(in-package :contextl) ;;; HACK: We are ending up with classes named NIL in the superclass list. ;;; These cannot be given the special object superclass when re-initializing ;;; is it will be in the subclasses superclasses AFTER this class, causing ;;; a confict. ;;; Since we don't care about these classes (?) this might work (?) (defmethod initialize-instance :around ((class special-class) &rest initargs &key direct-superclasses) (declare (dynamic-extent initargs)) (if (or ;; HACK begins (not (ignore-errors (class-name class))) ;; ENDHACK (loop for superclass in direct-superclasses thereis (ignore-errors (subtypep superclass 'special-object)))) (call-next-method) (progn (apply #'call-next-method class :direct-superclasses (append direct-superclasses (list (find-class 'special-object))) initargs)))) (defmethod reinitialize-instance :around ((class special-class) &rest initargs &key (direct-superclasses () direct-superclasses-p)) (declare (dynamic-extent initargs)) (if direct-superclasses-p (if (or ; Here comes the hack (not (class-name class)) ;endhack (loop for superclass in direct-superclasses thereis (ignore-errors (subtypep superclass 'special-object)))) (call-next-method) (apply #'call-next-method class :direct-superclasses (append direct-superclasses (list (find-class 'special-object))) initargs))) (call-next-method)) (defun funcall-with-special-initargs (bindings thunk) (let ((arg-count 0)) (special-symbol-progv (loop for (object . initargs) in bindings for initarg-keys = (loop for key in initargs by #'cddr collect key into keys count t into count finally (incf arg-count count) (return keys)) nconc (loop for slot in (class-slots (class-of object)) when (and (slot-definition-specialp slot) (intersection initarg-keys (slot-definition-initargs slot))) collect (with-symbol-access (slot-value object (slot-definition-name slot))))) (make-list arg-count :initial-element nil) (loop for (object . initargs) in bindings do (apply #'shared-initialize object nil :allow-other-keys t initargs)) (funcall thunk))))