Test Entry" :TEST-INTEGER 1) result)))))) (deftest test-rofl-select-only-1 () (test-simple-insert) (db (finishes (let* ((result (select-only 1 '* :from 'rofl-test-base))) (is (equalp '(:ROFL-TEST-BASE-ID 1 :TEST-STRING "Test Entry" :TEST-INTEGER 1) result)))))) (deftest test-rofl-insert () (test-create-table) (db (finishes (insert-into 'rofl-test-base :test-integer 2 :test-string "a")) (finishes (insert-into 'rofl-test-base :test-integer 3 :test-string "b")) (finishes (insert-into 'rofl-test-base :test-integer 4 :test-string "c")) (let ((r (select '* :from 'rofl-test-base))) (is (equal 3 (length r)))))) (deftest test-rofl-class-creation () (finishes (eval '(progn (setf (find-class 'rofl-test-base) nil) (defclass rofl-test-base () ((rofl-test-base-id :primary-key t) test-integer test-string) (:metaclass standard-db-access-class)))))) (deftest test-rofl-make-object-from-plist () (test-rofl-class-creation) (let* ((plist '(:ROFL-TEST-BASE-ID 1 :TEST-STRING "a" :TEST-INTEGER 2)) (object (make-object-from-plist 'rofl-test-base plist))) (is (equal (slot-value object 'rofl-test-base-id) 1)))) (deftest test-rofl-select-objects () (test-create-table) (test-rofl-class-creation) (test-rofl-insert) (db (finishes (let ((objects (select-objects 'rofl-test-base :where '(:= rofl-test-base-id 1)))) (is (equal (slot-value (first objects) 'rofl-test-base-id) 1)))))) (deftest test-rofl-create-references-tables () (finishes (db (ignore-errors (postmodern:query (:DROP-TABLE 'rofl_test_child))) (ignore-errors (postmodern:query (:DROP-TABLE 'rofl_test_parent))) (postmodern:query (:CREATE-TABLE rofl_test_parent ((rofl_test_parent_id :type SERIAL :primary-key t) (test_string :type string) (test_integer :type integer)))) (postmodern:query (:CREATE-TABLE rofl_test_child ((rofl_test_child_id :type SERIAL :primary-key t) (rofl_test_parent_id :type integer :references (rofl_test_parent)) (test_string :type string) (test_integer :type integer))))))) (deftest test-rofl-def-references-classes () (finishes (eval '(progn (defclass rofl-test-parent () ((rofl-test-parent-id :primary-key t) (test-string) (test-integer)) (:metaclass standard-db-access-class)) ;;; three ways to get to the parent. ;;; The should all point to the same object. (defclass rofl-test-child () ((rofl-test-child-id :primary-key t) ((rofl_test_child_id :type SERIAL :primary-key t) (rofl_test_parent_id :type integer :references (rofl_test_parent)) (test_string :type string) (test_integer :type integer))))))) ) (deftest test-rofl-def-references () (finishes (eval '(progn (defclass rofl-test-parent () ((rofl-test-parent-id :primary-key t) (test-string) (test-integer)) (:metaclass standard-db-access-class)) ;;; three ways to get to the parent. ;;; The should all point to the same object. (test-rofl-def-references-classes) (db (finishes (insert-into 'rofl-test-parent :test-string "Parent" :test-integer 1) (insert-into 'rofl-test-child :test-string "Child 1" :test-integer 1 :rofl-test-parent-id (slot-value (first (select-objects 'rofl-test-parent)) 'rofl-test-parent-id))) (let* ((child (select-only-n-objects 1 'rofl-test-child)) (parent-same-slot-name/fkey (slot-value child 'rofl-test-parent-id)) (parent-column-same-fkey (slot-value child 'parent)) (parent-column-table-and-key (slot-value child 'same-parent))) (is (eql 1 (slot-value child 'test-integer))) (is (equal 1 (slot-value parent-same-slot-name/fkey 'test-integer))) (is (equal 1 (slot-value parent-column-same-fkey 'test-integer))) (is (equal 1 (slot-value parent-column-table-and-key 'test-integer)))))))))