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[clinton/guile-figl.git] / upstream-doc / man2 / glCopyConvolutionFilter2D.xml
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1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook MathML Module V1.1b1//EN"
3 "">
4<refentry id="glCopyConvolutionFilter2D">
5 <refmeta>
6 <refmetainfo>
7 <copyright>
8 <year>1991-2006</year>
9 <holder>Silicon Graphics, Inc.</holder>
10 </copyright>
11 </refmetainfo>
12 <refentrytitle>glCopyConvolutionFilter2D</refentrytitle>
13 <manvolnum>3G</manvolnum>
14 </refmeta>
15 <refnamediv>
16 <refname>glCopyConvolutionFilter2D</refname>
17 <refpurpose>copy pixels into a two-dimensional convolution filter</refpurpose>
18 </refnamediv>
19 <refsynopsisdiv><title>C Specification</title>
20 <funcsynopsis>
21 <funcprototype>
22 <funcdef>void <function>glCopyConvolutionFilter2D</function></funcdef>
23 <paramdef>GLenum <parameter>target</parameter></paramdef>
24 <paramdef>GLenum <parameter>internalformat</parameter></paramdef>
25 <paramdef>GLint <parameter>x</parameter></paramdef>
26 <paramdef>GLint <parameter>y</parameter></paramdef>
27 <paramdef>GLsizei <parameter>width</parameter></paramdef>
28 <paramdef>GLsizei <parameter>height</parameter></paramdef>
29 </funcprototype>
30 </funcsynopsis>
31 </refsynopsisdiv>
32 <refsect1 id="parameters"><title>Parameters</title>
33 <variablelist>
34 <varlistentry>
35 <term><parameter>target</parameter></term>
36 <listitem>
37 <para>
38 Must be <constant>GL_CONVOLUTION_2D</constant>.
39 </para>
40 </listitem>
41 </varlistentry>
42 <varlistentry>
43 <term><parameter>internalformat</parameter></term>
44 <listitem>
45 <para>
46 The internal format of the convolution filter kernel.
47 The allowable values are
48 <constant>GL_ALPHA</constant>,
49 <constant>GL_ALPHA4</constant>,
50 <constant>GL_ALPHA8</constant>,
51 <constant>GL_ALPHA12</constant>,
52 <constant>GL_ALPHA16</constant>,
53 <constant>GL_LUMINANCE</constant>,
54 <constant>GL_LUMINANCE4</constant>,
55 <constant>GL_LUMINANCE8</constant>,
56 <constant>GL_LUMINANCE12</constant>,
57 <constant>GL_LUMINANCE16</constant>,
58 <constant>GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA</constant>,
59 <constant>GL_LUMINANCE4_ALPHA4</constant>,
60 <constant>GL_LUMINANCE6_ALPHA2</constant>,
61 <constant>GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8</constant>,
62 <constant>GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA4</constant>,
63 <constant>GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA12</constant>,
64 <constant>GL_LUMINANCE16_ALPHA16</constant>,
65 <constant>GL_INTENSITY</constant>,
66 <constant>GL_INTENSITY4</constant>,
67 <constant>GL_INTENSITY8</constant>,
68 <constant>GL_INTENSITY12</constant>,
69 <constant>GL_INTENSITY16</constant>,
70 <constant>GL_R3_G3_B2</constant>,
71 <constant>GL_RGB</constant>,
72 <constant>GL_RGB4</constant>,
73 <constant>GL_RGB5</constant>,
74 <constant>GL_RGB8</constant>,
75 <constant>GL_RGB10</constant>,
76 <constant>GL_RGB12</constant>,
77 <constant>GL_RGB16</constant>,
78 <constant>GL_RGBA</constant>,
79 <constant>GL_RGBA2</constant>,
80 <constant>GL_RGBA4</constant>,
81 <constant>GL_RGB5_A1</constant>,
82 <constant>GL_RGBA8</constant>,
83 <constant>GL_RGB10_A2</constant>,
84 <constant>GL_RGBA12</constant>, or
85 <constant>GL_RGBA16</constant>.
86 </para>
87 </listitem>
88 </varlistentry>
89 <varlistentry>
90 <term><parameter>x</parameter></term>
91 <term><parameter>y</parameter></term>
92 <listitem>
93 <para>
94 The window space coordinates of the lower-left coordinate of the
95 pixel array to copy.
96 </para>
97 </listitem>
98 </varlistentry>
99 <varlistentry>
100 <term><parameter>width</parameter></term>
101 <listitem>
102 <para>
103 The width of the pixel array to copy.
104 </para>
105 </listitem>
106 </varlistentry>
107 <varlistentry>
108 <term><parameter>height</parameter></term>
109 <listitem>
110 <para>
111 The height of the pixel array to copy.
112 </para>
113 </listitem>
114 </varlistentry>
115 </variablelist>
116 </refsect1>
117 <refsect1 id="description"><title>Description</title>
118 <para>
119 <function>glCopyConvolutionFilter2D</function> defines a two-dimensional convolution filter kernel with pixels
120 from the current <constant>GL_READ_BUFFER</constant> (rather than from main memory,
121 as is the case for <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glConvolutionFilter2D</refentrytitle></citerefentry>).
