;;; -*- guile-scheme -*- ;;; this shows off some interesting things...(based on boulet) ;;; This is unknown_lamer's bot DumbBot ;;; To use this run: ;;; sh sayings.sh ;;; cat sayings | guile -s insert_saying.scm ;;; Then load this file. ;;; To add a new saying to the bot db just run insert_saying.scm ;;; yes, this uses a sql db! (use-modules (database simplesql) (ice-9 debug)) (load "../bobot:utils.scm") ;;; Activate or desactivate the bot (define talk 1) (define (shutup) (set! talk 0)) (bot:addcommand "shutup" shutup #f 0 2) (define (dotalk) (set! talk 1)) (bot:addcommand "talk" dotalk #f 0 2) ;;; Miscellaneous list functions (define (removeChannel c l) (if (null? l) (list) (let ((deb (car l))) (if (string-ci=? c (car deb)) (cdr l) (append (list deb) (removeChannel c (cdr l))))))) (define (changeChannel c n l) (if (null? l) (list) (let ((deb (car l))) (if (string-ci=? c (car deb)) (append (list (list c n)) (cdr l)) (append (list deb) (changeChannel c n (cdr l))))))) (define (addChannel c n l) (append l (list (list c n)))) ;;; When someone joins a channel (define dumbTimer (list)) (define (joinLourd n c) (if (string-ci=? n (bot:getnickname)) (begin (if (= 1 talk) (bot:say c "I like limos")) (set! dumbTimer (addChannel c (bot:addtimer (+ 600 (bot:random 300)) (dumbLourd c)) dumbTimer))) (if (= 1 talk) (bot:say c (string-append "Arf Moo Arf! " n " I like pizza..."))))) (bot:addhook hooks/join ".*" joinLourd) ;;; When someone leaves the channel (define (partLourd n c) (bot:flushport) (if (not (string-ci=? n (bot:getnickname))) (if (= 1 talk) (bot:msg n "I HATED YOU ANYWAY")) (let* ((timer (assoc c dumbTimer))) (bot:deltimer (cadr timer)) (set! dumbTimer (removeChannel c dumbTimer))))) (bot:addhook hooks/part ".*" partLourd) ;;; Random action to say something dumb (define (dumbLourd c) (lambda () (if (= 1 talk) (bot:say c (vector-ref (list-ref dumbList (bot:random (length dumbList))) 0))) (set! dumbTimer (changeChannel c (bot:addtimer (+ 600 (bot:random 300)) (dumbLourd c)) dumbTimer)))) (define dumbDB (simplesql-open 'postgresql "bot_sayings")) ;(define dumbList #f) ; (define (reload-sayings) ; (set! dumbList (cdr (simplesql-query dumbDB "SELECT saying FROM sayings"))) ; (display "Reloaded sayings from db\n" (bot:logport)) ; (bot:flushport)) ; (bot:addcommand "reloadsayings" reload-sayings #f 0 4) ; (reload-sayings) (define (_length db) (let ((length (+ 1 (vector-ref (list-ref (cdr (simplesql-query db "SELECT count(saying) FROM sayings")) 0) 0)))) length )) (define (_select db entry) (list-ref (cdr (simplesql-query db (str-app "SELECT saying FROM sayings " "WHERE id = " (number->string entry)))) 0)) (define (random-saying) (vector-ref (_select dumbDB (bot:random (_length dumbDB))) 0)) ;;; Misc ;;; note that public hooks match the channel name too! ;;; match-not-channel prevents this ;;; this should be the first so it doesn't clobber the other hooks (bot:addhook hooks/public (match-to-me "") (lambda (f t p) (if (= 1 talk) (bot:say t (string-append f ": " (random-saying))))) -50 #f) (bot:addhook hooks/public (match-not-channel "oracle") (lambda (f t p) (if (= 1 talk) (bot:say t "Oracle is evil! Use Postgres instead!")))) (define (add-gnu word) (bot:addhook hooks/public (match-not-channel word) (lambda (f t p) (if (= 1 talk) (bot:say t (string-append f ": I hope you meant GNU!")))))) (map add-gnu '("[^/g]linux" "microsoft" "bsd")) (bot:addhook hooks/public (match-not-channel "boulet") (lambda (f t p) (if (= 1 talk) (bot:say t "on parle de moi ?")))) (bot:addhook hooks/public (match-not-channel "arf") (lambda (f t p) (if (= 1 talk) (bot:say t (random-saying))))) (bot:addhook hooks/public (match-not-channel "csn") (lambda (f t p) (if (= 1 talk) (bot:say t "???")))) (bot:addhook hooks/public (match-not-channel "pizza|pasta|soda") (lambda (f t p) (if (= 1 talk) (bot:say t (string-append f ": give me one too!"))))) (define (add-foul word) (bot:addhook hooks/public (match-not-channel word) (lambda (f t p) (if (= 1 talk) (bot:action t (string-append "hits " f " for having a potty mouth")))))) (map add-foul '("bitch" "fuck" "whore" "cunt" "tit" "shit" "dick" "cock")) (bot:addhook hooks/public (match-not-channel "anal sex") (lambda (f t p) (if (= 1 talk) (if (not (string-match "unknown_lamer" f)) (bot:action t (string-append "grabs " f " and buggers " f " up the ass")))))) (bot:addhook hooks/public (match-not-channel "[[:space:]]*lame[[:space:]]+") (lambda (f t p) (if (= 1 talk) (bot:say t (string-append f ": NO NO YOU ARE THE LAMER"))))) (bot:addhook hooks/public (match-to-me "burn") (lambda (f t p) (if (= 1 talk) (bot:say t (string-append "How about you burn " f "?"))))) ;;; 9h00, on arrive au boulot ;(define (newDay l) ; (if (not (null? l)) ; (begin ; (bot:say (caar l) "What is up my homey g-d0g?") ; (newDay (cdr l)) ; ) ; ) ;) ;(bot:addhook hooks/timer "09:00" (lambda (h) (newDay dumbTimer) (talk))) ;;; 18h00, il est temps de rentrer ;(define (timeToGo l) ; (if (not (null? l)) ; (begin ; (bot:say (caar l) "Give me food") ; (bot:action (caar l) "I'm bored") ; (timeToGo (cdr l)) ; ) ; ) ;) ;(bot:addhook hooks/timer "18:00" (lambda (h) (timeToGo dumbTimer) (shutup)))