[clinton/Smoothieware.git] / src / modules / utils / motordrivercontrol / MotorDriverControl.cpp
1 #include "MotorDriverControl.h"
2 #include "libs/Kernel.h"
3 #include "libs/nuts_bolts.h"
4 #include "libs/utils.h"
5 #include "ConfigValue.h"
6 #include "libs/StreamOutput.h"
7 #include "libs/StreamOutputPool.h"
8 #include "Robot.h"
9 #include "StepperMotor.h"
10 #include "PublicDataRequest.h"
12 #include "Gcode.h"
13 #include "Config.h"
14 #include "checksumm.h"
16 #include "mbed.h" // for SPI
18 #include "drivers/TMC26X/TMC26X.h"
19 #include "drivers/DRV8711/drv8711.h"
21 #include <string>
23 #define motor_driver_control_checksum CHECKSUM("motor_driver_control")
24 #define enable_checksum CHECKSUM("enable")
25 #define chip_checksum CHECKSUM("chip")
26 #define designator_checksum CHECKSUM("designator")
27 #define alarm_checksum CHECKSUM("alarm")
28 #define halt_on_alarm_checksum CHECKSUM("halt_on_alarm")
30 #define current_checksum CHECKSUM("current")
31 #define max_current_checksum CHECKSUM("max_current")
33 #define microsteps_checksum CHECKSUM("microsteps")
34 #define decay_mode_checksum CHECKSUM("decay_mode")
36 #define raw_register_checksum CHECKSUM("reg")
38 #define spi_channel_checksum CHECKSUM("spi_channel")
39 #define spi_cs_pin_checksum CHECKSUM("spi_cs_pin")
40 #define spi_frequency_checksum CHECKSUM("spi_frequency")
42 MotorDriverControl::MotorDriverControl(uint8_t id) : id(id)
43 {
44 enable_event= false;
45 current_override= false;
46 microstep_override= false;
47 }
49 MotorDriverControl::~MotorDriverControl()
50 {
51 }
53 // this will load all motor driver controls defined in config, called from main
54 void MotorDriverControl::on_module_loaded()
55 {
56 vector<uint16_t> modules;
57 THEKERNEL->config->get_module_list( &modules, motor_driver_control_checksum );
58 uint8_t cnt = 1;
59 for( auto cs : modules ) {
60 // If module is enabled create an instance and initialize it
61 if( THEKERNEL->config->value(motor_driver_control_checksum, cs, enable_checksum )->as_bool() ) {
62 MotorDriverControl *controller = new MotorDriverControl(cnt++);
63 if(!controller->config_module(cs)) delete controller;
64 }
65 }
67 // we don't need this instance anymore
68 delete this;
69 }
71 bool MotorDriverControl::config_module(uint16_t cs)
72 {
73 std::string str= THEKERNEL->config->value( motor_driver_control_checksum, cs, designator_checksum)->by_default("")->as_string();
74 if(str.empty()) {
75 THEKERNEL->streams->printf("MotorDriverControl ERROR: designator not defined\n");
76 return false; // designator required
77 }
78 designator= str[0];
80 spi_cs_pin.from_string(THEKERNEL->config->value( motor_driver_control_checksum, cs, spi_cs_pin_checksum)->by_default("nc")->as_string())->as_output();
81 if(!spi_cs_pin.connected()) {
82 THEKERNEL->streams->printf("MotorDriverControl %c ERROR: chip select not defined\n", designator);
83 return false; // if not defined then we can't use this instance
84 }
85 spi_cs_pin.set(1);
88 str= THEKERNEL->config->value( motor_driver_control_checksum, cs, chip_checksum)->by_default("")->as_string();
89 if(str.empty()) {
90 THEKERNEL->streams->printf("MotorDriverControl %c ERROR: chip type not defined\n", designator);
91 return false; // chip type required
92 }
94 using std::placeholders::_1;
95 using std::placeholders::_2;
96 using std::placeholders::_3;
98 if(str == "DRV8711") {
99 chip= DRV8711;
100 drv8711= new DRV8711DRV(std::bind( &MotorDriverControl::sendSPI, this, _1, _2, _3), designator);
102 }else if(str == "TMC2660") {
103 chip= TMC2660;
104 tmc26x= new TMC26X(std::bind( &MotorDriverControl::sendSPI, this, _1, _2, _3), designator);
106 }else{
107 THEKERNEL->streams->printf("MotorDriverControl %c ERROR: Unknown chip type: %s\n", designator, str.c_str());
108 return false;
109 }
111 // select which SPI channel to use
112 int spi_channel = THEKERNEL->config->value(motor_driver_control_checksum, cs, spi_channel_checksum)->by_default(1)->as_number();