122 </para>
123 <para>
124 The screen-aligned pixel rectangle with lower-left corner at (<parameter>x</parameter>,\ <parameter>y</parameter>),
125 width <parameter>width</parameter> and height <parameter>height</parameter>
126 is used to define the convolution filter. If any pixels within this
127 region are
128 outside the window that is associated with the GL context, the
129 values obtained for those pixels are undefined.
130 </para>
131 <para>
132 The pixels in the rectangle are processed
133 exactly as if <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glReadPixels</refentrytitle></citerefentry> had been called with <emphasis>format</emphasis>
134 set to RGBA, but the process stops just before final conversion.
135 The R, G, B, and A components of each pixel are next scaled by the four
136 2D <constant>GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_SCALE</constant> parameters and biased by the
137 four 2D <constant>GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_BIAS</constant> parameters.
138 (The scale and bias parameters are set by <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glConvolutionParameter</refentrytitle></citerefentry>
139 using the <constant>GL_CONVOLUTION_2D</constant> target and the names
140 <constant>GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_SCALE</constant> and <constant>GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_BIAS</constant>.
141 The parameters themselves are vectors of four values that are applied to red,
142 green, blue, and alpha, in that order.)
143 The R, G, B, and A values are not clamped to [0,1] at any time during this
144 process.
145 </para>
146 <para>
147 Each pixel is then converted to the internal format specified by
148 <parameter>internalformat</parameter>.
149 This conversion simply maps the component values of the pixel (R, G, B,
150 and A) to the values included in the internal format (red, green, blue,
151 alpha, luminance, and intensity). The mapping is as follows:
152 </para>
153 <para>
154 </para>
155 <informaltable frame="topbot">
156 <tgroup cols="7" align="left">
157 <colspec colwidth="3*"/>
158 <colspec colwidth="1*" align="center"/>
159 <colspec colwidth="1*" align="center"/>
160 <colspec colwidth="1*" align="center"/>
161 <colspec colwidth="1*" align="center"/>
162 <colspec colwidth="1.7*" align="center"/>
163 <colspec colwidth="1.7*" align="center"/>
164 <thead>
165 <row>
166 <entry rowsep="1" align="left"><emphasis role="bold">
167 Internal Format
168 </emphasis></entry>
169 <entry rowsep="1" align="center"><emphasis role="bold">
170 Red
171 </emphasis></entry>
172 <entry rowsep="1" align="center"><emphasis role="bold">
173 Green
174 </emphasis></entry>
175 <entry rowsep="1" align="center"><emphasis role="bold">
176 Blue
177 </emphasis></entry>
178 <entry rowsep="1" align="center"><emphasis role="bold">
179 Alpha
180 </emphasis></entry>
181 <entry rowsep="1" align="center"><emphasis role="bold">
182 Luminance
183 </emphasis></entry>
184 <entry rowsep="1" align="center"><emphasis role="bold">
185 Intensity
186 </emphasis></entry>
187 </row>
188 </thead>
189 <tbody>
190 <row>
191 <entry align="left">
192 <constant>GL_ALPHA</constant>
193 </entry>
194 <entry align="center">
195 </entry>
196 <entry align="center">
197 </entry>
198 <entry align="center">
199 </entry>
200 <entry align="center">
201 A
202 </entry>
203 <entry align="center">
204 </entry>
205 <entry align="center">
207 </entry>
208 </row>
209 <row>
210 <entry align="left">
211 <constant>GL_LUMINANCE</constant>
212 </entry>
213 <entry align="center">
214 </entry>
215 <entry align="center">
216 </entry>
217 <entry align="center">
218 </entry>
219 <entry align="center">
220 </entry>
221 <entry align="center">
222 R
223 </entry>
224 <entry align="center">
226 </entry>
227 </row>
228 <row>
229 <entry align="left">
230 <constant>GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA</constant>
231 </entry>
232 <entry align="center">
233 </entry>
234 <entry align="center">
235 </entry>
236 <entry align="center">
237 </entry>
238 <entry align="center">
239 A
240 </entry>
241 <entry align="center">
242 R
243 </entry>
244 <entry align="center">
246 </entry>
247 </row>
248 <row>
249 <entry align="left">
250 <constant>GL_INTENSITY</constant>
251 </entry>
252 <entry align="center">
253 </entry>
254 <entry align="center">
255 </entry>
256 <entry align="center">
257 </entry>
258 <entry align="center">
259 </entry>
260 <entry align="center">
261 </entry>
262 <entry align="center">
263 R
264 </entry>
265 </row>
266 <row>
267 <entry align="left">
268 <constant>GL_RGB</constant>
269 </entry>
270 <entry align="center">
271 R
272 </entry>
273 <entry align="center">
274 G
275 </entry>
276 <entry align="center">
277 B
278 </entry>
279 <entry align="center">
280 </entry>
281 <entry align="center">
282 </entry>
283 <entry align="center">
285 </entry>
286 </row>
287 <row>
288 <entry align="left">
289 <constant>GL_RGBA</constant>
290 </entry>
291 <entry align="center">
292 R
293 </entry>
294 <entry align="center">
295 G
296 </entry>
297 <entry align="center">
298 B
299 </entry>
300 <entry align="center">
301 A
302 </entry>
303 <entry align="center">
304 </entry>
305 <entry align="center">
307 </entry>
308 </row>
309 </tbody>
310 </tgroup>
311 </informaltable>
312 <para>
313 The red, green, blue, alpha, luminance, and/or intensity components of
314 the resulting pixels are stored in floating-point rather than integer
315 format.
