(in-package :lisp-on-lines) ;;;; The Standard Layer Hierarchy (deflayer viewer) (deflayer editor (viewer)) (deflayer creator (editor)) ;;;; 'Mixin' Layers (deflayer one-line) (deflayer wrap-form) (deflayer as-table) (define-attributes (contextl-default) (:viewer viewer) (:editor editor) (:creator creator)) (defmacro with-component ((component) &body body) `(let ((self ,component)) (flet ((display* (thing &rest args) (apply #'display ,component thing args))) ,@body))) (define-layered-function find-display-type (object)) (define-layered-method find-display-type (object) 'viewer) (define-layered-function find-display-layers (object)) (define-layered-method find-display-layers (object) "layered function" nil) (defmacro call-display (component object &rest args) `(call-component ,component (make-instance 'standard-display-component :display #'(lambda (component) (with-component (component) (<:as-html ,object) (display ,object ,@args)))))) (defmethod find-plist (object) (list)) ` (defmethod find-plist ((attribute standard-attribute)) (attribute.plist attribute)) (defmacro with-plist ((plist-form &optional prefix) &body body) (with-unique-names (p) (let ((get (intern (string-upcase (if prefix (strcat prefix '-getp) "GETP")))) (set (intern (string-upcase (if prefix (strcat prefix '-setp) "SETP")))) (props (intern (string-upcase (if prefix (strcat prefix '-properties) "PROPERTIES"))))) `(let ((,p ,plist-form)) (flet ((,get (p) (getf ,p p)) (,set (p v) (setf (getf ,p p) v)) (,props () ,p)) (declare (ignorable #',get #',set #',props)) ,@body))))) ;;;;; Macros (defmacro do-attributes ((var occurence attributes) &body body) (with-unique-names (att plist type) `(loop for ,att in ,attributes do (let* ((,att (ensure-list ,att)) (,plist (rest ,att)) (,type (getf ,plist :type)) (,var (if ,type (make-attribute :name (first ,att) :type ,type :plist ,plist) (find-attribute ,occurence (first ,att))))) (with-plist ((plist-union (rest ,att) (find-plist ,var)) ,var) ,@body))))) (defmacro defdisplay ((&key (in-layer nil layer-supplied-p) (combination nil combination-supplied-p) (description '(occurence standard-occurence) description-supplied-p) (component 'component) ((:class object) nil)) &body body) (let ((class-spec (if object (if (listp object) object (list object object)) 'object))) `(define-layered-method display-using-description ,@(when layer-supplied-p `(:in-layer ,in-layer)) ,@(when combination-supplied-p `(,combination)) (,description ,component ,class-spec properties) (with-plist ((plist-union properties (find-plist ,(car description)))) ,(if (not description-supplied-p) `(flet ((attributes () (or (getp :attributes) (list-slots ,(car (ensure-list class-spec)))))) (declare (ignorable #'attributes)) ,@body) `(progn ,@body)))) ) ) (define-layered-function display (component object &rest args) (:documentation "Displays OBJECT in COMPONENT. default action is to FUNCALL-WITH-LAYERS the DISPLAY-USING-DESCRIPTION method.")) (define-layered-method display ((component t) (object standard-object) &rest args &key layers (type 'viewer) &allow-other-keys) (let* ((occurence (find-occurence object)) (plist (attribute.plist (find-attribute occurence (intern (format nil "~A" type) :KEYWORD)))) (layers (append (when type (loop for ty in (ensure-list type) nconc `(+ ,ty))) layers (getf plist :layers)))) (funcall-with-layers layers #'display-using-description occurence component object (plist-union args plist)))) (define-layered-method display ((component t) (object t) &rest args &key layers (type 'viewer) &allow-other-keys) (funcall-with-layers layers #'display-using-description t component object args)) (define-layered-function display-using-description (description component object properties) (:documentation "Render the object in component, using DESCRIPTION, which is an occurence, and attribute, or something else")) (define-layered-method display-using-description (description component object properties) "The standard display simply prints the object" (declare (ignore component properties description)) (<:as-html object)) ;;;; * Object Presentations (define-layered-method display-using-description ((occurence standard-occurence) component object properties) (with-plist (properties o) (loop for att in (or (o-getp :attributes) (list-slots object)) do (let* ((att (ensure-list att)) (attribute (find-attribute occurence (first att)))) (warn "trying to render ~A in ~A" attribute object) (with-plist ((plist-union (rest att) (find-plist attribute))) (<:p :class "attribute" (<:span :class "label" (<:as-html (getp :label) " ")) (display-using-description attribute component object (rest att)))))))) ;;;; ** One line (defdisplay (:in-layer one-line) (do-attributes (attribute occurence (or (getp :attributes) (list-slots object))) (display-using-description attribute component object (attribute-properties)) (<:as-html " "))) ;;;; ** as-table (defdisplay (:in-layer as-table) (<:table (do-attributes (a occurence (attributes)) (<:tr (<:td (<:as-html (a-getp :label))) (<:td (display-using-description a component object (a-properties))))))) ;;;; List Displays (defdisplay (:class (list list) :description (desc t)) (<:ul (dolist* (item list) (<:li (apply #'display component item properties))))) ;;;; Attributes (defdisplay (:in-layer editor :description (attribute standard-attribute)) "Legacy editor using UCW presentations" (let ((p (lol:make-view object :type :editor))) (present-slot-view p (getf (find-plist attribute) :slot-name)))) (define-layered-method display-using-description ((attribute standard-attribute) component object properties) (let ((p (lol:make-view object :type 'mewa-viewer)) (name (attribute.name attribute))) (when name (present-slot-view p name)))) (defdisplay (:class (button (eql 'standard-form-buttons)) :description (description t)) (