(in-package :it.bese.ucw) (defslot-presentation clsql-wall-time-slot-presentation () () (:type-name clsql-sys:wall-time)) (defmethod presentation-slot-value ((slot clsql-wall-time-slot-presentation) instance) (let ((date (call-next-method))) (when date (multiple-value-bind (y m d) (clsql:time-ymd date) (format nil "~a/~a/~a" m d y))))) (defmethod (setf presentation-slot-value) ((value string) (slot clsql-wall-time-slot-presentation) instance) (setf (presentation-slot-value slot instance) (clsql:parse-date-time (remove #\Space value)))) (defmethod present-slot ((slot clsql-wall-time-slot-presentation) instance) (let ((date (presentation-slot-value slot instance)) (input-id (string (gensym)))) (if (and date (not (editablep slot))) (<:span (<:as-html date))) (when (editablep slot) ( " (foreign-instance slot) " from " instance ) (let* ((e (getf (mewa::global-properties (parent slot)) :editablep)) (i (foreign-instance slot)) (pres (mewa::make-presentation i :type :one-line :initargs (list :global-properties (list :editablep nil :linkedp (linkedp slot)))))) (when (ucw::parent slot) (setf (component.place pres) (component.place (ucw::parent slot)))) (flet ((render () (when i ( 0 (current slot)) ;;what to do here is open to debate (setf (current slot) (- (len slot)(number-to-display slot) )))) (defmethod present-slot ((slot has-very-many-slot-presentation) instance) ;;(<:as-html "isance: " instance) (>")) (call-next-method) (<:as-html "total :" (len slot))) (defmethod get-foreign-instances :around ((slot has-very-many-slot-presentation) instance) (let ((f (call-next-method))) (setf (len slot) (length f)) (setf (instances slot) f) (loop for cons on (nthcdr (current slot) f) for i from 0 upto (number-to-display slot) collect (car cons)))) (defslot-presentation has-a-slot-presentation (one-of-presentation) ((key :initarg :key :accessor key)) (:type-name has-a)) (defmethod get-foreign-slot-value ((slot has-a-slot-presentation) (object t) (slot-name t)) (slot-value object slot-name)) (defmethod present-slot ((slot has-a-slot-presentation) instance) (<:as-html (presentation-slot-value slot instance)) (if (editablep slot) (