r191@frost: data | 2005-10-06 17:31:08 +0300
[clinton/abcde.git] / abcde.1
1 .TH abcde 1
3 abcde \- Grab an entire CD and compress it to Ogg/Vorbis, MP3, FLAC, Ogg/Speex and/or MPP/MP+(Musepack) format.
5 .B abcde
6 .I [options] [tracks]
8 Ordinarily, the process of grabbing the data off a CD and encoding it, then
9 tagging or commenting it, is very involved.
10 .BR abcde
11 is designed to automate this. It will take an entire CD and convert it into
12 a compressed audio format - Ogg/Vorbis, MPEG Audio Layer III, Free Lossless
13 Audio Codec (FLAC), Ogg/Speex or MPP/MP+(Musepack). With one command, it will:
14 .TP
15 .B *
16 Do a CDDB query over the Internet to look up your CD or use a locally stored CDDB entry
17 .TP
18 .B *
19 Grab a track from your CD
20 .TP
21 .B *
22 Compress it to Ogg/Vorbis, MP3, FLAC, Ogg/Speex and/or MPP/MP+(Musepack) format
23 .TP
24 .B *
25 Comment or ID3 tag it
26 .TP
27 .B *
28 Give it an intelligible filename
29 .TP
30 .B *
31 Delete the intermediate WAV file (or save it for later use)
32 .TP
33 .B *
34 Repeat until finished
36 .TP
37 .B \-1
38 Encode the whole CD in a single file. The resulting file uses the CD title
39 for tagging. If the resulting format is a flac file with an embeded cuesheet,
40 the file can be used as a source for creating other formats.
41 .TP
42 .B \-a [actions]
43 Comma-delimited list of actions to perform. Can be one or more of:
44 cddb, read, normalize, encode, tag, move, playlist, clean. Normalize
45 and encode imply read. Tag implies cddb, read, encode. Move implies
46 cddb, read, encode, tag. Playlist implies cddb. The default is to
47 do all actions except normalize and playlist.
48 .TP
49 .B \-b
50 Enable batch mode normalization. See the BATCHNORM configuration variable.
51 .TP
52 .B \-c [filename]
53 Specifies an additional configuration file to parse. Configuration options
54 in this file override those in /etc/abcde.conf or $HOME/.abcde.conf.
55 .TP
56 .B \-C [discid]
57 Allows you to resume a session for
58 .I discid
59 when you no longer have the CD available (abcde will automatically resume if
60 you still have the CD in the drive). You must have already finished at
61 least the "read" action during the previous session.
62 .TP
63 .B \-d [devicename | filename]
64 CD\-ROM block device that contains audio tracks to be read. Alternatively, a
65 single-track flac file with embeded cuesheet.
66 .TP
67 .B \-D
68 Capture debugging information (you'll want to redirect this \- try 'abcde \-D
69 2>logfile')
70 .TP
71 .B \-e
72 Erase information about encoded tracks from the internal status file, to enable
73 other encodings if the wav files have been kept.
74 .TP
75 .B \-g
76 Enable lame's \-\-nogap option. See the NOGAP variable. WARNING: lame's
77 \-\-nogap disables the Xing mp3 tag. This tag is required for mp3 players to
78 correctly display track lengths when playing variable-bit-rate mp3 files.
79 .TP
80 .B \-h
81 Get help information.
82 .TP
83 .B \-j [number]
84 Start [number] encoder processes at once. Useful for SMP systems. Overrides
85 the MAXPROCS configuration variable. Set it to "0" when using distmp3 to avoid
86 local encoding processes.
87 .TP
88 .B \-k
89 Keep the wav files after encoding.
90 .TP
91 .B \-l
92 Use the low-diskspace algorithm. See the LOWDISK configuration variable.
93 .TP
94 .B \-L
95 Use a local CDDB repository. See CDDBLOCALDIR variable.
96 .TP
97 .B \-n
98 Do not query CDDB database. Create and use a template. Edit the template to
99 provide song names, artist(s), ...
100 .TP
101 .B \-N
102 Non interactive mode. Do not ask anything from the user. Just go ahead.
103 .TP
104 .B \-m
105 Create DOS-style playlists, modifying the resulting one by adding CRLF line
106 endings. Some hardware players insist on having those to work.
