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2<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook MathML Module V1.1b1//EN"
3 "">
4<refentry id="glStencilFuncSeparate">
5 <refmeta>
6 <refmetainfo>
7 <copyright>
8 <year>1991-2006</year>
9 <holder>Silicon Graphics, Inc.</holder>
10 </copyright>
11 </refmetainfo>
12 <refentrytitle>glStencilFuncSeparate</refentrytitle>
13 <manvolnum>3G</manvolnum>
14 </refmeta>
15 <refnamediv>
16 <refname>glStencilFuncSeparate</refname>
17 <refpurpose>set front and/or back function and reference value for stencil testing</refpurpose>
18 </refnamediv>
19 <!-- eqn: ignoring delim $$ -->
20 <refsynopsisdiv><title>C Specification</title>
21 <funcsynopsis>
22 <funcprototype>
23 <funcdef>void <function>glStencilFuncSeparate</function></funcdef>
24 <paramdef>GLenum <parameter>face</parameter></paramdef>
25 <paramdef>GLenum <parameter>func</parameter></paramdef>
26 <paramdef>GLint <parameter>ref</parameter></paramdef>
27 <paramdef>GLuint <parameter>mask</parameter></paramdef>
28 </funcprototype>
29 </funcsynopsis>
30 </refsynopsisdiv>
31 <refsect1 id="parameters"><title>Parameters</title>
32 <variablelist>
33 <varlistentry>
34 <term><parameter>face</parameter></term>
35 <listitem>
36 <para>
37 Specifies whether front and/or back stencil state is updated.
38 Three symbolic constants are valid:
39 <constant>GL_FRONT</constant>,
40 <constant>GL_BACK</constant>, and
41 <constant>GL_FRONT_AND_BACK</constant>.
42 </para>
43 </listitem>
44 </varlistentry>
45 <varlistentry>
46 <term><parameter>func</parameter></term>
47 <listitem>
48 <para>
49 Specifies the test function.
50 Eight symbolic constants are valid:
51 <constant>GL_NEVER</constant>,
52 <constant>GL_LESS</constant>,
53 <constant>GL_LEQUAL</constant>,
54 <constant>GL_GREATER</constant>,
55 <constant>GL_GEQUAL</constant>,
56 <constant>GL_EQUAL</constant>,
57 <constant>GL_NOTEQUAL</constant>, and
58 <constant>GL_ALWAYS</constant>. The initial value is <constant>GL_ALWAYS</constant>.
59 </para>
60 </listitem>
61 </varlistentry>
62 <varlistentry>
63 <term><parameter>ref</parameter></term>
64 <listitem>
65 <para>
66 Specifies the reference value for the stencil test.
67 <parameter>ref</parameter> is clamped to the range
68 <inlineequation><mml:math>
69 <!-- eqn: [0, 2 sup n - 1]:-->
70 <mml:mfenced open="[" close="]">
71 <mml:mn>0</mml:mn>
72 <mml:mrow>
73 <mml:msup><mml:mn>2</mml:mn>
74 <mml:mi mathvariant="italic">n</mml:mi>
75 </mml:msup>
76 <mml:mo>-</mml:mo>
77 <mml:mn>1</mml:mn>
78 </mml:mrow>
79 </mml:mfenced>
80 </mml:math></inlineequation>,
81 where
82 <inlineequation><mml:math><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">n</mml:mi></mml:math></inlineequation>
83 is the number of bitplanes in the stencil buffer. The
84 initial value is 0.
85 </para>
86 </listitem>
87 </varlistentry>
88 <varlistentry>
89 <term><parameter>mask</parameter></term>
90 <listitem>
91 <para>
92 Specifies a mask that is ANDed with both the reference value
93 and the stored stencil value when the test is done. The initial value
94 is all 1's.
95 </para>
96 </listitem>
97 </varlistentry>
98 </variablelist>
99 </refsect1>
100 <refsect1 id="description"><title>Description</title>
101 <para>
102 Stenciling,
103 like depth-buffering,
104 enables and disables drawing on a per-pixel basis.
105 You draw into the stencil planes using GL drawing primitives,
106 then render geometry and images,
107 using the stencil planes to mask out portions of the screen.
108 Stenciling is typically used in multipass rendering algorithms
109 to achieve special effects,
110 such as decals,
111 outlining,
112 and constructive solid geometry rendering.