113 int spi_frequency = THEKERNEL->config->value(motor_driver_control_checksum, cs, spi_frequency_checksum)->by_default(1000000)->as_number();
115 // select SPI channel to use
116 PinName mosi, miso, sclk;
117 if(spi_channel == 0) {
118 mosi = P0_18; miso = P0_17; sclk = P0_15;
119 } else if(spi_channel == 1) {
120 mosi = P0_9; miso = P0_8; sclk = P0_7;
121 } else {
122 THEKERNEL->streams->printf("MotorDriverControl %c ERROR: Unknown SPI Channel: %d\n", designator, spi_channel);
123 return false;
124 }
126 this->spi = new mbed::SPI(mosi, miso, sclk);
127 this->spi->frequency(spi_frequency);
128 this->spi->format(8, 3); // 8bit, mode3
130 // set default max currents for each chip, can be overidden in config
131 switch(chip) {
132 case DRV8711: max_current= 4000; break;
133 case TMC2660: max_current= 4000; break;
134 }
136 max_current= THEKERNEL->config->value(motor_driver_control_checksum, cs, max_current_checksum )->by_default((int)max_current)->as_number(); // in mA
137 //current_factor= THEKERNEL->config->value(motor_driver_control_checksum, cs, current_factor_checksum )->by_default(1.0F)->as_number();
139 current= THEKERNEL->config->value(motor_driver_control_checksum, cs, current_checksum )->by_default(1000)->as_number(); // in mA
140 microsteps= THEKERNEL->config->value(motor_driver_control_checksum, cs, microsteps_checksum )->by_default(16)->as_number(); // 1/n
141 //decay_mode= THEKERNEL->config->value(motor_driver_control_checksum, cs, decay_mode_checksum )->by_default(1)->as_number();
143 // setup the chip via SPI
144 initialize_chip(cs);
146 // if raw registers are defined set them 1,2,3 etc in hex
147 str= THEKERNEL->config->value( motor_driver_control_checksum, cs, raw_register_checksum)->by_default("")->as_string();
148 if(!str.empty()) {
149 rawreg= true;
150 std::vector<uint32_t> regs= parse_number_list(str.c_str(), 16);
151 if(!regs.empty()) {
152 uint32_t reg= 0;
153 for(auto i : regs) {
154 // this just sets the local storage, it does not write to the chip
155 switch(chip) {
156 case DRV8711: drv8711->set_raw_register(&StreamOutput::NullStream, ++reg, i); break;
157 case TMC2660: tmc26x->setRawRegister(&StreamOutput::NullStream, ++reg, i); break;
158 }
159 }
161 // write the stored registers
162 switch(chip) {
163 case DRV8711: drv8711->set_raw_register(&StreamOutput::NullStream, 255, 0); break;
164 case TMC2660: tmc26x->setRawRegister(&StreamOutput::NullStream, 255, 0); break;
165 }
166 }
168 }else{
169 rawreg= false;
170 }
172 this->register_for_event(ON_GCODE_RECEIVED);
173 this->register_for_event(ON_HALT);
174 this->register_for_event(ON_ENABLE);
175 this->register_for_event(ON_IDLE);
177 if( THEKERNEL->config->value(motor_driver_control_checksum, cs, alarm_checksum )->by_default(false)->as_bool() ) {
178 halt_on_alarm= THEKERNEL->config->value(motor_driver_control_checksum, cs, halt_on_alarm_checksum )->by_default(false)->as_bool();
179 // enable alarm monitoring for the chip
180 this->register_for_event(ON_SECOND_TICK);
181 }
183 THEKERNEL->streams->printf("MotorDriverControl INFO: configured motor %c (%d): as %s, cs: %04X\n", designator, id, chip==TMC2660?"TMC2660":chip==DRV8711?"DRV8711":"UNKNOWN", (spi_cs_pin.port_number<<8)|spi_cs_pin.pin);
185 return true;
186 }
188 // event to handle enable on/off, as it could be called in an ISR we schedule to turn the steppers on or off in ON_IDLE
189 // This may cause the initial step to be missed if on-idle is delayed too much but we can't do SPI in an interrupt
190 void MotorDriverControl::on_enable(void *argument)
191 {
192 // argument is a uin32_t where bit0 is on or off, and bit 1:X, 2:Y, 3:Z, 4:A, 5:B, 6:C etc
193 // for now if bit0 is 1 we turn all on, if 0 we turn all off otherwise we turn selected axis off
194 uint32_t i= (designator >= 'X' || designator <= 'Z') ? designator-'X' : designator-'A'+3;
195 uint32_t bm= (uint32_t)argument;
196 if(bm == 0x01) {
197 enable_event= true;
198 enable_flg= true;
200 }else if(bm == 0 || ( (bm&0x01) == 0 && (bm&(0x02<<i)) != 0 )) {