107 .TP
108 .B \-M
109 Create a CUE file with information about the CD. Together with the possibility
110 of creating a single file (see option "\-1"), one can recreate the original CD.
111 If the cuesheet is embeded in a flac single file it can be used as source for
112 encoding other formats.
113 .TP
114 .B \-o [filetype][:filetypeoptions]
115 Select output type. Can be "vorbis" (or "ogg"), "mp3", "flac", "spx" or "mpc".
116 Specify a comma-delimited list of output types to obtain all specified types.
117 See the OUTPUTTYPE configuration variable. One can pass options to the encoder
118 for a specific filetype on the command line separating them with a colon. The
119 options must be escaped with double-quotes.
120 .TP
121 .B \-p
122 Pads track numbers with 0\'s.
123 .TP
124 .B \-r [hosts...]
125 Remote encode on this comma-delimited list of machines using distmp3. See
126 the REMOTEHOSTS configuration variable.
127 .TP
128 .B \-R
129 Add replaygain information to the id3 or tag information for play
130 normalization. Only works with Ogg/FLAC and Ogg/Vorbis.
131 .TP
132 .B \-s [fields...]
133 List, separated by comas, the fields to be shown in the CDDB parsed entries.
134 Right now it only uses "year" and "genre".
135 .TP
136 .B \-S [speed]
137 Set the speed of the CD drive. Needs CDSPEED and CDSPEEDOPTS set properly
138 and both the program and device must support the capability.
139 .TP
140 .B \-t [number]
141 Start the numbering of the tracks at a given number. It only affects the
142 filenames and the playlist. Internal (tag) numbering remains the same.
143 .TP
144 .B \-T [number]
145 Same as \-t but changes also the internal (tag) numbering. Keep in mind that
146 the default TRACK tag for MP3 is $T/$TRACKS so it is changed to simply $T.
147 .TP
148 .B \-v
149 Show the version and exit
150 .TP
151 .B \-V
152 Be a bit more verbose. On slow networks the CDDB requests might give the
153 sensation nothins is happening.
154 .TP
155 .B \-x
156 Eject the CD when all tracks have been read. See the EJECTCD configuration
157 variable.
158 .TP
159 .B \-w [comment]
160 Add a comment to the tracks ripped from the CD.
161 .TP
162 .B \-W [number]
163 Concatenate CD\'s. It uses the number provided to define a comment "CD #" and
164 to modify the numbering of the tracks, starting with "#01".
165 .TP
166 .B [tracks]
167 A list of tracks you want abcde to process. If this isn't specified, abcde
168 will process the entire CD. Accepts ranges of track numbers -
169 "abcde 1-5 7 9" will process tracks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 9.
171 Each track is, by default, placed in a separate file named after the track
172 in a subdirectory named after the artist under the current directory.
173 This can be modified using the OUTPUTFORMAT and VAOUTPUTFORMAT
174 variables in your abcde.conf. Each file is given an extension identifying
175 its compression format, 'vorbis' for '.ogg', '.mp3', '.flac', '.spx', or '.mpc'.
177 abcde sources two configuration files on startup - /etc/abcde.conf and
178 $HOME/.abcde.conf, in that order.
179 .TP
180 The configuration options stated on those files can ba overriden by providing
181 the appropiate flags at runtime.
182 .TP
183 The configuration variables have to be set as follows:
184 .TP
185 .B VARIABLE=value
186 Except when "value" needs to be quoted or otherwise interpreted. If other
187 variables within "value" are to be expanded upon reading the configuration
188 file, then double quotes should be used. If they are only supposed to be
189 expanded upon use (for example OUTPUTFORMAT) then single quotes must be used.
190 .TP
191 All sh escaping/quoting rules apply.
192 .TP
193 Here is a list of options abcde recognizes:
194 .TP
196 Specifies a server to use for CDDB lookups.
197 .TP
199 Specifies the Hello information to send to the CDDB server. The CDDB
200 protocol requires you to send a valid username and hostname each time you
201 connect. The format of this is username@hostname.
