domain "" with vhost "www" where User = "adamc"; Group = "adamc"; DocumentRoot = "/home/adamc/html"; ServerAdmin = "" with end; vhost "members" where SSL = true with localProxyRewrite "^/(.*)$" "$1" 6666; rewriteCond "hi" "there" [ornext]; rewriteRule "^/foo.html" "/bar.html" [redirectWith redir300, nosubreq]; location "/theMorgue" with rewriteRule "A" "B" []; end end; vhost "proxy" with serverAlias ""; proxyPass "/proxyLand" "http://localhost:1234/otherProxyLand"; proxyPassReverse "/proxyLand" "http://localhost:1234/otherProxyLand"; options [execCGI]; set_options [execCGI, indexes]; scriptAlias "/cgi-bin/that-script" "/home/adamc/cgi/here-it-is"; errorDocument "404" "I just couldn't find it."; directory "/home/adamc/thisPlace" with rewriteRule "A" "B" []; unset_options [includesNOEXEC]; end end; vhost "lists" with proxyPass "/mailman" ""; alias "/doc/mailman" "/home/adamc/mailman"; directoryIndex ["index.sml", "index.h", "index.v"] end end