201 enable_event= true;
202 enable_flg= false;
203 }
204 }
206 void MotorDriverControl::on_idle(void *argument)
207 {
208 if(enable_event) {
209 enable_event= false;
210 enable(enable_flg);
211 }
212 }
214 void MotorDriverControl::on_halt(void *argument)
215 {
216 if(argument == nullptr) {
217 enable(false);
218 }
219 }
221 // runs in on_idle, does SPI transaction
222 void MotorDriverControl::on_second_tick(void *argument)
223 {
224 // we don't want to keep checking once we have been halted by an error
225 if(THEKERNEL->is_halted()) return;
227 bool alarm=false;;
228 switch(chip) {
229 case DRV8711:
230 alarm= drv8711->check_alarm();
231 break;
233 case TMC2660:
234 alarm= tmc26x->checkAlarm();
235 break;
236 }
238 if(halt_on_alarm && alarm) {
239 THEKERNEL->call_event(ON_HALT, nullptr);
240 THEKERNEL->streams->printf("Motor Driver alarm - reset or M999 required to continue\r\n");
241 }
242 }
244 void MotorDriverControl::on_gcode_received(void *argument)
245 {
246 Gcode *gcode = static_cast<Gcode*>(argument);
248 if (gcode->has_m) {
249 if(gcode->m == 906) {
250 if (gcode->has_letter(designator)) {
251 // set motor currents in mA (Note not using M907 as digipots use that)
252 current= gcode->get_value(designator);
253 current= std::min(current, max_current);
254 set_current(current);
255 current_override= true;
256 }
258 } else if(gcode->m == 909) { // M909 Annn set microstepping, M909.1 also change steps/mm
259 if (gcode->has_letter(designator)) {
260 uint32_t current_microsteps= microsteps;
261 microsteps= gcode->get_value(designator);
262 microsteps= set_microstep(microsteps); // driver may change the steps it sets to
263 if(gcode->subcode == 1 && current_microsteps != microsteps) {
264 // also reset the steps/mm
265 int a= designator-'A';
266 if(a >= 0 && a <=2) {
267 float s= THEROBOT->actuators[a]->get_steps_per_mm()*((float)microsteps/current_microsteps);
268 THEROBOT->actuators[a]->change_steps_per_mm(s);
269 gcode->stream->printf("steps/mm for %c changed to: %f\n", designator, s);
270 THEROBOT->check_max_actuator_speeds();
271 }
272 }
273 microstep_override= true;
274 }
276 // } else if(gcode->m == 910) { // set decay mode
277 // if (gcode->has_letter(designator)) {
278 // decay_mode= gcode->get_value(designator);
279 // set_decay_mode(decay_mode);
280 // }
282 } else if(gcode->m == 911) {
283 // set or get raw registers
284 // M911 will dump all the registers and status of all the motors
285 // M911.1 Pn (or A0) will dump the registers and status of the selected motor. X0 will request format in processing machine readable format
286 // M911.2 Pn (or B0) Rxxx Vyyy sets Register xxx to value yyy for motor nnn, xxx == 255 writes the registers, xxx == 0 shows what registers are mapped to what
287 // M911.3 Pn (or C0) will set the options based on the parameters passed as below...
288 // TMC2660:-
289 // M911.3 Onnn Qnnn setStallGuardThreshold O=stall_guard_threshold, Q=stall_guard_filter_enabled
290 // M911.3 Hnnn Innn Jnnn Knnn Lnnn setCoolStepConfiguration H=lower_SG_threshold, I=SG_hysteresis, J=current_decrement_step_size, K=current_increment_step_size, L=lower_current_limit
291 // M911.3 S0 Unnn Vnnn Wnnn Xnnn Ynnn setConstantOffTimeChopper U=constant_off_time, V=blank_time, W=fast_decay_time_setting, X=sine_wave_offset, Y=use_current_comparator
292 // M911.3 S1 Unnn Vnnn Wnnn Xnnn Ynnn setSpreadCycleChopper U=constant_off_time, V=blank_time, W=hysteresis_start, X=hysteresis_end, Y=hysteresis_decrement
293 // M911.3 S2 Zn setRandomOffTime Z=on|off Z1 is on Z0 is off
294 // M911.3 S3 Zn setDoubleEdge Z=on|off Z1 is on Z0 is off
295 // M911.3 S4 Zn setStepInterpolation Z=on|off Z1 is on Z0 is off
296 // M911.3 S5 Zn setCoolStepEnabled Z=on|off Z1 is on Z0 is off
298 if(gcode->subcode == 0 && gcode->get_num_args() == 0) {
299 // M911 no args dump status for all drivers, M911.1 P0|A0 dump for specific driver
300 gcode->stream->printf("Motor %d (%c)...\n", id, designator);