113 </para>
114 <para>
115 The stencil test conditionally eliminates a pixel based on the outcome
116 of a comparison between the reference value
117 and the value in the stencil buffer.
118 To enable and disable the test, call <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glEnable</refentrytitle></citerefentry> and <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glDisable</refentrytitle></citerefentry>
119 with argument <constant>GL_STENCIL_TEST</constant>.
120 To specify actions based on the outcome of the stencil test, call
121 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glStencilOp</refentrytitle></citerefentry> or
122 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glStencilOpSeparate</refentrytitle></citerefentry>.
123 </para>
124 <para>
125 There can be two separate sets of <parameter>func</parameter>, <parameter>ref</parameter>, and
126 <parameter>mask</parameter> parameters; one affects back-facing polygons, and the other
127 affects front-facing polygons as well as other non-polygon primitives.
128 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glStencilFunc</refentrytitle></citerefentry> sets both front
129 and back stencil state to the same values, as if
130 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glStencilFuncSeparate</refentrytitle></citerefentry> were called
131 with <parameter>face</parameter> set to <constant>GL_FRONT_AND_BACK</constant>.
132 </para>
133 <para>
134 <parameter>func</parameter> is a symbolic constant that determines the stencil comparison function.
135 It accepts one of eight values,
136 shown in the following list.
137 <parameter>ref</parameter> is an integer reference value that is used in the stencil comparison.
138 It is clamped to the range
139 <inlineequation><mml:math>
140 <!-- eqn: [0, 2 sup n - 1]:-->
141 <mml:mfenced open="[" close="]">
142 <mml:mn>0</mml:mn>
143 <mml:mrow>
144 <mml:msup><mml:mn>2</mml:mn>
145 <mml:mi mathvariant="italic">n</mml:mi>
146 </mml:msup>
147 <mml:mo>-</mml:mo>
148 <mml:mn>1</mml:mn>
149 </mml:mrow>
150 </mml:mfenced>
151 </mml:math></inlineequation>,
152 where
153 <inlineequation><mml:math><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">n</mml:mi></mml:math></inlineequation>
154 is the number of bitplanes in the stencil buffer.
155 <parameter>mask</parameter> is bitwise ANDed with both the reference value
156 and the stored stencil value,
157 with the ANDed values participating in the comparison.
158 </para>
159 <para>
160 If <emphasis>stencil</emphasis> represents the value stored in the corresponding
161 stencil buffer location,
162 the following list shows the effect of each comparison function
163 that can be specified by <parameter>func</parameter>.
164 Only if the comparison succeeds is the pixel passed through
165 to the next stage in the rasterization process
166 (see <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glStencilOp</refentrytitle></citerefentry>).
167 All tests treat <emphasis>stencil</emphasis> values as unsigned integers in the range
168 <inlineequation><mml:math>
169 <!-- eqn: [0, 2 sup n - 1]:-->
170 <mml:mfenced open="[" close="]">
171 <mml:mn>0</mml:mn>
172 <mml:mrow>
173 <mml:msup><mml:mn>2</mml:mn>
174 <mml:mi mathvariant="italic">n</mml:mi>
175 </mml:msup>
176 <mml:mo>-</mml:mo>
177 <mml:mn>1</mml:mn>
178 </mml:mrow>
179 </mml:mfenced>
180 </mml:math></inlineequation>,
181 where
182 <inlineequation><mml:math><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">n</mml:mi></mml:math></inlineequation>
183 is the number of bitplanes in the stencil buffer.
184 </para>
185 <para>
186 The following values are accepted by <parameter>func</parameter>:
187 </para>
188 <variablelist>
189 <varlistentry>
190 <term><constant>GL_NEVER</constant></term>
191 <listitem>
192 <para>
193 Always fails.
194 </para>
195 </listitem>
196 </varlistentry>
197 <varlistentry>
198 <term><constant>GL_LESS</constant></term>
199 <listitem>
200 <para>
201 Passes if ( <parameter>ref</parameter> &amp; <parameter>mask</parameter> ) &lt; ( <emphasis>stencil</emphasis> &amp; <parameter>mask</parameter> ).
202 </para>
203 </listitem>
204 </varlistentry>
205 <varlistentry>
206 <term><constant>GL_LEQUAL</constant></term>
207 <listitem>
208 <para>
209 Passes if ( <parameter>ref</parameter> &amp; <parameter>mask</parameter> ) &lt;= ( <emphasis>stencil</emphasis> &amp; <parameter>mask</parameter> ).