202 .TP
204 Specifies a directory where we store a local CDDB repository. The entries must
205 be standard CDDB entries, with the filename being the DISCID value. Other
206 CD playing and ripping programs (like Grip) store the entries under ~/.cddb
207 and we can make use of those entries.
208 .TP
210 Store local copies of the CDDB entries under the $CDDBLOCALDIR directory.
211 .TP
213 Actually use the stored copies of the CDDB entries. Can be overriden using the
214 "-L" flag (if is CDDBUSELOCAL in "n"). If an entry is found, we always give
215 the choice of retrieving a CDDB entry from the internet.
216 .TP
218 Coma-separated list of fields we want to parse during the CDDB parsing.
219 Defaults to "year,genre".
220 .TP
222 Specifies the style of encoder to use for the Ogg/Vorbis encoder. Valid options
223 are \'oggenc\' (default for Ogg/Vorbis) and \'vorbize\'.
224 This affects the default location of the binary,
225 the variable to pick encoder command-line options from, and where the options
226 are given.
227 .TP
229 Specifies the style of encoder to use for the MP3 encoder. Valid options are
230 \'lame\' (default for MP3), \'gogo\', \'bladeenc\', \'l3enc\' and \'mp3enc\'.
231 Affects the same way as explained above for Ogg/Vorbis.
232 .TP
234 Specifies the style of encoder to use for the FLAC encoder. At this point only
235 \'flac\' is available for FLAC encoding.
236 .TP
238 Specifies the style of encoder to use for Speex encoder. At this point only
239 \'speexenc\' is available for Ogg/Speex encoding.
240 .TP
242 Specifies the style of encoder to use for MPP/MP+ (Musepack) encoder. At this
243 point we only have \'mppenc\' available, from corecodecs.org.
244 .TP
246 Specifies the style of normalizer to use. Valid options are \'default\'
247 and \'normalize'\ (and both run \'normalize-audio\'), since we only support it,
248 ATM.
249 .TP
251 Specifies the style of cdrom reader to use. Valid options are \'cdparanoia\',
252 \'debug\' and \'flac\'. It is used for querying the CDROM and obtain a list of
253 valid tracks and DATA tracks. The special \'flac\' case is used to "rip" CD
254 tracks from a single-track flac file.
255 .TP
257 Specifies the syntax of the program we use to read the CD CUE sheet. Right now
258 we only support \'mkcue\', but in the future other readers might be used.
259 .TP
261 It defaults to no, so if you want to keep those wavs ripped from your CD,
262 set it to "y". You can use the "-k" switch in the command line. The default
263 behaviour with KEEPWAVS set is the keep the temporary directory and the wav
264 files even you have requested the "clean" action.
265 .TP
267 If set to "y", it adds 0's to the file numbers to complete a two-number
268 holder. Useful when encoding tracks 1-9.
269 .TP
271 Set to "n" if you want to perform automatic rips, without user intervention.
272 .TP
274 Define the values for priorities (nice values) for the different CPU-hungry
275 processes: encoding (ENCNICE), CDROM read (READNICE) and distributed encoder
276 with distmp3 (DISTMP3NICE).
277 .TP
279 The following configuration file options specify the pathnames of their
280 respective utilities: LAME, GOGO, BLADEENC, L3ENC, XINGMP3ENC, MP3ENC, VORBIZE,
284 .TP
286 If you wish to specify command-line options to any of the programs abcde
287 uses, set the following configuration file options: LAMEOPTS, GOGOOPTS,
292 .TP
294 Set the value of the CDROM speed. The default is to read the disc as fast as
295 the reading program and the system permits. The steps are defined as 150kB/s
296 (1x).
297 .TP
299 The default actions to be performed when reading a disc.
300 .TP
301 .B CDROM
302 If set, it points to the CD-Rom device which has to be used for audio
303 extraction. Abcde tries to guess the right device, but it may fail. The special
304 \'flac\' option is defined to extract tracks from a single-track flac file.
305 .TP
307 Defined as "d" when using cdparanoia with an IDE bus and as "g" when using
308 cdparanoia with the ide-scsi emulation layer.