301 dump_status(gcode->stream, true);
303 }else if(gcode->get_value('P') == id || gcode->has_letter(designator)) {
304 if(gcode->subcode == 1) {
305 dump_status(gcode->stream, !gcode->has_letter('X'));
307 }else if(gcode->subcode == 2 && gcode->has_letter('R') && gcode->has_letter('V')) {
308 set_raw_register(gcode->stream, gcode->get_value('R'), gcode->get_value('V'));
310 }else if(gcode->subcode == 3 ) {
311 set_options(gcode);
312 }
313 }
315 } else if(gcode->m == 500 || gcode->m == 503) {
316 if(current_override) {
317 gcode->stream->printf(";Motor %c id %d current mA:\n", designator, id);
318 gcode->stream->printf("M906 %c%lu\n", designator, current);
319 }
320 if(microstep_override) {
321 gcode->stream->printf(";Motor %c id %d microsteps:\n", designator, id);
322 gcode->stream->printf("M909 %c%lu\n", designator, microsteps);
323 }
324 //gcode->stream->printf("M910 %c%d\n", designator, decay_mode);
325 }
326 }
327 }
329 void MotorDriverControl::initialize_chip(uint16_t cs)
330 {
331 // send initialization sequence to chips
332 if(chip == DRV8711) {
333 drv8711->init(cs);
334 set_current(current);
335 set_microstep(microsteps);
337 }else if(chip == TMC2660){
338 tmc26x->init(cs);
339 set_current(current);
340 set_microstep(microsteps);
341 //set_decay_mode(decay_mode);
342 }
344 }
346 // set current in milliamps
347 void MotorDriverControl::set_current(uint32_t c)
348 {
349 switch(chip) {
350 case DRV8711:
351 drv8711->set_current(c);
352 break;
354 case TMC2660:
355 tmc26x->setCurrent(c);
356 break;
357 }
358 }
360 // set microsteps where n is the number of microsteps eg 64 for 1/64
361 uint32_t MotorDriverControl::set_microstep( uint32_t n )
362 {
363 uint32_t m= n;
364 switch(chip) {
365 case DRV8711:
366 m= drv8711->set_microsteps(n);
367 break;
369 case TMC2660:
370 tmc26x->setMicrosteps(n);
371 m= tmc26x->getMicrosteps();
372 break;
373 }
374 return m;
375 }
377 // TODO how to handle this? SO many options
378 void MotorDriverControl::set_decay_mode( uint8_t dm )
379 {
380 switch(chip) {
381 case DRV8711: break;
382 case TMC2660: break;
383 }
384 }
386 void MotorDriverControl::enable(bool on)
387 {
388 switch(chip) {
389 case DRV8711:
390 drv8711->set_enable(on);
391 break;
393 case TMC2660:
394 tmc26x->setEnabled(on);
395 break;
396 }
397 }
399 void MotorDriverControl::dump_status(StreamOutput *stream, bool b)
400 {
401 switch(chip) {
402 case DRV8711:
403 drv8711->dump_status(stream);
404 break;
406 case TMC2660:
407 tmc26x->dumpStatus(stream, b);
408 break;
409 }
410 }
412 void MotorDriverControl::set_raw_register(StreamOutput *stream, uint32_t reg, uint32_t val)
413 {
414 bool ok= false;
415 switch(chip) {
416 case DRV8711: ok= drv8711->set_raw_register(stream, reg, val); break;
417 case TMC2660: ok= tmc26x->setRawRegister(stream, reg, val); break;
418 }
419 if(ok) {
420 stream->printf("register operation succeeded\n");
421 }else{
422 stream->printf("register operation failed\n");
423 }
424 }
426 void MotorDriverControl::set_options(Gcode *gcode)
427 {
428 switch(chip) {
429 case DRV8711: break;
431 case TMC2660: {
432 TMC26X::options_t options= gcode->get_args_int();
433 if(options.size() > 0) {
434 if(tmc26x->set_options(options)) {
435 gcode->stream->printf("options set\n");
436 }else{
437 gcode->stream->printf("failed to set any options\n");
438 }
439 }
440 // options.clear();
441 // if(tmc26x->get_optional(options)) {
442 // // foreach optional value
443 // for(auto &i : options) {
444 // // print all current values of supported options
445 // gcode->stream->printf("%c: %d ", i.first, i.second);
446 // gcode->add_nl = true;
447 // }
448 // }
449 }
450 break;
451 }
452 }
454 // Called by the drivers codes to send and receive SPI data to/from the chip
455 int MotorDriverControl::sendSPI(uint8_t *b, int cnt, uint8_t *r)
456 {
457 spi_cs_pin.set(0);
458 for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
459 r[i]= spi->write(b[i]);
460 }
461 spi_cs_pin.set(1);
462 return cnt;
463 }