(in-package :lisp-on-lines) ;;;; The Standard Layers (deflayer viewer) (deflayer editor) (deflayer creator) (deflayer one-line) (deflayer as-table) (deflayer as-string) (defdisplay :in-layer as-string (d o) (do-attributes (a d) (display-attribute a o) (<:as-is " "))) (defmethod list-slots (thing) (list 'identity)) ;;;; TODO : this doesn't work (defaction call-display-with-context ((from component) object context &rest properties) (call-component self (make-instance 'standard-display-component :context context :object object :args (if (cdr properties) properties (car properties))))) (defmacro call-display (component object &rest properties) `(let () (call-display-with-context ,component ,object nil ,@properties))) (defcomponent standard-display-component () ((context :accessor context :initarg :context) (object :accessor object :initarg :object) (args :accessor args :initarg :args))) (defmethod render ((self standard-display-component)) (apply #'display self (object self) (args self))) ;;;; * Object displays. ;;;; We like to have a label for attributes, and meta-model provides a default. (defdisplay ((desc (eql 'label)) label) (<:span :class "label" (<:as-html label))) ;;;; TODO: all lisp types should have occurences and attributes defined for them. (defdisplay ((description t) lisp-value) (<:as-html lisp-value)) (defdisplay (description (object string)) (<:as-html object)) (defdisplay (description object (component t)) "The default display for CLOS objects" (print (class-name (class-of object))) (dolist* (slot-name (list-slots object)) (let ((boundp (slot-boundp object slot-name))) (format t "~A~A : ~A" (strcat slot-name) (if boundp "" "(unbound)") (if boundp (slot-value object slot-name) ""))))) (defdisplay ((description t) object) "The default display for CLOS objects in UCW components" (dolist* (slot-name (list-slots object)) (let ((boundp (slot-boundp object slot-name))) (<:label :class "lol-label" (display-attribute 'label (strcat slot-name)) (if boundp "" "(unbound)")) (<:as-html (if boundp (slot-value object slot-name) ""))))) ;;;; ** The default displays for objects with a MEWA occurence (defdisplay (description object) (<:div :class "lol-display" (do-attributes (attribute description) (<:div :class "lol-attribute-row" (display-attribute attribute object))))) ;;;; ** One line (defdisplay :in-layer one-line (description object) "The one line presentation just displays the attributes with a #\Space between them" (do-attributes (attribute description) (display-attribute attribute object) (<:as-html " "))) ;;;; ** as-table (defdisplay :in-layer as-table (description object) (<:table (do-attributes (a description) (<:tr (<:td :class "lol-label" (<:as-html (label a))) (<:td (display-attribute a object)))))) ;;;; List Displays (defdisplay (desc (list list)) (<:ul (dolist* (item list) (<:li (display* item) (<:as-html item))))) ;;;; Attributes (defdisplay :in-layer editor ((attribute standard-attribute) object) "Legacy editor using UCW presentations" (warn "USING LEGACY EDITOR FOR ~A" (slot-name attribute))) (define-layered-method display-using-description ((attribute standard-attribute) object component) (with-component (component) (