309 .TP
311 Specifies the directory to place completed tracks/playlists in.
312 .TP
314 Specifies the temporary directory to store .wav files in. Abcde may use up
315 to 700MB of temporary space for each session (although it is rare to use
316 over 100MB for a machine that can encode music as fast as it can read it).
317 .TP
319 Specifies the encoding format to output, as well as the default extension and
320 encoder. Defaults to "vorbis". Valid settings are "vorbis" (or "ogg")
321 (Ogg/Vorbis), "mp3" (MPEG-1 Audio Layer III), "flac" (Free Lossless Audio
322 Codec), "spx" (Ogg/Speex) and "mpc" (MPP/MP+ (Musepack)). Values like
323 "vorbis,mp3" encode the tracks in both Ogg/Vorbis and MP3 formats.
324 .br
325 For each value in OUTPUTTYPE, abcde expands a different process for encoding,
326 tagging and moving, so you can use the format placeholder, OUTPUT, to create
327 different subdirectories to hold the different types. The variable OUTPUT will
328 be 'vorbis', 'mp3', 'flac', 'spx' and/or 'mpc', depending on the OUTPUTTYPE you define.
329 For example
330 .br
332 .TP
334 Specifies the format for completed Ogg/Vorbis, MP3, FLAC, Ogg/Speex or MPP/MP+
335 (Musepack) filenames.
336 Variables are included
337 using standard shell syntax. Allowed variables are GENRE, ALBUMFILE, ARTISTFILE,
338 TRACKFILE, TRACKNUM, and YEAR. Default is
340 Make sure to use single quotes around this variable. TRACKNUM is
341 automatically zero-padded, when the number of encoded tracks is higher than
342 9. When lower, you can force with '-p' in the command line.
343 .TP
345 Just like OUTPUTFORMAT but for Various Artists discs. Default is whatever
346 OUTPUTFORMAT is set to.
347 .TP
349 Defines how many encoders to run at once. This makes for huge speedups
350 on SMP systems. You should run one encoder per CPU at once for maximum
351 efficiency, although more doesn't hurt very much. Set it "0" when using
352 mp3dist to avoid getting encoding processes in the local host.
353 .TP
355 If set to y, conserves disk space by encoding tracks immediately after
356 reading them. This is substantially slower than normal operation but
357 requires several hundred MB less space to complete the encoding of an
358 entire CD. Use only if your system is low on space and cannot encode as
359 quickly as it can read.
360 .TP
362 If set to y, enables batch mode normalization, which preserves relative
363 volume differences between tracks of an album. Also enables nogap encoding
364 when using the \'lame\' encoder.
365 .TP
366 .B NOGAP
367 Activate the lame's \-\-nogap option, that allows files found in CDs with no
368 silence between songs (such as live concerts) to be encoded without noticeable
369 gaps. WARNING: lame's \-\-nogap disables the Xing mp3 tag. This tag is
370 required for mp3 players to correctly display track lengths when playing
371 variable-bit-rate mp3 files.
372 .TP
374 Specifies the format for completed playlist filenames. Works like the
375 OUTPUTFORMAT configuration variable. Default is
376 \'${ARTISTFILE}_\-_${ALBUMFILE}.m3u\'.
377 Make sure to use single quotes around this variable.
378 .TP
380 Specifies a prefix for filenames within a playlist. Useful for http
381 playlists, etc.
382 .TP
384 If set, the resulting playlist will have CR-LF line endings, needed by some
385 hardware-based players.
386 .TP
388 Specifies a comment to embed in the ID3 or Ogg comment field of each
389 finished track. Can be up to 28 characters long. Supports the same
390 syntax as OUTPUTFORMAT. Does not currently support ID3v2.
391 .TP
393 Specifies a comma-delimited list of systems to use for remote encoding using
394 distmp3. Equivalent to -r.
395 .TP
396 .B mungefilename
397 mungefilename() is an abcde shell function that can be overridden via
398 abcde.conf. It takes CDDB data as $1 and outputs the resulting filename on
399 stdout. It defaults to eating control characters, apostrophes and
400 question marks, translating spaces and forward slashes to underscores, and
401 translating colons to an underscore and a hyphen.