316 </para>
317 <para>
318 Pixel ordering is such that lower x screen coordinates correspond to
319 lower <emphasis>i</emphasis> filter image coordinates, and lower y screen coordinates
320 correspond to lower <emphasis>j</emphasis> filter image coordinates.
321 </para>
322 <para>
323 Note that after a convolution is performed, the resulting color
324 components are also scaled by their corresponding
325 <constant>GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_c_SCALE</constant> parameters and biased by their
326 corresponding <constant>GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_c_BIAS</constant> parameters (where
327 <emphasis>c</emphasis> takes on the values <emphasis role="bold">RED</emphasis>, <emphasis role="bold">GREEN</emphasis>, <emphasis role="bold">BLUE</emphasis>, and
328 <emphasis role="bold">ALPHA</emphasis>).
329 These parameters are set by <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glPixelTransfer</refentrytitle></citerefentry>.
330 </para>
331 </refsect1>
332 <refsect1 id="notes"><title>Notes</title>
333 <para>
334 <function>glCopyConvolutionFilter2D</function> is present only if <code>ARB_imaging</code> is returned when <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glGetString</refentrytitle></citerefentry>
335 is called with an argument of <constant>GL_EXTENSIONS</constant>.
336 </para>
337 </refsect1>
338 <refsect1 id="errors"><title>Errors</title>
339 <para>
340 <constant>GL_INVALID_ENUM</constant> is generated if <parameter>target</parameter> is not
341 <constant>GL_CONVOLUTION_2D</constant>.
342 </para>
343 <para>
344 <constant>GL_INVALID_ENUM</constant> is generated if <parameter>internalformat</parameter> is not one of the
345 allowable values.
346 </para>
347 <para>
348 <constant>GL_INVALID_VALUE</constant> is generated if <parameter>width</parameter> is less than zero or greater
349 than the maximum supported value.
350 This value may be queried with <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glGetConvolutionParameter</refentrytitle></citerefentry>
351 using target <constant>GL_CONVOLUTION_2D</constant> and name
352 <constant>GL_MAX_CONVOLUTION_WIDTH</constant>.
353 </para>
354 <para>
355 <constant>GL_INVALID_VALUE</constant> is generated if <parameter>height</parameter> is less than zero or greater
356 than the maximum supported value.
357 This value may be queried with <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glGetConvolutionParameter</refentrytitle></citerefentry>
358 using target <constant>GL_CONVOLUTION_2D</constant> and name
359 <constant>GL_MAX_CONVOLUTION_HEIGHT</constant>.
360 </para>
361 <para>
362 <constant>GL_INVALID_OPERATION</constant> is generated if <function>glCopyConvolutionFilter2D</function> is executed
363 between the execution of <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glBegin</refentrytitle></citerefentry> and the corresponding
364 execution of <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glEnd</refentrytitle></citerefentry>.
365 </para>
366 </refsect1>
367 <refsect1 id="associatedgets"><title>Associated Gets</title>
368 <para>
369 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glGetConvolutionParameter</refentrytitle></citerefentry>, <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glGetConvolutionFilter</refentrytitle></citerefentry>
370 </para>
371 </refsect1>
372 <refsect1 id="seealso"><title>See Also</title>
373 <para>
374 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glConvolutionFilter2D</refentrytitle></citerefentry>,
375 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glConvolutionParameter</refentrytitle></citerefentry>,
376 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glPixelTransfer</refentrytitle></citerefentry>
377 </para>
378 </refsect1>
379 <refsect1 id="Copyright"><title>Copyright</title>
380 <para>
381 Copyright <trademark class="copyright"></trademark> 1991-2006
382 Silicon Graphics, Inc. This document is licensed under the SGI
383 Free Software B License. For details, see
384 <ulink url=""></ulink>.
385 </para>
386 </refsect1>