210 </para>
211 </listitem>
212 </varlistentry>
213 <varlistentry>
214 <term><constant>GL_GREATER</constant></term>
215 <listitem>
216 <para>
217 Passes if ( <parameter>ref</parameter> &amp; <parameter>mask</parameter> ) &gt; ( <emphasis>stencil</emphasis> &amp; <parameter>mask</parameter> ).
218 </para>
219 </listitem>
220 </varlistentry>
221 <varlistentry>
222 <term><constant>GL_GEQUAL</constant></term>
223 <listitem>
224 <para>
225 Passes if ( <parameter>ref</parameter> &amp; <parameter>mask</parameter> ) &gt;= ( <emphasis>stencil</emphasis> &amp; <parameter>mask</parameter> ).
226 </para>
227 </listitem>
228 </varlistentry>
229 <varlistentry>
230 <term><constant>GL_EQUAL</constant></term>
231 <listitem>
232 <para>
233 Passes if ( <parameter>ref</parameter> &amp; <parameter>mask</parameter> ) = ( <emphasis>stencil</emphasis> &amp; <parameter>mask</parameter> ).
234 </para>
235 </listitem>
236 </varlistentry>
237 <varlistentry>
238 <term><constant>GL_NOTEQUAL</constant></term>
239 <listitem>
240 <para>
241 Passes if ( <parameter>ref</parameter> &amp; <parameter>mask</parameter> ) != ( <emphasis>stencil</emphasis> &amp; <parameter>mask</parameter> ).
242 </para>
243 </listitem>
244 </varlistentry>
245 <varlistentry>
246 <term><constant>GL_ALWAYS</constant></term>
247 <listitem>
248 <para>
249 Always passes.
250 </para>
251 </listitem>
252 </varlistentry>
253 </variablelist>
254 </refsect1>
255 <refsect1 id="notes"><title>Notes</title>
256 <para>
257 Initially, the stencil test is disabled.
258 If there is no stencil buffer,
259 no stencil modification can occur and it is as if
260 the stencil test always passes.
261 </para>
262 </refsect1>
263 <refsect1 id="errors"><title>Errors</title>
264 <para>
265 <constant>GL_INVALID_ENUM</constant> is generated if <parameter>func</parameter> is not one of the eight
266 accepted values.
267 </para>
268 </refsect1>
269 <refsect1 id="associatedgets"><title>Associated Gets</title>
270 <para>
271 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glGet</refentrytitle></citerefentry> with argument
272 <constant>GL_STENCIL_FUNC</constant>, <constant>GL_STENCIL_VALUE_MASK</constant>,
273 <constant>GL_STENCIL_REF</constant>, <constant>GL_STENCIL_BACK_FUNC</constant>,
274 <constant>GL_STENCIL_BACK_VALUE_MASK</constant>, <constant>GL_STENCIL_BACK_REF</constant>,
275 or <constant>GL_STENCIL_BITS</constant>
276 </para>
277 <para>
278 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glIsEnabled</refentrytitle></citerefentry> with argument <constant>GL_STENCIL_TEST</constant>
279 </para>
280 </refsect1>
281 <refsect1 id="seealso"><title>See Also</title>
282 <para>
283 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glBlendFunc</refentrytitle></citerefentry>,
284 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glDepthFunc</refentrytitle></citerefentry>,
285 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glEnable</refentrytitle></citerefentry>,
286 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glLogicOp</refentrytitle></citerefentry>,
287 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glStencilFunc</refentrytitle></citerefentry>,
288 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glStencilMask</refentrytitle></citerefentry>,
289 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glStencilMaskSeparate</refentrytitle></citerefentry>,
290 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glStencilOp</refentrytitle></citerefentry>,
291 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glStencilOpSeparate</refentrytitle></citerefentry>
292 </para>
293 </refsect1>
294 <refsect1 id="Copyright"><title>Copyright</title>
295 <para>
296 Copyright <trademark class="copyright"></trademark> 2006 Khronos Group.
297 This material may be distributed subject to the terms and conditions set forth in
298 the Open Publication License, v 1.0, 8 June 1999.
299 <ulink url=""></ulink>.
300 </para>
301 </refsect1>