402 .br
403 If you modify this function, it is probably a good idea to keep the forward
404 slash munging (UNIX cannot store a file with a '/' char in it) as well as
405 the control character munging (NULs can't be in a filename either, and
406 newlines and such in filenames are typically not desirable).
407 .TP
408 .B mungegenre
409 mungegenre () is a shell function used to modify the $GENRE variable. As
410 a default action, it takes $GENRE as $1 and outputs the resulting value
411 to stdout converting all UPPERCASE characters to lowercase.
412 .TP
413 .B pre_read
414 pre_read () is a shell function which is executed before the CDROM is read
415 for the first time, during abcde execution. It can be used to close the CDROM
416 tray, to set its speed (via "setcd" or via "eject", if available) and other
417 preparation actions. The default function is empty.
418 .TP
419 .B post_read
420 post_read () is a shell function which is executed after the CDROM is read
421 (and, if applies, before the CDROM is ejected). It can be used to read a TOC
422 from the CDROM, or to try to read the DATA areas from the CD (if any exist).
423 The default function is empty.
424 .TP
426 If set to "y", abcde will call eject(1) to eject the cdrom from the drive
427 after all tracks have been read. It has no effect when CDROM is set to a flac
428 file.
429 .TP
431 If set to "y", some operations which are usually now shown to the end user
432 are visible, such as CDDB queries. Useful for initial debug and if your
433 network/CDDB server is slow.
435 Possible ways one can call abcde
436 .TP
437 .B abcde
438 Will work in most systems
439 .TP
440 .B abcde \-d /dev/cdrom2
441 If the CDROM you are reding from is not the standard /dev/cdrom (in GNU/Linux systems)
442 .TP
443 .B abcde \-o vorbis,flac
444 Will create both Ogg/Vorbis and Ogg/FLAC files.
445 .TP
446 .B abcde \-o vorbis:"-b 192"
447 Will pass "-b 192" to the Ogg/Vorbis encoder, without having to modify the
448 config file
449 .TP
450 .B abcde \-W 1
451 For double+ CD settings: will create the 1st CD starting with the track number
452 101, and will add a comment "CD 1" to the tracks, the second starting with 201
453 and so on.
454 .TP
455 .B abcde \-d singletrack.flac
456 Will extract the files contained in singletrack using the embeded cuesheet.
458 abcde requires the following backend tools to work:
459 .TP
460 .B *
461 An Ogg/Vorbis, MP3, FLAC, Ogg/Speex or MPP/MP+(Musepack) encoder (oggenc, vorbize, lame, gogo, bladeenc, l3enc, mp3enc, flac, speexenc, mppenc)
462 .TP
463 .B *
464 An audio CD reading utility (cdparanoia, cdda2wav, dagrab)
465 .TP
466 .B *
467 cd-discid, a CDDB DiscID reading program.
468 .TP
469 .B *
470 An HTTP retrieval program: wget, fetch (FreeBSD) or curl (Mac OS X, among others).
471 .TP
472 .B *
473 (for MP3s) id3 or id3v2, id3 v1 and v2 tagging programs.
474 .TP
475 .B *
476 (optional) distmp3, a client/server for distributed mp3 encoding.
477 .TP
478 .B *
479 (optional) normalize, a WAV file volume normalizer.
480 .TP
481 .B *
482 (optional) mkcue, a CD cuesheet extractor.
483 .SH "SEE ALSO"
484 .BR cdparanoia (1),
485 .BR cdda2wav (1),
486 .BR dagrab (1),
487 .BR normalize-audio (1),
488 .BR oggenc (1),
489 .BR vorbize (1),
490 .BR flac (1),
491 .BR speexenc (1),
492 .BR mppenc (1),
493 .BR id3 (1),
494 .BR wget (1),
495 .BR fetch (1),
496 .BR cd-discid (1),
497 .BR distmp3 (1),
498 .BR distmp3host (1),
499 .BR curl (1)
500 .BR mkcue (1),
502 Robert Woodcock <rcw@debian.org>,
503 Jesus Climent <jesus.climent@hispalinux.es> and contributions from many others.