@echo off rem Copyright 2013 Adam Green (http://mbed.org/users/AdamGreen/) rem rem Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); rem you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. rem You may obtain a copy of the License at rem rem http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 rem rem Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software rem distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, rem WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. rem See the License for the specific language governing permissions and rem limitations under the License. rem Setup batch file specific environment variables. setlocal set ROOTDIR=%~dp0 set LOGFILE=%ROOTDIR%win_install.log set ERRORFILE=%ROOTDIR%win_install.err set GCC4ARM_VERSION=gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_8-2014q1 set GCC4ARM_FILENAME=gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_8-2014q1-20140314-win32.zip set GCC4ARM_URL=https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded/4.8/4.8-2014-q1-update/+download/%GCC4ARM_FILENAME% set GCC4ARM_TAR=%ROOTDIR%%GCC4ARM_FILENAME% set GCC4ARM_MD5=09c19b3248863074f5498a88f31bee16 set GCC4ARM_MD5_FILENAME=%ROOTDIR%gcc-arm-none-eabi.md5 set GCC4ARM_DIR=%ROOTDIR%gcc-arm-none-eabi set GCC4ARM_BINDIR=%GCC4ARM_DIR%\bin set OUR_MAKE=%ROOTDIR%external\win32\make.exe set BUILDENV_CMD=%GCC4ARM_BINDIR%\buildenv.cmd set BUILDSHELL_CMD=%ROOTDIR%BuildShell.cmd set BUILDSHELL_DEBUG_CMD=%ROOTDIR%BuildShellDebug.cmd rem Make sure that we are running with current directory set to where this rem batch file is located. pushd %ROOTDIR% rem Initialize install log files. echo Logging install results to %LOGFILE% echo %DATE% %TIME% Starting %0 %*>%LOGFILE% echo Downloading GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors... echo %DATE% %TIME% Executing external\win32\curl -kL0 %GCC4ARM_URL%>>%LOGFILE% external\win32\curl -kL0 %GCC4ARM_URL% >%GCC4ARM_TAR% if errorlevel 1 goto ExitOnError echo Validating md5 signature of GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors... echo %GCC4ARM_MD5% *%GCC4ARM_FILENAME%>%GCC4ARM_MD5_FILENAME% call :RunAndLog external\win32\md5sum --check %GCC4ARM_MD5_FILENAME% if errorlevel 1 goto ExitOnError del "%GCC4ARM_MD5_FILENAME%" echo Extracting GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors... call :RunAndLog rd /s /q %GCC4ARM_DIR% call :RunAndLog md %GCC4ARM_DIR% if errorlevel 1 goto ExitOnError call :RunAndLog cd %GCC4ARM_DIR% call :RunAndLog ..\external\win32\bsdtar xf %GCC4ARM_TAR% if errorlevel 1 goto ExitOnError call :RunAndLog cd .. echo Creating helper scripts... echo @echo off>%BUILDENV_CMD% echo REM Uncomment next line and set destination drive to match mbed device>>%BUILDENV_CMD% echo REM SET LPC_DEPLOY=copy PROJECT.bin f:\>>%BUILDENV_CMD% echo.>>%BUILDENV_CMD% echo SET PATH=%%~dp0;%%~dp0..\..\external\win32;%%PATH%%>>%BUILDENV_CMD% rem echo @cmd.exe /K %%~dp0\gcc-arm-none-eabi\bin\buildenv.cmd>%BUILDSHELL_CMD% rem echo @cmd.exe /K "set GCC4MBED_TYPE=Debug& %%~dp0\gcc-arm-none-eabi\bin\buildenv.cmd">%BUILDSHELL_DEBUG_CMD% rem Place GNU Tool for ARM Embedded Processors in the path before building gcc4mbed code. set path=%GCC4ARM_BINDIR%;%ROOTDIR%external\win32;%PATH% echo Performing a clean build of the gcc4mbed samples... call :RunAndLog %OUR_MAKE% clean if errorlevel 1 goto ExitOnError call :RunAndLog %OUR_MAKE% if errorlevel 1 goto ExitOnError echo Cleaning up intermediate files... call :RunAndLog del /f %GCC4ARM_TAR% echo ************************************************************************** echo To build gcc4mbed samples, you will first need to run the following batch echo file so that your environment variables are set correctly: echo %BUILDSHELL_CMD% echo You will want to run this each time you start a new Command Prompt. You echo can simply double-click on this batch file from Explorer to launch a echo Command Prompt that has been properly initialized for building gcc4mbed echo based code. echo ************************************************************************** rem Restore current directory and exit batch file on success. echo %DATE% %TIME% Finished successfully>>%LOGFILE% echo Finished successfully goto Exit rem Logs the command to be run and then executes the command while logging the results. :RunAndLog echo %DATE% %TIME% Executing %*>>%LOGFILE% %* 1>>%LOGFILE% 2>%ERRORFILE% goto :EOF rem Exits the batch file due to error. rem Make sure that any stderr text ends up in win_install.log and then restore rem the current directory before forcing an early exit. :ExitOnError type %ERRORFILE% >>%LOGFILE% echo %DATE% %TIME% Failure forced early exit>>%LOGFILE% type %LOGFILE% :Exit del %ERRORFILE% popd pause